End of year Individual Research Projects

Y8 and Y9 Global Perspective Research Projects.

Y8 and Y9 Global Perspective Research Projects.


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END OF YEAR 2022 - 2023



At the end of the year, in Global Perspectives the students have

completed another research project, in this case the work has been


This is a compilation of the best projects made by Y8s and 9s. As

you will be able to appreciate, there is already a noticiable progress

in the quality of the work pursued. Although, there still is loads of

space for improvement.

Again, I minimised the editing when publishing this compilation,

trying to keep it as original and genuine as possible. In fact, there

have been only slight modification of format, in order to unify the


I hope the readers are as impress as I am of this fantastic job.





Research paper conducted by A.K








● What are the reasons for committing terrorism, and how does it

differ in different countries?

● How does terrorism affect its survivors?

● What are the factors that contribute to children being involved in

terrorist organisations?


Bibliographic References………………………………………………….15



This research paper describes what are the differences and similarities between the

terrorist threats in different places like Spain, Europe and USA, how a traumatic

event like terrorism can affect its survivors and the factors that contribute to children

being involved in terrorism organisations and how they recruit them.


Este papel de investigación describe las diferencias y similitudes entre las

amenazas terroristas en lugares como España, Europa y la EE.UU, como un evento

traumático como terrorismo puede afectar a superviventes y los factores que

contribuyen a niños estar involucrados en organizaciones terroristas y como los




I decided to choose this topic of terrorism because I think that it is important to feel

safe in one’s home country without fearing for their lives when they go on a train,

thinking that there might be a suicide bomber or walking on the street thinking that

there could be a terrorist attack any moment. There also needs to be more

awareness of the recruitment of children, because every child deserves a good

childhood without having to kill people at such a young age or getting sent off to

suicide missions before they’d even had a chance to experience life and to become

adults and live a happy life. Most of the time, these children get manipulated into

joining these terrorist groups or they are forced to join them, and I think it's really sad

that these children don’t even have a choice. And I personally think that to tackle the

problem, you have to know the cause of the problem.

Terrorism is still an issue today because a year ago a 72 year old valencian woman

was arrested for being affiliated with a terrorist group. Before this case, there was

never a person over 70 arrested for terrorism in Spain. This tells us that there are still

terrorists today, and they can be of any age, the youngest person arrested for

terrorism in Spain was barely 15. (Falcó, 2023)



The type of research that I have conducted is called a mixed method, which means I

used both qualitative and quantitative research methods. I collected both numerical

data and statistics in my research and collected and analysed data from the internet

for my research paper to draw conclusions.

I used the keywords ‘terrorism’, ‘spain’, ‘europe’, ‘children’ ‘violent’ ‘terrorist groups’

and more to find the information that I needed for this research paper.

I checked the reliability of these websites by checking if they have an author, looking

for spelling errors, etc. I know that Wikipedia is infamous because anyone can write

anything there, however those Wikipedia articles are specifically linked to multiple

sources and most Wikipedia articles are written by professionals, not just random

people. I refrained from finding all my information there, but sometimes I had to use it

for some information I couldn’t find anywhere else. I knew La Moncloa and the

Federal Bureau of Investigation were reliable sources because their websites ended

with .gov, which meant that these two websites were controlled by the government,

which can be biased in some cases, but in this case, it will provide accurate

information about terrorism. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime is a wellknown

information source related to different crimes and Drugs, which means that

they provide accurate information about terrorism since they have a good reputation

and they are an overall reliable source. CSIS is also a reliable source because it is a

popular research centre in the United States. The newspaper of Levante contained

no suspicious things, it had no spelling mistakes, it had an author, it had a date of

publication, etc.



What are the reasons for committing terrorism, and how does it

differentiate in different countries?

In Spain, some terrorists acted upon these ideologies.

● Radical Nationalists: The bloodiest and longest terrorist group in Spain, ETA

(Euskadi Ta Askatasuna or Basque Homeland and Liberty), belonged to this


● Extreme Left-Wing: The principal exponent from this category was GRAPO,

which was a armed terrorist Marxist-Leninist group aiming for the formation of

a Spanish Republican State.

● Ultra Right-Wing: Their objective is to return to a dictatorship like Franco’s and

to respond to ETA with more terrorism.

● Jihadists: Jihadists want to implant a Caliphate under an orthodox

interpretation of sharia, islamic law.

In Spain, most of the violent armed terrorist groups are Radical Nationalists, also

known as separatists, who want independence from Spain. This means that the

reason for committing terrorism in Spain is mostly to do with political stuff, and

wanting to separate. (La Moncloa, n.d)

For example ETA, killed 829 people, there were more than 3,000 attacks between

the years of 1968 and 2002 and it left more than 2,000 people injured. (Wikipedia,


However, there is also another violent group in Spain which is called al-Qaeda,

which caused a train bombing incident in Madrid in 2004, which killed 193 people

and injured around 2,000 people, which makes it the deadliest terrorist attack in the

history of Spain. This was a response due to Spain’s involvement in the attack on

Iraq in 2003. However al-Qaeda is not a Radical Nationalist group like ETA, it is

more like ISIS, because it is built with the same ideology. Both ISIS and al-Qaeda

are jihadist, meaning that they are extreme islamists.

Here is a graph of terrorist attacks in the European Union by type between the years

2010-2021. This includes completed, failed and prevented attacks. The numbers

between 2010 and 2019 also include the UK.


Source: (European Council n.d)

As you can see by the graph, the groups that committed the most terrorism in

Europe are ethno-nationalists and separatists followed by non-specified terrorism,

Left-wing and anarchist terrorism, Jihadist and religiously inspired terrorism, Rightwing

and Other. The separatists attacked the most in 2012, where there were 167

attacks committed by them and they completely stopped in 2021.

However in this graph where we can see the terrorism related arrests, we can see

that Jihadists and religiously inspired terrorism are the ones who are arrested more

often than Separatists, even though they are one of the ones who commit the least

terrorism in Europe compared to the separatists and the Ethno-Nationalists. The

most frequent arrests regarding Jihadists was in the year 2016 where there were a

total of 718 arrests throughout the European Union. In 2021, the most frequent

offence leading to an arrest was membership of a terrorist group, followed by

planning or preparing an attack. The rest of the suspects were charged with

financing terrorism, recruitment and incitement to terrorsism. (European Council, n.d)


Source:(European Council, n.d).

In the USA, the threat is not separatists like in Europe and Spain, the main threat is

actually white suprematists and right-wing extremists. In fact, right-wing extremists

perpetrated two thirds of the attacks and plots in 2019 and over 90 percent between

January 1st and May 8th 2020. Jihadism is also considered a threat, but not as much

as those white suprematists. (Jones S., Doxsee C., Harrington N., 2020)

In conclusion, most of the terrorist attacks in the world are committed because of

politics. In Spain, the most popular political terrorist attacks were committed by

separatists like ETA, EPOCA, Terra Lliure, MPAIAC, etc. In Europe the most popular

attacks were also from separatists and ethno-nationalists, but the most arrested

related to terrorism are Jihadists and those who are religiously inspired. And in the

USA, the most important threat are white suprematists terrorist groups like the KKK.


How does terrorism affect its survivors?

The common reactions following a terrorist attack are:

● Shock and numbness: At first survivors may go into a state of shock. They

may feel detached, as if they’re watching a movie or having a bad dream that

will never end. The numbness protects them from feeling the full impact of

what has happened all at once.

● Intense Emotion: As shock begins to wear off, they might feel intense grief

and cry uncontrollably.

● Fear: They might feel intense fear and startle easily, become extremely

anxious when they leave their home or are alone, or experience waves of

panic. They might also feel intense anxiety and horror. They might also be

afraid that the terrorist may return and harm you or your loved ones once

again. These feelings will go away or lessen over time.

● Guilt: Victims who were harmed in a traumatic event want to understand why

the crime happened and families wonder why their loved one was harmed.

Some people find it easier to accept what happened if they can blame

themselves in some way. This is a normal way of trying to feel a sense of

control over their lives.

● Anger and Resentment

● Depression and Loneliness: Depression and Loneliness are often a large part

of trauma for victims. It may seem like these feelings will last forever. Feelings

of depression and loneliness are even stronger when a victim feels like no

one understands. This is why a support group for victims may be helpful,

since other victims will understand such feelings.

● Isolation: The victims might feel as if they are different from everyone else and

that others have abandoned you. People are horrified by terrorism, which

causes them to find it hard or uncomfortable around the victim. They cannot

understand why the victim feels and acts the way they do because they have

not gone through it.

● Physical Symptoms of Distress: It is common to have headaches, fatigue,

nausea, difficulty sleeping, weight gain or loss, lower-back aches,

chills/sweats, twitches/shakes, feel uncoordinated and/or teeth grinding.


● Panic: The victim might feel as if they are going crazy because traumatic

disasters like terrorism seem unreal and incomprehensible. Their feelings

might be so strong and overwhelming that they frighten themselves.

● Inability to Resume Normal Activity: It may be hard to think and plan, life can

seem flat and empty and the things that they used to do before that seemed

enjoyable now seem meaningless.

● Delayed Reaction: Some individuals experience no immediate reaction. They

may be energised by a stressful situation and not react until weeks or months

later. (Federal Bureau of Investigation, n.d)

What are the factors that contribute to children being involved in terrorist


The reasons for the recruitment of children are complex, and they may vary,

depending on the situation. It also appears that children are not just recruited

alongside adults, but are specifically targeted, because they can provide various

advantages to the groups. Here are some of the reasons as to why they are


● Visibility and propaganda: Terrorist groups exploit children to boost their

visibility. For example: in the analysis of a six-month data set of ISIL

propaganda contained a total of 254 events that included photos of children

and 38 percent of the images were of children engaged in acts of violence or

being exposed and normalised to violence. These images are used to shock,

and show the power and ruthlessness of the group to the public.

● Demography: The demographic shift in poor countries has led to an increase

in the percentage of children regarding the overall population, making this

group most available for recruitment and abduction. For example: in each of

the countries affected by Boko Haram, children constituted over 50 per cent

(in some cases 60 per cent) of the overall population.

● Community expectations: There are some places where armed groups are

perceived as a defence against the threat of violence from a different group or

from the state. In that case, family and communities may expect and push

children to join the ranks of the group. However, where an armed group is


unpopular among the population, it may be harder to recruit adults. In such

cases, recruiting children proves easier for the groups.

● Economic considerations and effectiveness: When recruiting children,

terrorists benefit from notable economic advantages. Children are usually paid

less (if at all) and require less food to survive. The evolution of warfare and

the prevalence of small arms have reduced the effectiveness gap between a

child and an adult. Children remain less expensive than adult combatants, but

not necessarily less effective when used to carry out violence.

● Control: Children are more easily intimidated and easier to control, both

physically and mentally, than adults. They are also more likely to show loyalty

to authority figures and are especially susceptible to following beliefs and

behaviours of those who they love and respect. The terrorist groups may see

children as an ‘investment in the future generation’.

● Tactical advantages: Children, particularly girls, are increasingly being used

as spies for delivering messages, carrying materials and undertaking suicide

attacks. The reason for this is that children have less understanding of the risk

they face, hence they display less anxiety. They are also more likely to do as

they are ordered, and they arouse less suspicion which can be crucial in

getting closer to the targets.

The practices employed to recruit children may vary according to a number of

factors, including the situation of the group and that of the child.

● Forcible recruitment: Children may be kidnapped, adducted, coerced through

threats or purchased from traffickers. Children living in poverty, without

parental care, and street children are particularly vulnerable to forcible


● Recruitment through ties between the group and community leadership:

Sometimes people support terrorist groups because the group is perceived as

defending the community from other armed groups. Families and community

leaders may encourage children to join the armed group.

● Economic enticement: The groups may offer food, accommodation and

protection, encouraging loyalty.

● Transnational recruitment: Some children crossing borders to join terrorist

groups do so on their own, some travel with a parent or grown-up relatives

and others are forcefully abducted and therefore cross borders.


● Use of schools: Certain terrorist groups have territorial control over some

specific areas, including schools which can be used to brainwash children into

joining these groups.

● Propaganda: Joining a group may be portrayed as offering status and

prestige, smart uniforms and weapons. It is also shown as an opportunity for

power, especially for children without educational opportunities or

employment. They also often focus on ‘victimhood’ using images that show

the ‘crimes of the enemy’, that triggers anger, creating empathy for those

injured and killed and creating a desire for revenge. They may also use

communication material, specifically cartoons that have been designed to

appeal to children. Those cartoons often glorify terrorist attacks, including

suicide attacks.

● Online recruitment: Specific websites advertise the existence of the groups

and, in many instances, multiple sites in different languages include different

messages tailored to specific audiences. Social media platforms such as

email, chat rooms, e-groups, message boards, video recordings and

applications are especially popular recruitment tools that can also facilitate

tailored approaches. The perpetrator may use the method called ‘grooming’,

which consists of the perpetrator learning about the individual’s interests in

order to tailor the approach and build up a relationship of trust. They can also

track the online behaviour of Internet users and identify those vulnerable to its

propaganda and tailor the narrative to suit its target audience. (Melotti,

Martins, Grams and Peschke, 2017)



In conclusion, the differences between the reasons to commit terrorism in Spain,

Europe and USA is that in Spain, the most dangerous terrorist group was ETA, a

basque separatist group that killed approximately 853 people, in Europe it is ethnonationalists

and separatists, and in the USA it is white suprematists.

Regarding the similarities between the studied regions, the reasons to commit

terrorism in three different places, is that both in Spain, Europe and USA there are

problems with jihadist and religiously inspired terrorism. In Spain, the most

dangerous terrorist attack was performed by Al-Qaeda in response to the invasion of

Iraq, which killed 193 people and injured about 2,000. In Europe, jihadists and

religiously inspired people were the most arrested and in the USA was also attacked

by Al-Qaeda, which caused 2,996 deaths and more than 6,000 people injured.

There are different reactions to experiencing terrorism, and it depends on the person

and how they deal with it. A lot of terrorists recruit children for different reasons like

using them as suicide bombers, having them as spies, the main reasons is that

children are more vulnerable to propaganda and brain-washing, as well as they are

cheaper to maintain. They use lots of different ways to recruit children in their

terrorist groups such as forcible recruitment, where they physically force children into

joining their groups, economic enticement, where they promise to give them food,

accommodation and protection in exchange for loyalty, propaganda, etc.

So the government needs to address the issue of terrorism as it can cause great

loss, fear and suffering for the people directly hurt or killed by it and their families. As

well as the participants of the terrorist groups, especially children who are victims of




European Council (n.d). Terrorism in the EU: facts and figures. European Council.


(accessed 18/05/2023)

Federal Bureau of Investigation (n.d). Coping after Terrorism for Survivors. Federal

Bureau of Investigation. https://www.justice.gov/file/1189156/download (accessed


Jones S., Doxsee C., Harrington N. (2020). The Escalating Terrorism Problem in the

USA. CSIS. https://www.csis.org/analysis/escalating-terrorism-problem-united-states

(accessed 24/05/2023)

La Moncloa (n.d). El terrorismo en España. La Moncloa.

https://www.lamoncloa.gob.es/ (accessed 10/05/2023)

Falcó M. (2023). Jubilada y yihadista: una valenciana de 72 años detenida por su

relación con el terrorismo. Levante.https://www.levanteemv.com/sucesos/2023/05/02/jubilada-yihadista-valenciana-72-anos-86730848.html

(accessed 07/06/2023)

Melotti G. ,Martins A.,Grams U. and Peschke K. (2017). Handbook on Children

Recruited and Exploited by Terrorist and Violent Extremist Groups. UNODC



_Extremist_Groups_the_Role_of_the_Justice_System.E.pdf (accessed 04/05/2023).

Wikipedia (n.d). 2004 Madrid train bombings. Wikipedia.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_Madrid_train_bombings (accessed 11/05/2023)

Wikipedia (n.d). List of ETA attacks. Wikipedia.



0people%20injured. (accessed 11/05/2023)







SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 3

RESUMEN ............................................................................................................................ 3

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 4

METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................. 4

ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................ 4

WHAT IS THE LGBTQIA+ COMMUNITY? ...................................................................... 4


........................................................................................................................................ 5





CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................................... 9

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES ................................................................................... 9



My topic is about LGBTQIA+ awareness in media and how it affects people in both

Spain and The US. My questions are about what LGBTQIA+ community is and how

the media affects both the youth, the adults and the people who support it.


Mi tema es sobre la conciencia LGBTQIA+ en las redes y cómo afecta a las

personas tanto en España como en los Estados Unidos. Mis preguntas son sobre

qué es la comunidad LGBTQIA+ y cómo las redes afectan tanto a los jóvenes como

a los adultos y a las personas que los apoyan.



I’ve chosen this topic because I have a lot of lgbtqia+ friends and I'm really interested

in it too. I wanted to inform myself of the struggles of lgbtqia+ people in spain and in

other places.

This topic is important because lgbtqia+ people are in more of a risk of being

attacked than non-lgbtqia+ people just for being who they are. People are scared

going out in the street or on a date with their partner.


To find my information I searched up a few keywords: lgbtqia+, media, awareness,

and more.

I chose the references by searching up the key words and finding websites. I read

through them to see if they were believable then looked for the same information in

other websites. I also looked up the reliability of the publisher and if they weren’t

reliable i didn't use them.

It's mostly qualitative research because there barely is any info in numbers but there

is quantitative data.



LGBTQIA+ is an abbreviation for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or

questioning, intersex, asexual/aromantic/aroace, and more. These terms are used to

describe a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity. (TheCenter, n.d).

Everyone has a sexual orientation and gender identity. Sexual orientation is who you

are romantically or physically attracted to. Gender identity is the internal sense of


being male, female, both or neither, which is separate from your biological sex.

People who have a different sexual orientation or gender identity from most people

fall under the umbrella term LGBTQ+. It is really important to know that identifying as

LGBTQ+ is NOT a mental illness or disorder. (Mhanational, n.d)



It is important to remember that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people,

communities, and relationships existed long before these names were commonly

used. LGBTQIA+ people existed back in ancient Rome and Greece and are seen in

a lot of art from that era. (lgbtqhistory, n.d)

The history of gay rights movements, initially LGBT and later LGBTQI, can be

understood only in light of the forms of persecution and oppression faced by

individuals who had relationships with people of their own gender and/or did not

conform to the social expectations of their own gender. They first started being

normalised in the first half of the nineteenth century. There has been an increasing

awareness of the demands made by the LGBTQI movement during the early twentyfirst

century, mostly with regard to measures for combating discrimination, which are

at the foundation of the European Union’s Charter of Fundamental Rights. (ehne,


The Second Republic, a republican government that ruled Spain from 1931 to 1936,

saw women's legal rights expand and remove the crime of homosexuality from the

Spanish Criminal Code in 1932. The Second Republic marked the start of an era of

rising intellectualism and cultural awareness in Spain for the LGBTQ+ population.

LGBTQ+ people in Spain suffered brutal persecution under Francisco Franco's rule

after the Civil War. Multiple national laws and decrees passed made homosexuality

illegal under the Franco dictatorship, and LGBTQ+ people were held in internment

camps, imprisoned, or killed.


Homosexuality remained illegal after Franco's death and the end of the dictatorship

in 1975 until the Kingdom of Spain's government changed this rule in 1979.

However, LGBTQ+ movements began to grow in Barcelona, Sitges, and Ibiza in the

1960s in spite of the dictatorship. (Racamonde, 2022)



The concepts of caring for LGBT individuals as well as those of caring for young

people more generally must be understood by providers in order to ensure highquality

care for LGBTQ youth. While the majority of LGBTQ youth are in good

physical and mental health, some LGBTQ youth are more at risk for depression,

anxiety, eating disorders, and other body image-related issues, peer bullying, and

family rejection. (ncbi, n.d)

Schools, the authorities, enforcement, district attorneys, judges, and juvenile

defenders in the US are not prepared to handle the unique problems and

experiences that these young people go through. As a result, the system frequently

causes more harm by unfairly criminalizing these youth, subjecting them to harmful

treatment that deprives them of their basic civil rights, as well as imposing harsh

school sanctions, designating them as sex offenders, or detaining them for minor

offenses. (Hunt, MoodieMills, 2012)

State legislators in at least seven states proposed measures that would restrict the

rights to young transgender and nonbinary people throughout the first week of the

year. The majority of the bills introduced this week are similar to the two categories

of legislation that made up the majority of the record number of anti-trans bills

introduced last year: those that prohibit trans children from participating on school

sports teams that reflect their gender identity and those that limit their access to care

that is gender-affirming.


More than 20 states submitted legislation last year banning health care for trans

adolescents, and two of those states, Arkansas and Tennesse passed it into law.

(Lavietes, 2022)



Since 1981, acceptance of the LGBTQ community has increased internationally, with

56 out of 175 countries seeing an increase in acceptance.

While the size of the LGBTQ community continues to grow significantly, we can also

observe how media representation affects social acceptance. The majority of

Americans not only feel comfortable viewing LGBTQ individuals in media and

advertisements, but they also favourably view businesses that are LGBTQ-inclusive.

Businesses are aware of the contribution that LGBTQ representation can make to

the advancement of acceptance and equality. More than 90% of agencies and

advertisers concur that through representation, businesses may increase customer

familiarity with varied groups of people and dissolve social boundaries. (Kate, Zafar,




Growing up can be a lonely experience for LGBTQIA+ children. It can be isolating,

excluding and bad for their mental health if their parents don't accept them or if their

friends don't understand them. The 2022 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental

Health by The Trevor Project found that 73 percent of LGBTQ children reported

having anxiety symptoms, while 58 percent reported depression, and that 45 percent

of LGBTQ kids had seriously considered trying to commit suicide in the previous


However, the study also discovered that LGBTQ children who experienced strong

social support from their families reported suicidal thoughts at a rate that was less


than half that of those who did not. In addition, 89 percent of LGBTQ teens said that

having LGBTQIA+ people represented in shows and movies made them feel good

about themselves. It is clear that LGBTQ TV characters can offer comfort, which has

a bigger influence than many think. (Guha 2022)



Chick-fil-A is the most well known homophobic brand. Chick-fil-A CEO, Dan Cathy

came out as being "very much" against gay marriage. Since then, the company has

maintained a similar position, with one new Chick-fil-A location opening for every one

that shuts down. (Chatel, 2013)

Walt Disney Studios has created a wide range of content, from high-budget fails to

low-budget masterpieces; yet, modern day shows flop in comparison to "The Owl

House," both in terms of production quality and diversity—two things that Disney has

struggled to achieve. The characters in this three-season show come from a diversity

of ethnic and racial backgrounds and explore both sexuality and gender in open and

positive ways. The main character alone says it all: Afro-Latina teen Luz Noceda

identifies as bisexual and gender nonconforming.

The issue, however, is that Disney suddenly cancelled the show, shocking both

viewers and the writers, and condensed the initially approved, fully developed future

seasons into a final third season. The show's creators were only given three

"specials," slightly longer episodes, to wrap up every loose end that the first two

seasons had been building to.

The cause? There are a handful business people who supervise what fits within the

Disney brand, and one of those people felt TOH didn't suit the "brand," according to

"The Owl House" creator Dana Terrace in a Reddit post. (Choi, 2023)


Snickers had posted and put on spanish tv an ad accused of homophobia and

transphobia. In the ad, spanish influencer Aless Gibaja after eating a snickers icecream

turns into a bearded man with a deep voice.

Alot of people have reported this as transphobia and some people have even tried to

boycott or remove snickers ads from spanish tv. After being accused, Snickers

deleted the advert because of “misunderstanding that may have been caused.” (bbc,



Lgbtqia+ awareness is important because in too many places lgbtqia+ people are

harassed, sued, jailed and even killed.

Media can help lgbtqia+ people to feel safe, this why having lgbtqia+ representation

is important, not only do they educate people but they can make the community

comfortable especially the youth if they aren’t accepted by their family or even if they

are. It can make them feel like they are not alone, like people are going through the

same thing they are. LGBTQIA+ youth have it really bad in some places, they can be

executed, imprisoned,or abandoned. In America transgender people can’t get the

healthcare they need to transition and binders can get really expensive, so

expensive that most teens can’t afford them.

The media can be great and terrible at showing lgbtqia+ community, sometimes they

show lgbtqia+ people as a bunch of weirdos obsessed their sexuality, which they

aren’t, sometimes they show them like normal people who have hobbies, a job,

friends, etc. just living a normal life. The media will sometimes change how we see

the community, but that doesn't mean we have to stop supporting them.



BBC (2021). Snickers Spain pulls TV advert after homophobia accusations. BBC.

Chatel, A (2013). 7 Companies That Don't Support Gay Rights. Huffpost.

https://www.huffpost.com/entry/anti-gay-companies_n_4110344 (4/5/2023)

Choi, R (2023). Disney is homophobic. What’s new?. TheBerkelyBeacon.

https://berkeleybeacon.com/disney-is-homophobic-whats-new/ (4/5/2023)

EHNE (n.d). Gay rights and LGBTQI movements in Europe.



Guha, N (2022). Why LGBTQIA+ Representation in TV Shows and Movies Is So Important.

Parents. https://www.parents.com/parenting/dynamics/lgbtq/why-lgbtqia-representation-tvshows-and-movies-is-so-important/


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-58120598 (22/05/2023)

Hunt, J, MoodieMills, A (2012). The Unfair Criminalization of Gay and Transgender Youth.

AmericanProgress. https://www.americanprogress.org/article/the-unfair-criminalization-ofgay-and-transgender-youth/


Kate, E, Zafar, H (2022). Why LGBTQ representation should be a priority for business and

media. WorldEconomicForum. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/05/why-lgbtqrepresentation-should-be-a-priority-for-business-and-media/


Lavietes, M (2022). At least 7 states proposed anti-trans bills in first week of 2022.

NBCNews. https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-politics-and-policy/least-7-statesproposed-anti-trans-bills-first-week-2022-rcna11205


lgbtqhistory (n.d). LGBTQ Rights Timeline in American History. lgbtqhistory.

https://lgbtqhistory.org/lgbt-rights-timeline-in-american-history/ (18/05/2023)

MhaNational (n.d). LGBTQ+ Communities and Mental Health. MhaNational.

https://mhanational.org/issues/lgbtq-communities-and-mental-health (4/5/2023)


ENVIRONMENTS. NCBI. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5119916/


Racamonde, M (2022). The history of LGBTQ+ rights in Spain. europeana.

https://www.europeana.eu/en/blog/the-history-of-lgbtq-rights-in-spain (22/05/2023)

TheCenter (n.d). WHAT IS LGBTQIA+?. TheCenter. https://gaycenter.org/about/lgbtq/



How has coronavirus affected the USA, Spain and

comunidad Valenciana and how have they dealt with

Covid-19 pandemic?

By J.Y.

SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 2

ПІДСУМОК ................................................................................................................ 2

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 3

METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................... 3

ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................. 4

What is Coronavirus and what is pandemic? ........................................................ 4

How Coronavirus affected Comunidad Valenciana? ............................................. 4

How many cases and deaths of Coronavirus were in Spain compared to the

USA? .................................................................................................................... 5

What measures did Spain take during the Coronavirus? ...................................... 6

How did Coronavirus affect Spain and Spanish people? ...................................... 7

How has Coronavirus affected education in the USA and in Spain? .................... 8

CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................... 8

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES ........................................................................ 9



In my project I was analysing how did Covid-19 affected the different countries, and

how did these countries deal with it. To answer this question I was analysing smaller

questions such as what is pandemic, how did Covid-19 affected Comunidad

Valenciana, cases and deaths because of Coronavirus in different countries around

the world, and effect of Covid-19 on education.

Keywords: Pandemic, Covid-19, cases, deaths, recovered, education.


У своєму проекті я аналізував, як Covid-19 вплинув на різні країни, і як ці країни

впоралися з ним. Щоб відповісти на це запитання, я аналізував дрібніші

запитання, наприклад, що таке пандемія, як Covid-19 вплинув на Comunidad

Valenciana, випадки та смертність від коронавірусу в різних країнах світу та

вплив Covid-19 на освіту.

Ключові слова: Пандемія, Covid-19, випадки, смерті, одужали, освіта.



I chose the topic Coronavirus because, in my opinion, this is a quite interesting topic

for analysing and you can make your knowledge of how pandemic effects on

countries much wider. I think that this is a very important topic because if the

pandemic will happen in the future people will already know what to do to stop the

spreading of the pandemic.

My topic is very important now also, the guardian posted that maybe Coronavirus

was a lab leak a few weeks ago. Now when people know how to deal with the Covid-

19 they start thinking about where it came from , because it is interesting for us

where the deadly virus came from (The guardian, 2023).

Even now, when the virus is not as dangerous as before, people are still worried

about it. South China Morning Post posts that a Hong Kong gloves tycoon pivots to

produce Covid killing reusable with lifespan up to 4 years (Sitto, 2023).


In my project my keywords to find information were Pandemics, Covid-19, affected

and government. When I was doing this project I was trying to choose only reliable

sources of information. I was trying to look for the authors and the date to know if the

source is reliable or not. If there is no name of the author this means that the person

who was writing this is not sure in his words so he decided not to show his name so

that later he would not be accused of false information.

I have done Mixed research. In my first question I was using Qualitative research

because it is easy to explain what a Pandemic is with no numbers. In my second

question I was doing mixed research because it was also to explain how the amount

of tourists decreased in percent. In the third question I was doing Quantitative

research because I need to know the exact number of deaths, cases and recovered

people to make the comparison of two countries. In the fourth question I was doing

mixed research to explain the measures that Spain took and the dates when this

happened. In my fifth question I was doing Quantitative research to explain the


impact on the economy better. In my last question I was doing mixed research to

explain how Covid-19 affected education and to show the difference between the

marks before Coronavirus and after.


What is Coronavirus and what is pandemic?

Pandemic is a disease that spreads across some nations and has a big impact on

humans. Usually pandemics spread from person to person very quickly and easily

(Ready, 2022).

Coronaviruses are a special type of viruses. There are numerous varieties, and

some of them are disease-causing. A Covid-19 is a respiratory ailment virus which

was discovered in 2019 (Johns Hopkins Medicine, 2022).

How Coronavirus affected Comunidad Valenciana?

Spain is one of the nations most vulnerable when a crisis impacts the tourism sector

because of its significant economic importance. Travel and tourism have suffered as

a result of the poor reputation of the nation brought on by the high infection rates.

With an 87% decline in tourist traffic, the Balearic Islands have been the most badly

hit. The initial increase in the series under study can be seen in the travels made by

Spanish citizens within Spanish territory. In this dire circumstance, domestic tourism


not only gives an opportunity for all regions, but the sorts of accommodations also

play a crucial role (National Library of Medicine, 2021).

British tourists typically make up 45% of Benidorm's population, although this figure

was around 24% during the pandemic (Bono, 2021).

How many cases and deaths of Coronavirus were in Spain

compared to the USA?

Coronavirus affected a lot in Spain. In Spain there are 13,845,825 cases of

Coronavirus. Most of the people who were infected recovered from all the cases,

13,681,014 recovered and 120,964 dead (Worldometer, 2023).

Compared to Spain in the USA there are 106,772,583 cases of Covid-19. There are

1,162,474 deaths and 104,735,126 recovered (Worldometer, 2023).


What measures did Spain take during the Coronavirus?

To stop the pandemic, the Spanish government decided to take a series of

movement restrictions and social distancing.Spanish government closed education

on all levels not to allow coronavirus spread. On March 10, all flights from Italy to

Spain were cancelled. 4 communities that had been affected by coronavirus very

hard were placed in quarantine on March 12 by the Catalan government. On March

13 the state of emergency was proclaimed. Since the declaration in the state of

emergency, all lessons at schools have been cancelled, major gatherings and

unnecessary travel are prohibited, and employees are encouraged to work online

(National Library of Medicine, 2020).


