SIRIUS Cooking Skills

Our latest guide is designed to help those less confident with their cooking skills get started. Good nutrition does not have to be complicated and this guide sets everything out in a simple, convenient, and easy-to-understand format.

Our latest guide is designed to help those less confident with their cooking skills get started. Good nutrition does not have to be complicated and this guide sets everything out in a simple, convenient, and easy-to-understand format.


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Whether you’re a runny, squidgy


Poaching is arguably the trickiest Knowing how to fry an egg is You can make some pretty whizz-

or hard yolk lover, follow the

method of cooking an egg. But if

a serious life skill. A fried egg

bang scrambled eggs, but this is a

steps below to cook your perfect

you follow these seven specific, but

can be a great breakfast, lunch,

guide to the simple style. Feel free

boiled egg.

simple steps, we guarantee you’ll

dinner or snack. And maybe most

to add any vegetables, herbs or

1. Place your eggs in a pot

hangover that currently exists.

have a poached egg to be proud of.

importantly, the closest cure to a

spices you fancy.

and cover them with cold water.

1. Cracking the egg straight into


The water should about an 1nch

the pan is too rough. Instead, crack


higher than the eggs.

your egg into a small bowl so you

1. Get cracking

2. Bring the water to a boil.

milk, salt & pepper (if you desire)

can gently slide it in.

Here’s how it’s done:

Crack your eggs into a bowl, add

Once your water is boiling, turn

2. You’ll need at least 6cms of

1. Choose your frying fat/oil

and beat until combined.

it down to a simmer and set a

water in your pan. Make sure the

We think extra virgin olive oil is

timer with your desired cooking

water isn’t bubbling like crazy, as it

a fantastic choice. It can handle

2. Choose your frying fat/oil


will break your egg. Just a few little

higher heats and adds a subtle

For scrambled eggs, we think butter

bubbles rising to the top is a good

deliciousness to the eggs.

works best.


sign your water is good to go.


3. Scramble your eggs

The below times indicate how

3. Add a dash of vinegar.

Get your pan very hot and crack

Bring your pan to medium-high

long you’ll need to cook your

your egg/s towards the centre.

heat and add butter. Once butter

eggs for:

4. Stir the water gently to c

Once you see the edges of the egg

is forming, pour in your eggs. Let

reate a little whirlpool

begin to turn white, pop a lid on the

the mixture sit for about 40-60

- 2 minutes: Your egg white will


seconds before beginning to gently

still be runny and your yolk will

5. Slide your egg into the centre

push the outside of the egg mixture

be very runny.

of the pan

- Runny Yolk: 4 minutes

into the middle. Continue until

From 4 minutes onwards, you’ll

- Squidgy yolk: 5 minutes

there’s no liquid. Remove your eggs

have a fully set egg white. But

6. Cook for about 3.5-4

- Hard yolk: 6 minutes

when they look to be just slightly

your yolk will look like this:

minutes, or until you can see the

underdone, as they’ll continue to

- 3 minutes – A very runny yolk

white has set


- 4 minutes – Yolk is set around

the edges, but still a little runny

7. Use a slotted spoon to remove


in the middle

your egg from the pan and transfer

- 5 minutes – Your yolk is set

to a plate

Scrambled Eggs for Two

but still squidgy

4 eggs

- 8 minutes – A fully set yolk

that’s a little crumbly

Tip: Pop your eggs in a bowl of

cold or ice water straight after

your take them out of the pot

to stop them from continuing

to cook.


There’s nothing more satisfying than peeling a perfectly

smooth egg. Here’s the fool proof method:

1. Roll your egg along the bench to crack the shell.

2 Peel off the cracked shell under running water. The water

gets under the membrane and makes it easier to slide it off.

1/2 cup milk

Salt & pepper

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