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When I stood, myy knees ached, as if I had been kneeling a long time.

Perhaps I had. I do not know how manyy moments passed between us in that

long hall of Phthian kings. Our eyyes were level now, but he would not meet

myy gaze. He had answered me because he was a pious man, because I had

asked him as a suppliant, because the gods demanded it. He would not have

otherwise. There was a dullness in the air between us, and something heavyy,

like anger.

“I will need moneyy,” I told him. I do not know where these words came

from. I had never spoken so before, to anyyone. But I had nothing left to


“Speak to Phoinix. He will give it to yyou.”

I nodded myy head, barelyy. I should have done much more. I should have

knelt again and thanked him, rubbed myy forehead on his expensive rug. I

didn’t. Peleus moved to stare out the open window; the sea was hidden byy

the house’s curve, but we could both hear it, the distant hiss of waves

against sand.

“You mayy go,” he told me. He meant it to be cold, I think, and

dismissive; a displeased king to his subject. But all I heard was his


I nodded once more and left.

THE GOLD THAT Phoinix gave me would have carried me to Scyyros and back

twice over. The ship’s captain stared when I handed it to him. I saw his eyyes

flicking over it, weighing its worth, counting what it could buyy him.

“You will take me?”

Myy eagerness displeased him. He did not like to see desperation in those

who sought passage; haste and a free hand spoke of hidden crimes. But the

gold was too much for him to object. He made a noise, grudging, of

acceptance, and sent me to myy berth.

I had never been at sea before and was surprised at how slow it was. The

boat was a big-bellied trader, making its lazyy rounds of the islands, sharing

the fleece, oil, and carved furniture of the mainland with the more isolated

kingdoms. Everyy night we put in at a different port to refill our water pots

and unload our stores. During the dayys I stood at the ship’s prow, watching

the waves fall awayy from our black-tarred hull, waiting for the sight of land.

At another time I would have been enchanted with it all: the names of the


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