How did Coronavirus affect Spain and Spanish people?

The economic impact was also very serious. In 2020, the GDP dropped by 10.8%

and this was the most serious recession in 80 years, and the worst in Europe. The

weight of the tourists and hospitality sectors, which account for 26% of GDP , five

points more than the EU average. The amount of international tourists fell from 83.6

million in 2019 to under 20 million in 2020, the lowest level since the 1960s (Chislett,


There are 277,539 restaurants and bars in Spain. Spread over 47,326,687

inhabitants of Spain, this means that there is one bar per 170 inhabitants in Spain

(In Spain News, 2022)

How has Coronavirus affected education in the USA and in


Now it is clear that the coronavirus did not pass the United States without

consequences for its formation. For the first time, hundreds of colleges have adopted

classes without requiring ACT or SAT scores, potentially allowing more low-income

applicants to enroll in the most elite courses ( Bombardieri, 2021)

Studies show Covid’s Negative Impact on US Education and Life Expectancy

The special assessment was a nationally representative of 9 year old students from

school. Between 2019 and the first months of 2022, the country saw its sharpest


decline in reading skills. At the same time, it also identified the first drop in maths

performance (Garver, 2022)


As Covid-19 got worse and worse, most countries decided to close their schools and

universities. In Spain, if the non-mandatory curriculum is ignored, each week before

school corresponds to approximately 30 hours of mandatory face-to-face study, or

2.9% of the total time required for study. Schools were to replace this time with

online learning, in most cases with the assistance of teachers and parents (OECD,



Coronaviruses are special types of viruses, a Covid-19 is a respiratory ailment virus

which was discovered in 2019. Covid-19 had a big impact on Spain especially in

Comunidad Valenciana because it is a zone whose economy is holding on tourists.

Being more precise, British tourists typically make up 45% of Benidorm’s population,

although this figure was around 24% during the pandemic. In percentage, Spain was

better at dealing with Coronavirus from all the cases 99.1% recovered, meaning a

slim percentage of deceases. However, in the USA from all the cases 98.9%

recovered and others died.

Spain took a lot of measures to stop the spreading of the pandemic like closing

schools and starting working online, but it still has affected the economy and

education of Spain and USA.

In 2020, the GDP of Spain dropped by 10.8% and this was the most serious

recession in 80 years, and the worst in Europe. The special assessment was a

nationally representative of 9 year old students from school in the USA. Between

2019 and the first months of 2022, the country saw its sharpest decline in reading

skills. At the same time, it also identified the first drop in maths performance.


In conclusion I would like to say that Coronavirus affected a lot on the countries and

regions I was analysing in this project. One of the questions was how did the

countries deal with Covid-19, after this project I can understand that Spain and

America were trying to deal with Covid-19 by closing schools and working online, but

now we could understand that even considering their effort Coronavirus affected on

education, economy and our lives a lot.


Bombardieri M. (2021). Covid-19 changed education in America permanently.

Politico. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/04/15/covid-changed-educationpermanently-479317


Bono F. (2021). Valencia health chief concerned over rise in coronavirus infections

among tourists in Benidorm. El Pais. https://english.elpais.com/society/2021-10-



Chislett W. (2021). Challenges and opportunities for Spain in times of Covid-19.

Elcano. https://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/en/work-document/challenges-andopportunities-for-spain-in-times-of-covid-19/


Garver R. (2022). Studies Show COVID's Negative Impact on US Education and Life

Expectancy. VOA. https://www.voanews.com/a/studies-show-covid-s-negativeimpact-on-us-education-and-life-expectancy-/6727572.html


In Spain News (2022). Spain has more bars per inhabitant than hospital beds. In

Spain News. https://inspain.news/spain-has-more-bars-per-inhabitant-than-hospitalbeds/#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20most%20recent,per%20170%20inhabitan

ts%20in%20Spain (17/05/2023).

Johns Hopkins Medicine (2022). What is Coronavirus? Johns Hopkins Medicine.




National Library of Medicine (2020). Assessing the Impact of the COVID-19

Pandemic in Spain: Large-Scale, Online, Self-Reported Population Survey. National

Library of Medicine.




National Library of Medicine (2021). Tourism and Sustainability in Times of Covid-19:

The Case of Spain. National Library of Medicine.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7918083/ (10/05/2023).

OECD (n.d.). School education during Covid-19 were teachers and students ready?

OECD. https://www.oecd.org/education/Spain-coronavirus-education-countrynote.pdf


Ready (2022). Pandemics. Ready. https://www.ready.gov/pandemic (04/05/2023).

Sitto P. (2023) Hong Kong gloves tycoon pivots to produce Covid killing reusable

with lifespan up to 4 years. South China Morning Post.



The Guardian (2023) Covid lab leak theory should not be ruled out, top Chinese

scientist says. The Guardian.



Worldometer (2023). Spain. Worldometer.

https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/spain/ (11/05/2023).

Worldometer (2023). USA. Worldometer.

https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/ (11/05/2023).




Author: D. S.

Table of contents

SUMMARY ................................................................................. 3

ПІДСУМОК ................................................................................ 3

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 4

METHODOLOGY ....................................................................... 4

ANALYSIS ................................................................................. 5

How Spain, USA, and the EU suffer from terrorism? ................. 5

What measures do governments of those countries take to

prevent further terrorist attacks? ................................................ 7

What is the political and economic impact of terrorism? ............ 9

What motivates people to commit terrorist acts? ...................... 10

Conclusion ............................................................................... 11

Bibliographical references ................................................... 133


In summary, terrorism has significantly affected the USA, EU and Spain. The USA

has founded such agencies like the CIA, FBI and NCTC and enhanced border

security. While Spain actively gathers intelligence and participates in international

antiterrorist operations and engages its citizens to prevent recruitment and

radicalization. The EU is using a quite similar strategy to avert terrorism. Any type of

terrorism has economical and political consequences, such as: Increased security

measures, changing public opinion on countries, communities and even races and

negative impact on industries, especially on those depending on foreigners.

Keywords: Terrorism, Economics, Politics, Antiterrorism, Psychology, Spain, USA,



Загалом, терроризм мав значущий вплив на США, ЄС та Іспанію. США

заснувало такі агенцію з безпеки як: ЦРУ, ФБР та NCTC та посилювала нагляд

за кордонами. В той час, Іспанія активно збирає розвідувальні дані та приймає

участь у міжнародних антитерористичних операціях та комунікує з її

мешканцями, щоб запобігти вербування та радикалізацію. ЄС також

використовує схожу систему щоб усунути тероризм. Будь який тип терроризму

має свої наслідки на політику та економіку країни, наприклад: Підвищення рівня

охорони, зміна громадської думки про деякі країни, спільноти на навіть раси

людей та негативний вплив на індустрії, особливо ті, що залежать від іноземців.

Ключові слова: Терроризм, Економіка, Політика, Антитерроризм, Психологія,

Іспанія, США, ЄС.


I chose the topic of terrorism, because I was interested in reading about war crimes

and terrorism of russians during the Ukrainian war, and when I saw this topic I

wondered, how do other countries suffer from terrorism and what do they do to

prevent it? And I was very interested in the research, reading all those counterterrorism

strategies, finding documents and articles from archives was very


I believe that my topic is important, because terrorism is an endless problem as there

are always some people that are not satisfied with power, the order of things in the

world, or simply hate people based on their ideology and religion. Even now,

everyday we can see many articles in the news about this topic. For example, the

UN has opened a new counter-terrorism office in Spain. Would the government

spend money and open offices for those demands if the terrorism wasn’t a relevant

problem (European interest, 2023)?


In this project I researched information about the political and economic impact of

terrorism on the world and such regions as: Spain, USA and the EU,measures that

their government is taking to prevent further attacks and probable motives that

people have to commit terrorism.

Finding certain information for my topic was quite interesting, mainly because of how

controversial the topic of terrorism is. That's why I mainly chose websites of

government and trusted universities. I tried to find independent researches on the

topic of the psychology of terrorism, and for other questions I searched for official

websites. Those websites were very helpful in my question about the anti-terrorist

strategies. I used lots of keywords, but the main ones were: Terrorism, counterterrorism,

strategy, economic impact and of course lots of statistics. Mainly I used a

mixed style of research, because I was searching for both statistics and information

about my topic.


How Spain, USA, and the EU suffer from terrorism?

Firstly, we need to understand how Spain, the USA and the EU suffer from terrorism.

In order to do so, I researched some of the recent and some of the biggest cases

through the 21st and 20th centuries.

Almost every decade a big attack happens in the USA, those news shocking the

whole world and changing our perception about terrorism. According to the ‘’Our

world in data’’ only in 2020 over 103 incidents took place in the USA. Highest

number of attacks was reached in 1970 with 468 cases (Ritchie and others, 2022.).

Spain, on the other hand, was attacked much less due to its level of development

being much lower both in the military and technological spheres. However, there

were some relatively large incidents. One of them is the bombing of cafeteria

Rolando, 13 people were killed and over 70 injured. However, in the last couple

years the frequency of terrorist acts was much lower (Angus, 2014).

(Statista Research Department, 2023).

The European Union had not been so peaceful. Over the years there were some big

cases of terrorism, for example: London bombings in 2005 or 7/7 which took lives of

52 people and injured over 700 of London citizens and the 2015 Paris attacks which

took lives of 130 citizens and left hundreds wounded. One of the factors that led to

such attacks was the open borders of the EU, which made the preparation and

coordination of terrorist attacks several times easier (BBC, 2015; Strom and

Eyerman, n.d.).

What measures do governments of those countries take to prevent

further terrorist attacks?

Now, when we have mentioned how those countries suffer from terrorists, we should

tell how their governments counteract these situations. And this is our next question:

‘’What measures do governments of those countries take to prevent further terrorist


In order to prevent terrorism US government has created different agencies, the

most significant ones are: Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Federal Bureau of

Investigation (FBI), and the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC). Those

organisations are observing, analysing, trying to predict and avert future attacks.

Another method of lowering terrorism threat that the USA uses is enhancing

security at borders by monitoring the flow of people and goods, including using

advanced screen techno. Thereby making the smuggling of weapons and potentially

dangerous individuals more difficult (Homeland security, n.d.).

Spain, on the other hand, does not have so many agencies. This is mainly caused

by the relatively small size of a country and its smaller impact compared to the USA

or the whole EU. However, it has some, two main agencies are: The National

Intelligence Center (CNI) and the National Police, which work closely to gather

intelligence, assess threats, and monitor potential terrorist attacks. Spain also

actively joins international operations. It participates in the EU's Counter-Terrorism

Group and engages in joint operations, shares intelligence and much more. Spain

works not only on the international level but also actively engages local communities.

Its government actively engages people to prevent radicalization and recruitment. To

prevent contraband, Spain is enhancing security levels in infrastructure, airports and

ports. It involves monitoring passengers, scanning packages, surveillance systems

and collaboration with international partners (Grande-Marlaska Gómez, 2019) .

Overall, the EU's anti terror strategy is laying on four main pillars: Prevent, protect,

pursue and respond. Prevent: EU is working to prevent radicalization and

recruitments to the terrorist states by using social exclusion, marginalisation and

online propaganda. Which promotes social cohesion, intercultural dialogue, and

community resilience. Protect: which involves enhancing security and civil guards on

critical infrastructure, improving border control and sharing intelligence with member

states. Pursue: The EU supports legal frameworks and law enforcement cooperation

to find and punish terrorists. Respond: The EU emphasises a coordinated and

effective response to terrorist attacks. Enhancing capabilities of managing crisis and

rapid response methods. The EU supports victims and their families ensuring that

they receive help, assistance and protection (European Commision, 2011; EN,


What is the political and economic impact of terrorism?

Now, when we have invested, how do countries suffer and prevent terrorism. We are

going to research the impact of terrorism on economics and politics. Biggest impact

terrorism has on security measures as the government has to adapt to new dangers

rapidly if attacks appear. Sometimes terrorism can lead to political fragmentation

which can threaten the lives of citizens. Terrorism can also undermine business

confidence and investment probability, especially in the area that was under attack.

The fear of future attacks and the unpredictability of their occurrence can make

businesses more cautious in their decisions. Terrorism can affect businesses directly

and indirectly, attacks on infrastructure, roads or any transportation system impede

movements of goods affecting supply chains and causing logistic problems. Major

part of some countries is tourism, and this sector of the economy is very vulnerable

to the impacts of terrorist attacks. People can be scared and afraid of the possibility

of attacks, as this industry is fully dependent on customers. Decreasing the number

of tourists will lead to problems with the economy and rising unemployment

(McCarthy, 2019; La moncloa, 2013; Bardwell and Iqbal, 2020)

What motivates people to commit terrorist acts?

My fourth and final question will touch on the roots of terrorism. I will research

reasons that motivate people to commit terrorist acts. There are many reasons for

terrorism, main ones are: political beliefs, ideological extremism, revenge and

psychological factors.

Political beliefs include political independence, self-determination, or overthrowing

the current government. People can feel oppressed, if those people get access to

weapons they commit terrorist acts.

The second reason is ideological extremism. Some people are driven by religious

fundamentalism. People may interpret their beliefs in extreme and radical manner,

perceiving violence as justifiable methods of achieving their goals and imposing their

worldview. Extremist ideologies often present violence as necessary as combating

your enemies to the death.

Sense of revenge can also be a reason for terrorism. Loss of loved ones or feeling of

injustice can motivate people to seek revenge in the form of violence to certain

groups, government or a society. A feeling of collective identity with people who

suffered similar experiences possibly can fuel anger inside some individuals.

Some terrorists have psychological vulnerabilities that contribute to their motivation.

These vulnerabilities may include a desire for power, recognition, or a sense of

significance. Terrorist organisations manipulate these desires to recruit more people.

For example, individuals seeking for the purpose of life may be drawn to the

extremist ideologies propagated by those organisations. (Gomez and others, 2021;

Borum, 2004)

Here is a percentage of key reasons why joining radical islamist movements:

(Office of the United Nations high Commissioner for Human Rights, n.d.)


The USA has been significantly affected by terrorism, with numerous attacks

occurring almost every decade. The EU has also faced major terrorist attacks,

including London bombing and Paris attacks. While Spain has experienced less

attacks in recent years. My second question was ‘’What is the political and

economic impact of terrorism?’’ Terrorist attacks lead to increased security level,

changing public opinion on countries, communities and even races and negative

impact on industries, especially on those depending on foreigners. My last question

was ‘’What motivates people to commit terrorist acts?’’ Terrorist acts are often

motivated by a combination of different factors: political beliefs, ideological or

religious extremism, a desire for revenge and psychological illnesses.

However, my biggest question was ‘’How do the USA, EU and Spain deal with

terrorism?’’ The USA, EU and Spain prevent terrorism through intelligence gathering,

law enforcement efforts, taking part in international antiterrorist operations and

preventive measures. They collaborate through agencies like the FBI, Europol and

National Police and actively engage local communities to prevent radicalization and


In conclusion, terrorism is one of the worst crimes of all. Nobody has a right to take

innocent lives, even in the name of good as it seems to them intentions. Terroism is

a major problem in many countries, especially in the middle east where terrorist

attacks taking lives of more than 50 thousands people every year. The USA and EU

are actively trying to eradicate terrorism in America and Europe by forming alliances,

and providing international operations. But terrorism will only gain momentum as

terrorism threat in many countries is rising and lots of political disagreements have

appeared in the world with the war in Ukraine.

Bibliographical references

BBC(2015). Paris attacks: What happened on the night. BBC.

https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34818994 (17/05/2023).

Borum, R. (2004) Psychology of Terrorism. OJP.

https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/208552.pdf. (30/05/2023)

Caroline Angus(2014). 13 September 1974: The Bombing of Cafeteria Rolando.

Caroline Angus. https://carolineangus.com/2014/09/13/13-september-1974-thebombing-of-cafeteria-rolando/


EN(2021) Action Document for EU support to Green Economy in Jordan. EN.

www.neighbourhood-enlargement.ec.europa.eu. (28/05/2023)

European Commision(2011) Implementation record of the Speak Up! Conclusions.

European Commision. commission.europa.eu (30/05/2023)

European Interest(2023). UN inaugurates new counter-terrorism office in Spain.

European Interest. https://www.europeaninterest.eu/article/un-inaugurates-newcounter-terrorism-office-in-spain/.


Gomez, A. Martinez, M. Martel, F. A. Lopez-Rodriguez, Vazquez, L. A. Chinchilla, J.

Paredes, B. Hettiarachchi, M. Hamid, N. Swann W. B. (2021) Why People Enter and

Embrace Violent Groups. Frontiers.

https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.614657/full. (31/05/2023)

Grande-Marlaska, G. F.(2019) NATIONAL Counter-terrorism STRATEGY 2019.

BOE. www.dsn.gob.es (25/05/2023)

Harrison Bardwell and Mohib Iqbal(2020) The Economic Impact of Terrorism from

2000 to 2018. Aus der Zeitschrift Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public

Policy. https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/peps-2020-0031/html.


Homeland security(n.d.) Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grant

Program. Homeland security. https://www.dhs.gov/tvtpgrants(24/05/2023)

La moncloa(2013) THE NATIONAL SECURITY STRATEGY. La Moncloa.

www.lamoncloa.gob.es (30/05/2023)

McCarthy, N.(2019) The Global Economic Impact Of Terrorism. Statista.



Office of the United Nations high Commissioner for Human Rights(n.d.) Human

Rights, Terrorism and Counter-terrorism. Office of the United Nations high

Commissioner for Human Rights. www.ohchr.org (30/05/2023)

Ritchie, H. Hasell, J. Mathieu, E. Appel, C. Roser, M.(2020). Terrorism. Our world in

data. https://ourworldindata.org/terrorism (16/05/23)

Statista Research Department(2023). Number of terrorist attacks in Spain 1970-

2021. Statista.https://www.statista.com/statistics/541176/incidences-of-terrorismspain/


Strom, K. J. Eyerman, J.(n.d.) Interagency Coordination: Lessons Learned From the

2005 London Train Bombings. NIJ. https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/interagencycoordination-case-study-2005-london-train-bombings(24/05/2023)




Author: V.V.O.


Table of contents






What is a wildfire? 4

What are the main causes of wildfires? Comunidad Valenciana, Spain, Australia 5

When are wildfires most likely to occur? Comunidad Valenciana, Spain, Australia


How can we, as people, prevent them? Comunidad Valenciana, Spain, Australia 6

Are there any innovations or prototypes to fight against wildfires? 6

What have been the worst cases of wildfires? Comunidad Valenciana, Spain,

Australia 7





Wildfires can and have to be prevented by keeping the forests clean of materials that

can go on fire because of the hot temperature as they tend to happen in the summer.

There have been numerous wildfires that have consumed thousands of hectares,

and to prevent them, innovations and prototypes have been developed.

Keywords: wildfire, prevention, innovations, prototypes.


Podemos prevenir incendios forestales manteniendo los bosques limpios de

materiales inflamables que pueden incendiarse debido a la temperatura caliente que

suele ocurrir en verano. Ha habido numerosos incendios forestales que han

consumido miles de hectáreas, y para prevenirlos se han desarrollado innovaciones

y prototipos.

Palabras clave: incendio forestal, prevención, innovaciones, prototipos.



Wildfires are becoming more common because of global warming. I'm going to be

talking about how wildfires affect Spain and Australia, how much damage they cause

and what are people doing to stop this.

Between 1998 and 2017, 6.2 million people were affected by wildfires and volcanic

activity, with 2400 attributable deaths worldwide from suffocation, injuries, and burns,

but the size and frequency of wildfires are growing due to climate change. (W.H.O.,



The keywords I used to search for this information were: wildfire, cause, time period,

prevention, innovations, prototypes, cases. To check the reliability of the websites I

read through other ones to see if they say the same thing unless it’s an official


I did qualitative research for all of the questions. sQualitative research is any study

that uses information that does not provide ordinal values.


What is a wildfire?

A wildfire is an uncontrolled fire that burns in the wildland vegetation, often in rural

areas. For hundreds of millions of years, wildfires have caused destruction in forests,

grasslands, savannas, and other habitats.

They aren't limited to a specific continent or environment. In addition to vegetation

above the earth, wildfires can also spread below soil. Typically, ground fires start in

soil that is rich in organic materials like plant roots, which can feed the flames.

(N.G.S., 2022)


What are the main causes of wildfires? Comunidad Valenciana,

Spain, Australia

The main cause of wildfires in Comunidad Valenciana and Spain is the

Mediterranean climate, the summer season and prolonged hot weather is naturally

favourable to wildfires. So basically the main cause is the temperature of the

summer season. (E.F.N.C.P, n.d.)

Comparing this to Australia, one of the major causes there is global warming.

Droughts are more frequent and fires spread faster and uncontrollably, the hot

weather and high temperature also influence the Australian wildfires. (Pandey, S,


When are wildfires most likely to occur? Comunidad

Valenciana, Spain, Australia

In the Comunidad Valenciana and Spain, there are wildfires year round, though they

mostly occur in summer due to the dry conditions in forests and rural areas creating

a sort of tinderbox where any little spark could end up razing thousands of hectares

to burnt ash. (S.N.T., 2023)

In northern Australia, the dry season, which often lasts throughout winter and spring,

is when bushfires are at their highest. The peak bushfire seasons in southern

Australia are in the summer and autumn. Although the main dates of the wildfire

season are these, serious fire activity can occur at any time depending on the local

environment. (Pandey, S, 2022)


This is a table that shows the fire danger seasons in all parts of Australia. (A.D.R.,


How can we, as people, prevent them? Comunidad Valenciana,

Spain, Australia

The cleanliness of the forests is essential in Comunidad Valenciana and Spain.

Summertime brings the hottest temperatures of the year, and more people are

outside in the forests enjoying their surroundings. This summer, if you go exploring

the mountains or the woods, keep in mind that you must pick up all of your trash and

avoid leaving flammable items behind. Some people forget flammable things which

end up causing wildfires. (T.L., 2022)

Fuel reduction is important to avoiding bushfires in Australia because by reducing

the fuel, fires are prevented from starting and from spreading further. The intentional

burning down of these fuels by various fire and land management agencies is one of

Australia's tactics to reduce the accumulation of fuels in grassland and woodland

areas. (U.N.D.R.R, n.d.)


Are there any innovations or prototypes to fight against


At the moment, there are five innovative solutions to fight wildfires:

- To look from very high up with satellites (Sentinel-2 from ESA has a device on

which you can see thirteen different light wavelengths, a system like this can be used

to predict forest fires)

- Predicting forest fires using sensors on trees (a system of solar-powered sensors

that hang from trees and measure temperature, humidity, and air pressure levels has

already been developed)

- Detection by drone (long-range drones can be used to find/detect wildfires)

- Extinguishing it as quick as possible (if prevention has not been successful)

- Changing the weather (this one is the most uncertain, but the idea is simple: just

make it rain. There’s been a lot of research into manipulating clouds to try and make

it rain, this even succeeded, albeit under special circumstances)

What have been the worst cases of wildfires? Comunidad

Valenciana, Spain, Australia

Less than 100 kilometres north of Valencia, a forest fire that started on March 23

quickly intensified and burned across thousands of hectares of land. At 11:45 am

that day, the fire was not first detected by Meteosat's SEVIRI instrument;

nevertheless, only 15 minutes later, a significant signal became visible, indicating a

fast intensification of the initial burning. (Eumetsat, 2023)

Spain experienced a horrible fire in 1994, with a total area burned down of 437635

hectares. The worst was in Catalonia, where between the third and the eighteenth of

July, 76000 hectares were completely burnt. Additionally, these flames resulted in

five fatalities, over 40 injuries, and the damage of around 35 farmhouses. (FS, 2022)

Up to 400 different bushfires were reported on February 7, 2009, in Victoria,

Australia. Although there is uncertainty about the exact quantity of land that these

wildfires destroyed, it is generally agreed that the burned area exceeded 4,500

square kilometres (1,737 square miles). 173 people were killed and 2,029 homes

were destroyed by the fires. (N.G.S., 2022)



In conclusion, a wildfire is an uncontrolled fire that destroys wildland vegetation

which is mainly caused by the weather. They mostly occur in summer due to the hot

weather and we can avoid them by keeping the forests clean and not leaving

flammable objects behind. There have been a lot of wildfires that burnt up thousands

of hectares and innovations and prototypes have been created to fight wildfires.

As you have read, the worst cases of wildfires have caused injuries, deaths and

destroyed thousands of hectares of land. There have even been prototypes

designed especially to fight against the damage wildfires cause.


- A.D.R. (n.d.) Bushfires. Australian Disaster Resilience (16/5/23)


- E. (2023) First major wildfire in Spain in 2023. Eumetsat. (8/4/23)


- E.F.N.C.P (n.d.) Wildfire prevention: a reason for promoting pastoralism in Spain.

European forum on nature conservation and pastoralism. (8/4/23)


- N.G.S. (2022) Wildfires. National Geographic Society (9/4/23)


- Pandey, S (2022) What are the Causes Behind Australian Bushfires? Vedantu

(8/4/23) https://www.vedantu.com/blog/australian-bushfires-causes

- S.N.T. (2023) Spain is in flames: Summer forest fire season comes early this year.

Spanish News Today (15/4/23) https://spanishnewstoday.com/spain-is-in-flamessummer-forest-fire-season-comes-early-this-year_2072749-a.html


- T.L. (2022) What to do and what to avoid if you witness a forest fire in Spain. The

Local.es (18/5/23) https://www.thelocal.es/20210722/what-to-do-and-what-to-avoidif-you-witness-a-forest-fire-in-spain

- U.N.D.R.R. (n.d.) Wildfire prevention in Australia. United Nations Office for Disaster

Risk Reduction. (18/5/23)


- Durkstra, R (2023) Five innovative solutions for fighting wildfires. Innovation

Origins. (22/5/23) https://innovationorigins.com/en/five-innovative-solutions-forfighting-wildfires/

- FS (2022) The worst fires in the history of Spain. Fascinating Spain. (29/5/23)


- N.G.S. (2022) Feb 7, 2009 CE: Black Saturday Bushfires in Australia. National

Geographic. (29/5/23) https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/blacksaturday-bushfires-australia/

- E.P.A. (2023) Climate Change Indicators: Wildfires. Environmental Protection

Agency. (30/5/23) https://www.epa.gov/climate-indicators/climate-change-indicatorswildfires

- W.H.O. (2023) Wildfires. World Health Organisation. (8/6/23)





I. B.


Children's rights are in fact pretty similar but still different in the following countries;

Spain, India and the USA.

This is mainly because of the circumstances in the different countries. For example

the economic conditions in the three countries are different and that affects the

education system as well as the health care.

In all three countries several organisations are present to watch over the children's



Barns rättigheter är förvånansvärt lika, men de är ändå olika i de följande länderna;

Spanien, Indien och USA.

Det här är huvudsakligen på grund av omständigheterna i de olika länderna.

Till exempel de ekonomiska förutsättningarna i de tre länderna är olika och det

påverkar utbildningssystemet men också sjukvården.

I alla tre länder är flera organisationer närvarande för att bevaka barns rättigheter.


I chose this topic because the children's rights are always relevant since the children

are our future.

It’s important for children to know what rights they have, so I wanted to inform people

about that.


I have searched up different articles on google and read them to decide for myself if

they are biassed or not. Then I also read other articles concerning the issue just to

fact-check my original article.

Some important words that I’ve used in this article are words such as; children's

rights, economics, health and education. For this written article I’ve used both

qualitative data and quantitative data for my work.

For when i wrote the amount of children going to school or not going to school I used

a lot of percentages in my data.


What would be the ideal children’s rights?


Young people should have access to great healthcare, nutritious

food, clothing, clean water, electricity, and a safe home.

Children should learn healthy routines in their home and in school.

We should be aware of children's mental, physical and emotional

health especially if they aren’t home.

The government has a responsibility to offer help to the families in

need as well, that cannot afford health expenses.


Primary school should have no costs for children, as well as secondary school

should be accessible for every child.

Children should be able to get the best education available.In school children

should learn to express themselves through different talents as well as

learning how to be an active citizen.

They should also learn about different cultures and to respect other people.


All children have the right to live together with their family.

No matter who the care-givers are, the home environment should be a loving

and safe place.

Children are not to be separated from their parents if not both of the parents

are abusive or neglectful, or they feel unsafe in their home.

A child of divorce should be able to stay in contact with the other parent

except if it causes harm to the child.

Children and parents who live in different countries should be able to travel so

they can be together.


A child should be able to be treated respectfully regardless of what gender

they are or, their sexual orientation, their race, religion or ethnicity.

As well as their physical appearance or any disability they may have or their

economic status.

Any children that have disabilities should be able to get the help they need.

The children that are born in the country that they live in should get the same

treatment as Refugee children.

Children from other countries should have access to carry out any traditions

according to their religion or culture.

The arts

All children have the right to participate in creative activities whether it's sports

or arts.

Cultural activities should represent children from all different backgrounds.

Children must not be exposed to art designed to disturb or provoke them.

They will however be free to create art that is controversial or unpopular.

(Children First Canada, 2020)

What does child poverty look like in Spain, India and the USA?

In Spain, child poverty rates are higher than ever, child poverty in Spain includes a

number of things; It includes dropping out of school and a lack of socialisation

among individuals of similar age.

Studies show that 1 out of 3 children have a possibility to be socially excluded or


This study also shows that a lack of nutrition and education also has an impact on

impoverished children.

This is true to middle class and low class families.

Impoverished children have an impact on the whole of society counting young adults,

senior citizens and parents.

Spain’s dropout rates have increased ever since 2008, it’s 23% higher than the EU


The children don’t go around hungry all day. It's just that the parents buy the wrong

types of food, non-nutritious food because it's cheaper.

(Yang A, 2019)

India is a home for the most impoverished children in the world right now,

30% of all the children in the world living in extreme poverty are children in India.

Adults are less likely to live in extreme poverty, it’s the children that are at risk.

Children are 50% more likely to live in extreme poverty than adults are.

The world bank and UNICEF have made a study called “Ending extreme poverty”

They focus on helping the children that live in extreme poverty.

When a child doesn't get the basic needs of a human being such as food,

somewhere to sleep, somewhere to clean themselves etc, it will stunt their growth.

The poverty among Indian children went up with 150 million additional children

during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Here are the poverty rates per household with different amounts of children in 2011-


USAID funding standing for the United states agency for international development

has saved up to 2 million lives of indian kids in the last 30 years. Save the children

also help out with saving indian children in poverty everyday. They have managed to

help up to 86,000 children getting out of poverty.

(Scott A, 2020)

Children with the highest poverty rates in the USA are Children under 5 years old,

children of single mothers, children of colour and children in the south.

The poverty rates have changed from 11.6 million to 11.1 million between 2020 and

2021. But the pandemic has still managed to create a poor childhood for many kids.

A number of 74 million children live in the United States and up to 11 million children

out of those live in poverty.

3 million children out of the 11 million children are under the age of 5, (The highest

rate of any age group). Almost half of all children already living in poverty went into

extreme poverty during the Covid-19 pandemic.

4 million children have lived or are living without health insurance.

Up to 9 million children have experienced food insecurity.

Some poverty is due to racism, the income of a white family in 2021 was ($102,700)

which is like the double of a black family's income ($46,600) and a hispanic family as

well ($57,800) and additionally a American Indian/Alaska Native family which is;


Ever since 2005 black families have always earned the lowest income. The CTC

took over 4 million children out of poverty through different kinds of governmentally

accessible programs. A recent study shows that more than 1,000 parents were

reported for spending their CTC payments on the basic household necessities; such

as rent, clothing and food. Different organisations will still continue to pull children

out of poverty.

(children's defence fund, 2023)

Do all children from Spain, India and America have access to good


In Spain the education is proportional to a high level. Public schools are available for

free for all children aged 6 to 16. There are many different types of schools available

in Spain, for example: Spanish schools, international schools, norwegian schools

and swedish schools. The education system is split up into four different sections;

preschool, primary, secondary and upper secondary.

