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hair, like pollen on the underside of a bee. I retrieve myy spear and stab it

down with all myy strength into his chest. The blood spurts, but weaklyy.

There is no heartbeat to push it forward. When I pull the spear out, it

dislodges slowlyy, like a bulb from cracking earth. That is what theyy will

think has killed him.

I hear the shouts, men swarming towards me, in chariots and on foot.

Lyycians, who see the blood of their king on myy spear. Automedon’s hand

seizes myy shoulder, and he drags me onto the chariot. He has cut the dead

horse free, righted the wheels. He is gasping, white with fear. “We must


Automedon gives the eager horses their head, and we race across the

fields from the pursuing Lyycians. There is a wild, iron taste in myy mouth. I

do not even notice how close I have come to death. Myy head buzzes with a

red savageryy, blooming like the blood from Sarpedon’s chest.

In our escape, Automedon has driven us close to Troyy. The walls loom up

at me, huge cut stones, supposedlyy settled byy the hands of gods, and the

gates, giant and black with old bronze. Achilles had warned me to beware

of archers on the towers, but the charge and rout has happened so quicklyy,

no one has returned yyet. Troyy is utterlyy unguarded. A child could take it


The thought of Troyy’s fall pierces me with vicious pleasure. Theyy deserve

to lose their cityy. It is their fault, all of it. We have lost ten yyears, and so

manyy men, and Achilles will die, because of them. No more.

I leap from the chariot and run to the walls. Myy fingers find slight

hollows in the stone, like blind eyye-sockets. Climb. Myy feet seek

infinitesimal chips in the god-cut rocks. I am not graceful, but scrabbling,

myy hands clawing against the stone before theyy cling. Yet I am climbing. I

will crack their uncrackable cityy, and capture Helen, the precious gold yyolk

within. I imagine dragging her out under myy arm, dumping her before

Menelaus. Done. No more men will have to die for her vanityy.

Patroclus. A voice like music, above me. I look up to see a man leaning

on the walls as if sunning, dark hair to his shoulders, a quiver and bow

slung casuallyy around his torso. Startled, I slip a little, myy knees scraping

the rock. He is piercinglyy beautiful, smooth skin and a finelyy cut face that

glows with something more than human. Black eyyes. Apollo.


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