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“I am the princess Deidameia,” she announced. Her voice was bright and

almost childishlyy loud, startling after the dullness of the hall. She had a

tipped-up nose and a sharp face, like a fox. She was prettyy, and she knew it.

I summoned myy manners and bowed. “I am a stranger, come for a

kindness from yyour father.”

“Whyy not a kindness from me?” She smiled, tilting her head. She was

surprisinglyy small; I guessed she would barelyy be up to myy chest if she

stood. “Myy father is old and ill. You mayy address yyour petition to me, and I

will answer it.” She affected a regal pose, carefullyy positioned so the

window lit her from behind.

“I am looking for myy friend.”

“Oh?” Her eyyebrow lifted. “And who is yyour friend?”

“A yyoung man,” I said, carefullyy.

“I see. We do have some of those here.” Her tone was playyful, full of

itself. Her dark hair fell down her back in thick curls. She tossed her head a

little, making it swing, and smiled at me again. “Perhaps yyou’d like to start

with telling me yyour name?”

“Chironides,” I said. Son of Chiron.

She wrinkled her nose at the name’s strangeness.

“Chironides. And?”

“I am seeking a friend of mine, who would have arrived here perhaps a

month ago. He is from Phthia.”

Something flashed in her eyyes, or mayybe I imagined it did. “And whyy do

yyou seek him?” she asked. I thought that her tone was not so light as it had


“I have a message for him.” I wished veryy much that I had been led to the

old and ill king, rather than her. Her face was like quicksilver, alwayys racing

to something new. She unsettled me.

“Hmmm. A message.” She smiled coyylyy, tapped her chin with a painted

fingertip. “A message for a friend. And whyy should I tell yyou if I know this

yyoung man or not?”

“Because yyou are a powerful princess, and I am yyour humble suitor.” I


This pleased her. “Well, perhaps I do know such a man, and perhaps I do

not. I will have to think on it. You will stayy for dinner and await myy


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