Preschool which is the first stage of Spanish education is not required to take at all.

Preschool has no costs and is not academic, in preschool children advance the

required physical and mental skills such as writing and reading.

Primary education which begins at the age of 6 and ends at the age of 12 is

obligatory in Spain. In primary school children learn the basic subjects including:

mathematics, languages, science, literature and the arts, etc. physical education is

also introduced.

During primary school each individual student is graded on all of the subjects. In

case of the grades being too low students are forced to repeat that part of school.

Secondary education in Spain is obligatory for all students aged 12 to 16. This is the

third stage of the Spanish education system.

This includes private schools, State schools and state-funded private institutions.

Throughout secondary students get to learn the same subjects as in primary school;

maths, languages, history etc. but in Spanish secondary schools you learn these

subjects at a more advanced level. The students can also choose from a few elective

subjects like music or foreign languages. The students who do not achieve the

grades that are expected will need to repeat the year.

After secondary school you can choose to take upper secondary school but it’s not

mandatory, you’ll have a few options such as; Bachillerato which is an education

which will allow students to study further on into university, vocational which is a

course students take to learn different kinds of working skills. After this you can

choose to move onto university.

(Study in Spain, N.d)

In India the education system isn’t exactly as organised as the Spanish education

system, but it has improved throughout the years. India has increased the amount of

children going to school. In 2006 a whole 13.46 million children in India were out of

school but this has now (in 2014) decreased to 6.1 million, which is still a

humongous amount but it's better than before. 29% of a 100 children in India drop

out even before finishing elementary school. About 50% of all teenagers in India do

not finish secondary school. 50 million children do not attain an appropriate grade for

continuing to learn. The grades have always been lower than expected. Help will still

be needed for Indian education to move forward.


In the USA there’s only 0,5% of all children not going to primary school. More

children go to school since there is no ongoing conflict in the USA. Unlike in Sudan

where there are constant conflicts which makes it harder for the kids to bring

themselves to school every day.

Another reason may be that in the USA children do not need to work to provide for

their family with money since most families in the USA are reasonably wealthy.

There are also many types of different schools such as public schools which allow

not so wealthy families to take their kids to school.

(Roser M, 2021)


I’ve talked about different sub-topics concerning children's rights like; Economics,

education, health, poverty and family etc. I have come to the conclusion that the

children's rights in Spain, India and the USA cannot possibly be equal because of the

different kinds of challenges the countries are facing. The USA may have better

education than Spain and India but it’s because of their conditions, the children in the

USA don’t work but in India some children have to work instead of going to school in

order to provide money to their family.


Children First Canada. (2020). 12 Child Rights Everyone Should Know. Children

First Canada. https://childrenfirstcanada.org/blog/12-child-rights-everyone-shouldknow/.

(Seen: 8/5/23).

Children’s defence fund. (2023). The state of America's children. Children’s defence.



million%20in%202021. . (Seen: 8/6/23).

Roser M. (2021). Access to basic education: Almost 60 million children of primary

school age are not in school. Our World In Data. https://ourworldindata.org/childrennot-in-school.

(Seen: 8/6/23).

Scott A. (2020). 6 FACTS ABOUT CHILD POVERTY IN INDIA. The Borgen project.

https://borgenproject.org/child-poverty-in-india/. (Seen: 1/6/23).

Study in Spain. (N.d). Spanish education system. Study in Spain. https://rb.gy/vl5u7 .

(Seen: 12/6/23).

UNICEF. (N.d). Education. UNICEF. https://www.unicef.org/india/what-wedo/education.

Seen: 8/6/23).


The borgen project. https://borgenproject.org/child-poverty-in-spain-among-abooming-economy/.

(Seen: 15/5/23).



(H, C)

Table of contents

SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................. 3

RESUMEN................................................................................................................................ 3

INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................... 4

METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................................. 4

ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................... 4

How does bullying affect people?........................................................................................ 4

What country has the highest rate of deaths because of bullying? ...................................... 5

Which country has the toughest bullying laws? .................................................................. 6

How many cases of bullying are there in Spain? ................................................................. 7

How does Sweden deal with bullying? ................................................................................ 8

Why is the bullying rate in Sweden so low? ........................................................................ 8

CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................ 9

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES ................................................................................. 9


In this document I’m going to talk about bullying and its statistics in different countries, the

problems that it causes, how it affects people, the consequences, some laws in Sweden and

some bullying cases that have happened in Spain.

Keywords: death, suicide, laws, average, cases, rate.


En este documento voy a hablar sobre el bullying y sus estadísticas en diferentes países, los

problemas que causa, cómo afecta a la gente, sus consecuencias, algunas leyes en Suecia y

algunos casos que han pasado en España.

Palabras clave: muerte, suicidio, leyes, media, casos, tasa.


I chose this topic because I’m interested in how bullying affects people and how people talk a

lot about it but don’t talk in depth about the topic. This topic is very important because it’s

been happening since a long time ago and even though people think it's not a big thing

anymore it still is.

There are a number of recent news regarding bullying. For example, La provincia (2023)

talks about a case in france that a 13y old girl named Lindsey killed herself and her

classmates celebrated it. Another example can be found in Levante-emv (2023) a mother

received a text from her daughter asking her to pick her up from school as she was scared

they were going to hit her.


Some of the keywords are: affect, deaths, laws, cases,dealing and rate. I chose my sources by

their title, the one that caught my attention the most or the title that answered my question. I

checked their reliability by searching the author, publisher and if they had any social media

and they were real. I used a mixed method researching for information.


How does bullying affect people?

Bullying has a detrimental impact on the people who suffer it, it can cause scars that stay with

them throughout life. It affects how you see yourself, what you think about yourself and not

only mentally but physically too (Family lives, 2022).

The victim can develop depression, anxiety and health complaints because of bullying. On

the other hand the bully when they grow up can become abusive, abuse the consumption of

drugs and alcohol and have criminal convictions (Stop bullying, 2021).

Depending on the bullying you’re suffering the consequences can be different. Such as

physical bullying, they hit you, kick you or even spit you. It makes you think what you did to

deserve this and you start to hate how you are. Same as psychological bullying, calling you

names, spreading rumors and more can affect you into thinking you aren’t normal and that

you should change for them. Bullying also affects how you treat people or your surroundings.

If you go less to school and your grades, you start to be more secretive and maybe even more

defensive when you see someone care (Mclean hospital, 2022 ;Office of Communications,


What country has the highest rate of deaths because of


In the past decade headlines reporting the tragic stories of a young person’s suicide death

linked in some way to bullying (physical, verbal or online) have become regretably common.

We know that bullying behavior and suicide-related behavior are closely related. This means

youth who report any involvement with bullying are more likely to report high levels of

suicide-related behavior than youth who don’t report any involvement with bullying behavior

(Cdc, 2014).

Targets of cyberbullying are at greater risks for self harm and suicidal behavior.

Approximately 18% of youth report self-harming at least once. Students who experienced

bullying or cyberbullying are nearly 2 times more likely to attempt suicide. Suicide ideation

and attempt among adolescents have nearly doubled since 2008 making suicide the

2ndleading cause of death for individuals 10-34 years of age (Megan meier foundation,


Between Spain and Sweden, Sweden has less bullying rate than in Spain by around 5% more

than in Sweden. In Sweden it's more common to bully boys more than girls, bullying girls in

Sweden is less common compared to Spain.

(OECD, 2009)

In this graph you can see many European countries and some Northern American countries

that compare bullying statistics. On the left side are children who reported bullying others

and on the left children who reported being bullied. Sweden and Spain are the last two

countries. Spain has around 6% of children who report bullying others and 5% of children

who report being bullied. On the other hand Sweden has around 5.4% of children who report

bullying others and nearly 5% on children who report being bullied. Comparing both to the

OECD average of OECD they are pretty low.

Which country has the toughest bullying laws?

Spain is the only EU country in which cyberbullying is punished by its criminal code

according to a study presented by the European Parliament. According to Spain’s definition,

cyberbullying only differs from bullying in that it is carried out via digital media (Morgan, S


Because cyberbullying has become such a damaging and deadly issue, lawmakers have

created cyberbullying laws to help protect victims from online bullies and to bring these

bullies to justice. In number one we have Canada, making cyberbullying face suspension

from school. Repeat bullies may face expulsion and possible jail time. And one of the

countries with the weakest bullying laws is the U.S.A. The following states have policies in

place but no concrete laws to protect cyberbullying victims: Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky and

Massachusetts. In these states the school is to decide an appropriate punishment (Woda, S.


How many cases of bullying are there in Spain?

In 2017-2018 407 complaints of bullying were made, and only 83 were looked into. One case

of bullying in Spain is Natalia de Agustin, age 17 who dropped out of highschool because she

couldn’t handle being bullied. She suffered from bullying for nine years at 4 different schools

in the Madrid region (Domínguez, I. 2019).

The annual bullying report collected the opinions of 5,123 students and 229 teachers. During

the course of the pandemic, with many students either attending class online or in smaller

groups, this number dropped by 15% (The local, 2022).

Another case of bullying in Spain is about a 15 year old who committed suicide named Kira,

she was being harrassed and bullied by teachers and students at her highschool, she was being

bullied for being an emigrant. She jumped off the roof of her house and killed herself

(Lucena,A. 2022).

How does Sweden deal with bullying?

In Sweden bullying in preschools and school has attracted the concern and interest of the

government. Children’s rights have been championed early in comparison to the rest of the

world, beginning as early as 1979 (Cederborg, A. 2016).

Swedish authorities, decision makers and school leaders have been pioneers in working to

prevent bullying. Sweden used to be at the top of the class, but that is no longer true. In this

bullying index, Swedish pupils end up on the 12th, the 22th and 19th and 14th place, just

above the OECD average (Öhrbom,D 2017).

More than a sixth of all Swedish 15 year olds experience bullying at least a few times a

month, according to a OECD survey investigating student wellbeing in the developed world.

A total of 17.9 percent of Swedish pupils told the study they were exposed to some form of

bullying “at least a few times a month”, slightly below the OECD average of 18.7 percent

(The local, 2017).

Why is the bullying rate in Sweden so low?

Sweden has the least amount of school bullying in the western world, a recent report from

OECD shows, coming in far below the average at only 4 percent despite a number of highprofile

cases in the past few years (The local, 2015).

According to Swedish law, all preschools and schools have the responsibility to prevent the

exposure of children to bullying. The implications of this law is when teaching staff learn that

children have been subjected to bullying behavior, they are expected to work and to

investigate toward a solution to prevent bullying practices from happening again (Öhrbom,D



Bullying changes people to the worst, the victims can develop depression and if the bullying

is physical some serious injuries. Bullying people changes them. They become more secretive

and develop a higher chance of having mental health issues and drug abuse. Between Spain

and Sweden Spain has a higher rating of bullying by around 5%. Bullying in Sweden is low

because of some laws they have in schools for teachers to investigate. Bullying affects

everyone, Swedish teenager have said that they have experienced bullying at least once in

their life, in Madrid and Spain cases have made more people suicide, affecting them



Cdc. (2014). The relationship between bullying and suicide. Cdc.



Cederborg, A .(2016). Research expanding current understandings of bullying in Sweden.

89612016000100011 (23/05/23).

Domínguez, I. (2019). Bullying in spain: “Let’s hope you KYS”- How Spain is failing

bullying victims. El pais.

https://english.elpais.com/elpais/2019/07/08/inenglish/1562600636_068148.html (17/05/23).

Family Lives. (2022). How bullying affects children. Family Lives.

Scielo. http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1657-



L,M (2023) Una niña de 13 años se suicida víctima de bullying y sus compañeros lo celebran.

La provincia. https://www.laprovincia.es/sucesos/2023/06/05/nina-13-suicida-victimabullying-88314045.html


Lucena,A. (2022). School bullying against migrants sets off alarms in Spain. El ciudadano.



Mclean hospitals. (2022), Mental health impact of bullying on kids and teens. Mclean

hospitals. https://www.mcleanhospital.org/essential/bullying-kids-teens (11/05/23).

Megan meier. (2023). Bullying, cyberbullying and suicide statistics. Megan meier

foundation. https://www.meganmeierfoundation.org/statistics (12/05/23).

Morgan, S .(2016). Cyberbullying: A creeping phenomenon, only punishable in law by

Spain. Euractiv. https://www.euractiv.com/section/social-europe-jobs/news/cyberbullying-acreeping-phenomenon-only-punished-by-law-in-spain/


Office of communications. (2017). How does bullying affect health and well-being? .

Nichd.nih. https://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/bullying/conditioninfo/health (11/05/23).

Öhrbom,D .(2017). Sweden no longer a model country in preventing bullying. Hig.se .

OECD. (2009). Bullying. OECD. https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/docserver/soc_glance-2008-



B6FAD6F32232A (12/05/23).



Stop bullying .(2021). Effects of bullying. Stop bullying.

https://www.stopbullying.gov/bullying/effects (10/05/23).

The local, (2022). Is bullying a problem in Spanish schools?. The local.

https://www.thelocal.es/20220916/is-bullying-a-problem-in-spanish-schools (17/05/23).

The local. (2017). More than one in six school kids get bullied in Sweden: study. The local.

Sánchez,G .(2023). Mamá estoy encerrada en el baño porque tengo miedo a q me peguen ven

a por mi. Levante-emv. https://www.levante-emv.com/comunitatvalenciana/2023/05/31/bullying-hija-ataques-ansiedad-terror-salir-calle-88054917.html




Woda, S. (2014). Cyberbullying laws around the globe: Where is Legislation strongest?.

Resources uknowkids. https://resources.uknowkids.com/blog/cyberbullying-laws-around-theglobe-where-is-legislation-strongest


Why are children (mainly girls) neglected from

education? (Iran, Europe & Spain)


Table of contents

SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 3

RESUMEN ............................................................................................................................ 3

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 4

METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................. 4

ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................ 4

WHAT PERCENTAGE OF CHILDREN GO TO SCHOOL DAILY? .................................. 5





CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................................... 9

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES ................................................................................... 9


This is an informative research project about Children’s rights around the world. I

have done research about the topic on the internet to have a pre-knowledge about

the topic, summing it to what I already knew. The countries I have chosen to analyze

this topic are: Iran, Europe & Spain.

Keywords: Iran, Europe, Spai, rights, children


Este proyecto de investigación informa sobre los derechos de los niños en el mundo.

He investigado sobre el tema en internet para tener conocimientos previos sobre el

tema, añadiendolo a lo que ya sabía. Los países que he escogido para analizar este

tema son: Irán, Europa y España.

Palabras clave: Irán, Europa, España, derechos, niños.


I chose this topic because I want to spread awareness about this worrying topic. I

made a document about Children’s rights around the world. I have researched the

topic on the internet to have knowledge about it. The countries I have chosen are:

Iran, Europe & Spain.

Why is this topic important?: This topic is very important to spread awareness

because there are lots of people that fight for their rights everyday, in Iran, this is

very problematic.


Keywords: children, rights, Iran, Europe, Spain, school, education

I chose the sources on the basis of their reliability. So I chose websites I knew before

or good websites that I can verify easily their credibility. The websites I couldn’t verify

right away, I checked in google if they were good credibility sources.

The question: “What percentage of children go to school daily?” is quantitative data

because it is a percentage and it helps to to compare other countries

The question: “What is the average age children start school in each country?” is

quantitative data because I need to compare the average age of the different

countries and this way it’s easier

The question: “How common is it for students getting into high school in…” is

qualitative data

The question: ”What are the reasons children don’t continue their education when

they reach high school in different countries?” is qualitative data




The number of children that can attend school in Iran in 2022 was 84.71%, a 0.08%

increase from 2020. But in 1976 there was a big problem with education in Iran, only

33.58% of children had an education so this is a big problem for those children’s

future, they can’t have any knowledge on how to write or read so it may be difficult

for them to get a real job. (Macrotrends 2023; Ghadarkhan, 2023)


Altogether, there were nearly 76 million students enrolled in schools and pre-schools

in Europe in 2022, 17.6 million upper secondary education students attend school,

18.3 million lower secondary education students attend school, 24.5 million primary

education students attend to school and 15.6 million early childhood students attend

to school (European Union 2021; Max Roser 2021)


97% of 3-5 year-olds in Spain were enrolled in early childhood education in 2022 in

Spain, compared to 83% on the average of some other countries. But only 33% of

children before primary schools attend private education. In 2021, 62% of 18-24

year-olds are still in full- or part-time education or training at either upper secondary

or tertiary level (OECD 2022; OECD 2020)




The mean age that children start school is when the child is 6 years old, and the total

duration of their education is 6 years if they don’t have any problem attending school,

their education finishes when they reach the ninth grade (HCCF 2022; Daisy Lorenzi



The average age when children start school is 6 years old, but in France it’s

compulsory for children to start their education progress when they are 3. There are

nurseries where children start to go at the age of 1 or below; Their education journey

starts at 6 years and it’s obligatory to at least finish the 11th grade but there are

infinite possibilities from there. (Niall McCarthy 2018; European Commission 2022)


The obligatory age to get enrolled into school is 6 years old in Spain, it’s not

compulsory to take your kid to nursery school but 70% of parents get their kids to go

to a nursery school from 0 to 4 years old. Private education is only 6% of population,

children attending charter schools are 26% of the population and the rest attend

public school. (CASER 2022; Casvi 2023)




Surprisingly, children that have had a good education in Iran have lots of

opportunities of attending highschool in their country or around the world. Lots of

them are educated later on, not at the supposed age. The real problem of Iran was

back 40 years ago when nearly nobody could attend education so older people,

when they were younger had less education/rights so that was a main cause of them

not attending highschool. (The world bank data 2022; Samari Hazira 2015)


In the year 2020, 17.9 million students were enrolled in highschool education. High

School education includes both general and vocational studies and it usually starts

when they reach 18 years. So the great majority do attend highschool and if they

don’t, the reason is they don’t have money or the person doesn’t want to.(Our Kids

2021; eurostat 2022)


In the year 2021, 1.679.518 people got tuition to attend high school. 2008 was the

year that less people got enrolled in highschool, only 1.430.147 people got enrolled

into highschool. This data compared to 2020 is very low.





There are lots of different reasons children don’t continue their education when they

reach highschool, there are 7 reasons:

- financial constraints: some families in india maybe can’t afford to send their

children off to highschool.

- lack of infrastructure: in some places in India, there may not be any option of

highschool education so because they can’t travel because of money they

don’t go.

- Limited availability of educational opportunities: There might be limited

availability of vacants.

- social and cultural factors: This might affect especially girls (stereotypes(more

difficult to find a vacant for them))

- employment opportunities: Some children need to work to maintain their

families so instead of going to highschool, they work instead. (Iran Focus

2018; Tony Liu 2022)


There are many reasons why some young people give up education: personal or

family problems, learning difficulties, or a fragile socio-economic situation. The way

the education system is set up, school climate and teacher-pupil relations are also

important factors. (European Commission 2020; reliefweb 2020)


The main reasons students don’t attend highschool after the finish of their prior

education are: economic situations, learning difficulties, no vacants available, lack of

learning. Other people decide not to go and study without going to highschool or

directly they don’t study anything for some of the problems mentioned before.

(Expatica 2022; Spain's education system n.d.)


The conclusion I can make from this research project is that children in Iran are

educated less or more poorly, there are lots of examples of this- especially of girlslike

children not going to school because of fright or obligation to not go and this is a

problem with the government. In Europe, we rarely have this type of problem

because of our government.


n.a. (2023). Iran Rate Literacy 1976-2023. Macrotrends.



increase%20form%202016 n.d.

n.a. (2021). Almost 76 million pupils and students enrolled in the EU.

Ghadarkhan, Samaneh. (2022). No ID? No School: Why 400,000 Iranian

Children are Locked Out of Education. Iranwire.


iranian-children-are-locked-out-of-education/ 25/08/2022.






20by%20Eurostat%20today (27/04/2021)

Roser,Mike. (2021). Access to basic education: Almost 60 million

children of primary school age are not in school. Our World in data.

https://ourworldindata.org/children-not-in-school (02/11/2021)

n.a. (2022). Overview of the Education system in Spain. OECD.



d Primary%20 level%20 was%2033%25 n.d.

n.a. (2021). Highlights in Spain. OECD https://www.oecd-




average%20 of%2054%25 n.d.

n.a. (2022). Islamic Republic Of Iran. Human Capital Country Brief.


e247-0140022022/related/HCI-AM22-IRN.pdf (October 2022)

Lorenzo, Daisy. (2011). What does Iran's education system look like?.



McCarthy, Niall. (2018). When do children start school in Europe?.



n.a. (2022). Compulsory education in Europe 2022. European


#:~:text=The%20 most%20 common%20

age%20to,education%20at%203%20years%20old n.d.

n.a. (2022). All about primary education in Spain for kids. CASER Grupo


primary%20education%20in,children%20aged%206%20to%208 n.d.

n.a. (2023). El modelo educativo español, ¿a qué edad puede

escolarizarse un niño?. Eurocolegio Casvi. https://casviboadilla.es/elmodelo-educativo-espanol-a-que-edad-puede-escolarizarse-unnino/#:~:text=Escolarizar%20o%20


depender%C3%A1%20de%20 cada%20familia. (18/03/2023)

n.a. (2022). Literacy rate, adult total (% of people ages 16 and above

that attend highschool). The World Bank data.

https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SE.ADT.LITR.ZS (24/10/2022)

Hazari, Samira. (2015). What does school education look like in Iran?.

British Council. https://www.britishcouncil.org/voices-magazine/whatdoes-school-education-look-iran


n.a.(2022). 93.3 million pupils and students enrolled in the EU. eurostat.


20220428-3#:~:text=Meanwhile%2C%2017.9%20 million%20

students%20 were,students%20 begin%20their%20

primary%20education. (28/04/2022)

n.a. (2021). Education in Europe. Our Kids. https://www.ourkids.net/plen/education-european-countries.php

Fernández, Rosa. (2022). Número de estudiantes matriculados en

universidades en España del curso 2008 al 2020. statista.



n.a. (2016). The Spanish Education System. Spainwise.

https://spainwise.net/education/ n.d.

n.a. (2018). Millions of Iranian children deprived from education. Iran

Focus. https://iranfocus.com/life-in-iran/33045-millions-of-iranianchildren-deprived-of-education/


Liu, Tony. (2022). Myth vs Fact: Iranian education. AIC. http://www.usiran.org/resources/2016/10/10/education


n.a. (2020). European Education Area. European Commission.


reasons%20why,relations%20are%20 also%20 important%20 factors


n.a. (2020). 20 reasons why, in 2020, there are still 260m children out of

there-are-still-260m-children-out-school (7/02/2020)

n.a. (2023). Education in Spain. Expatica.

school. reliefweb. https://reliefweb.int/report/world/20-reasons-why-2020-



n.a. (2022). Spanish Education System. Housinganywhere.

https://housinganywhere.com/Spain/spanish-education-system (n.d.)



Author: Y. E. A.


SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 2

RESUMEN ............................................................................................................................ 2

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 3

METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................. 3

ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................ 3

How do you attract people to go to you? .................................................................... 3

What would be the main things to make your place stand out? ................................ 4

What kind of employment is there in tourist places? ................................................. 5

What touristic offer does Costa Blanca, Murcia and Basel have? ............................. 5

What are the ranges of 1-5 stars hotels in Costa Blanca, Murcia and Basel? .......... 6

CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................................... 8

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES ................................................................................... 9



In this project I have talked about the tourist attractions and how they work. The questions

that will be talked about are; how they attract people, how they stand out; what employment

is there; what does Costa Blanca, Murcia and Basel offer; ranges of 1-5 stars in hotels.

Key words: Costa Blanca, Murcia, Basel, tourist attractions, attract.


En este proyecto he hablado sobre las atracciones turísticas y cómo funcionan. Las preguntas

de las que se estará hablando son; cómo atraen a la gente, cómo se destacan; qué empleo hay

allí; qué ofrece la Costa Blanca, Murcia y Basilea; rangos de 1-5 estrellas en hoteles.

Palabras claves: Costa Blanca, Murcia, Basilea, atracciones turísticas, atraer.



I have chosen this topic because I love traveling and my parents work in the tourism industry.

I also love marketing, this topic really interests me and it helped me to understand how

businesses work or how they attract people.

Nonetheless, according to Theimportantsite (n.d), tourism is important because it employs a

lot of people (almost 5.5 million people were employed by the tourism industry, USA 2021).

Another reason Theimportantsite states is that tourism supports low-income countries for

example the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) the 30% of their export revenues come

from tourism.


In this research project for every question I had mostly used the word “tourism”. The key

words that I used are: attraction, tourist place, offer, stand out, etc. I checked the source to see

if it was reliable by looking if it used words like always or never, I checked if the facts were

right by checking other articles/sources.

The methods I used are the qualitative and the quantitative method. I used the qualitative

method because it was the best approach to extract the information related to concepts

explanation. I spent the most time on analyzing and writing the text. I used the quantitative

method because I used statistics on the question regarding “What are the ranges of 1-5 stars

hotels in Costa Blanca, Murcia and Basel?” because then it is easier to compare the three



How do you attract people to go to you?


According to Evertsdal (2018) the most important things/factors that tourists search

for are their own personal needs. For people that are in businesses and work a lot, the

closer you are to the airport the better because they need to work. So when they arrive

they can get there as soon as possible to their room. The aesthetics of the inside

should match the outside. For example if you have a hotel in a forest you could have

more plants or more green,etc. With services you don’t have to do something

complicated, you can have basic cleaning services.

According to the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2019) tourists need to have interesting

places nearby, like culture, architecture or landscape, etc.

What would be the main things to make your place stand out?

The Shoutoutuk (2022) says that there are 7 main factors to make your business stand

out are:

● Find your unique selling point

You need to be different from other places, because why would people go to

you if there is another place that does the same.

● Your branding must be consistent and professional

This is very important, because it’s the first thing customers see.

● Offer great customer service

When you have great customer service the customer will have a good


● Get some attractive signage

It’s good to have signage which eye-catching and memorable

● Keep up with the latest trends

Keeping up to date with the latest trends can make new customers come in.

● Innovative products or services

If you introduce innovative products or services customers could come in and

buy them

● Keep your prices competitive


If you keep your prices competitive people are more likely to buy your

products or services.

The Time.ly (2023) states that you can attract tourists by promoting local attractions

and they also say that you should host festivals because they bring people together. It

also helps to promote buisnesses.

What kind of employment is there in tourist places?

Solimarinternational (2022) states that 10% of all jobs are connected to tourism. They

also say that there are two types of employment in the tourism industry:

● Direct employment in tourism

● Indirect employment in tourism

Solimarinternational says that direct employment is “where employees are involved in

the creation of a direct tourism output fall”. They don’t really explain what indirect

employment really is but they give a lot of examples and some of them are: travel agency

staff, guides, taxi and bus drivers, food and beverage suppliers.

Just like Reyesavilla (2023) states that hotels, travel agencies, airlines and other passenger

transportation services, agencies that provide recreational facilities, tour guides, tourist shops,

etc are all jobs that are directly related to tourism (Direct employment in tourism). Their

article also says that companies that sell goods and services to the tourism sector are

indirectly related to tourism (Indirect employment in tourism).

What touristic offer does Costa Blanca, Murcia and Basel


Lascolinas (2022) say that Costa Blanca (Southeastern coast of Spain) is one of the most

popular tourist destinations of Spain. In the summer it has an average of 28º. The Costa

Blanca has two considered tourist capitals Benidorm and Alicante. Costa Blanca is known for


the beaches, the indoor and outdoor markets. Costa Blanca also has Moros y Cristianos which

is a festival in Spain. The origin of this festival is from the battles that the Christians and


If we look at Travelsnippet (2022), they say multiple reasons why you should visit Murcia.

They say Murcia gives a “Small town vibe” which means that it’s not as crowded as other

tourist places. Travelsnippet say that the history is another reason you should visit Murcia,

where they say things you can visit like: The Arabic Walls, Museo de Arqueologia or the

Churches and the Mosques.

Myswitzerland (n.d) assures that Basel is known for its museums. A lot of people know it as

the city of museums because it is home to 40 museums. When you visit Basel you have a

choice of where to go: Kleinbasel and Großbasel, which translates to Littlebasel and

Bigbasel. In Carnaval Basel celebrates differently, they don’t celebrate Carnaval they

celebrate Fasnacht. Fasnacht is very important for Basel, and before Fasnacht there is

something called Morgenstreich where all the lights of the city go out and music plays in the


What are the ranges of 1-5 stars hotels in Costa Blanca, Murcia

and Basel?

Costa Blanca:





NUM. Hotels

1 Star 21

2 Star 51

3 Star 151

4 Star 121

5 Star 11



According to this graph ¾ or 76.6% of all the hotels are 3 or 4 stars and 3.1% of all the

hotels are 5 stars. So we can assume that hotels look for people that are in the middle class.





NUM. Hotels

1 Star 12

2 Star 31

3 Star 41

4 Star 34

5 Star 1


If we look at this graph there are nearly the same amount of 2 star hotels and 4 star hotels.

We can also assume that Murcia’s hotels look for people between the middle class and lower






NUM. Hotels

1 Star 2

2 Star 3

3 Star 27

4 Star 26

5 Star 1


This graph shows that most of Basel’s hotels (89.9%) are either 3 or 4 star hotels. Just like

Costa Blanca or murcia they try to attract tourists in the middle class.



To attract people you need to make them feel at home or just to make them comfortable. If

you sell a product or a service you can make it unique or link it with what’s popular at that

time. There are two types of jobs that are linked to tourism which are: Direct Employment in

Tourism and Indirect Employment in Tourism. If you want to visit a popular place with

beaches on the Mediterranean Sea then Benidorm is the place for you. If you are looking for a

place that looks like a small town then you should go to Murcia. Basel is a place that has a lot

of museums (about 40). The only question with statistics is where we can assume that hotels

look for middle-class people.

So basically tourist attractions can attract people by uniqueness of the region or of business

itself. You can also have good customer service, and to be eye-catching. Something that

Costa Blanca can do is to have more museums or something that Murcia could do is to have

bigger festivals like Costa Blanca.


Brown.A (2022). The best places to visit in Costa Blanca, Spain. Lascolinas.


yosa%20and%20J%C3%A1vea. (Seen: 2/5/23)

Evertsdal (2018). What are the most important that people look for when booking holiday

accommodation. Evertsal.https://evertsdal.com/what-are-the-most-important-factors-thatpeople-look-for-when-booking-holiday-accommodation/

(Seen: 1/5/23)

Fields.L (2023). Direct and indirect jobs created by tourism. Reyesavilla.


(Seen: 18/5/23)


M.S (n.d) Basel. myswitzerland. https://www.myswitzerland.com/en/destinations/basel/

(Seen: 2/5/23)

S.O.U (2022). 7 Tips To Make Your Business Stand Out. Shout Out UK.

https://www.shoutoutuk.org/2022/03/11/7-tips-to-make-your-business-stand-out/ (Seen:


Smoken-Huberty.E (n.d). 10 Reasons Why Tourism is Important. Theimportantsite.

https://theimportantsite.com/10-reasons-why-tourism-is-important/ (Seen: 29/5/23)

Soja.I (2022). 10% of Jobs are Worldwide Connected to the Tourism Industry – What Does

That Mean?. Solimar International. https://www.solimarinternational.com/10-of-jobs-areworldwide-connected-to-the-tourism-industry-what-does-that-mean/

(Seen: 2/5/23)

Time (2023). 10 Tips for Attracting Tourists to your Destination. Time.

https://time.ly/blog/tips-for-attracting-tourists-to-your-destination/ (Seen: 1/5/23)

Travelsnippet (2022) Is Murcia Worth Visiting: 7 Reasons We Think It Is. travelsnippet.


