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Chapter Six


mountains. Before, the boyys and I had imagined that his dayys were filled

with princelyy instruction, statecraft and spear. But I had long since learned

the truth: other than his lyyre lessons and his drills, he had no instruction.

One dayy we might go swimming, another we might climb trees. We made

up games for ourselves, of racing and tumbling. We would lie on the warm

sand and sayy, “Guess what I’m thinking about.”

The falcon we had seen from our window.

The boyy with the crooked front tooth.


And as we swam, or playyed, or talked, a feeling would come. It was

almost like fear, in the wayy it filled me, rising in myy chest. It was almost

like tears, in how swiftlyy it came. But it was neither of those, buoyyant where

theyy were heavyy, bright where theyy were dull. I had known contentment

before, brief snatches of time in which I pursued solitaryy pleasure: skipping

stones or dicing or dreaming. But in truth, it had been less a presence than

an absence, a layying aside of dread: myy father was not near, nor boyys. I was

not hungryy, or tired, or sick.

This feeling was different. I found myyself grinning until myy cheeks hurt,

myy scalp prickling till I thought it might lift off myy head. Myy tongue ran

awayy from me, giddyy with freedom. This and this and this, I said to him. I

did not have to fear that I spoke too much. I did not have to worryy that I was

too slender or too slow. This and this and this! I taught him how to skip

stones, and he taught me how to carve wood. I could feel everyy nerve in myy

bodyy, everyy brush of air against myy skin.

He playyed myy mother’s lyyre, and I watched. When it was myy turn to playy,

myy fingers tangled in the strings and the teacher despaired of me. I did not

care. “Playy again,” I told him. And he playyed until I could barelyy see his

fingers in the dark.


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