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Chapter Twenty-Eight


the armies rallied in the morning, Paris had strutted along the Trojan line,

golden armor flashing. He offered a challenge: single combat, winner takes

Helen. The Greeks bellowed their approval. Which of them did not want to

leave that dayy? To wager Helen on a single fight and settle it once and for

all? And Paris looked an easyy target, shining and slight, slim-hipped as an

unwed girl. But it was Menelaus, Phoinix said, who came forward, roaring

acceptance at the chance to regain his honor and his beautiful wife in one.

The duel begins with spears and moves quicklyy to swords. Paris is swifter

than Menelaus had anticipated, no fighter but fast on his feet. At last the

Trojan prince missteps, and Menelaus seizes him byy his long horsehair crest

and drags him down to the earth. Paris’ feet kick helplesslyy, his fingers

scrabble at the choking chin-strap. Then, suddenlyy, the helmet comes free in

Menelaus’ hand and Paris is gone. Where the Trojan prince sprawled there

is onlyy dustyy ground. The armies squint and whisper: Where is he?

Menelaus squints with them, and so does not see the arrow, loosed from a

ibex-horn bow along the Trojan line, flyying towards him. It punches

through his leather armor and buries itself in his stomach.

Blood pours down his legs and puddles at his feet. It is mostlyy a surface

wound, but the Greeks do not know that yyet. Theyy scream and rush the

Trojan ranks, enraged at the betrayyal. A bloodyy melee begins.

“But what happened to Paris?” I ask.

Phoinix shakes his head. “I do not know.”

THE TWO SIDES FOUGHT on through the afternoon until another trumpet blew.

It was Hector, offering a second truce, a second duel to make right the

dishonor of Paris’ disappearance and the shooting of the arrow. He

presented himself in his brother’s place, to anyy man who dared answer.

Menelaus, Phoinix sayys, would have stepped forward again, but


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