(Seen: 15/5/23)

Universitat (2019). What most attracts us to a tourist destination? Attractions, culture and

gastronomy. Science Daily.

https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/04/190408114002.htm (Seen: 1/5/23)

Visitelche (n.d) Moros y Cristianos. Visitelche. https://www.visitelche.com/en/fiestas/morosy-cristianos

(Seen: 1/6/23)


How do Valencian protest songs and Irish

protest songs about freedom differentiate?



Table of contents

SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 3

РЕЗЮМЕ .............................................................................................................................. 3

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 4

METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................. 4

What is the central theme of most Irish protest songs?? ................................................. 4

What were the Troubles?? .............................................................................................. 5

What is the central theme of most Valencian protest songs? ........................................... 5

What was la Guerra de Sucesion and how did it make an impact? .................................. 6

How can we compare the two? ....................................................................................... 6

CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................................... 6

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES ................................................................................... 7



My research project is about the differences between Irish and Valencian protest music, how

it has impacted each community and the history behind each conflict which initiated the ideas

for these songs.

Keywords: protests, Ireland, Valencia, Troubles, music, conflicts, war of succession


Изследователският ми проект е посветен на разликите между ирландската и

валенсианската протестна музика, как тя е повлияла на всяка от общностите и

историята на всеки от конфликтите, които са дали началото на идеите за тези песни.

Ключови думи: протести, Ирландия, Валенсия, Проблеми, музика, конфликти, война

за успех



For my question, I have chosen to talk about the differences between Irish protest songs and

Valencian ones.I have chosen this topic because I find it quite interesting as there is also a lot

more history than you would expect behind it.

This topic is important as the songs are the way people express the conflicts from the past and

how they've affected so many people. The songs usually honour people who have died or to

honour a tragic event. Garza (2021) said “Ambiguity lies within the song’s opening line:

“Another head hangs lowly / Child is slowly taken.” when talking about the Cranberries song

“Zombie” after an incident during the Troubles.


In order to find all the information I needed, I had to go through many websites and check

them each out thoroughly. The ones I have chosen are all trustworthy sources as they are all

very well known not to spread fake news. I also did a lot of background checks on the


All the research conducted can be considered mixed, since I had to both analyse texts and

articles as well as numbers and numerical data. For example, I used the numerical data when

trying to figure out the main theme of Valencia protest songs and counted how many times a

word repeats during each song.


What is the central theme of most Irish protest songs??

Irish rebel songs are traditional songs that are essentially about the different uprisings against

English Crown rule. (Wiki, 2023) Musicians who backed Irish nationalism and republicanism

sometimes chose to write songs about earlier uprisings. “How long, how long must we sing

this song?” - U2. In the 20th and 21st centuries, Irish rebel songs focus on physical force Irish


republicanism in the context of the Troubles in Northern Ireland.For eg: Sunday bloody

sunday, Give Ireland back to the Irish, Belfast child, Go on home British soldiers etc.

(O’hara, 2023) So all of the most popular Irish protest songs revolve around the Troubles and

the impact they made on the whole country.

What were the Troubles??

The troubles were a series of bombing and shootings that lasted for about thirty years in

Ireland. In 1921, Ireland decided to become an independent state, however Northern-Ireland

remained a part of the UK. This created a “split” between the nationalists who wanted to

become independent and the unionists who wanted Northern-Ireland to be a part of the UK.

(BBC, 2023). Then on the 30th of Jan 1972, protesters ( all northern catholics) were marching

in protest of the British policy of internment of suspected Irish nationalists. British authorities

had ordered the march banned, and sent troops to confront the demonstrators when it went

ahead. 13 people died and 17 were injured. That day is known as Bloody sunday.

(HISTORY, 2010). After that came the Good Friday agreement. It was a political deal to end

the thirty years of “the Troubles” . It was signed in April of 1998 and approved by public

votes in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. (BBC, 2023)

What is the central theme of most Valencian protest songs?

song topic 3 most common words

Som moviment freedom & politics grita, fuego, de parar

La flama (freedom) freedom n politics flama, avaçant, sentiments

Putrefactes freedom n politics a vivir, era horta, encima

El cant dels Maulets freedom n politics maulets, bull, mes

Quan caminaven

freedom n politics

rebels, caminavem,


The theme of most of these songs have to do with freedom and rebellion. This is because of

the effects of the Spanish war of succession and how Aragon and many other provinces


around it lost many of their rights. Many people then felt oppressed and made music to help

spread the message of the situation.

What was la Guerra de Sucesion and how did it make an


In the Spanish War of Succession, two heirs to the Spanish throne were fighting. In the end,

Philip V won. He had Castilla backing him so, when he took the Spanish crown, he removed

the Aragonian laws to impose the Castilian ones. This was felt from those realms as a loss of

independence and, what was worst, sovereignty and identity. A feeling that has been carried

on up to our days. (Diaz, 2023)

How can we compare the two?

The Valencian songs that focus on the Spanish war of succession are all written in

Valenciano but the Irish songs are written in english.

The Irish songs are also much more popular and that is because they are written in English

(an international language) but it is also quite contradictory as it is England that the Irish were

fighting. However, I can almost guarantee that if the songs were written in Irish they

wouldn't have gained so much popularity and the conflicts wouldn't have been so known.

And because of this, that is why the Valencian protest songs are not so popular and unless

you are from Spain or even from the area there is a very small chance of you knowing about

the issues between Castilla and Aragon/Valencia at all. And not only that but many or even

most people do not celebrate the conflicts between Castilla and Aragon whereas in the Uk

and all round the world we have “Good Friday ''.


The difference between the two is not massive. They both mainly focus on freedom, war and

conflicts. Although the music itself is quite different. The Irish songs aren't necessarily slow

but in comparison to the Valecian songs they definitely appear as so. But still they aren't too

incredibly different.


So to answer my overall question of “How do Valencian protest songs and Irish protest songs

differentiate?” I think that their main differences are the language that they are written in,

how much popularity each has gained and how the popularity has affected each situation/how

celebrated or mourned they are. And during my research, I have come to realise how much

the language you choose to write a song in can affect its popularity. And how that can affect

history itself.


BBC, (2023), Good Friday Agreement: What is it?, BBC news,

https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-61968177, (2.5.23)

Beaudoin.K, (2015), 10 songs that prove Irish music is the original protest music,



Diaz.M, (2023), Aragon, from the kingdom to the statue of autonomy, Go Aragon,

https://www.goaragon.eu/aragon-from-the-kingdom-to-the-statute-of-autonomy/, (2.5.23)

Garza.M, (2021), Songs of Protest: How The Defied Irish Violence with “Zombie”,



HISTORY, (2010), “Bloody Sunday” in Northern Ireland, A&E television networks,

https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/bloody-sunday-in-northern-ireland, (2.5.23)

O’hara.K, (2023), 21 Best Irish Rebel Songs Ever Written, The Irish Road Trip,

https://www.theirishroadtrip.com/irish-rebel-songs/, (16.5.23)

Wikipedia, (2023), Irish rebel song, Wikipedia,

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_rebel_song, (23.5.23)




By A.O.L.



SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 9

RESUMEN .......................................................................................................................... 10

What is terrorism? ......................................................................................................... 11

How is terrorism impacting economy? ........................................................................... 12



My topic is terrorism in Spain, USA and EU. I’ve talked about what it is, how it affects

teenagers, young people and the economy. Finally what is it’s history, here I’ve included

examples of some terrorist attacks in those places.

Keywords: Terrorism, Spain, Europe, USA


El tema del que he hablado es el terrorismo en España, Estados Unidos y Europa. He incluido

su definición, cómo afecta a los adolescentes, a los jóvenes y a la economía. Finalmente, he

incluido algunos ejemplos de algunos ataques terroristas en estos lugares.

Palabras clave:



The topic I chose is terrorism, I chose it because I like it and it is interesant. It is a very

important topic because it is being more frequent each time and we are giving it more

importance because terrorist attacks don’t have any justification. Over the years, security

priorities in foreign policy have changed. The rise of new technologies and new

communication networks has removed barriers but has also led to the emergence of new

challenges, risks and threats (Ministerio de asuntos exteriores, Unión Europea y cooperación,



To do the research I have used internet, I’ve looked for the reliability of the sources in google

and if it didn’t tell me how reliable they are I looked for details that told me that the source

wasn’t reliable such as: lots of exclamation marks, punctuation errors or if they didn’t

reference other sources to support their information.

The type of research is qualitative because my questions didn’t include percentages or graphs.

The key words I used to answer my questions are terrorism, impact and world.


What is terrorism?

There are two types of terrorism:International terrorism and domestic terrorism.

International terrorism are violent or criminal acts committed by individuals or groups who

are inspired by foreign terrorist organizations or nations.

Domestic terrorism are violent and criminal acts committed by individuals or groups to

further goals. (FBI,N.D)

Terrorism is the use of force or violence to intimidate a government or its citizens to certain

political or social objectives. (Austintexas.gov, N.D)


Terrorism involves the intimidation of populations or governments through the threat of

violence, causing death, serious injury or the taking of hostages. (United Nations, N.D)

How is terrorism impacting economy?

By 2020, a trend of domestic terrorist groups had developed in countries around the world.

The United States, itself, has experienced an increase in domestic terrorism and according to

June 2022.There has been several recent violent attacks against minority communities,

schools, houses of worship, and mass transit. (Ross, 2022)

How is terrorism impacting teenagers and young people?

Areas subject to a terrorist attack become less attractive. The impact of terrorist attacks is

also shown to last for as long as two years after the incident occurred they make an impact on

businesses. (Petmezas, 2022)

Terrorism worries society more and more each time, deaths and destruction have a direct

impact in the economy of Spain. Iraq is the most affected country. (Gago, 2018)

Terrorist attacks have had a powerful impact on children and their families. Media and

television exposure of terrorist events throughout the world has increased. There is increasing

concern about the effects of this exposure on children who witness these violent images.

(Fremont, Pataki and Beresin, 2005)

What is the history of terrorism in Spain?in EU? and in USA?


Anarchist attacks in Spain from 1890 to 1897, they were committed against great

personalities from history.(Pedrero, 2020)

During thirteen years, between 1973 and 1986, the Polisario Front carried out 289 terrorist

attacks against Spanish citizens, mainly workers in phosphate mines.(Berbell, 2021)



Between 2019 and 2021, 1 560 people were arrested in EU member states on suspicion of

terrorism-related offenses. (European council, 2023)

Pan Am flight 103, also called Lockerbie bombing. 21/12/1988 (Augustyn, 2023)

During the evening of 22nd May 2017, the Arena was the venue for a concert by Ariana

Grande where an improvised explosive device exploded. (Manchester arena inquiry, n.d)


On July 22, 1916, when a suitcase bomb killed 10 and seriously injured 40, at the city’s

“Preparedness Day” parade. (Waxman, 2016)


Terrorism affects all over the world, I know this because I’ve compared the impact of

terrorism in Spain, USA and EU and overall they are quite similar.

Terrorism has an impact all over the world such as economic problems due to robberies, loss

of tourism because people don’t want to go to places where they feel insecure and it also

impacts teenagers life because some teenagers take it as an example.



Augustyn, A (2023). Pan Am flight 103. Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/event/Pan-

Am-flight-103 (31/5/2023)

Austintexas.gov(N.D). What is terrorism?.

Austintexas.gov.https://www.austintexas.gov/faq/what-terrorism (15/5/2023)

Berbell, C (2021). Confilegal. El Frente Polisario ejerció el terrorismo contra españoles, así

lo reconoció el Gobierno de España en 2006. https://confilegal.com/20210520-el-frente-


2006/ (29/5/2023)

European Council (2023). Infographic - Terrorism in the EU: facts and figures. European

Council. https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/infographics/terrorism-eu-facts-figures/


F, Wanda , Pataki, C and Beresin, E (2005). Pubmed. The impact of terrorism on children

and adolescents: terror in the skies, terror on television.

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15936667/ (17/5/2023)

FBI(N.D). Terrorism. FBI. https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/terrorism (15/5/2023)

Gago, J (2018). el Economista. El efecto del terrorismo en el mundo: un impacto del 10%

sobre el PIB mundial. https://www.eleconomista.es/economia/noticias/9010692/03/18/Lospaises-mas-afectados-economicamente-por-el-terrorismo-en-el-mundo.html


Gov.Uk (n.d). Gov.Uk. Terrorism. https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/spain/terrorism


Homeland Security (2022). Summary of Terrorism Threat to the United States. Homeland

Security. https://www.dhs.gov/ntas/advisory/national-terrorism-advisory-system-bulletinnovember-30-2022


Manchester Arena inquiry (n.d).


Pedrero, D (2020). Archivos historia. La propaganda por el hecho: atentados anarquistas en

1921/ (29/5/2023)

Petmezas, D (2022). Durham University. The economic impact of terrorsim.

España (1850-1921). https://archivoshistoria.com/atentados-anarquistas-en-espana-1850-



Ross, S (2022). Investopedia. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/markets/080216/top-5-

ways-terrorism-impacts-economy.asp (15/5/2023)

United Nations(N.D).OHCHR, terrorism and violent

extremism.https://www.ohchr.org/en/terrorism (15/5/2023)

Waxman, O (2016). The Bomb That Rocked San Francisco 100 Years Ago. Time.



Interpol (n.d). Terrorism. Interpol. https://www.interpol.int/en/Crimes/Terrorism (5/6/2023)

Ministerio de asuntos exteriores, Unión Europea y cooperación (n.d). Global security.

Ministerio de asuntos exteriores, Unión Europea y cooperación.

https://www.exteriores.gob.es/en/PoliticaExterior/Paginas/SeguridadGlobal.aspx (5/6/2023)


What can Spain, UK and Australia learn from each

other regarding Ocean’s Protection?



Table of contents

Table of contents…………………………………………………………………………………….


SUMMARY……………………………………………………………………………………………. 3

KEYWORDS: Ocean protection,water, sea pollution, law of protection, eutrophication,

Spain, The UK, problems, Australia……………………………………………………………..

Error! Bookmark not defined.

РЭЗЮМЭ……………………………………………………………………………………………... 3

КЛЮЧАВЫЯ СЛОВЫ: ахова акіяна, вада, забруджванне мора, права аховы,

марское асяроддзе, эўтрафікацыя, Іспанія, Вялікабрытанія, праблемы, Аўстралія



INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………………….. 3

ANALYSIS……………………………………………………………………………………………. 4

Why do the oceans need protection?.................................................................................. 4

What are the Ocean’s protection laws in Spain, UK and Australia?................................. 5

What are the main problems that Spain, UK and Australia have to face in relation to

their seas and oceans?......................................................................................................... 5

What innovations could be applied to protect the oceans?.............................................. 8

CONCLUSION……………………………………………………………………………………….. 9

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES……………………………………………………………. 10


Error! Bookmark not defined.



Ocean–is a part of our life. It’s all around the Earth, and if we contaminate it, the Earth will

die, and the life on it also. In this project I was searching for main problems for each of the

countries, why do the oceans need protection? What are the ocean protection laws in each

country, what innovations could be applied to protect the oceans?

KEYWORDS: Ocean protection,water, sea pollution, law of protection, eutrophication, Spain,

The UK, problems, Australia.


Акіян - гэта частка нашага жыцця. Гэта паўсюль вакол Зямлі, і калі мы забрудзім гэта,

Зямля памрэ, і жыццё на ёй таксама. У гэтым праекце я шукаў асноўныя праблемы для

кожнай з краін, чаму акіяны маюць патрэбу ў абароне? Якія законы аб ахове акіяна

існуюць у кожнай краіне, якія новаўвядзенні можна прымяніць для аховы акіянаў?

КЛЮЧАВЫЯ СЛОВЫ: ахова акіяна, вада, забруджванне мора, права аховы,

марское асяроддзе, эўтрафікацыя, Іспанія, Вялікабрытанія, праблемы, Аўстралія



I chose this topic, because I think we should care about our oceans and seas, because we swim

in them. Life there is also very important.

This topic is important because we need to protect our oceans from pollution, rubbish that is in

the seas and oceans.


This research was conducted by many different sources of information. I tried lots of sources

of information and I also looked for them. But the main thing here is whether they are reliable

or not. My method is to collect data from the internet or sources of information and look by

who it was made and if it is a famous and trustful source it is reliable. Also, I was reading the

sources of information and extracting the main bits of information from the source.

I needed qualitative data. And it was a secondary data, because I collected it from different

sources that were already written by someone else. I chose these methods because I think they

are more suitable for this topic and with their help it’s easier to do this topic.


Why do the oceans need protection?

1. The ocean regulates our climate and provides the air we breathe—It not only functions

as the lungs of the planet, providing us with the air we breathe, but also as the world’s

largest carbon sink helping to combat the negative impacts of climate change.

Additionally, the oceans have taken up more than 90% of the excess heat in the climate

system helping to regulate the temperatures on land.

2. The oceans feed us— The ocean and its biodiversity provide the global community with

15% of the animal protein we eat. In least developed countries, seafood is the primary

source of food. Currently, more than 10 million tons of fish go to waste every year

because of destructive fishing practices.(United Nations, N.D.)


The reality is that the ocean is sustaining all of us at this moment. Covering more than

70% of the world's surface, it is the largest ecosystem on earth. It is essentially the

planet’s support system, regulating the air we breathe, the climate we live in, the food

we eat and much more. (Sea the Beauty, N.D.)

What are the Ocean’s protection laws in Spain, UK and Australia?


Spain's protection law is Law 41/2010 for the protection of the marine environment.(Osaka

Blue Ocean Vision, 2023)


The UK’s protection law is the Law of the sea is a body of customs, treaties and international

agreements by which governments maintain order, productivity and peaceful relations on the

sea.(NOAA, 2021)


The maritime boundaries displayed in AMSIS (Australian Marine Spatial Information System),

including the continental shelf limits, have been determined in accordance with the provisions

of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.(Australian Government, N.D.)

What are the main problems that Spain, UK and Australia have to face in relation to

their seas and oceans?


Spain is one of the most water-stressed industrialized countries in the world. The country faces

the challenge of ensuring long-term water securities.

“The first thing rain washes away is the memory of the drought”. This is a metaphor that is

particularly connected with Spain.


The endless “water wars” between who defend the natural capital represented by the

environment, and intensive agriculture washouts, , who are blamed for the deterioration of

aquifers(coasts) . Degradation of wetlands such as “Doñana” , “The Tablas de Daimiel” , etc.

Along with agriculture , the tourism industry generates more than 50 million tourists in Spain,

more in the summer season when rainfall is the lowest and is another major factor of water

stress.This is the main problem in Spain, related to the sea and water in it. (We are water,

foundation, N.D.)

In 2016, an extreme eutrophication – a massive growth of algae caused by a discharge of

nutrients, mainly from agriculture– turned the water here green and killed 85 percent of the

seagrass. Thousands of fish were beached on the shore, unable to breathe because of a lack of

oxygen resulting from the degradation of excessive algae and changes to salinity.

The lagoon stank. House prices plummeted, tourist numbers fell and the economy suffered.



From sheltered sea lochs to wild open water, from seafood beds to deepwater corral–the UK’s

coasts and seas truly are amazing.

The UK’s seas are some of the hardest working in Europe. As well as being home to an amazing

range of the other wildlife and environment they also support many industries.

And of course their seas and coasts are vital for people and livelihoods too– not just the UK's

essential fishing industry but tourism, shipping, etc.

But despite the importance of their seas, it has to be said they’ve not been managed enough

very sustainably. Overuse and a lack of proper protection has caused environmental damage.

Some of the vulnerable species like the harbor purpose are now at risk. This also puts industries

and peoples’ jobs at risk as a healthy sea.

They’re working closely with all the people who are involved to use them(seas), regulating and

protecting oceans– including government, scientists and local communities.


Like the UK and Scottish Marine Acts– are put into practice effectively. So that we can make

sure that our valuable marine industry has a sustainable future and the UK’s seas are properly

valued and looked after. (WWF, N.D)

The UK has largely achieved its aim of Good Environmental Status for eutrophication. A small

number of eutrophication problems remain in coastal and estuarine waters, representing 0.03

per cent of the total UK Exclusive Economic Zone and 0,41 percent of estuarine and coastal


The eutrophication assessment is based on the following four OSPAR (Oslo and Paris


1. Inputs of nutrients: shows whether measures put in place to reduce nutrient

loads are working.

2. Nutrient concentrations: shows how trends in nutrient concentrations are


3. Chlorophyll concentrations: shows whether phytoplankton biomass is below

assessment levels and whether there is any change.

4. Concentrations of dissolved oxygen near the seafloor: shows whether

concentrations of oxygen are at levels that support a healthy marine ecosystem.

(UKKMAS, 2018)


1. Water data is still very sparse west of the ranges or away from the coast:

Despite all of Australia’s efforts and investment, data is still very sparse(rare) west of the ranges

or away from the coast, which makes forecasting and management difficult. They are working

on novel solutions to integrate satellite data to fill the data gaps. Australia is up there with the

US and Europe in public (water) data accessibility, they are big proponents of open data and

increased data access.

2. Climate change may increase the occurrence of toxic cyanobacteria blooms:


Climate change resulting in increasing temperatures and associated increased rainfall intensity

will increase the occurrence and risk of eutrophication. Eutrophication is when a body of water

becomes overly enriched with minerals and nutrients that induce excessive growth of plants

and algae. The factors triggering cyanobacteria bloom formation are found to be especially

complex. ( The university of Sydney, 2018)

What innovations could be applied to protect the oceans?

1. Washing machine filters capture microplastics

More people seem to be waking up to the problem of microplastics. When clothes made from

synthetics and fibers are washed, millions of tiny particles of plastic are released into the drains,

through water treatment plants and out into the rivers, lakes and oceans, where they cause great

damage. A Slovenian startup, called PlanentCare, has come up with a way to remove

microplastics before they go down to drain.

PlanetCare has developed a filter which can be attached to a washing machine, and which can

catch around 90% of the fibers shed from clothes. The cartridges need to be charged monthly,

and the used ones can be sent back to PlanetCare, which cleans and returns them to customers.

PlanetCare has plans to recycle the microplastics it collects in the cartridges. (Spring Wise,


2. Waste collection ‘Race’ raises sea pollution awareness

Merging elements of a race and a treasure hunt, 20 teams, made up of two swimmers and two

kayakers, aimed to collect 8 km of waste from the sea. “With this event, they wanted to raise

awareness that the protection of the environment is of concern to everyone, especially as 80%

of the waste in the Mediterranean comes from the land”. (Spring Wise, 2020)

1. The Ocean Cleanup

Cleaning the oceans in this lifetime is nearly impossible.

One man, he was 20 years old, was fed up with the trash, so he started The Ocean CleanUp,

which uses long floating barriers that work with ocean currents to collect the trash. Because


most of the current flows underneath and the plastic floats at the top, this technology prevents

the bycatch of unwanted fish and other marine species. (TechRepublic, 2015)

2. Sea robots

For years, scientists have been using robot-like machines to explore the depths of the

ocean, where humans cannot reach. Now, they can control robots above the water, and

send robots with lights, sensors, and tools to bring back samples, take photos, and

explore the seabed and the creatures that live deep underwater.

Smarter nets

Every year, millions of dead fish are thrown back into the ocean. They were too young and

small or caught unsafely and end up dying because they are so stressed out from being caught.

One type of technology came out of a partnership between scientists and fishing companies in

New Zealand. Precision Seafood Harvesting uses high–tech trawl nets to identify and catch

specific fish species instead of using traditional sprawling nets that catch everything in their



In conclusion, I want to say that oceans and seas are important for us. We need to protect them

from rubbish and everything else that can get there. Fortunately, humans invented technologies

that can take the rubbish out of the water. But we, humans, also need to care about the seas and

oceans. Robots can’t do everything instead of us. And I was talking about the guy who invented

the beach clean up. This guy was very smart at this point.

Our planet contains a lot of water. And if it would be contaminated, our planet would go down,

I mean it would practically die. And we, people will also die.

So, please, don’t throw rubbish into the seas and oceans.

The air we breathe on Earth is very important for us. We can’t live without the air. Also, the

ocean can feed us, the food, I mean fish that is in the seas and oceans, is caught and then we


eat it. Each country has their own laws, for example, in this work, I have Law of protect the

marine environment.

In each country there are lots of problems with oceans and seas. For example, Spain faces the

challenge of ensuring long-term water securities.

We need to protect our oceans from harmful things or the things that get in the ocean. For

example, for this, we can use: sea robots, ocean CleanUp.

As I see, in this presentation, all countries have different problems with seas and oceans. Spain,

The Uk, and Australia have different laws of protection of the sea and oceans. The main

problem of three countries is Eutrophication. Spain’s main problems are rain and the tourists.

In the UK’s seas the main problems are tourism, shipping etc. . Australia’s problem is climate


The problem that the countries are sharing is eutrophication. Eutrophication–is when there is a

lot of water in the sea, and the rays of light from the sun don't get through the water, and the

living organisms in the water are dying.


GA.GOV.(N.D.) Australian Government, Geoscience Australia. Australian Ocean

Governance and Relevant Legislation. Claire Krause. https://www.ga.gov.au/scientifictopics/marine/jurisdiction/amsis/australian-ocean-governance-and-relevant-legislation



G20MPL. (2021) Spain Actions and Progress on Marine Plastic Litter. Marta Martínez –Gil

Pardo de Vera and José González Serrano. https://g20mpl.org/partners/spain (Seen: 10/5/23)

MOAT.CEFAS.(2018).Eutrophication.UKKMAS . https://moat.cefas.co.uk/pressures-fromhuman-activities/eutrophication

(Seen: 11/6/23)

OCEANSURVICE.(N.D)What is the Law of the sea? National Ocean Service.


%20is%20a%20body%20of%20customs,outer%20limit%20of%20internal%20waters. (Seen:



SEATHEBEAUTY. (N.D.) Why do we need to protect our oceans? Sea the Beauty.


SPRINGWISE.(2020).Top 7 innovations protecting the ocean . Spring Wise

https://www.springwise.com/innovation-snapshot/world-oceans-day/ (Seen:10/5/23)

SYDNEY. ( 20/3/18) 5 biggest challenges facing Australian water. The University of

Sydney. https://www.sydney.edu.au/science/news-and-events/2018/03/20/5-biggestchallenges-facing-australian-water.html


TECHREPUBLIC. (2015) . 4 technologies that will help save the oceans . Lindsey Gilpin.

https://www.techrepublic.com/article/4-technologies-that-will-help-save-the-oceans/ (Seen:


THEGUARDIAN.(2020). Can Spain fix its worst ecological crisis by making a lagoon a

legal person?. Ricardo Perez–Solero.



UN. (N.D.). United Nations. 5 reasons you should care about our oceans. United Nations.


planet. (Seen:8/5/23)

WEAREWATER.(N.D). Water in Spain: the challenge of dry land. We are Water .

Foundation. https://www.wearewater.org/en/water-in-spain-the-challenge-of-a-dryland_349631


WWF. (N.D.) UK seas. World Wildlife Fund. https://www.wwf.org.uk/where-we-work/ukseas

(Seen: 11/5/23)


Terrorism in Spain, the UK and

the USA. What do they have in





SUMMARY ............................................................................................. 3

RESUMEN .............................................................................................. 3

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 4

METHODOLOGY ................................................................................... 5

ANALYSIS ............................................................................................. 6


- WHAT WAS ETA’S MAIN GOAL? ................................................................................. 6


PEOPLE WERE KILLED? ......................................................................................... 6



- WHAT WAS AL-QAEDA'S / ISIS’S MAIN GOAL? ................................................. 10

- IS THERE A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AL-QAEDA AND ISIS? ........................... 10


ACTIVITY? .............................................................................................................. 10


- WHAT WAS THE AL-QAEDA / ISIS MAIN GOAL? ............................................... 11


PEOPLE WERE KILLED? ....................................................................................... 11

CONCLUSION ...................................................................................... 12

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES ................................................... 13



Terrorism can have many forms like State terrorism or terrorism carried out by small

political groups. As the saying goes,”One man's terrorist is another man's freedom

fighter”. As history continues to evolve and change, terrorism and its use will also

continue to evolve and change. In the end political dialogue has brought most

political terrorist groups to the peace table, like IRA and ETA, Al-Qaeda and ISIS

continue to be the exception. By investigating terrorism in different countries(UK,

USA, SPAIN), as I have mentioned in the previous pages, terrorism is just the use of

violence to political ends.

Keywords: Terrorism, Political Violence, Terrorist attacks in Spain, UK, USA,

terrorist threats.


El terrorismo puede adoptar muchas formas, como el terrorismo de Estado o los

pequeños grupos políticos. Como dice el refrán inglés, "el terrorista de un hombre es

el luchador por la libertad de otro". Como la historia sigue evolucionando y

cambiando, el terrorismo y su uso también seguirán evolucionando y cambiando. Al

final, el diálogo político ha llevado a la mayoría de los grupos terroristas políticos a la

mesa de la paz, como el IRA y ETA; Al Qaeda y el ISIS siguen siendo la excepción.

Al investigar el terrorismo en diferentes países (Reino Unido, Estados Unidos,

España), como he hecho en las páginas anteriores, el terrorismo no es más que el

uso de la violencia con fines políticos.

Palabras clave: Terrorismo, Violencia politica, ataques terroristas en España,

Reino Unido y en Estados Unidos, terrorist threats.



As the source of information Britannica states, the definition of terrorism is: “the

calculated use of violence to create a general climate of fear in a population and

thereby to bring about a particular political objective. Terrorism has been practiced

by political organizations with both rightist and leftist objectives, by nationalistic and

religious groups, by revolutionaries, and even by state institutions such as armies,

intelligence services, and police.” When two different cultures or religions collide, or

one tries to influence the other. There is often a reaction, from one side or another

that can be weak or extreme. If it is extreme, led by extremists/terrorists then

terrorism will continue as long as different opposing views on culture and religion


Terrorism has been around for decades, and was quite prevalent in the 1970s mainly

due to the Middle east. Terrorism was a way of using political violence to get your

own political ends. Terrorism hasn't changed much in the intervening years and

unfortunately still innocent civilians are the main victims and pay for it with their lives.

In this essay I am just investigating terrorism in the USA, UK and Spain, although

there are so many countries I could include(France, Italy, Libya, Somalia, Iraq.etc.)

But in the end the USA, UK and Spain are good examples for what happens in

terrorism activity. Sometimes nowadays, the word terrorism is thrown around loosely

to cover a lot of actions that would not have been considered terrorism decades ago,

for example: young children terrorizing residents in the street, being terrorized or

bullied on social media. I will not be investigating these modern interpretations of

terrorism, but rather the older form of military terrorism.


Nowadays, the main source, if not the only source to find information on a subject as

wide and important as terrorism is the internet. To find the relevant information I

needed on terrorism in Spain, USA, UK, I had to go through a lot of different articles,

but the important data I wanted had to be balanced, so it had to be from reliable


sources. So I used mainly mainstream media with information from terrorism activity

from each country. I used sources like: BBC, Al Jazeera, Gobierno de España,etc.

This maximized the reliability of my data, which was both qualitative and quantitative.

I stayed away from articles written by extremist, far right, far left, groups. As these

would not be balanced and would be totally biased due to the nature and extremist

views of the people writing them. So in the end, I hope that by using the mainstream

media, mentioned above, I was able to write a balanced and accurate essay.

In order to find different sources of information I used the key words: Terrorism,

political terrorism, State terrorism, Political violence, Political ends, terrorist groups,

terrorist cells, terrorist attacks, Spain, UK, USA, ETA, IRA, Al-Qaeda and ISIS.



Spain has a long history of terrorism, with the Basque separatist group ETA being

the topic that most stands out. ETA, which stands for Euskadi Ta Askatasuna

(Basque Homeland and Liberty), was formed in the 1950s and sought to create an

independent Basque state in Spain and France. The group carried out a campaign of

violence that lasted for over 50 years and claimed the lives of more than 800 people.

In 2011, ETA announced a "definitive cessation of armed activity," effectively ending

its campaign. (Astier.H) (C. Angela)


ETA, Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (Basque Country and Freedom), was responsible for

the death of 853 people between 1968 and 2010. ETA 's violent campaign was

driven by the desire for the independence of the Basque Country.




Between 1968 and 2010, 853 people were killed.


ETA announced their cessation of armed activity in October 17 2011.

The other principal terrorist campaign was Al-Qaeda, which was linked to terrorist

attacks in Spain in the past. One of the most notable incidents was the Madrid train

bombings that occurred on March 11, 2004. Multiple bombs exploded on commuter

trains in Madrid, resulting in the deaths of 191 people and injuring thousands more.

The attack was carried out by an Islamist extremist group with connections to Al-


The Britannica source states that the cause of this terrorist attack was supposedly

because of: “Prime Minister José María Aznar’s support for the U.S.-led invasion of

Iraq, the Islamic connection inevitably put Iraq back on top of the political agenda.

This favored the opposition Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE), which had

strongly opposed the war. On March 14 the PSOE scored an upset victory at the

polls, and José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero was sworn in as prime minister three days

later.” (M. Ray)



The UK has also experienced significant terrorist activity, particularly from Irish

Republican groups such as the Provisional IRA and more recently from Islamist

extremist groups. The Provisional IRA was active from the late 1960s until the late

1990s and carried out a campaign of violence in both the UK and Ireland, targeting

military and civilian targets. (K. Cowell-Meyers) (V. Kearney)

- What was the IRA's main goal?

For the British army to leave the north of Ireland and for self-rule in Northern Ireland.

- How long did the IRA’s campaign of violence last, and how many

people were killed?

According to the newspaper, the Belfast Telegraph: 3,168 deaths and 25 years of

terror is what the IRA caused.

- When did the IRA announce the cessation of armed activity?

As the Belfast Telegraph reported; the IRA announced ceasefire after 25 years, and

the date this newspaper was published was the 31st of August 1994.


More recently, Islamist extremist groups such as Al-Qaeda / ISIS have carried out

attacks in the UK, including the 7/7 bombings in London in 2005 and the Manchester

Arena bombing in 2017. (F. McKenna)


To free the Islamic world from Western domination.


They lasted from 2000 to 2017, although small numbers of followers still exist.



For now and are unlikely in the future to ever announce a cessation of armed activity

/ violence.


The USA had been active in the middle east for decades, to preserve its access to

oil. It supported many different governments in the middle east. It became the target

of significant terrorist activity, most notably the attacks of September 11, 2001,

carried out by the Islamist extremist group Al-Qaeda. In order to push them out of the

middle east. The attacks, which targeted the World Trade Center in New York and

the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., killed nearly 3,000 people and caused significant

damage to property. This was the beginning of the American war on terror which

continues up to this day. It took place in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya, and

numerous other countries. (K. Zimmerman)


To push western countries like the USA, UK,etc. out of the muslim Middle East.-




The campaign has lasted nearly 25 years and Al-Qaeda and ISIS are much smaller

and weaker than they were at their peak. Although Al-Qaeda and ISIS do still exist in

small numbers.


In conclusion, terrorism is something that will continue to happen when extremists /

terrorists try to counter the influence of other countries, which they consider to be

against their own extreme beliefs. Each of the campaign goals were all the same,

and they were to remove the influence of foreign countries. Terrorism was at its peak

in the first decade and a half of the 2000’s.

As ETA and IRA have both given up political violence, the only remaining terrorist

threats which Spain/USA/UK have in common are the risk from the only remaining

two big terrorist groups that can threaten the USA/UK/Spain/Europe which are Al-

Qaeda/ISIS. These two terrorist groups will never give up their extreme islamic

beliefs, they continue to spread their extreme beliefs, mainly via the internet. Al-

Qaeda/ISIS still operate in Afghanistan, in parts of Africa like Somalia and Libya,

Yemen, Arabian peninsula and many more places.

They are basically kept under control by the continuous assassination of their

leaders or anyone in a position of authority by the USA/UK using drones.Although Al-

Qaeda and ISIS are probably at their weakest now, due to the continuous

assassination of their leaders, if left alone they would possibly grow back to

becoming again a powerful terrorist organization. So continuous monitoring and

surveillance of its members and affiliates needs to be continued or we risk the repeat

of terrorist attacks by Al-Qaeda/ISIS in the USA/UK/Spain.


C. Angela(2018) ETA: Basque separatist group disbands after decades of conflict.

Aljazeera. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/5/3/eta-basque-separatist-groupdisbands-after-decades-of-conflict

(Seen: 4/5/2023)


F. McKenna(2015) Persons injured (number) due to the security situation in Northern

Ireland (only), 1969 to 2003. CAIN. https://cain.ulster.ac.uk/ni/security.htm#05 (Seen:


F. McKenna(2015) Security related incidents (number) in Northern Ireland (only),

shootings, bombings, and incendiaries, 1969 to 2003. CAIN.

https://cain.ulster.ac.uk/ni/security.htm#06 (Seen: 11/5/23)

H. Astier(2017). From Eta to Stockholm: Is terror more of a threat to Europe than

before? BBC. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-39540371 (Seen:


J. Prieto Mendaza(n.d.) Terrorism in Spain. Gobierno de España.


(Seen: 2/5/2023)

K.Cowell-Meyers(2023) Irish Republican Army. Britannica.

https://www.britannica.com/topic/Irish-Republican-Army (Seen: 4/5/23)

M. Ray(2018) Madrid train bombings of 2004. Britannica.

https://www.britannica.com/event/Madrid-train-bombings-of-2004 (Seen: 2/5/23)

V. Kearney(2014)'It's Over': Reporting the IRA ceasefire 20 years ago. BBC.

https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-28957532.amp (Seen: 8/5/2023)

K. Zimmerman(2023)Don’t Underestimate Al-Qaeda or ISIS in the Coming Year.

Critical threats. https://www.criticalthreats.org/analysis/dont-underestimate-al-qaedaor-isis-in-the-coming-year

(Seen: 25/5/23)


How does the tourist appeal of Benidorm,

Torremolinos and Albufeira compare with

each other?



The topic of this project is tourism, by comparing Benidorm, Torremolinos and

Albufeira with the same questions so you can make your own conclusion.

This project will answer, what makes the tourism destinations attractive, how does

the tourism places differentiate itself from other destinations in the global tourism

market, what has contributed to the success of the tourism destination, how will this

places change in the future because of tourism and what tourists of the places I

choose are looking for in the destination.


El tema de este proyecto es el turismo, comparando Benidorm, Torremolinos y

Albufeira con las mismas preguntas para que puedas sacar tus propias


Este proyecto responderá a las siguientes preguntas: qué hace a los destinos

turísticos atractivos, cómo se diferencian los lugares turísticos de otros destinos en

el mercado turístico global, qué ha contribuido al éxito de los destinos turísticos,

cómo cambiarán estos lugares en el futuro debido al turismo y qué buscan los

turistas en los destinos que he elegido.



I have chosen this topic because my family through generations has worked in

tourism on benidorm and i will continue and expand to other places so it is important

for me to see how other tourist destinations work as a tourism industry and how they

can compare to benidorm and the aspects the other tourist places are better and

worse than benidorm.

To prove how good Benidorm is as a tourism destination, we can find news of

Molpeceres (2023) that say that Benidorm is again the Favorite place for British


To prove how good Torremolinos is as a tourism destination, we can find news of

Europapress (2023) that say that Torremolinos again surpassed the number of

tourists with now one million.

To prove how good Benidorm is as a tourism destination, we can find news of Uxia

(2023) that say that Albufeira is now the paradise for Gallegos.


On this project I tried to use the question to find information, but sometimes I didn't

find what I wanted so I used different questions that will give me the same answer,

for example instead of “What makes a X tourist destination attractive?”, “What are

the most beautiful things about X place…?” This helped a lot to find things that were

closer to what I wanted. When all the results appeared I chose the one which was

looking as a clean page with a title that could give me what I was looking for, then I

read all the pages to find the author's name, the date and one piece of information

that could help me complete my question.

My research is qualitative because it has provided me with good information from

specialists, which has been used to ask the same question for different regions and

compare the results.



What makes a tourist destination attractive?


During your time in Benidorm, you can enjoy two sandy beaches, the Playa de

Poniente and the Playa de Levante. But there are also really charming natural coves

in the surrounding area. In addition, Benidorm has a truly spectacular nightlife.

(Juma, 2023)


Over the years, Torremolinos has evolved as an attractive and appealing resort,

noted for its clean sandy beaches, wide choice of hotels and restaurants and

unparalleled variety of entertainment, activities and nightlife available.

(Andalucía.com, N.D)


Albufeira is a coastal city, renowned for its club culture, beach bars, lively

restaurants and endless entertainment. Every year thousands of holidaymakers are

drawn to its stunning beaches and exciting nightlife.

(Butler, 2023)

How does the tourism places below differentiate itself from other

destinations in the global tourism market?


Benidorm promises around 300 days of sunshine per year, which is one of the main

reasons British people are so drawn to it. This makes it perfect to visit all the year

and that is why lots of tourists go there.

(Barry, 2023)


Torremolinos is a popular destination known for its beautiful beaches, rich history,

and vibrant nightlife. Visitors can relax on the sandy shores, explore historical


landmarks, and enjoy a lively atmosphere with numerous bars and clubs. It offers a

delightful blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and entertainment options,

Torremolinos is a great option to have a little bit of everything on your trip.

(Tripadvisor N.D)


The Algarve region of Portugal is a popular destination for travelers looking to

experience the beauty of the country. With its stunning beaches, picturesque

villages, and delicious cuisine, it's no wonder why tourists flock to the Algarve area

every year without fail. Algarve offers you everything like Torremolinos and Benidorm

but with a much better price.

(PortugalGetaways, 2023)

What are the key factors that have contributed to the success of these

tourism destinations?


Benidorm's initial growth in popularity can be attributed to the package holiday

explosion, and continues year round, due to the night-life based around the central

concentration of bars and clubs.

(Visit benidorm, 2022)


Torremolinos gained popularity due to its stunning beaches, pleasant climate, and

vibrant atmosphere. Over the years, it has become a sought-after destination for

tourists seeking relaxation, cultural experiences, and exciting nightlife. Its blend of

natural beauty, historical sites, and lively entertainment options has contributed to its

reputation as a favored spot for travelers from around the world.

(Andalucía.com, N.D)


Albufeira, a city in southern Portugal, is famous for a few reasons. First, it has

stunning beaches with beautiful sand and clear water, like Fisherman's Beach and


Praia da Oura. Second, it has a lively nightlife with lots of bars, clubs, and live music

venues. Third, its Old Town is a charming area with narrow streets, white houses,

and traditional Portuguese vibes. Fourth, Albufeira has good tourist facilities,

including hotels and resorts. Lastly, visitors can enjoy water sports and outdoor

activities along the coastline.

(Francis, N.D)

How will these places change in the future because of their tourism?


Benidorm has the potential for future growth by prioritizing the enhancement of

tourism. Strategic investments in infrastructure, accommodations, and attractions

have the capacity to draw a greater number of tourists, enticing them to extend their

stays and subsequently fostering heightened economic growth and prosperity within

the city.

(Giner, 2019)


Torremolinos has a lot of plans for the future “The City Council wants to approve the

General Plan including the mega-project which will include shops, a ski track and

giant wave pool for surfing”, there will also be the biggest shopping mall of

Andalucia, this will help Torremolinos to grow as a tourism destination and be bigger

than ever.

(El sol digital, 2015)


Albufeira has made a plan for the future, these include enhancing the existing

tourism infrastructure, implementing sustainable initiatives to protect the

environment, and improving community services to foster an inclusive environment.

The city aims to upgrade accommodations, attractions, and amenities to provide an

exceptional experience for visitors. It also seeks to promote eco-friendly practices

such as renewable energy utilization, effective waste management, and sustainable

transportation options. Additionally, Albufeira plans to prioritize the improvement of


healthcare, education, and public transportation systems while developing

recreational spaces and cultural venues. These measures are intended to support

the city's growth and create a thriving and harmonious community.

(Sul, 2022)

What tourists of the places below are looking for in the destination?


Out of season, Benidorm attracts mostly romantic couples and more mature visitors,

including thousands of pensioners from all over Europe, including Spain looking for

warm weather and great value for money. In summer Benidorm is full of British

people that look for cheap vacations and good beaches.

(Procodis, 2020)


World famous tourist destination Torremolinos is one of the most beautiful resorts in

the Costa del Sol. As the name Costa del Sol signifies, this region is famous for its

sunny days and splendid beaches. The area has one of the best climates in Europe.

Every year, a great number of tourists visit the area for sun and sand tourism.

(Zengin, 2022)


Albufeira is a coastal city, renowned for its club culture, beach bars, lively

restaurants and endless entertainment. Every year thousands of holidaymakers are

drawn to its stunning beaches and exciting nightlife.

But, there is another, more calmed side to the party capital of the Algarve. Around 40

minutes drive or transfer from Faro Airport, Albufeira is central to the region's main

tourist attractions and a great base for exploring the Algarve.

(Buttller, 2023)



Benidorm: Benidorm is an attractive tourist destination due to its sandy beaches,

charming natural coves, and vibrant nightlife.

Torremolinos: Torremolinos stands out as an appealing destination due to its clean

sandy beaches, wide range of hotels and restaurants, and variety of entertainment


Albufeira: Albufeira attracts tourists with its club culture, beach bars, lively

restaurants, exciting nightlife, and stunning beaches.

Benidorm: Benidorm differentiates itself by offering approximately 300 days of

sunshine per year, making it a year-round destination with great weather.

Torremolinos: Torremolinos sets itself apart by offering a delightful blend of natural

beauty, cultural heritage, and vibrant nightlife.

Albufeira: Albufeira distinguishes itself by providing stunning beaches, lively nightlife,

and a charming Old Town at a more affordable price compared to other destinations.

Benidorm: Benidorm's success can be attributed to the package holiday explosion

and its thriving nightlife scene.

Torremolinos: The success of Torremolinos is due to its stunning beaches, pleasant

climate, and a mix of natural beauty, historical sites, and entertainment options.

Albufeira: The success of Albufeira can be attributed to its stunning beaches, lively

nightlife, charming Old Town, and good tourist facilities.

Benidorm: Benidorm has the potential for future growth by investing in infrastructure,

accommodations, and attractions to attract more tourists.

Torremolinos: Torremolinos has plans for major projects, including a shopping mall

and a ski track, to foster growth as a tourism destination.

Albufeira: Albufeira plans to enhance tourism infrastructure, implement sustainable

initiatives, improve community services, and promote eco-friendly practices for

continued growth.


Benidorm: Tourists in Benidorm seek warm weather, great value for money, and

cheap vacations, attracting a variety of visitors.

Torremolinos: Tourists visiting Torremolinos are drawn to the sunny days, splendid

beaches, and a great climate for sun and sand tourism.

Albufeira: Tourists in Albufeira look for club culture, beach bars, exciting nightlife,

stunning beaches, and the opportunity to explore the Algarve region.

Bibliographical references

Andalucia (2023). Torremolinos. (Andalucia.com)





Barry, A (2023). Why is benidorm so important for tourists?(express.co.uk)

Juma (2023). Top 15 Unique Things to Do in Benidorm. (Placesofjuma)


uly%20spectacular%20nightlife. (05/05/2023).

Buttler, F (2023). Best Guide to Albufeira, Algarve 2023

(Myguide Algarve)


he%20Algarve. (31/05/2023)



Tripadvisor (N.D). Things to do in Torremolinos(Tripadvisor).


Visitbenidorm (2022). History of Tourism in Benidorm (VisitBenidrom)


Andalucia (2023). Torremolinos. (Andalucía.com)






Portugal Getaways (2023). Exploring Portugal’s Algarve Region: What To Do




Francis, J (N.D). Hoteles.com. Las 8 mejores actividades en Albufeira.




Giner, C (2019) New era for Benidorm as resort embraces sustainability.




El sol digital (2015) Torremolinos streamlines the project of the largest shopping and

entertainment center of Andalucia.

(El sol digital)



Procodis (2020) Welcome to Benidorm – Is Benidorm right for you?





Zenging (2022) Torremolinos is in High Demand. (Spanishomes)




Sul (2021) A “Albufeira Safe” and plans for the future close Albufeira Summit.




Buttler, F (2023). Best Guide to Albufeira, Algarve 2023

(Myguide Algarve)


he%20Algarve. (31/05/2023)

Molpecers, D (2023). Benidorm vuelve a ser la cuna del turista británico tras el

brexit: supera ya el 50% de la ocupación (El Independiente)



Europa Press (2023). Torremolinos (Málaga) vuelve a superar el millón de turistas

en 2022 tras la pandemia.(Europapress)




Uxia, M (2023). El Algarve, el paraíso del sur de Portugal que atrae cada año a más

gallegos.(El Español)





Author: S.T.


Table of contents

SUMMARY ............................................................................................. 3

RESUMEN .............................................................................................. 3

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 3

METHODOLOGY ................................................................................... 4

ANALYSIS ............................................................................................. 5

1. What is poverty?............................................................................. 5

2. What are the causes of poverty? .................................................... 5

3. How many people live below the poverty line? (Spain, EU, USA) ... 8

4. What kind of problems do children in poverty face? ...................... 11

CONCLUSION ....................................................................................... 12

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES: ................................................... 13



The topic of my research is poverty in Spain, the European Union and the United

States of America. Firstly, I answered what poverty is. To understand the research it is

important to understand what it is talking about. The second sub-topic is ‘What are

the causes of poverty?’ The third sub-topic I have chosen is ‘How many people live

below the poverty line?’ And lastly, I wrote about what kind of problems children in

poverty face.



El tema de mi investigación es la pobreza en España, la Unión Europea y los Estados

Unidos. En primer lugar, respondí qué es la pobreza. Para entender la investigación es

importante entender de qué está hablando. El segundo subtema es ¿Cuáles son las

causas de la pobreza? El tercer subtema que he elegido es ¿Cuántas personas viven

por debajo del umbral de la pobreza? Y por último, escribí sobre qué tipo de

problemas enfrentan los niños en situación de pobreza.



I have chosen this topic because in my opinion it is a very important one in modern

society. I think it is important to raise awareness about poverty because it is such a

crucial issue. Poverty is something that anyone can suffer. Poverty is also a hot topic

for lots of news articles. Many famous news companies have repeatedly made

headlines about poverty. (Eurostat, 2022.)


For the first subtopic I used a qualitative research method. This means I collected and

analyzed textual data and used them to draw conclusions. I found my data through the

Internet. The keyword of my search was ‘poverty’. I used the website Britannica to

answer my question. I analyzed the content thoroughly, making sure it makes sense. I

checked the reliability of the website Britannica and it showed a high score of factual

reporting and credibility.

For the second subtopic I used mixed methods. I collected and analyzed both textual

and numerical data. I found my data using the Internet. The keywords were ‘causes’

and ‘poverty’. The websites I used were World Vision and Human Rights Careers. To

check the reliability, I checked other sources of information to see if they have similar


In the third subtopic I used quantitative research design, meaning I collected and used

numerical data and used statistical methods to add to my research. The keyword was

‘poverty line’. I found my data on the Internet. I analyzed the content, specifically the

numerical data to make sure it made sense. For reliability, I checked with other


In the fourth subtopic I used a qualitative research design. The keywords were

‘problems’, ‘poverty’ and ‘children’. The data was collected on the Internet. I made

sure it was a reliable source by checking the punctuality and the overall quality of the

content. I also checked other sources and they said similar things.



1. What is poverty?

Poverty is the state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money

or material possessions. Several types of poverty may be distinguished depending on

such factors as time or duration (long- or short-term or cyclical) and distribution

(widespread, concentrated, individual). Poverty has been associated with poor health,

low levels of education or skills, an inability or an unwillingness to work, high rates

of disruptive or disorderly behavior, and improvidence. (Britannica, 2023).

2. What are the causes of poverty?

One of the 10 main and well known causes of poverty is lack of access to clean water

and nutritious food. No clean water and non nutritious food is such an immense

problem in our world that up until 2019, 2.2 billion people still lack access to clean

drinking water at home. More than 820 million people globally did not have enough

food to eat. It’s difficult for anyone to work long hours and travel long distances to

work if they don’t have enough to eat or are constantly ill from waterborne illness. It

also affects the younger population; severe acute malnutrition is also the direct cause

of death for 2 million children every year. (Abulencia, 2022).

Secondly, a cause that is any less important, lack of access to basic healthcare.

Healthcare only becomes more expensive each year. Half the world’s population does

not have access to basic health services. Every year, more and more families are

driven to poverty because of health expenses. Around 800 million people spend at

least 10 percent of their household budgets on health expenses. Frequent illnesses that

are caused because of lack of the access to basic healthcare prevent a person from

succeeding in school or holding down a job. Lack of healthcare clinics, trained

professionals and medical supplies in a region only worsen the problem. (Abulencia,



Another well known cause is inequality and social injustice. Inequality can happen

when one group has fewer opportunities and resources than others. That can be caused

by many factors such as gender, race, economic situation, social status, age and

physical ability. Gender discrimination remains a common form of inequality in many

parts of the world. Examples such as the underrepresentation of women in running

their countries (only 24 per cent hold office in national parliaments). In addition, it’s

much harder for women to own property such as agricultural land (globally, only 13

percent is women-owned). There are also limiting cultural factors that discriminate

against girls and women. In many of the world’s poorest countries, girls and women

eat the least, last, and of the poorest-quality food. In many countries, husbands can

prevent their wives from working. A large number of countries still lack laws

protecting women against domestic violence. (Abulencia, 2022).

Conflict and instability are among the most common causes of poverty in the world

today. Conflict can refer to an armed struggle or protracted violence. It affects a

nation’s people like in the regions of Syria, Myanmar, Ethiopia, South Sudan and

Iraq, to name a few. People’s lives can be devastated, especially when forced to flee

to safer places. For children, this displacement can mean months or years of missed

education. Adults often lose jobs, careers and livelihoods. (Abulencia, 2022).

Lack of education. Poverty is a cycle and without education, people aren’t able to

better their situations. According to UNESCO, over 170 million people could be free

of extreme poverty if they only had basic reading skills. However, in many areas of

the world, people aren’t getting educated. The reasons vary. Often, families need kids

to work, there aren’t schools close by, or girls aren’t being educated because of

sexism and discrimination. (Soken-Huberty E., n.d.).

Lack of good jobs. When you don’t have a good job, you aren’t getting a good

income. In many countries, traditional jobs like farming are disappearing. The

Democratic Republic of Congo is a good example, where most of the population live

in rural areas stripped of natural resources from years of colonialism. Half of the

country lives below the poverty line. However even in nations like the United States

where many people do have jobs, those jobs aren’t paying enough. (Soken-Huberty E,



Lack of infrastructure can keep people in poverty. A few examples of basic

infrastructure are roads, electricity and water networks, railways, mass transit and

telecommunications.Without these, communities can remain isolated from the rest of

the world, especially in rural areas. A region with no proper roads can’t form trading

networks that would benefit multiple communities. (Abulencia, 2022).

Nowadays, climate change is a very impactful cause of poverty. The World Health

Organization projects approximately 250,000 additional deaths between 2030 and

2050 due to heat stress, malnutrition, malaria and diarrhea.

Extreme drought can destroy harvests, forcing people to migrate to survive. Climate

change is also causing an increase in the number of forest fires and wildfires,

worsening air pollution and making food less nutritious. With all these factors

combined, the World Bank estimates 132 million people will be pushed into poverty

over the next 10 years.

Around the world, many governments lack the ability or willingness to provide

support to struggling citizens. In wealthy countries like Canada, government support

may include food assistance, free healthcare, low-income housing, low-income tax

credits, training programs and financial assistance. But, without sufficient government

support, escaping poverty is more difficult. (Abulencia, 2022).

The lack of financial safety safety nets also contributes to causes of poverty. Financial

safety nets are resources that are set aside for use during one-off expenses or

emergencies. Great examples are saving accounts, small loans or insurance policies.

Their main purpose is to ensure that an individual or a family can overcome possible

financial difficulties that are caused by mounting debt, sudden loss of livelihood,

illnesses, natural disasters or other unpredictable circumstances. These financial

safety nets are so important, because without them, one huge expense can cause an

individual to become poor and create long-lasting problems. But for those who

already live in extreme poverty, these safety nets are a privilege they cannot afford.

(Abulencia, 2022).


3. How many people live below the poverty line? (Spain, EU,



The value of the poverty threshold in Spain is 6,279.7 Euros. A person will be

classified as poor if their income per consumption unit is lower than this figure.

This graph shows the poverty rates in Spain by age and sex.

A fifth of the population is below the poverty threshold, exactly 19.9%. We can see

that women have a greater risk of being poor than men, as the poverty rate for men is

19%, almost two points lower than the rate for women. This negative situation for

women is general across all age groups. If we pay attention to the age variable, it can

be seen that the most unfavorable groups are people under 16 years and those above

65 years. The poverty rate for children (under 16 years) is 24.3% and it is 29.6% for

those above 65 years. It is visible that the poverty rates in the other groups are lower,

as these groups contain people of working age. In the case of people aged between 25

and 49 years, the poverty rate is 15.6% and in the group of people aged between 50

and 64 years, the rate is 16.6%. In the group with the youngest people (between 16

and 24 years), the poverty rate is slightly higher at 19.1%. (Instituto nacional de

estadística, n.d.).



Eurostat, the European Statistics Agency, produces comparable ‘at risk of poverty’

figures for each EU member state. The data is calculated using the 60 percent of

median income poverty line in each country.

While there have been some reductions in poverty in recent years across the EU, the

data suggests that poverty remains a large and ongoing EU‐wide problem. In 2021 the

average EU‐27 level implied that 73.7 million people live in poverty across all EU

member states.

(Social Justice, 2022).


According to the official poverty measure of the U.S. Census Bureau, 37.9 million people

lived in poverty in 2021. There are several key trends that help understand poverty in the

United States since poverty varies from gender, age, race, region etc.

One of the main ones was the statistics of poverty compared to race, gender and age. (Peter G

Peterson Foundation, 2023).


This graph shows the comparison of the races that are in poverty in the US. We can certainly

see that Black and Hispanic people have much higher poverty rates than others.

This graph shows us the poverty rates of different age groups in the USA. It is visible that the

poverty rate of the elderly has increased significantly whereas the poverty rate of children

under 18 has slightly decreased.


The last graph shows the individual earnings of an average worker, it is comparing the

earnings of men and women. We can see that both median earnings have dropped in a year,

however it is important to take notice that the earnings of women have always stayed below

men’s, making women more likely to live below the poverty line. (Peter G. Peterson

Foundation, 2023).

4. What kind of problems do children in poverty face?


The impact of poverty on young children is significant and long lasting. Low-income

children are at greater risk than higher-income children for a range of cognitive,

emotional, and health-related problems. Some of these include negative effects on

executive functioning, below average academic achievement, poor social emotional

functioning, developmental delays, behavioral problems, asthma, inadequate nutrition,

low birth weight, and higher rates of pneumonia.

Psychological research also shows that living in poverty can cause differences in

structural and functional brain development in children and adolescents in areas

related to cognitive processes that are critical for learning, communication, and

academic achievement, including social emotional processing, memory, language, and

executive functioning. (American Psychological Association, 2022).



It is also known that children living in poverty often attend under-resourced,

overcrowded schools that lack educational opportunities, books, supplies, and

appropriate technology. In addition, families living below the poverty line often live

in school districts without proper equal learning experiences for gifted and special

needs students with learning differences. (American Psychological Association,



Research has found that hunger and undernutrition can have lots of negative effects

on child development. As example, maternal undernutrition during pregnancy

increases the risk of negative birth outcomes, including premature birth, low birth

weight, smaller head size, and lower brain weight. Children in hunger are at least

twice as likely to report being in fair or poor health and at least 1.4 times more likely

to have asthma, compared to food-secure children. (American Psychological

Association, 2022).


In conclusion, poverty is lacking a socially acceptable amount of money and or

material possessions.

There are many causes of poverty in this world including access to clean water and

food, lack of health care, social injustices such as racism, conflicts like wars, lack of

education etc. As you may have noticed, all of the causes mentioned are the opposite

of what healthy life should look like.

Anyone can live below the poverty line, no matter what gender, race or age you are.

Some specific races are more likely to be affected than other ones. Age and gender

also play a role.

Children in poverty face many difficult issues in life. Children suffer mental health

problems, lack of education and constant hunger.


Poverty is a universal issue that any country in the world can face. The European

Union has lower poverty rates than the United States. Spain however does struggle

with poverty more than other EU countries.


Abulencia, C. (2022). 10 major causes of poverty and how we can help solve them.

World Vision. https://www.worldvision.ca/stories/child-sponsorship/major-causes-ofpoverty


American Psychological Association. (2022). Exploring the mental health effects of

poverty, hunger and homelessness on children and teens. American Psychological

Association. https://www.apa.org/topics/socioeconomic-status/poverty-hungerhomelessnesschildren#:~:text=Poverty%20is%20associated%20with%20substandard,%2C%20and

%20under%2Dresourced%20schools. (18/05/2023)

Britannica. (2023). poverty. Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/poverty


Eurostat. (2022). over one in 5 a risk of poverty or social exclusion. Eurostat.



Instituto nacional de estadística. (n.d.) Descriptive study of poverty in Spain. Instituto

nacional de estadística.

https://www.ine.es/en/daco/daco42/sociales/estudiodesc_en.pdf (10/05/2023)

Peter G. Peterson Foundation. (2023). 7 Key Trends In Poverty In The United States.

Peter G. Peterson Foundation. https://www.pgpf.org/blog/2023/02/7-key-trends-inpoverty-in-the-united-states


Social Justice. (2022). Poverty: a European perspective. Social Justice


0member%20states. (10/05/2023)

Soken-Huberty, E. (n.d.). 10 Common Root Causes of Poverty. Human Rights

Careers. https://www.humanrightscareers.com/issues/root-causes-of-poverty/



Language bias. Why do people prefer some

languages instead of others? The case of

Valencian, Spanish and English.

Author: J. S. R.


Table of contents

SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 2

RESUMEN ............................................................................................................................ 2

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 3

METHODOLOGY: ................................................................................................................ 3

ANALYSIS: .......................................................................................................................... 3

CONCLUSIÓN ...................................................................................................................... 6

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES: .................................................................................. 7



I have talked about the importances of a local, national and international language in my area,

Valenciano,Spanish and English.Summarizing my big question: As i said in my conclusion

people prefer english just because of the difficulty and popularity.Since english has become

more popular as the time passed this has made that more people want to learn english.Chinese

is less learned because it is much more difficult.


He hablado sobre la importancia de los lenguajes en mi zona local,nacional e

internacional,valenciano,español e inglés.Resumiendo mi pregunta importante:Como dije en

la conclusión,la gente prefiere inglés por la dificultad y popularidad comparado con el idioma

chino.Como a lo largo de los años el inglés se ha estado volviendo más popular, más gente ha

querido aprender ingles.Chino es menos estudiado porque es más difícil.



I will be talking and researching about language bias, preference between languages and how

biased these 3 languages:Spanish, English and Valenciano, including Chinese that is in the

big question.I have chosen this topic because it is a topic that it is not talked about a lot and

that could be actually quite interesting because it could answer some important questions that

maybe you asked yourself.


I have chosen the topic of language bias because it is a topic that actually untouched and

actually could be interesting how the important languages of today are important, how they

became such a successful language and why is it learned by a lot of schools(E.g English)

Firstly, for my research I have looked up and copied the link of the three most relevant

websites that could potentially could answer my question.

After putting the 3 links in all of my questions and looking at all the links and identifying if

the links were bad , for example if it referenced another website or quote of a famous person.I

used the information of the most relevant links and also my opinion and knowledge to answer

the question.

For this project I preferred to use quantity that quality so that my answer could be as detailed

as possible. After that I referenced all of the websites.


What is the use of languages?

According to britannica.com,to facilitate communication, in the sense of transmission of

information from one person to another.

Languages are important because they make us understand what a person wants,needs or how

they feel.( Henry Robins and Crystal, 2023).


Why is it important to keep different languages?

In my opinion it is actually quite important to keep different languages all around the world

because if all suddenly had to learn english because all the country have decided to speak

only english in their country, billions of people will have to learn a completely different

language that they never heard before and also maybe having a different literature, which can

make learning english difficult.Sooner or later people are going to get tired of all the days

speaking english and learning english so people will go back to the original language because

they feel comfortable with their own language (Williams, 2017).

Why do people prefer to learn some languages instead of others?

English is a more common language in the world than other languages . English is the most

widely spoken language in the field of knowledge and literature and learning English opens

up prospects for admission to the best universities and to learn about different cultures.

English is the key to communicating with others.(Rahiminezhad, 2019).

Why do people prefer to learn European languages?

European languages are more popular because there are spoken a lot around the world,which

can mean that it is advantageous when traveling around the world.According to

graduateshotlines.com learning any of the more popular languages within Europe will help

candidates to communicate better within classrooms and work spaces in any developed

country in the world.(graduateshotline, 2022).

Why is English the most learned language in the world,why not other


I did not find anything about why is it the most learned languages but why is it important and

how did it become the most popular language: The english language became popular because

of the british empire.The British empire was the biggest empire in the history of the world

and since it had colonies all around the world, the english language was important for the

trade language and diplomatic language around the world.After the fall of the British empire


most countries decided to keep english as an official language in their countries.English is

also important because it is the language of science,aviation,computers and

tourism.(Hammond, 2014).

Why in Comunidad Valenciana they speak more often valenciano rather than

spanish when it is in Spain?

I found out that my questions did not make a lot of sense because google could not find

anything similar for what i was asking but i found websites talking about if valencian was

important for foreign people:Valencian is not actually that important to learn because even

though in 2017, more than 50% of residents in valencia ,valencian its mother language,but

also have spanish as a second language (TheLocal, 2021).

What are the number of speakers of Valenciano, Spanish and English

I only found one source that answered my question:Wikipedia.

Wikipedia is sometimes known because wikipedia sometimes does not always tell the truth.

According to wikipedia there are around 2.4 million valencian speakers around the globe but

this fact might not be true because that information was published in 2004 and then edited in

2017.(Wikipedia, 2017).

According to statista.com : There are around less than 600 million people that speak spanish

and spanish is an official language in 20 countries.All of these countries are located in south

america and central america. (Lyons, 2017).

Also according to statista.com there are around 1.5 billion people that speak the English

language.English is an official language in 86 countries located all over the

world.(WorldData, n/d).

Why is Chinese one the most spoken language in the world but it is learned by

a smaller number of people compared to english?

Chinese it is learned by a smaller number of people because it is one of the hardest languages

in the world.Chinese does not have and alphabet,chinese language is logosyllabic which

means each character means a syllable spoken in chinese, it can also be a word and if you


join another character in can mean another word.Chinese also haves a lot of words that sound

the same, like “Sì” that means 4 and “Sǐ” which means die.This is actually a superstition in

china, so some chinese people try to avoid the word four as much as possible.(DailyChinese,


The tone in the english language is usually passive, in chinese language it is usually active.

Chinese also has a different emphasis in the sentences,in the English language the emphasis

is usually in the beginning of the sentence and Chinese emphasis is usually on the last part of

the sentence.(Taub, 2022).


The main idea is that it could be important that there are a lot of languages in the world

because this leaves more freedom for people to learn the language they like and feel

comfortable talking about,this also avoid conflicts later.Also it is also important to have a

major speaking language in the world because it helps with communication all over the


Summarizing my questions:People prefer some languages just because of their preference

and their difficulty and popularity.

Summarizing my big question: Chinese is learned by a smaller number of people compared to

English because it is a language that has the opposite characteristics compared to English and

most languages in the world.

Chinese has 24 basic characters in the alphabet but combining these characters can make up

to thousands of new characters.



D.Crystal and R. Henry Robins.(2023).Language.Britannia


Hammond.(2014)How did English become the world's most spoken language?.ESL

ResearchGate.(2019).Why do people prefer to learn English more than other languages as

foreign language?.ResearchGate.


graduateshotline.com.(2022)Learning European languages.graduateshotline.com.





The Local.(2021).Do i need to learn valencian if I live in Spain's Valencia region?.The



Daily Chinese.(2020)How Chinese is different from other languages.Daily



O.Taub.(2022).6 Major Differences between English and Chinese.Dig






(Seen:15/5/23) .

Dylan Lyons(2017)How Many People Speak Spanish, And Where Is It Spoken?.Babbel

WorldData.info.(n/d)English speaking



h%20as%20their%20mother%20tongue.(Seen: 24/5/23).


Kevin Williams(2017)Why learning multiple languages is


lobal%20thinking.(Seen: 22/5/23)


What is the economic impact of tourism in

Benidorm, Malaga, Marmaris (Turkey).

Author: J. A.



SUMMARY ___________________________________________________________ 3

RESUMEN____________________________________________________________ 3

INTRODUCTION ______________________________________________________ 4

METHODOLOGY _____________________________________________________ 4

ANALYSIS ___________________________________________________________ 4

What is the impact of tourism in the economy of Benidorm? __________________ 4

What is the impact of tourism in the economy of Malaga? ____________________ 5

What is the impact of tourism in the economy of Marmaris? __________________ 6

How tourism can affect Local people? ____________________________________ 6

How does tourism affect pollution? ______________________________________ 7

CONCLUSION ________________________________________________________ 8

REFERENCE _________________________________________________________ 8



In this project of global perspectives I'm going to talk about tourism and why

tourism is important for the World.

To find out why tourism is important I have researched about the economic

impact because of tourism in Benidorm, Malaga and also in Marmaris (Turkey).

Also I have researched about how local people can be affected by tourism for

example losing their jobs, new taxes etc. Finally I have researched how pollution

can be affected by tourism.

Keywords: Tourism, Economy, Pollution and Impact


En este proyecto de perspectivas globales voy a hablar sobre el turismo y el

porqué es tan importante el turismo en el Mundo.

Para saber por qué es importante el turismo, he investigado el impacto económico

del turismo en Benidorm, Málaga y también en Marmaris (Turquía).

También he investigado cómo la gente local puede verse afectada por el turismo,

por ejemplo, perder sus trabajos, nuevos impuestos, etc. Finalmente, he

investigado cómo la contaminación puede verse afectada por el turismo.

Palabras clave: Turismo, Economía, Contaminación y Impacto



I have chosen the topic of tourism because I think this is a very interesting topic

and also because my Dad has a supermarket in Calpe. This could demonstrate to

him how his supermarket has a bigger economic impact in summer when a lot of

tourists go on vacations to Calpe.

Examples of the importance of tourism for those regions can be found attending to

the current news. This way, Ayuntamiento de las Palmas de Gran Canaria (2023)

indicates that the City Council travelled to the digital tourism congress in

Benidorm, this demonstrates the importance of tourism in Benidorm, Gran

Canaria and the rest of Spain.

Another example can be found is that Marmaris economy is mainly from the

tourism industry, Murat Deliveli known as the dean of tourism. He was one of the

founders of the first hotels in Marmaris, he died at the age of 88 due to health

problems. He was very important to the people of Marmaris because he was the

founder of a large majority of the hotels in Marmaris.(İhlas Haber Ajansı, 2023).

Also Malaga, the Spanish city that has invested the most in attracting tourists, as

shown by the exponential increase in tourist homes. In 2022, the Port of Malaga

received 267 calls, very close to the 288 in 2019(Molina C., 2023)



For doing this research project I have been researching and writing about this


● What is the impact of tourism in the economy of Benidorm?

● What is the impact of tourism in the economy of Malaga?

● What is the impact of tourism in the economy of Marmaris?

● How tourism can affect Local people?

● How does tourism affect pollution?

For finding relevant and important information I have used the following

keywords:air quality, tourism, economy, Local people/citizens

I have used a Mixed method because in most of the questions I have used a

Qualitative research design method But for example in the question of the impact

of tourism in the economy of Benidorm I used some percentages. Also in the

question of how tourism affects the pollution and air quality I used graphs to show

the quality of the air in Benidorm and Malaga.


What is the impact of tourism in the economy of Benidorm?

The big majority of the hotels in Benidorm are in family hands with hotels that in

a big part are of three stars, in rooms that are distributed equally between Spanish

and foreigners, with the majority Spaniards who they are from Madrid and

Basques among the firsts there are more or less 22% of them and British among

the seconds who are more than the 60%, Perhaps it is for this reason that even the

BBC broadcasts a television series called Benidorm.(Rodriguez-Rata. Aleix,



Main destinations of travellers staying in hotel

establishments and tourist apartments in Spain (Asociacion

de Geografos españoles, n.d)

How can we see on the map of the Main destinations of travellers staying in hotel

establishments and tourist apartments in Spain, being the Balearic and Canary

Islands the most visited territories, behind them they are also quite visited

Catalonia, Andalusia and the Valencian Community. In which we can clearly see

Benidorm and it is not by chance that the most touristic sites are the coastal

areas.(Asociacion de Geografos españoles, n.d)

In 2013 Spain was the world’s third country with more tourism. In the 1960s,

Benidorm was a coastal town inhabited mainly by fishermen and farmers. In any

case, it later became a vacation spot prepared for mass tourism and package tours.

Today, the Gran Bali, is the tallest hotel in Europe, standing in Benidorm with 52

floors and 776 rooms. (Chislett, 2014)

What is the impact of tourism in the economy of Malaga?

According to Jacobo Florido, the Councilor for Tourism in Malaga, "luxury

tourism has grown by 30% in recent months"

Malaga offers many different exclusive services to luxury tourists, including a

great cultural offer thanks to its museums and exquisite cuisine with more than

eight Michelin Star restaurants.(Hodgson C., 2022)


In 2022 in Malaga, 27 foreign companies opened operations, making a total of 72

new companies, creating thousands of new opportunities to work in the beautiful

city of Malaga from 2019, according to the Annual Report of the Malaga Investor

Office 2022.

Malaga is the first Andalusian province to make a gross foreign investment with

more or less 348 million euros in 2021, 32.47% more than the money invested the

previous year. (Open4Business, Malaga, n.d)

What is the impact of tourism in the economy of Marmaris?

Tourism can generate positive or negative impacts in three main categories:

economic, social and environmental. These impacts can be analysed using data

collected by companies, governments, and industry organisations.

This is an example of why people want to travel. Because they are In search of a

healthy life or active trips that involve hiking, wellness and sports tourism, they

want to visit the world etc.(Westcott. M and Anderson. W, n.d)

Marmaris is a very good place to travel because it has lots of accommodations,

which is why it has a big impact on its economy. That's why lots of people want to

visit Marmaris. Marmaris boasts the most comprehensive and best equipped

network of hotel, apartment, holiday villas and holiday accommodation in the

western coasts of Turkey.

Marmaris offers a wide range of accommodation opportunities from 3 star, 4 star,

5 star and family friendly hotels, apartments to quality holiday villas and

apartments from standard packages to deluxe residences.(Marmaris Town, 2023)

How tourism can affect Local people?

Tourists generate important economic activity and employment for the

community. It is believed that tourists annually spend more than 80 million euros

in shops and almost 100 million euros in food and drink.


But also there are some negative things about tourism, a large influx of new

visitors often drives up the cost of products and services, forcing locals to pay

more for food, drinks, transportation, etc. (Hwb, n.d)

Tourism has a wide range of beneficial socio-cultural effects on local

communities, including the creation of jobs and revenue, the development of

infrastructure, and the enhancement of social services like banking and

telecommunications.(Research leap, 2022)

In the quest to make more money, some tourist spots have pushed out local

residents and businesses to make way for luxury resorts and major tourist

draws.(Nadine Sykora, n.d)

How does tourism affect pollution?

Evolución de la calidad del aire en Comunitat

Valenciana(Miguel Ángel Ceballos,2022)

This graph shows us the evolution of the quality of the air in the Valencian

community, how we can clearly see in 2020 the O3 decreased a lot because of

quarantine and people could not go out of their home’s.(Miguel Ángel



Evolución de la calidad del aire en

Andalucía(Miguel Ángel Ceballos,2022)

In this graph we can see the quality of the air but this time in Andalusia we can

see that in this graph the O3 also decreased in 2020 because they had nearly the

same rules that in the Valencian community in quarantine.(Miguel Ángel


I have been searching for information about the air quality in Marmaris but I

could not find anything reliable about it, so we can only see the air quality in the

Benidorm (Valencian Community) and Malaga (Andalusia).



In conclusion tourism is very important in all places because tourism has

economic impacts, more opportunities for jobs, more cultures and understanding

other cultures, traditions, etc. this can be really helpful for knowing cultures and

for knowing new languages.

The hotel industry in Benidorm is mostly dominated by family businesses, with a

notable presence of three-star accommodation. The city attracts a diverse range of

guests, both Spanish and foreign, with a significant proportion coming from

Madrid and the Basque region. British tourists make up the majority, with over

60% of visitors. Benidorm's popularity is further highlighted by its representation

in the media. Regarding the tourist panorama of Spain, the Balearic Islands and

the Canary Islands emerge as the most sought after destinations, closely followed

by Catalonia, Andalusia and the Valencian Community. Benidorm, with its

captivating coastal areas, occupies a prominent place among the main tourist

spots. Originally a humble fishing and farming village, it has become a successful

and prosperous centre for mass tourism and package tours. In particular, the city

boasts the remarkable Grand Bali, an imposing hotel that claims the title of the

tallest in Europe.

Luxury tourism in Malaga has experienced a significant growth of 30% recently,

according to Jacobo Florido, Councilor for Tourism. The city offers exclusive

services such as cultural attractions, including museums, and exquisite cuisine

with more than eight Michelin Star restaurants. In 2022, Malaga saw the opening

of 27 foreign companies, totaling 72 new companies and creating numerous

employment opportunities. In addition, Malaga achieved a gross foreign

investment of approximately 348 million euros in 2021, 32.47% more than the

previous year, making it the first Andalusian province to achieve this


Tourism can create both positive and negative impacts in three different ways: the

economy, society and the environment.


One of the reasons people are drawn to travel is their pursuit of a healthy and

fulfilling lifestyle. As well as the desire to explore different parts of the world.

Marmaris stands out as an exceptional tourist destination, mainly due to its wide

range of accommodation, which contributes significantly to its thriving economy.

The city boasts an impressive and well-equipped network of hotels, apartments,

holiday villas and other forms of accommodation along Turkey's western shores.

Visitors to Marmaris can choose from a diverse selection of options, including 3,

4 and 5 star hotels, family-friendly establishments, as well as high-quality holiday

villas and apartments offering standard and luxury packages.

Tourism brings large and important economic benefits to communities, as tourists

spend more than 80 million euros annually on shops and almost 100 million euros

on food and drink. In local communities, such as job creation, income generation,

infrastructure improvement and improvement of social services. Unfortunately, in

some cases, local residents and businesses have been displaced to make way for

luxury resorts and popular tourist attractions.

In the Valencian community, the O3 decreased a lot because of quarantine and

people could not go out of their home’s. In Malaga because of having the same

rules as the Valencian Community in quarantine the O3 also decreased a lot.

I have been searching for information about the air quality in Marmaris but I

could not find anything reliable about it.


(Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles), (n.d). ECONOMÍA Y FUNCIONES

URBANAS: ¿Qué actividades económicas caracterizan a las ciudades?

Gobierno de España. https://www.ign.es/web/resources/recursoseducativos/economia-funcionesurbanas/Solucion_FuncionesUrbanas_Benidorm.pdf.


(Rodriguez-Rata. Aleix), (2018). Benidorm, de pueblo pesquero a Manhattan

mediterráneo. LA VANGUARDIA.





Ayuntamiento de las Palmas de Gran Canaria, (2023), El Ayuntamiento participa

en el Congreso Digital Tourist de Benidorm sobre turismo inteligente.

Ayuntamiento de las Palmas de Gran Canaria.



Molina .C, (2023), Barcelona, Málaga y Palma, tres visiones contrapuestas sobre

cómo abordar el turismo masivo de cruceros. Cinco dias.



Chislett. William, (2014). Spain’s flourishing tourism: the mainstay of the

economy. Real instituto elcano.



Hodgson. C, (2022). luxury tourism grows by 30% in Spain’s Malaga. The Olive

Press. https://www.theolivepress.es/spain-news/2022/11/27/luxurytourism-grows-by-30-in-spains-malaga/


Hwb,(n.d), Impacts of Tourism. Hwb.


09648421cc61/Section7-ImpactsofTourism.pdf (24/5/23)


İhlas Haber Ajansı, (2023), Marmaris'in duayen turizmcisi hayata veda etti.

Haberler.com. https://www.haberler.com/yerel/marmaris-in-duayenturizmcisi-hayata-veda-etti-15994305-haberi/


Marmaris Town, (2023). General Information About Marmaris – Getting to Know

Marmaris. Marmaristown. https://marmaristown.com/aboutmarmaris/#:~:text=With%20its%20surroundings%2C%20long%20coastli

ne,navigate%2C%20press%20the%20arrow%20keys. (18/5/23)

Miguel Ángel Ceballos ,(2022), La calidad del aire en el Estado español durante

2021. Ecologistas en Acción. https://www.ecologistasenaccion.org/wpcontent/uploads/2022/06/informe-calidad-aire-2021.pdf



IMPACT. do something.org https://www.dosomething.org/us/articles/5-


conomy%2C%20culture%2C%20and%20community. (24/5/23)

Open4Business Malaga, (n.d). BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT. Ayuntamiento de

Málaga. https://openforbusiness.malaga.eu/en/economicdata/#.ZFJDcD1Bzrc


Research leap, (2022), The Impact of Tourism Development on the Local

Communities. Research leap. https://researchleap.com/the-impact-oftourism-development-on-the-local-communities-innamibia/#:~:text=The%20impacts%20of%20tourism%20on,as%20teleco

mmunications%20and%20banking%20services. (24/5/23)

Westcott. M and Anderson. W, (n.d). Impacts of Tourism. BCcampus Open

Publishing. https://opentextbc.ca/introtourism2e/chapter/1-x-impacts-oftourism/#:~:text=Tourism%20can%20generate%20positive%20or,%2C%2

0governments%2C%20and%20industry%20organizations. (23/5/23)


What is Environmental Protection, why is it

important and how we should take care of it.









Biological References



My conclusion for this topic I have chosen are easily described as poor environment

in each country that should be improved to live longer healthier lives and appreciate

the surrounding around as and all the living organisms. There are many similar

problems Moldova, Switzerland and China have in common such as air pollution and

water pollution which is very important. Many living organisms and humans have

died because of poor environmental protection which is not ok. Climate changes and

natural disasters are mentioned in each country's information as it’s a huge problem

which damages the earth and living organisms. There are environmental problems

such as cutting trees, which produce oxygen, as well as recycling and wasting into

the seas and oceans and trash just everywhere. Huge problem right now is global

warming which is extremely dangerous and harms our environment and us.

All those environmental problems are harmful to the environment and living

organisms, if people would appreciate environment better and take care of it by

simple and easy ways to help then it would be better for our earth and for us and

others, just by recycling or not buying plastic bags can change everything and

decrease water pollution and air pollution etc and make it extinct, which will take a

long time but if not well worst for our environment.

In conclusion, people should take care of our environment and make serious

decisions about changing it to a better environment.

The severity of effects caused by climate changes will depend on the path of future

human activities. More greenhouse gas emissions will lead to more climate extremes

and widespread damaging effects across our planet. However, those future effects

depend on the total amount of carbon dioxide we emit. So, if we can reduce

emissions, we may avoid some of the worst effects, agreed by NASA,


·Environmental protection·Natural disasters·Water pollution·Protect·Air pollution

·Climate·Moldova·Research·Switzerland·Effects·China·World hunger·Living

organisms·Animal and plant cruelty·Earth·Resources·Humans·Biodiversity



Мой вывод по выбранной мною теме легко охарактеризовать как плохую

окружающую среду в каждой стране, которую следует улучшать, чтобы прожить

более здоровую жизнь и ценить окружающее как и все живые организмы. У

Молдовы, Швейцарии и Китая много общих проблем, таких как загрязнение

воздуха и воды, что очень важно. Многие живые организмы и люди погибли изза

плохой защиты окружающей среды, что недопустимо. Климатические

изменения и стихийные бедствия упоминаются в информации каждой страны,

поскольку это огромная проблема, которая наносит ущерб земле и живым

организмам. Существуют экологические проблемы, такие как вырубка

деревьев, которые производят кислород, а также переработка и отходы в моря

и океаны и мусор повсюду. Огромной проблемой сейчас является глобальное

потепление, которое очень при очень опасно и наносит вред окружающей

среде и нам.

Все эти экологические проблемы вредны для окружающей среды и живых

организмов, если бы люди лучше ценили окружающую среду и заботились о

ней простыми и легкими способами помощи, тогда было бы лучше и для нашей

земли, и для нас, и для других. Покупка пластиковых пакетов может изменить

все и уменьшить загрязнение воды и воздуха и т. д. и сделать эту проблему

очень редкой, что займет много времени, но если мы не начнем то хуже

для нашей окружающей среды.

В заключение, люди должны заботиться об окружающей среде и принимать

серьезные решения по ее изменению в лучшую сторону.

результаты последствий, вызванных изменениями климата, будет зависеть от

направления будущей деятельности людей. Увеличение выбросов парниковых

газов приведет к увеличению экстремальных климатических явлений и

широкомасштабным разрушительным последствиям на нашей планете. Однако

эти будущие эффекты зависят от общего количества углекислого газа, который

мы выбрасываем. Таким образом, если мы сможем сократить выбросы, мы

сможем избежать некоторых из худших последствий, по мнению НАСА,


глобального изменения климата (2023 г.).


·Защита окружающей среды ·Стихийные бедствия·Загрязнение воды

·Защитить· Загрязнение воздуха ·Климат·Молдова·Исследования·Швейцария

·Эффекты· Китай· Мировой голод·Живые организмы·Жестокое обращение с

животными и растениями· Земля·Ресурсы·Люди·Биоразнообразие



In this research I am going to talk about what is the environment, why environmental

protection is important, environment in Moldova, environment in Switzerland,

environment in China, how to protect our environment, summary, резюме, graphs,

biological references, conclusions, and methodology. All this information given will

tell what environmental protection actually is and how it is in some countries to find

main problems of environmental protection or their similarities in those countries. In

conclusion of my introduction I would like to say that the environment is very

important and we should take care of it and learn about it more as you are going to

find further about environmental protection by reading my research.


My aim was to describe what environmental protection is and why it is so important

and how it affects our world. As well as choosing it because of my aims I also chose

it, as these problems and matter are very rare to be talked about.

Most of the time I used quantitative data research as the process of collecting and

analyzing information but I used qualitative data for my two graphs I used for my

research so I used both which means my research is mixed. I collected my

information by reading many sites, summarizing it and adding to my research


The data was collected through the internet and I would find reliable sites or other

sources of information I found reading the information and compared with other

sources to see if they are reliable. To make sure they are reliable I read them

through to make sure it makes sense and understand myself what I have read. If I

didn’t feel like it makes sense, I would just read the information from many sources

of information and write about it myself and then find someone who’s research is

similar to mine. I could agree as they are more or less the same. As I already said

the data was analyzed by finding similar and reliable information.

Explanation of graphs:

·In the first graph we can see that it is used to show China’s energy consumption


and as we can see it is very high

·The second graph made by me is used to show water sources in China from 1960

to 2020 and as we can see there is very little of the resources left of water.


Environment can be described as all the living and non-living elements and their

effects that influence human life and their own. While all living organisms are

animals, plants, forests, underwater animals, and birds, non-living or elements

include water, land, sunlight, rocks, and air. In conclusion, environmental protection

is the protection of all living organisms and needed resources from environmental

problems such as air pollution, water shortage, world hunger, danger to the planet,

natural disasters…

In conclusion, environmental protection is very important for the health and wellbeing

of both humans and the natural world. It involves protecting and preserving the

natural environment and its resources for the benefit of current and our future.

Hamilton and Macintosh (2008) confirmed this by writing Environmental protection

can be defined as the prevention of unwanted changes to ecosystems and their

constituent parts.


Environmental protection is very important because we consider other living

organisms and our planet beings. By doing simple and easy tasks we can save

many living organisms' lives and World hunger, Cruelty to animals or Water shortage

would no longer need to exist. So in faster saying we need environmental protection

is two saves lives, conserve resources and make sure it doesn't harm our

environment, protect animals, prevent natural disasters, have a better and cleaner

environment to live in and solve environmental problems such as air pollution, Soil

erosion, the water shortage, the Plastic waste in the environment, climate change…

In conclusion, Environmental conservation enables nature to get on with the job of


keeping us and the planet healthy. Conserving the environment is extremely

important because a lot of environmental degradation is very dangerous or will take

hundreds of years to fix and harm humans and animals.

This was confirmed by Christopher Schulz(2020) when writing Environmental

protection means consideration for other living beings. Not only for animals and

plants, but also for other people. By paying attention to world hunger, Cruelty to

animals or Water shortage would no longer need to exist today if everyone acted



Recycle-One of the most important part as it helps to reduce the need for landfill and

forms of disposal. People should organize their rubbish to then recycle in needed


Volunteering- Volunteering on helping clean up places with rubbish such as parks,

roads, near sea areas etc. It is very important to leave our community clean for

ourselves and other human organisms.

Educate- Show and teach the surrounding that environmental protection is very

important for our earth to live a longer life with cleanier planet we are on and help

understand the importance of natural resources.

Shop wisely- Buy less plastic and unnecessary items and come with your own

shopping back.

Plant plants-Trees provide food and oxygen which we cannot live without. Try as well

to use paper and books wisely so we can re-use them without making new ones and

killing thousands and thousands of trees.

Bike or walk more- Cars produce toxic chemicals which harm our environment.

In conclusion, we should take good care of our environment and take this as a

serious matter because it is the future of our planet and the harm it will do to us and

other living organisms.



Moldova while failure to adequately manage natural capital will result in increasing

costs of substituting the services it provides: Reducing air pollution will make people

healthier: Currently, welfare costs associated with air pollution by fine particles

(PM2.5) represent about 6.5% of GDP equivalent in Moldova, compared to 3.8% on

average in the EU. The mean exposure to PM2.5 by Moldova’s population largely

exceeds the WHO guideline (17 vs 10 μg/m3 ). One of the main sources of air

pollution is transport. A less wasteful, more resource-efficient approach will make the

economy more competitive: The current economic model of Moldova relies on the

service sector (61%), with an important share of agriculture (13%, compared to 2.4%

in the EU), which accounts for 32% of employment. Despite some improvements,

Moldova’s CO2 and energy productivity remains one of the lowest among the EaP

countries and well below the EU level. Greening will provide new employment and

economic growth opportunities: Despite strong growth in GDP per capita and some

progress in reducing poverty

Eu4 environment(2019-2020).

Moldova is highly vulnerable to climate change and related disasters, with an

average annual economic loss of 2.13% GDP. The country’s unique biodiversity is

currently threatened by climate change, habitat fragmentation and over-exploitation.

The conservation of the Prut river wetland, and supporting the efficient management

of the protected areas is an important milestone to reverse the biodiversity loss and

ensure livelihoods wellbeing. Moldova is still highly dependent on external energy

sources. While there is a decrease in the country’s energy intensity, it is still higher

than the average energy intensity in the EU countries by 29%.

The result of worldwide implementation of the strategy would be a reduction in

annual PM2.5 and black carbon emissions from on-road vehicles by over 85%,

resulting in 100,000/yr fewer premature deaths in 2030, mobilizing cities and

individuals to take action on air pollution to protect our health and the planet.

air pollutant emissions inventories, which has allowed it to prioritize emissions

reductions from key sectors, like transportation, and improved its reporting to the


Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution. This work is paving the

way for informed policy making, improved emission reduction strategies, and the

ability to track the effectiveness of these activities.

It’s a clear sign that Moldova takes the threats of climate change, biodiversity loss

and pollution seriously, and is determined to turn these problems into opportunities.

The EU LIFE Programme is there to help make Moldova’s environmental protection

better - cutting dependencies, cutting pollution, improving our health and preparing

our economies for the future. It’s also an opportunity for the people of Moldova, for

private and civil society organisations to receive support for their action on climate,

biodiversity protection, circular economy and clean energy transition.

European commission(2022)

In conclusion, Moldova has shown that Moldova's soil and climate have made the

country one of the most intensive agricultural regions, consequently putting

significant pressure on the environment because of soil erosion, water pollution,

waste associated with food…


The food cycle, housing, mobility and consumption of all kinds use up natural

resources and have an impact on the environment. In order to preserve vital natural

resources for future generations, the Confederation provides incentives for

innovative and sustainable products and informs the population about

environmentally sustainable behaviour. It pursues an environmental policy geared

towards resource-saving, climate-friendly and sustainable technologies and

solutions. As closed cycles are becoming increasingly important for aluminium, PET,

glass, concrete and other materials, ever more companies and individuals are

repairing products or replacing components to extend their service life and relying on

locally generated renewable energy instead of fossil fuels. Clean and resourceefficient

solutions pay off in three ways: they increase the security of supply, reduce

environmental and health impacts, and strengthen the competitiveness of our

economy in the fast-growing global cleantech market. That is why Switzerland's

public sector is increasingly requiring environmentally friendly and resource-saving


products in its procurement processes.

The focus is on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which are the main cause of

the climate-warming greenhouse effect.Biodiversity is necessary for human life and

economic activity, shapes a country's cultural identity, and has a positive impact on

people's health and well-being. We depend on biodiversity for food, medicine and

other products as well as the leisure and tourism industry.vehicles and combustion

engine-driven machinery have also had a positive impact on air quality. Measures to

reduce emissions have resulted in a 50% decline in particulate matter concentrations

over the last 20 years. Soil is a limited and non-renewable resource with great

ecological and economic value, unfortunately, Switzerland's soils are also subject to

continuous degradation caused by construction activities, erosion, compaction and

pollution. Switzerland's landscapes are a major reason for its high quality of life.

Switzerland has many initiatives in place to reduce the environmental impact of their

citizens. Although many other European countries take part in environmental

preservation, Switzerland stands a cut above the rest because of their strict

regulations. As a small but wealthy nation, Switzerland also has more resources and

support to dedicate to their environmental initiatives.

The momentum(2022).

In conclusion Switzerland's most problematic environmental concerns are water

pollution, air pollution, and soil degradation.


The climate crisis is accelerating at a pace like never before. From deforestation and

droughts to air and plastic pollution, these are just several factors that are

exacerbating climate change and its consequences are felt everywhere in the world.

China is certainly not spared by the effects of global warming and is experiencing

more frequent natural disasters, which lead to destruction, great human suffering,

and biodiversity loss. As of 2021, the economic superpower is ranked fourth in the

world among countries with the most natural disasters worldwide. On track to

becoming the world’s largest economy, China’s extremely rapid industrial expansion


in recent decades has also contributed to record levels of air and water pollution.

Here are five of the most worrisome environmental issues in China.

First on the list of environmental issues in China is air pollution. The country’s poor

air quality is not exactly news and the quality of air has progressively deteriorated.

Estimated to cause an average of 1.2 million premature deaths every year, China’s

poor air quality is primarily attributed to the rapid economic expansion the country

experienced since 1979, which resulted in a drastic increase in coal-powered

industrial production and electricity demand, as well as an exponential rise in private

vehicles. Based on this, it is clear that in China, the water you drink is as dangerous

as the air you breathe.

Besides pollution, water availability in China is also among the most worrisome

environmental issues in China. It is exacerbated by the climate crisis, the effects of

which considerably diminish the country’s accessible water resources, triggering

severe shortages. Despite being home to almost 20% of the global population, China

has only 6% of the world’s total freshwater resources.

Plastic pollution is not surprisingly also among the most pressing environmental

issues in China. This problem has long plagued China largely thanks to the fact that

the country is the world’s largest producer and consumer of plastics. Home to onethird

of the world’s single-use plastic production facilities, in 2020 alone China

produced about 60 million tonnes of plastic waste. However, on average, only about

17% is recycled in some shape or form.

Last on our list of environmental issues in China is biodiversity loss. As a

consequence of nature degradation and increased pollution from human activities,

the country is threatening the survival of thousands of animal and plant species.



High on the list of environmental issues in China is water pollution. As much as 90%

of the country’s groundwater is contaminated by toxic human and industrial waste

dumping, as well as farm fertilisers, causing about 70% of rivers and lakes to be

unsafe for human use. Nearly half of the population does not have access to water

that is safe for human consumption, while two-thirds of the rural population has to

rely on tainted water due to a lack of adequate systems to treat wastewater.

Last on our list of environmental issues in China is biodiversity loss. As a

consequence of nature degradation and increased pollution from human activities,

the country is threatening the survival of thousands of animal and plant species.

China takes advantages to make environment better that would allow China to turn


the climate problems into an opportunity: increasing returns on the production and

development of low-carbon technologies such as wind and electricity storage; a high

domestic savings rate and a leadership position in green finance; and the ability to

create high-skilled jobs in high-productivity industries. China already has an

estimated 54 million “green jobs”, with over 4 million jobs in renewable energy. China

has also announced that it will no longer build coal-fired power plants abroad and will

step up support for other countries in developing green and low-carbon energy.



In the widest sense it concerns the protection of the natural environment by

individuals, organisations and governments. The “environment” means the physical

surroundings common to all of us including air, space, water, land, plants, and

wildlife - as well as that of future generations.Environment is any activity to maintain

or restore the quality of environmental through preventing the emission of pollutants

or reducing the presence of polluting substances in environment.

Environment is important because it enables nature to get on with the job of keeping

us and the planet healthy. Conserving the environment is extremely important

because a lot of environmental degradation is very dangerous or will take hundreds

of years to fix and harm humans and animals.

We should take good care of our environment and take this as a serious matter

because it is the future of our planet and the harm it will do to us and other living

organisms. We can take care of it by recycling, volunteering, educating, saving

resources, not harming our environment, shopping wisely and using electric cars or

bikes instead of fuel cars.

In conclusion, environmental issues in China are water pollution. The country's

groundwater is contaminated by toxic human and industrial waste dumping, causing

about 70% of rivers and lakes to be unsafe for human use.



Hamilton.C. and Macintosh. A. (2008).Environmental Protection and Ecology.

ScienceDirect. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/earth-and-planetarysciences/environmental-protection.


Schulz.C(2020).10 reasons why environmental protection is so important.Care



EU4 environment(2019-2020).A partnership for green development in

2020.pdf (10/05/2023).

Undp(2023)Climate change, environment and energy.

https://www.undp.org/moldova/climate-change-environment-energy (10/05/2023).

houseofswitzerland(2020). Key aspects of environmental protection in Switzerland.




ccacoalition(2023). Moldova - National Planning on short-lived climate pollutants.



Martina.I(2023). Top 5 Environmental Issues in China in 2023. earth.


%20disasters%20worldwide (15/05/2023).

Noa.A(2021). Ten Simple Things You Can Do to Help Protect the Earth. Ocean

service. https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/ocean/earthday.html (18/05/2023).

NASA(2023). The effects of climate change. Global climate change.

https://climate.nasa.gov/effects/ (19/05/2023).


European commission(2022) Moldova joins the LIFE programme for environment

and climate. https://environment.ec.europa.eu/news/moldova-joins-life-programmeenvironment-and-climate-2022-11-28_en


The momentum(2022) Why Switzerland is a highly rated eco-friendly travel

destination. https://www.themomentum.com/articles/why-switzerland-is-a-highlyrated-eco-friendly-travel-destination


The World bank(2022) China’s Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy and Climate

Resilience Needs Shifts in Resources and Technologies.


%20low%2Dcarbon%20energy. (22/05/2023).

Studocu(2023) Environmental Conservation. https://www.studocu.com/en-


conservation/environmental-conservation-conclusion/41816505 (29/05/2023).

StudyMalaysia (2018) What is environmental protection all about


us%20to%20humans%20and%20animals. (29/05/2023).

Holmes.S (2021) Concurrences. Environmental Protection.




O. M.

What makes Benidorm, Barcelona and Bangkok a

big tourist destination?



SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................... 19

RESUMEN .......................................................................................................................... 19

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 19

METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................... 20

ANALYSIS .......................................................................................................................... 20

How many people come to Benidorm in a year? ........................................................... 20

How many people come to Barcelona in a year ? .......................................................... 21

How many people come to Bangkok in a year ? ............................................................ 21

What is the impact of tourism in Benidorm ? ................................................................. 21

What is the impact of tourism in Barcelona ? ................................................................. 22

What is the impact of tourism in Bangkok ? ................................................................... 22

Why is Benidorm a tourist destination?.......................................................................... 22

Why is Barcelona a tourist destination? ......................................................................... 23

Why is Bangkok a tourist destination? ........................................................................... 23

How does Benidorm deal with tourism ? ........................................................................ 24

How does Barcelona deal with tourism ? ....................................................................... 24

How does Bangkok deal with tourism ? ......................................................................... 25

CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................... 25

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES ................................................................................. 26



Tourism is present in every place and it brings with it positive and negative impacts

on the place's economics and environment. There is a lot of tourism in big cities and

the capital of the countries. In some places they create activities for tourists so that

they have more tourism and win more money.

Keywords: Tourism, Benidorm, Barcelona, Bangkok


El turismo está presente en todos los lugares y trae consigo impactos positivos y

negativos en la economía y el medio ambiente del lugar. Hay mucho turismo en las

grandes ciudades y en las capitales de los países. En algunos lugares se crean

actividades para los turistas con el fin de tener más turismo y ganar más dinero.

Palabras clave: Turismo, Benidorm, Barcelona, Bangkok,



I chose this topic because where I live and nearby places have a lot of tourism. I

think it's important because some count¡ries live from tourism.


In order to find the information I have used the internet and to get the information I

have used the following keywords: Tourism, Benidorm, Barcelona, Bangkok. I chose

the sources that answered my question or helped me answer it. In order to check if

they were trustable I searched the publisher or author to see if the person really

exists and works on that topic.

I used a mixed method of analysis, including Qualitative in most of the questions and

Quantitative in all of them.


How many people come to Benidorm in a year?

In 2022 the population in Benidorm was about 70 thousand people but during

summer the population increased up to 12 times up to 1 million people.

(WTG Spain7, 2022).

Around 20 million people visit Benidorm during the year. Most of them come from

England and places in the north.

( Big7Travel, n.d).


How many people come to Barcelona in a year ?

In Barcelona there are 32 million annual tourists and from that 32 million people

about half are day trippers. (Responsible Travel, n.d. ).

About 3 million people visit Barcelona during the summer with over 5,438,000

overnight stays.Most of them come from the United States. (Ajuntament de

Barcelona, 2022)

How many people come to Bangkok in a year ?

In 2023 Bangkok welcomed 21.2 million visitors and has also been ranked the most

visited city 5 times. During the first half of 2023 tourism has increased from 2020-

2023. Most of the tourists come from China, Malaysia, Japan and Russia. (Reeler,


In 2019 Thailand was welcoming 22.7 million visitors and Bangkok was the place

where most of those visitors went. (Talty, 2019)

What is the impact of tourism in Benidorm ?

Tourism has mainly negative impacts on Benidorm's environment.However when

these Negative impacts reached the point when tourism was beginning to decline,

the authorities took action and started investing money to help the environment.

(Simon,n.d.).Today Benidorm contributes 12% of Spain's gross national product

which means that the town's revenue is 17 million Euro every day of the year. That is

an incredible 702,802 Euro/hour.


What is the impact of tourism in Barcelona ?

The tourism sector is one of the main drivers of economic activity in Barcelona, with

150,000 direct and indirect jobs. It generates 8.6% of the city’s employment and is

the fourth-greatest wealth-creation activity, accounting for 7.3% of the GDP. 59.9%

of Barcelona’s local residents think that this city has reached the limit of its capacity

and the districts with the most visitors, Ciutat Vella and Gràcia, want less of them.

(Ortiz, 2019)

What is the impact of tourism in Bangkok ?

Positive effects of tourism: Visitors from around the world bring a lot of money into

the country. This money is spent on improving the country’s transport systems,

electricity supply and telecommunications. Tourism also provides jobs for locals and

helps promote Thai culture to the rest of the world. Negative effects of tourism:

Space is needed to build hotels, restaurants and shops.The natural environment is

destroyed for new developments, and to provide building materials. Noise and air

pollution are increasing and the amount of litter is growing. Tourism doesn’t just

create problems for the local people, it also affects wildlife. (Tigtag.n.d.)

Why is Benidorm a tourist destination?

Located in the Marina Baixa region in Alicante, Benidorm is one of the top tourist

destinations on the Costa Blanca, thanks to its excellent beaches and its wide range

of accommodation, restaurants and leisure activities.

Benidorm offers a whole range of possibilities: from strolling along the seafront

promenade or swimming in the sea, to enjoying a range of water sports or taking a

boat trip to the island of Benidorm. …Not to mention the various local festivities, and

its mouth-watering cuisine featuring rice and fish as its star ingredients.

(Spain info.n.d.)


Why is Barcelona a tourist destination?

Barcelona is a beautiful city on the coast of northeastern Spain. Every year, more

than 27 million visitors come to the city to enjoy its culture, magnificent architecture,

beaches, and world-renowned athletic events. (Rokou. 2022)

Barcelona is famous for its outstanding football team, stunning architecture, lively

nightlife, sandy beaches, and world-class cuisine. Not to mention a vibrant cultural

heritage anIntroduction

I chose this topic because where I live and nearby places have a lot of tourism. I

think it's important because some count¡ries live from tourism.

d colourful neighbourhood festivals that attract visitors from around the world.

(Barcelona Lowdown.n.d.)

It has a wide range of great restaurants, cultural and leisure activities, as well as a

wide variety of hotels and an ideal climate. (Ajuntament de Barcelona, n.d.)

Why is Bangkok a tourist destination?

Thailand has a high reputation for spicy food, Buddhist temples and shopping.


Uma Puacksumran, a former flight attendant and Bangkok local, has traveled to fifty

countries across five continents. Puacksumran has visited dozens of cities, yet

Bangkok has always stood out to her as the best holiday destination. Here are five

reasons why Bangkok has a reputation for being one of the world's top tourist

destinations, according to Puacksumran:

1. Bangkok is one of the world's most affordable major cities for tourists to visit.

2. Bangkok is a modern, bustling city, yet rich with culture and tradition.

3. Bangkok's food scene is one of the most vibrant and diverse in the world.

4. Bangkok is Asia's party capital.

5. There's something to do in Bangkok at all hours of the day.

(Descalzota. 2022)

As a type of tourism in Thailand with a comparatively long adventure elephant riding

history many new dimensions of adventure tourism have recently emerged in


Thailand. Various kinds of adventure on water, land, and air can be enjoyed in

Thailand. This involves exploration of exotic locales and remote areas and engaging

in various adventurous activities. (Sharafuddin,n.d.)

How does Benidorm deal with tourism ?

The beaches of Benidorm already have the 'S' mark for Tourism Sustainability, a

badge recently created by the Institute for Spanish Tourism Quality (ICTE) to

guarantee compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) regarding

the management and provision of tourists services, in this case of the

beaches.(Benidorm.org, 2023)

Being a very popular place among local and international visitors, Benidorm pays

special attention to accessibility, mobility and sustainability of the city, by protecting

the natural environment and creating various projects related to intelligent tourism.

( Nawatzki, n.d.)

How does Barcelona deal with tourism ?

Authorities in Barcelona have introduced new measures to tackle problems with

large tour groups in one of Spain’s most popular destinations. The latest rules will

see noise restrictions, number caps and one-way systems for tours in the historic

centre including around Antoni Gaudí’s Casa Battló and FC Barcelona’s Camp

Nou.(Hughes. 2022)

Some destinations which have been hugely impacted by overtourism have taken

drastic measures to curb overtourism, from segregating tourists and residents, to

tightly controlling visitor numbers. Barcelona, however, is targeting accommodation.

The local government is not currently issuing any new licences for tourist

accommodation, and new regulations have been introduced to reduce the number of

short term private lets, which would effectively prevent these from being used by

tourists. (Brown.n.d.)


How does Bangkok deal with tourism ?

As Thailand is facing increasing competition from neighboring countries such as

Vietnam and Myanmar, the Thai government has made visa procedures easier. For

Chinese and Indian visitors the Thai government introduced a six-month multiple

entry visa and reduced the visa-on-arrival charges. In addition, for visitors from 19

countries Thailand waived visa fees, while visitors from 52 countries, including the

Netherlands, can stay up to 30 days in Thailand when entering via an international

airport. (Netherlands Embassy in Bangkok, 2017)


Benidorm, Barcelona and Bangkok are big tourist destinations because they have

quite a lot of activities to do. In these places they create activities for tourists so that

they have more tourism and win more money.



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Watts, Maxwell, Jake. (2013). Why Bangkok is the world’s number one tourist

Talty Alexandra. (2019). Bangkok Is The Most Visited City In The

World...Again. Forbes.


Tigtag.(n.d.). Tourism in Thailand. Tigtag.





WTG Spain (2022).Benidorm - the Spanish Las Vegas, that never sleeps.

WTG Spain.















What is a pandemic?............................................................................................4

What is covid-19?.................................................................................................5

Why is it dangerous?.............................................................................................5

What is tourism?...................................................................................................5

Why is tourism important?.................................................................................6

Is tourism important in Benidorm?.......................................................................7

Is tourism important in Torremolinos?.................................................................7

Is tourism important in Los Angeles?...................................................................8

How was tourism during the COVID pandemic?.................................................8





This work talks about tourism in the Covid era in Benidorm, Torremolinos and Los Angeles.

During this research I answer questions such as: What is tourism, what is covid, how does

covid impact tourism...

Keywords: Tourism, Covid, Pandemic, Dangerous, Benidorm, Torremolinos, Los Angeles.


En este trabajo hablo sobre el turismo en la epoca de covid en Benidorm, Torremolinos y Los

Angles. Durante este trabajo respondo a preguntas como: Qué es el turismo, Que es el covid,

cómo impacta el covid en el turismo…

Palabras clave: Turismo, Covid, Pandemia, Peligroso, Benidorm, Torremolinos, Los




I picked this topic because I think tourism is very important nowadays. It helps the economy,

lets us learn about different cultures, and makes the whole world come together. When people

from different places visit each other, they can share their ideas and traditions. It's all about

being respectful and understanding each other. Tourism connects people and makes them

forget about stereotypes. The main goal is to make the world more open and connected.

In this article we can find information about how Benidorm has recovered tourism in a such a

short time (Reinosa, 2021)


To make this work, I first searched for terms like "tourism," "covid," "pandemic,"

"dangerous," "Benidorm," "Torremolinos," and "Los Angeles" in Google. Then I started

looking at several publications and websites, and I compared the data to various sources of

information to determine its reliability. I made sure to include reliable news sources, official

websites, and scientific publications in my search. By comparing the data with many sources,

I was able to spot any incorrect or biased information and concentrate on the reliable sources.

This work has conducted a mixed methodology. I used quantitative research in questions 5

and 9 because it was easier to find information in graphs instead of texts. I used qualitative

research in the rest of the questions because I coudn’t find any graph to explain it.


1) What is a pandemic?

A pandemic is a global spread of a new disease. When a disease is only spreaded in a specific

region, it is called an outbreak. If the disease is spreading rapidly and it's difficult to control,

it is normally called epidemic. If the disease is spread across all countries or continents, it is

called a pandemic. Throughout history, we have passed through several influenza pandemics.

These pandemics usually emerge from animal influenza viruses and differ from the seasonal

flu. One important distinction is that most individuals do not possess immunity against a


pandemic influenza virus, even if they have had a previous encounter with seasonal flu or

received a seasonal flu vaccine. (Torrey, 2022; Health direct, 2022)

2) What is covid-19?

Coronavirus Disease 2019, also known as COVID-19, is a severe respiratory illness caused

by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. It was initially identified in Wuhan, China, in December

2019, and after fast spreading to other countries, it became a worldwide pandemic.

Although COVID-19 symptoms might vary, frequent ones include fever, cough, breathing

problems, tiredness, body aches, sore throats, and a loss of taste or smell. In extreme cases

could result in organ damage and pneumonia. When an infected individual coughs, sneezes,

talks, or breathes, respiratory droplets are produced and normally it spreads the virus.

It can also spread when contaminated surfaces are touched and then the face is

touched.(World health organization, n.d; Hopkinsmedicine, 2022)

3) Why is it dangerous?

COVID 19 is dangerous because it is a virus that humans didn't experiment before,

which means that no one has developed an immunity to it. Furthermore, this virus

primarily affects the upper respiratory system and is extremely contagious, exactly

like the flu. It is a very dangerous virus as a result of these factors.

It's important to pay attention to any symptoms that may appear in the key days four

to six after obtaining the virus. Older people or those who already have illnesses like

high blood pressure, obesity, asthma, or diabetes may face worsening lung-related

symptoms during this time. So, throughout this period, it's really important to pay

special notice to any changes in your body. (Ucihealth, 2020; Mayoclinic, 2022)

4) What is tourism?

Tourism refers to people making personal or professional trips outside of their native area.

There may be relations between travelers and the areas they visit on a social, economic, and

cultural level when people travel. Visitors may be locals or non-locals of the destination, and

they can be categorized as tourists or excursionists. Domestic Travel Activities associated


with travel include sightseeing, entertainment, and cross-cultural interactions. Spending

money on things like hotels, transportation, and other goods and services is another regular

aspect of it.

There are various forms of tourism:

● Domestic Travel

● Inbound travel

● Outbound Travel (unwto, n.d; Henleyco, n.d)

5) Why is tourism important?

For poor nations and emerging economies, tourism offers enormous advantages. It

supports the growth of the regional economy, opens up job possibilities, and helps in

the development of essential facilities. Additionally, tourism may significantly

contribute to the preservation of cultural traditions, natural surroundings, and cultural

assets while also lowering poverty and inequality.

Among the benefits of tourism are:

● Growth in the economy

● The expansion of a nation,

● Employment creation

Fusion of many societies


(Unwto, n.d)

In this graph we can see the decline of tourism in 2020. Tourism decreased

significantly from February to April. January had the highest amount of tourism while

April had the least. Tourist arrivals decreased by 74%, resulting in a loss of 1 billion

international tourist arrivals and a loss of 1.3 billion euros. Also, the dropping of

income increased 11 times.

6) Is tourism important in Benidorm?

On the Costa Blanca, Benidorm is a well-known tourist destination in Alicante, Spain.

It attracts tourists all year round because of its many sand beaches, clear waters, and

comfortable temperature. The town also offers a great collection of luxuries and

tourist destinations, which now has aided it gain popularity as a vacation destination.

It is not unusual that ten million people travel each year to Benidorm to enjoy the

city's numerous accommodations and attractions. (Spain info, 2020; Enjoy travel,


7) Is tourism important in Torremolinos?

Torremolinos is a very popular tourist destination known worldwide for its beautiful

location on the Costa del Sol. It is now an internationally recognized and known

tourist destination. The city has a total size of 20 square kilometers and it is simple to

get there by A7 road. Its location is ideal for visitors since it is just eight kilometers


from Málaga airport. Furthermore Torremolinos is situated only 14 kilometers from

Malaga city and you can go to places by Renfe. (Investincities, n.d; Spainguides,


8) Is tourism important in Los Angeles?

Los Angeles is a popular vacation spot and a well-known tourism destination. The

city got more than 50 million tourists in 2019 alone. Over a fifth of these visitors were

international visitors. In 2018, visitors spended over $24.6 billion during their short

time in Los Angeles. This highlights how, in addition to being a popular domestic

tourist destination, Los Angeles also attracts people from all over the world, who

contribute greatly to the city's economy. (Tlg, n.d; Bg, 2023)

9) How was tourism during the COVID pandemic?



In this graph we can see the cancellation of hotels in 2020. Tourism decreased so hotel demand also.

The week 24/3 had the highest number of cancellations while the week 11/2 had the least. The alarm

state increases the percentage of cancellations, with the largest volume being grouped together due to

the announcement of the mandatory closure of tourist establishments.


Evolution of travelers staying in hotel establishments in Andalucía

(Jda, n.d)

(The information in this graphs are not of Torremolinos because I didn’t find good information)

In the month of July, nearly 2,000 hotel establishments were open in Andalucia, a 27.6% decrease

compared to the previous year. The impact on the hotel staff was even greater, with a decrease of


On the other hand, in rural tourism accommodations, which are a minority type and have been less

affected by the COVID crisis, there is a significant increase in Spanish travelers, with a rise of 32.3%

in July compared to the previous year.

Evolution of travelers in rural tourism accommodation in Andalucía

(Jda, n.d)


Forecast number of visitors to Los Angeles in 2020 (in millions)

(Statista, n.d)

Los Angeles, California was estimated to account for only 29 million visitors in 2020. This

showed a decline of approximately 22 million visitors when compared to the pre-COVID-19

estimate of 51 million visitors.


In conclusion, a pandemic spreads globally, affecting all countries and continents. COVID-

19, a severe respiratory illness caused by the SARS-CoV-, quickly became a global

pandemic. Additionally, tourism benefits poor nations and emerging economies through

economic growth, job creation, infrastructure development, cultural preservation, and societal


I think tourism is very important all around the world. COVID-19 has made tourism go down

a lot, especially in 2021. But in 2022, it started getting better because travel restrictions were

reduced and the global economy was improving. But even though things are improving, the

tourism industry still has a lot of challenges to deal with. Such as…

Even though tourism is working again in 2022, there's still a worry about new variants and

the possibility of more covid waves. This makes people uncertain about traveling and affects

their confidence in going on international trips.



BMZ, (n.d). Economic significance of tourism. BMZ.


0creates,and%20wastewater%20management%2C%20for%20example. (10/5/2023)

Hopkinsmedicine, (2022). What is coronavirus?. Hopkinsmedicine.

https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus. (4/5/2023)

HT, (n,d). El impacto del coronavirus en Benidorm y sus mercados emisores. Hosteltur.

BG, (n,d). The Most Surprising Los Angeles Tourism Statistics And Trends in 2023. Blog

gitnux. https://blog.gitnux.com/los-angeles-tourismstatistics/#:~:text=Los%20Angeles%20is%20a%20popular,during%20their%20stay%20in%2

02018. (10/5/2023)

ET, (2021). The Things You Should Know About Benidorm. Enjoy Travel.


%20every%20year. (10/5/2023)

Health direct, (2022). What is a pandemic?. Health direct.



%20same%20as%20an%20epidemic. (4/5/2023)




IIC, (n.d). Torremolinos. Invest in cities.


,Sol%2C%20%E2%80%9CPioneer%20Destination%E2%80%9D. (10/5/2023)

JA, (n,d). Efectos del COVID en el turismo de Andalucía. Junta de Andalucía.



JTP, (2021). Advantages and Disadvantages of Tourism. JavaTPoint.

https://www.javatpoint.com/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-tourism. (10/3/2023)

MC, (2022). COVID-19: Who's at higher risk of serious symptoms?. Mayoclinic.



REINOSA A, (2023). Benidorm, segundo destino turístico más rápido en recuperarse de la

Covid: ¿cuáles son las claves?. De Alicante.



SG, (2021). Torremolinos travel guide. Spain guides. https://spainguides.com/topdestinations/torremolinos/#:~:text=Torremolinos%20is%20located%20in%20the,to%20sunn

y%20and%20cheap%20Spain. (10/5/2023)

SI, (2020). Tourism in Benidorm. Spain Info.




nd%20services. (10/5/2023)

Statista, (n,d). Forecast number of visitors to Los Angeles, California in the United States in

2020. Statista. https://www.statista.com/statistics/977116/number-of-tourists-los-angelescalifornia/.


THC, (n.d). Travel and tourism. The Henley

College.https://www.henleycol.ac.uk/media/2960/travel-and-tourism.pdf. (10/5/2023)

TLG, (n,d). Tourism master plan. Tourism lacity gov.



TORREY T, (2022). Epidemic vs. Pandemic: What Are the Differences?. Verywellhealth.



demic. (4/5/2023)

Ucihealth, (2020). Why is COVID-19 so dangerous?. Live well.


s. (10/5/2023)

UNWTO, (n.d). Glossary of tourism terms. UNWTO. https://www.unwto.org/glossarytourism-terms.


WHO, (n.d). Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). World Health Organization.

https://www.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus#tab=tab_1. (4/5/2023)




Author: RC




What is the economy like in Benidorm? 3

What is the percentage of tourists that go to Peru to visit Machu Picchu? 5

What do the tourists see that attracts them to go to Spain? 6

Is Benidorm growing as a tourist destination? 6

What are tourists looking for in Peru? 7

What are the future plans of Benidorm and Machu Picchu? 7





I’ve decided to write about tourism and its effects on the economies of the Costa Blanca, in

the rest of Spain and Machu Picchu, Peru.

I have been researching Benidorm’s economy, the proportion of visitors to Peru who visit

Machu Picchu, what draws people to Spain, whether Benidorm is becoming a more popular

tourist destination, what people look for in Peru, and what the future plans are for both

Benidorm and Peru (BMZ, n.d.).


He decidido escribir sobre el turismo y sus efectos en las economías de la Costa Blanca, en el

resto de España y Machu Picchu, Perú.

He estado investigando la economía de Benidorm, la proporción de visitantes de Perú que

visitan Machu Picchu, qué atrae a la gente a España, si Benidorm se está convirtiendo en un

destino turístico más popular, qué busca la gente en Perú y cuáles son los planes futuros para

ambos Benidorm. y Perú.



My parents suffered when the COVID-19 was here and they had to close their businesses,

therefore I picked tourism and the impact that it had on the economy.

For poor nations and emerging economies, tourism presents fantastic prospects. It boosts the

local economy, supports the construction of local infrastructure, generates jobs, protects the

environment, preserves cultural heritage, and fights poverty and inequality.


I’ve been looking up terms like Spain, Peru, economic impact, and tourism to Machu Picchu.

I selected them from among the many available websites based on their reliability. I’ve

noticed that it doesn’t have any grammar mistakes, doesn’t have an appealing title, and has

too many photographs.

I used the qualitative and quantitative approaches in my research, using the quantitative

approach for the graphs and the statistics on the number of tourists to Benidorm and Machu

Picchu. All of the questions have been answered using the qualitative methodology.


What is the economy like in Benidorm?

The majority of the businesses in Benidorm are tourism related to hotels, house rentals,

restaurants, bars, nightclubs. Modern and new structures provide information about current

developments and, consequently, about growth over the last few decades. There must be an

acceptable climate for this activity, with little rain and heat for several months, as seen by the

large number of people on the beach.

Similar to how the enormous number of tourists it receives as tourists indicates the need to

provide the city with good infrastructure to supply it, and treat the waste that is generated as

well as good means of communication (AGE, n.d.).


An example of how important tourism is for Benidorm’s economy can be found by analysing

the graph above, where it can be seen that since the crisis in Spain the companies have

increased. But when coronavirus arrived all the companies were affected more than others.

The ones that went worse were the restaurants and the hotels. A good example of how

important the tourism sector is in Benidorm can be found by checking the drop in the

numbers of companies registered from 5.600 to 5.490 during the Covid pandemic. This

shows that the coronavirus made a great impact in the Benidorm companies because although

tourism is a stable sector it can have problems if there are any sorts of pandemics or

something that stops tourists from entering Spain (Epdata, 2023).


What is the amount of tourists that go to Peru to visit Machu


The most visited tourist destination in Peru is Machu Picchu, one of the most famous

archeological sites in the entire world (Whitman, n.d.).

According to a forecast from Peru’s Ministry of Culture, the Inca citadel of Machu Picchi

anticipates seeing more than 1.111 million tourists this year. The ministry said that the

current visitor capacity per day is 3, 044 people. The number of visitors to all circuits and at

all times is included in this figure (Andina, 2022).

The number of tourists who visit Machu Picchu annually has increased by 700% since it was

discovered by Hiram Bingham in 1911, from a low of 10,000 in the 1980s to a peak of

approximately 1.2 ,million visits in 2013 (Whitman, n.d.).

Due to COVID-19, Machu Picchu remained closed to tourists until 2020. It didn’t start

operating until November of the same year, but it did so with few tourists and at odd hours to

abide with the health regulations in effect at the time. Due to the political situation that

constantly puts pressure on tourist services, there is currently a broad spectrum of



Tourists who do not visit Machu Picchu do not generate demand for guides, hotels,

restaurants, or other services, the income has been reduced by 100%. Everything moves

based on tourism (Romero, 2023).

What do the tourists see that attracts them to go to Spain?

Spain’s numerous regions make you feel like you’re traveling to several different countries in

one, which is one of the best reasons to go there. Some people not only speak Spanish, but

also their own native language.

One of the many reasons Spanish festivals are well-known is their extreme ubiquity. Every

town tends to host one distinctive festival throughout the year. While many of Spain’s

festivals have religious roots, some have evolved into wild celebrations rather than

sacramental ceremonies (Salihi, n.d.).

Spain’s extensive and varied history is reflected in its rich and diversified culture. Spain has a

diverse range of cultural attraction to suit every taste, from its ancient Romans and Moorish

influence to its modern artistic and literary movements (Spain Guides, n.d.).

Is Benidorm growing as a tourist destination?

Benidorm is located in the province of Alicante, it is a part of the Valencian Community and

is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea. It is 50 kilometers from Alicante and 140 kilometers

from Valencia.

With its privileged location, Benidorm benefits from a unique microclimate, as well as warm

winters and cool summers moderated by the marina. These features allow residents to enjoy

both the natural beauty and the emergence of a contemporary, comfortable city.

Due to its unique geomorphic configuration, the surrounding mountains shield it from wind

action that could change its pleasant climate (Ordónez, Rovira, n.d.).


What are tourists looking for in Peru?

The Incas, the greatest South America empire of all times, left behind an architectural and

cultural legacy in Peru that has made it a famous tourist destination.

Machu Picchu and the Incas are the most famous thing about Peru, there are loads of other

reasons to visit Peru. Peru is one of the largest countries in South America, Peru’s landscape

is diverse. The exotic Amazon Rainforest, which is home to native tribes and unusual fauna,

is located in the east (Lau, 2022).

What are the future plans of Benidorm and Machu Picchu?

Benidorm will surprise everyone with its future beaches in a less arid time thanks to a new

“green” renovation plan that includes, among others innovations, adding vegetated dunes to

its popular coastal area. In other municipal plans, there will also be decorative lighting, a

pathway of nativity, and a green zone next to Poniente.

Even if the goal of the dunes in the sand is to protect the beach from climatic changes and

address ecological concerns, it will undoubtedly serve as an additional incentive for the huge

number of tourists that travel to this location every year (Fernández, 2023).

In 2023, 2024, or any other time soon, Machu Picchu won’t be closed to visitors. No, the

ancient sanctuary of Machu Picchu in Peru, South America, is not closing, to put it simply.

While there have undoubtedly been a few brief closures as a result of unforeseen events, the

magnificent citadel will always remain open to the public (Kosloski, 2023).



In conclusion, Benidorm’s majority of businesses are related to hotels, house rentals and

restaurants. The weather conditions are extremely good, little rain and heat for several

months, as seen by the large number of people on the beach.

Benidorm has had an increase in companies since the crisis came but in 2021 when

coronavirus came. The number of companies decreased, they were mainly restaurants and


Machu Picchu is the most visited tourist destination and one of the most famous

archeological sites in the world. The number of tourists, which increases every year, has

happened since it was discovered by Hiram Bingham.

Both of these lovely places can be better. If both of them join their ideas it would be even

better. Benidorm hasn’t got as many historical resources as Machu Picchu has but Machu

Picchu hasn’t got for example the coast and the climate that Benidorm has.

I have learnt that although tourism is a stable sector it can have problems if there are

pandemics or something new that appears that can stop tourists from coming to visit Spain.



AGE. (n.d.). Economic activities that characterize cities. AGE. (10/05/2023).


Andina. (2022). Machu Picchu expects to receive over 1 million visitors in 2022. Andina.

BMZ. (n.d.). Tourism. BMZ. (7/06/2023).



Epdata. (2023). How many companies are there in Benidorm?. Epdata (25/05/2023).

(17/05/2023). https://andina.pe/ingles/noticia-peru-machu-picchu-expects-to-receiveover-1-million-visitors-in-2022-876636.aspx


Fernández, JL. (2023). This is how Benidorm and its beaches of the future will be. ABC C

Valenciana. (24/05/2023). https://www.abc.es/espana/comunidad-



Kosloski, D. (2023). Is Machu Picchu Closing Permanently?. Peru Travel Blog.

(24/05/2023). https://www.cachilife.com/machu-picchu-closing-permanently/

Lau, S. (29/04/2022). 13 Amazing Reasons to visit Peru. The Planet. (11/05/2023).


Ordónez, M, Rovira, Z. (n.d.). Benidorm, from the fishing rod to the umbrella. University of

Alicante. (17/05/2023). https://web.ua.es/es/giecryal/documentos/alumnos/benidormde-la-cana.pdf?noCache1310066024810

Romero, M. (2023). Machu Picchu What is the situation of the world and why does it

continue to be closed?. El Comercio. (25/05/2023). https://elcomercio.pe/peru/machu-



Spain Guides. (n.d.). Top Reasons to visit Spain. Spain Guides. (11/05/2023).

Salihi, B. (n.d.). 7 Reasons To Visit Spain At Least Once in Your Lifetime. Travel Triangle.

(17/05/2023). https://traveltriangle.com/blog/reasons-to-visitspain/#:~:text=Diverse%20Cultures,languages%2C%20in%20addition%20to%20Spa



Whitman, M. (n.d.). How many Tourists visit Machu Picchu annually. MMPG. (10/05/2023)




By Patlazhan I.


SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................... 2

ЗМІСТ ............................................................................................................................. 2

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 3

METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................ 3

ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................................... 4

What is the importance of religions? .......................................................................... 4

Why do we need to keep aware of religions? ............................................................. 5

Why are there so many people that stay apart from religions? ................................ 6

What conflicts do Judaism and Muslims have (have had)? ...................................... 7

Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 10

Bibliographical references ......................................................................................... 11



Religion has always been with us but not everyone is aware of the important role that

religions play in everyday life. In this article you would find answers to questions you

may have wondered about and how the government in some countries treats religions.

Keywords: religions, atheists, conflicts, constitution.


Релігія завжди була з нами, але не всі усвідомлюють важливу роль, яку вона

відіграє у повсякденному житті. У цій статті ви знайдете відповіді на питання, які

вас цікавлять, а також про те, як уряд деяких країн ставиться до релігій.

Ключові слова: релігії, атеїсти, конфлікти, конституція.



Religion is a theme which is discussed and known even from the ancient world. Many

conflicts today are based on religious disagreements and there are also disputes

between religious people. I chose this topic because I am raised in a religious family

and it is interesting to know and analyze things that are usually not discussed around

the family table. I know quite a lot about religious beliefs and the ancient world although

I was curious to dive into the details of religious concepts and what religions explain as


My topic is important and the article by Pressbooks (n.y.) also talks about the

importance of religions, conflicts that arise because of religions and much more.

Additionally, the article BBC (n.d.) explains and talks about war that appears because of

religious disagreements. This theme needs to be discussed and known because there

are more religious people than non-religious people, so there are disputes between

religions, to understand why this happens you need to know something about religions.


This article is relevant today for people who are interested to know something new

about religions. Here are discussed themes like why there are religious people and

atheists, conflicts because of religious disagreement, importance of religion and why

religions still occupy an important part of our lives.

For finding the information that I needed I used some specific words that relate to the

question that I made before starting the research to help sort information that I wanted

to talk about. I looked at such factors of small questions, subtopics and relevant

information which I could include in my research article.


I used a qualitative method to make my article. I looked at the information and based on

themes that I needed to use, I analyzed what I read from these articles and collected

relevant information in my research. When I chose what articles may be useful I put all

the data and links in the article and after that started to write the answers on the

questions based on information that I read.

Before putting the information from articles I checked their reliability. I carefully checked

the availability of grammar mistakes and quality pictures, the references which they

include and if the article was up-to-date.


What is the importance of religions?

Have you ever questioned how the world was made or what awaits us after death?

Well, in this case where scientists are powerless, religions can explain these. Religion

gives a purpose or meaning to live, understand how the world was produced and make

sense about things that cannot be explained by scientists. Also, religion enhances

social stability and unity.

People have common beliefs or even if they are different they can discuss or even

gather in some communities. In Judaism Torah or in christianity Bibliya teach moral

behavior, how to help others and be a good member of society. Knowledge of religions

may help with understanding yourself, moral peace and psychological well-being, how

to be satisfied with your life and what you have and explain the importance of home



What is important to biodiversity is that religion motivates people to work for positive

social change, reducing the environmental footprint. Religions are the foundation of

morals and beliefs, it helps shape us and determine what we see as right and wrong

and also lead you to follow the path of righteousness. (University of Minnesota, n.d.;

Targetstudy, 2018)

Why do we need to keep aware of religions?

If you read something about any religion you possibly understood that religion explains

how the world, environment and us were made. Make us believe in many kinds of moral

values. Like the importance of your family, friends, behavior toward other peoples and

also teach us that happiness is not only concerned about money or how rich you are.

Beliefs make life easier, many people say that religion has all the answers to

unexplained theories and things. Religions also explain the importance of freedom. For

example when Jewish came out of slavery and were making their way to Israel for 40

years to gain freedom.

Religions teach us how to communicate with society, spending wisely time with your

family and the importance of friendship. Make precepts about behavior, purpose in life

and also help the needy when you have such an opportunity. (TOK2022, n.d.)

Why are there so many people that stay apart from religions?

(Pew Research Center, 2018)


According to the diagram above, elaborated by Pew Research Center(2018), Atheists

ranked 18% of all religions. To compare, it is even more than Hinduism. Atheists take

3rd place from all of the religions. In Europe 18 out of 34 countries said that new

generations are less religious than older ones. Globally, 46 out of 106 countries said

that adults under 40 said that religion isn’t very important to them.

People that were raised in a religious family often don’t accept religions in the future.

When bad things happened in their life while religious people said “Go to church”, “It’s

happened because of your bad attitude in previous life” atheists took care and found a

way to solve their problems by themselves.

Mostly, in religions there are too many rules which are necessary to follow and this

position does not suit several people. For someone, belief in God does not have strong

evidence to believe, although as researchers said, atheists know about religions even

more than religious people do. What atheists don’t like about religions is that people

absolve themselves from responsibility and pray to God.

With going apart from religions, the world became more tolerant. There is an allegation

that religions prevent global development. From 2007 to 2019 the rate of religious

people fell. During this time the world has changed on the positive side. To compare,

nowadays LGBT, minorities, tattoos, piercings have become normal although in the past

people were killed because of this. If people don’t like the financial position they are in

now, they choose another job which has bigger payment, open their own business

instead of praying to God to live in prosperity. (Scott McGreal, 2014; NPR stuff, 2013)

What conflicts do Judaism and Muslims have (have had)?

Judaism is the first monotheistic religion, i.e. a belief in one God, while Islam emerged

in the 7th century AD. About 2,000 years after Judaism. Muslims recognise all Jewish

prophets and all holy men before Mohammed. Judaism in turn does not recognise

Muslim prophets and saints. Likewise, Judaism does not consider Mohammed a


prophet or Messiah, but acknowledges his existence. Unlike Judaism, Islam is a

missionary religion, i.e. when they want to introduce other nations to their faith.

For Jews the main holy place is Jerusalem and the Temple Mount which is built on

Mount Moriah where Abraham had to sacrifice his son. And the same place is the place

where the Prophet Muhammad is said to have ascended to God in a dream. The whole

of Israel and consequently Jerusalem were seized by the Muslims and were under

Muslim domination for a long time. In 1967 Jerusalem was totally liberated after a 6 day

war, but the Jews decided not to destroy the 3rd most important Muslim saint place after

Mecca and Medina, the Al Aqsa Mosque.

Until today, there have been bloody conflicts over Jewish visits to the sacred site. In

other words, the main religious conflict between Islam and Judaism is over the

possession of holy areas in Israel, the most important of which is the Temple Mount in

Jerusalem. (M. Brenner, 2017)

What does the legislation of Spain, Europe and Israel say about



The Spanish Constitution says in Chapter 2, Division 1 (Fundamental Rights and Public

Freedoms) mounted in article 16.3 “There shall be no State religion. The public

authorities shall take the religious beliefs of Spanish society into account and shall

consequently maintain appropriate cooperation with the Catholic Church and the other

confessions.” Additionally, in its Chapter 2, Section 1 (Fundamental Rights and Public

Liberties) establishes in the article 16.1 that there is “Freedom of ideology, religion and

worship of individuals and communities is guaranteed, with no other restriction on their

expression than may be necessary to maintain public order as protected by law”. In its

Part 1, Chapter 2(Rights and Liberties) installed in the article 14 that “Spaniards are

equal before the law and may not in any way be discriminated against on account of


birth, race, sex, religion, opinion or any other personal or social condition or

circumstance.” In Chapter 2, Section 1 (Fundamental Rights and Public Liberties)

establishes in the article 18.1 that there is “The right to honour, to personal and family

privacy and to the own image is guaranteed”.

While analyzing all of these states, the conclusion is that Spain is accepting and has

been tolerant toward any religion. The legislation of Spain protects and makes sure

there is no bullying or discrimination against other religions.This freedom of speech and

action in Spain has led to immigrants being so fond of Spain.


The legislation of the European Union in Part 1,Title 1 (Definition and Objectives of the

Union) states in in article 4.2 that “In the field of application of the Constitution, and

without prejudice to any of its specific provisions, any discrimination on grounds of

nationality shall be prohibited”.Chapter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in

title 2(Freedoms) claim in article 10.1 that “Everyone has the right to freedom of

thought, conscience and religion. This right includes freedom to change religion or belief

and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or in private, to

manifest religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance.” In title 3

(Equality), article 22 says that “The Union shall respect cultural, religious and linguistic


To sum up, the European Union respects and protects the rights of everyone and

prohibits discrimination on any grounds, including religion.


Freedom of religion in Israel states that “All persons ... shall enjoy full liberty of

conscience and the free exercise of their forms of worship, subject only to the

maintenance of public order and morals”. “No ordinance shall be promulgated which

shall restrict complete freedom of conscience and the free exercise of all forms of

worship”“Every person in Israel enjoys freedom of conscience, of belief, of religion, and


of worship. This freedom is guaranteed to every person in every enlightened,

democratic regime, and therefore it is guaranteed to every person in Israel”

The state of Israel guarantee freedom of religion, liberty of conscience, free exercise of

worship, and the prohibition of any ordinance that restricts this freedom.


Religion plays a significant role in our life, as it provides the answers to many questions

which scientists can’t explain. Religion gives meaning and purpose to life, helps to

understand how the world was created, contributes moral behavior and also social

stability and unity. However, many people chose to stay apart from religions and be a

part of the atheist community. Many individuals reject religion due to a lack of empirical

evidence, dissatisfaction with religious rules, or a belief that it absolves people from

personal responsibility. This shift affects the world and community, for the last decade

the world has become more tolerant and progressive. Additionally, conflicts between

religions, such as the ongoing dispute between Judaism and Islam over holy sites in

Israel, highlight the tension between religions.

Spain, the European Union and Israel demonstrate a high level of tolerance towards

different religions. Spanish legislation protects religious freedom, prevents

discrimination and encourages cooperation with different faiths. The European Union

respects cultural and religious diversity, prohibits discrimination on grounds of

nationality and upholds the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. Israel

also guarantees full freedom of conscience, free exercise of religion and freedom of

worship for all people. These countries prioritize religious tolerance, ensuring that

people are free to practice their religions without fear of discrimination or persecution.


Bibliographical references

University of Minnesota (n.d.). Sociological Perspectives on Religion. Pressbooks.

(accessed 10/05/2023)



● Targetstudy (2018). Importance of Religion in Life. Targetstudy(accessed 10/05/2023)


● TOK2020 (2019). Knowledge and Religion. TOK2020 (accessed 14/05/2023)


Scott A. McGreal (2014). More Knowledge, Less Belief in Religion?. Psychology Today.

(accessed 17/05/2023)

Michael Dimock (2018). The age gap in religion around the world. Pew Research Center

(accessed 18/05/2023)

NPR stuff (2013). More Young People are Moving Away From Religion, But Why?

NPR(accessed 17/05/2023)




Michael Brenner(2017).The roots of conflict between Islam & Judaism.Classroom.

(accessed 25/05/2023)


Gobierno de España (1978). The Spanish Constitution. Boletín Oficial del

Estado.(accessed 07/06/2023)



Prof. Shimon Shetreet (2001). Freedom of Religion in Israel. Israel Ministry of Foreign

Affairs (accessed 07/06/2023)



● Pressbooks (n.d.). Social Perspectives on Religion. Pressbooks. (accessed 08/06/2023)




What are the differences with children's

rights between Spain, EU and India?


Table of content

SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 3

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 4

METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................. 4

- What are children's rights? ............................................................................................ 4

- Why are they important? ............................................................................................... 5

- What is the responsibility of families regarding children’s rights? .................................. 6

- Do they have the same rights as adults? ....................................................................... 6

- How are children's rights in Spain? ............................................................................... 7

- How are children’s rights in India? ................................................................................. 7

- How are children rights in the EU? .............................................................................. 10

Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 10

Bibliography References .................................................................................................. 11


My work is about children Rights. I discovered the differences between rights in India, Spain

and the EU. I also wrote about what it means, why it is important, how parents and families

are responsible for children's rights…

Keywords: Children, Rights, Spain, EU, India, Responsibilities, Family, Parents.


Mi trabajo trata sobre los derechos de los niños. Descubrí las diferencias entre los derechos

en la India, España y la UE. También escribí sobre lo que significa, por qué es importante,

cómo los padres y las familias son responsables de los derechos de los niños...

Palabras clave: Niños, Derechos, España, UE, India, Responsabilidades, Familia, Padres.


I chose this topic because I think it’s very interesting and a good project to talk about. There

is a lot of information that I can write and explain. I chose this topic also because I wanted to

understand the differences between some countries and how Children Rights are respected

and violated. For my comparison I had chosen Spain, India and the European countries.

Children Rights it's also an important topic to understand because it is a serious case. Like I

said, they are important and they need to be respected. We can find news like this ones:

Así es el maltrato infantil en España: la mitad son adolescentes y sube la gravedad

India presses Germany to send back baby Ariha living in Berlin foster care, calls it

‘infringement of rights’

Putting children at the center – Council of Europe and EU synergies in protecting

children’s rights


I used these keywords to find the answers to my questions: Children, rights, India, Spain, EU.

My text is quantitative because all my resources are from websites.

When I searched them I made sure they weren't fake by doing research about the websites to

see if it was reliable.


- What are children's rights?

The law defines childrens as people under 18 years of age and who need special care

and protection to live better. Any child of any age has rights that people need to

respect. This includes the right to speak out and express opinions, as well as rights to

equality, health, education, a clean environment, a safe place to live and protection

from all kinds of harm.

This rights started in 1989. The objective of changing the world and making it a better

place, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child was finally created.

They made a promise to every child to protect and fulfill their rights, by adopting an

international legal

Since then, the United Nations has ratified numerous international treaties and

agreements relating to human rights, notably the Convention on the Rights of the

Child. These agreements provide a foundation for talking about and enforcing human

rights. The rights and values they define are made into binding legal responsibilities

for the States that choose to abide by them. A legal and other framework is also

established to hold governments responsible for any violations of human rights.

(Crin, n.d.).

- Why are they important?

All children under the age of 18 have a natural right to some fundamental freedoms

known as child rights. These rights are applicable to every child in the world,

irrespective of race, color, parents, creed and gender. The future well-being of any

civilization depends on children's healthy development.

Children are more susceptible than adults to poor living situations such as poverty,

inadequate health care, nutrition, safe water, housing, and environmental pollution

since they are still growing and developing.

(Olomu, 2021) (UNICEF, n.d.)

Janna Jihad is a teenage girl who has grown up in the Palestinian village of Nabi

Salih. The Palestinian territory has been under Israel’s military occupation since 1967.

Janna, and Palestinian children like her are denied their rights and face discrimination

on a daily basis. The Israeli army regularly arrests children from Janna’s village often

during journeys to other places or to their houses. For example, if any children were

sick, it could be nearly impossible to get to a hospital.

In 2009, when Janna was three, people of her community protested for the right of

peace and they began weekly demonstrations. But they were met with violence.

Jannas uncle and her friends were killed. One day she got her mothers phone and

started recording herself talking about what was happening. Everyone saw her videos.

She became famous. Janna became the youngest press card-carrying journalist in

the world, at the age of 12.

(Amnesty, 2023)

- What is the responsibility of families regarding children’s


The first people with the authority to act on behalf of a kid and guarantee that their

rights are upheld are their parents. By making decisions on behalf of their kid, the

father and mother exercise their rights and fulfill their obligations. Their obligations

are to safeguard the child's safety, education, growth, security, health, and morality. In

accordance with their abilities and the child's needs, parents must feed and care for

their kids. Every child has the right to have parents. Additionally, parents are

responsible for paying for general educational expenses, holidays, health insurance,


Parents watch over their child by controlling his or her comings and goings (Ba.D


- Do they have the same rights as adults?

In addition to having specific rights that take into account their unique needs, children and

adolescents also enjoy the same fundamental rights as adults. Children are neither the

property of their parents nor are they helpless objects of charity. They are people with rights

because they are people.

Obviously, children can’t do all the things adults do. A kid of 10 years old can not drive a car.

These things are just banned because of security. It is important to think about the children’s

security, that is why there are some rights that adults have, so they can do things that children

can’t. If we return to the example of driving, adults can drive and help children with it. If a

kid needs to go to school, adults can drive them. Doing this they help children without

making them do nothing.

(UNICEF n.d.)

- How are children's rights in Spain?

Although Spain is an economically advanced European country, it has a fairly high

poverty rate. There is a very large difference between the poor and the rich, which

has led to discrimination against children from poor families. The Spanish healthcare

system has made some progress. The populace has access to medical staff and

supplies. Additionally, Spain offers free healthcare, which is crucial in the fight

against prejudice.

Although, poor families with children that need healthcare, can choose in between

two hospitals. In private hospitals you need to pay. Poor families have difficulties

paying the salary that these hospitals require. Spain also has public hospitals. These

hospitals do not have a mandatory rule to pay. These families can come to these

centers. The bad thing about these hospitals is that they are always full. To have an

appointment with a doctor, you can wait more than 3 months.

(Humanium n.d.)

- How are children’s rights in India?

According to the Indian constitution children have special rights, examples of this are:

Right to and identity

Children have the right to a name, to have their legal registration with the

government, and to nationality (the right to be a citizen). This guarantees both

access to social services and national support.

● Right to health

Medical care, nutrition, protection from harmful habits (including drugs) and safe

working environments are covered under the right to health. The Indian

constitution elaborates on the access to special care and support for children

with special needs, as well as quality health care (including drinking water,

nutrition, and a safe environment).

● Right to education

Right to free primary education is critical for helping children develop

discipline, life skills while finding a safe and healthy environment to nurture a

child’s physiological development. This includes freedom from violence, abuse

or neglect.

● Right to a family life

If not family members, then children have the right to be looked after by caretakers.

Children must live with their parents until it is not necessary.

Save The Children (n.d.)

It’s true that not everyone respects those rights.

Both girls and boys in India face early marriage, domestic abuse, sexual violence,

violence at home and in school, trafficking, child labour …

● Early marriage

Indian law defines child marriage as a union in which one or both partners are

under the age of 21. The majority of child marriages involve females, many of

whom come from low-income families. In India, child marriages are common.

United Nations Population Funds, (2022)

Marriage under 18 is illegal in India, though almost a quarter of married

Indian women wed before their 18th birthday. An example is provided by

Aljazeera (2023), indicating that a girl aged 15 and already pregnant after

marrying last year, Pinku Das Sarkar has no idea what to do following her

husband’s February 2 arrest in a controversial police crackdown on child

marriage in northeastern India.

Domestic abuse

A major social threat is domestic violence. However, despite the fact that its many

causes, including alcoholism and patriarchy, are regularly published, the effects on

children receive less attention.

The definition of domestic violence relates to looking at an abusive relationship

between a husband and wife through various lenses (physical, emotional, sexual and

financial among others). However, children are equally and sometimes even more

traumatized through such abusive relationships than the adult partners. Aul.A (2022)

● Sexual violence

There are 2 types of sexual violence:


It is noticed that in most cases there is clear physical contact between the

offender and the victim. The contact includes penetrative sex, fondling of

the victim's genitals, or making the child do it. Sexual intent in the form of

touching and kissing is considered a physical form.


It is not necessary that there shall be any physical contact for the abuse to

occur. Actions like sowing pornographic pictures or videos to a child or

using a child in such material accounts for the abuse. Bhatnagar.I.(n.d.)

- How are children rights in the EU?

The Council of Europe believes that children are fully-fledged holders of human

rights and not mere subjects of protection. Children must enjoy the protection offered

by all international human rights. The European Convention on Human Rights applies

equally to all individuals: children must enjoy the same protection as adults.

Eliminating all forms of violence against children, including sexual violence,

exploitation and corporal punishment; promoting child-friendly justice and social

services; guaranteeing the rights of children in vulnerable situations; and promoting

children’s participation in decisions affecting them are among the key objectives of

the Council of Europe’s activities in the area of children’s rights. Council Of Europe


The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU guarantees the protection of the rights

of the child by the EU institutions and by EU countries when they implement EU law.

Article 24 on the rights of the child and Article 32 on the prohibition of child labour

specifically cover children's rights.

Council Of Europe (n.d.)


What are the differences with children's rights between Spain, EU and India?

Spain, the EU and India have children rights like other countries. They all try to respect the

rights but they don't do it sometimes.

Spain, the EU and the Indian’s rights have some similarities and differences.

Spain, despite being economically advanced, struggles with a significant poverty rate and a

wide wealth gap, leading to discrimination against children from poor families. While the

country has made progress in its healthcare system, providing access to medical staff and

supplies, the availability of free healthcare is crucial in combating prejudice. However, poor

families with children face a difficult choice between private hospitals that require payment,

which they often cannot afford, and public hospitals that offer free care but suffer from

chronic overcrowding, resulting in lengthy wait times of over three months for doctor


The Council of Europe emphasizes that children have full human rights and should be

protected accordingly, in line with international standards. This includes safeguarding

children from all forms of violence, promoting child-friendly justice and social services,

ensuring the rights of children in vulnerable situations, and encouraging their participation in

decision-making processes. The European Union's Charter of Fundamental Rights further

guarantees the protection of children's rights, with specific provisions on child labor and the

rights of the child.

Children in India are granted special rights under the constitution, including the right to

identity, health, education, and a family life. However, these rights are not always respected.

Child marriage is a prevalent issue, with many young girls forced into marriages before the

legal age. Domestic abuse is another significant concern, with children often being the silent

victims of abusive relationships. Sexual violence against children can take both physical and

non-physical forms, with offenders engaging in inappropriate physical contact or exposing

children to explicit materials.

Bibliographical References

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL,(2023) Children’s human rights. AMNESTY

INTERNATIONAL. https://www.amnesty.org/en/what-we-do/child-rights/ (22/05/2023)

Aul.A (2022) Childrens are the forgotten victims of domestic violence, The Times Of India,

ALJAZEERA (n.d.) India child marriage arrests leave families without breadwinner,





Ba.D, (n.d.) Family and children rights. HUMANIUM.




Beri. N, (2023) India presses Germany to send back baby Ariha living in Berlin foster care,

calls it ‘infringement of rights’ WION. https://www.wionews.com/india-news/india-presses-


600117 (07/06/2023)

Bhatnagar.I.(n.d.)Child sexual abuse in India. Legal Service India,

breadwinner (31/05/2023)- https://www.legalserviceindia.com/legal/article-4985-childsexual-abuse-in-india.htm


Council Of Europe (2023) Putting children at the center – Council of Europe and EU

synergies in protecting children’s rights. Council Of Europe.



Council Of Europe (n.d.) Children’s rights TOPICS. Council Of Europe,


%20Human,the%20protection%20of%20children's%20rights. (01/06/2023)

CRIN(n.d.).What are children's



Humanium (n.d.) Children of Spain. Humanium. https://www.humanium.org/en/spain/


Olomu.S,(2021)Importance of children rights to the world. Voices Of Young.

https://www.voicesofyouth.org/blog/importance-child-right-world . (10/05/2023)

Rodrigo. A, (2023) Así es el maltrato infantil en España: la mitad son adolescentes y sube la

gravedad. EFE. https://efe.com/espana/2023-04-26/maltrato-infantil-espana-violenciaadolescentes/


Save The Children (n.d.) Fundamental of child rights in India, Save The Children,



UNICEF. (n.d.) The healthy development of children is crucial to the future well-being of

any society, UNICEF. https://www.unicef.org/child-rights-convention/child-rights-why-theymatter#:~:text=The%20healthy%20development%20of%20children,water%2C%20housing

%20and%20environmental%20pollution. (10/05/2023)

UNICEF (n.d.) Children’s Rights And What They Matter.UNICEF.


eir%20own%20rights. (15/05/2023)

United Nations Population Funds, (2022) Child marriage, United Nations

Population Funds. https://www.unfpa.org/child-marriage-frequently-askedquestions#:~:text=Child%20marriage%20and%20early%20marriage,compromised

%20ability%20to%20grant%20consent. (31/05/2023.

What can Comunidad Valenciana, the rest of Spain and

Ukraine can learn from each other regarding

environment protection?


The table of contents

SUMMARY ......................................................................................................... 3

КРАТКОЕ СОДЕРЖАНИЕ ............................................................................ 3

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 4

METHODOLOGY.............................................................................................. 4

ANALYSIS .......................................................................................................... 5

What are the consequences to the actions of people in Comunidad Valenciana

that pollute the environment? ................................................................................ 5

Are there any teams or public movements to clean up the environment in

Ukraine? ................................................................................................................... 6

Do politics actively help or sponsor projects to help the environment in

spain? ........................................................................................................................ 6

CONCLUSION .................................................................................................... 7

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES ............................................................ 8


This research work contains information about how countries like Spain, Comunidad

Valenciana and Ukraine can help each other achieve their goals in protecting nature. To do

so, there has been collected information such as what laws are there regarding environment

protection in Spain/Comunidad Valenciana and what are the consequences if you break

them, what projects or public movements were made regarding environment protection in

Ukraine and what do politics do and do they sponsor any projects regarding environment

protection in Spain?

Keywords: Environment protection, information, politics,countries, laws


Эта исследовательская работа содержит информацию о том, как такие страны, как

Испания, Валенсийское сообщество и Украина, могут помочь друг другу в достижении

своих целей в защите природы. Для этого была собрана информация о том, какие

законы об охране окружающей среды существуют в Испании/Comunidad Valenciana и

каковы последствия их нарушения, какие проекты или общественные движения были

сделаны относительно защиты окружающей среды в Украине и чем занимается

политика. и спонсируют ли они какие-либо проекты по защите окружающей среды в


Ключевые слова: Защита окружающей среды, информация, политика,

страны, законы


In 2023 protecting our environment is very important because humanity keeps harming and

polluting our environment which causes climate change, extinction of a variety of animal

species, floods, droughts and oil pollution of lakes and oceans and animals die because of

thinking that plastic is food etc.

So in this essay my goal is to inform people about what Comunidad Valenciana, the rest of

Spain and Ukraine can learn from each other regarding environment protection so we can all

learn from each other to save our environment and become more informed about environment


If we address ourselves to the news, we can find current examples of how important this

matter is. In this way, Igini (2023) indicates that there will be horrible consequences to the

actions of the US towards the pollution of the environment which tells us again, we need to

protect our environment. Dailynewsegypt (2023) informs about the environmental problems

in egypt and that they are trying to solve them.


To collect the data for my essay I used qualitative research design method and Mixed

method.I used the qualitative research design method by picking out articles in the internet

and analysing the text and coming up with conclusions, to come up with one or multiple

conclusions I read a couple of trusted sources and extracted data from them to came up with a

more deep and complexed answers to each of my questions.

I used the mixed method for extracting numerical data for a more accurate answer and to

support my facts but I not only extracted the numeral data, I was supposed to analyse the

textual data to support my numeral data and to provide more information and facts to make

my essay more reliable.

To check the reliability of the sources I paid more attention to the spelling, the release date of

the source, is the source known? Do any other sources write something similar? Because if

the source is the only one that gives that particular information that can not be found in other

sources that means that the source is probably not reliable , If the source doesn't give facts or

numerical data to support the idea its not reliable, If the source has grammar mistakes it's not

reliable!!! And if the source was published in 2003 the data was probably accurate in 2003

but the data will be different from 2023 so if you use the facts from 2003 it won't be accurate



What are the consequences to the actions of people in Comunidad

Valenciana that pollute the environment?

In spain and Comunidad Valenciana are many laws of order that are used to protect the

environment, some of the laws have lots of fines included some of the fines are around 2000€

or more

Article 108 of law 07/2022 states that "the abandonment, including littering, the dumping

and uncontrolled management of any type of non-hazardous waste puts people's health at

serious risk or is causing serious damage or deterioration to the environment”, and it is

therefore an offence.

Article 109 of the same law states that the fine for minor infractions can be up to €2,001, for

serious infractions penalties range from €2,001 to €100,000 and for very serious offences

penalties go from €100,000 to €3.5 million. So that's how you can get easily fined for

throwing away non-hazardous materials like cardboard etc.

There are more laws connected to water(here is one example)

Royal Legislative Decree 1/2001 governs fresh water and its associated land (the hydraulic

public domain). Under this rule, the use of water for private purposes is subject to obtaining a

concession granted by the basin authority. Other activities, such as the use of the river d or

the discharge of wastewater, require an authorisation, also granted by the basin authority

And Air pollution related laws:

Air pollution activities not covered by a single environmental permit, and which meet certain

thresholds, require an authorisation for potentially polluting activities to the atmosphere (Law

34/2007 of 15 November on air quality and atmosphere protection).

Obviously there are much more laws related to any topic or part of the environment

protection but here are some of the examples from the cites (These are only spanish laws)

Are there any teams or public movements to clean up the environment

in Ukraine?

There are plenty of groups and fundraisers that help to clean the environment. For example, a

group of youngsters and teenagers from a village called Maiaky decided to take part in the

World Water Week. First their priority was a small local beach and later the river etc and

thanks to some help from UNICEF they created an eco-club called Chysto tak. Among the

seven teams of kids across Donetsk and Luhansk regions, they were granted up to

60,000UAH. Not only they cleaned everything up but they also encouraged the villagers and

people around ukraine and set up recycling bins and other bins for paper, plastic, cardboard ,

glass etc to keep the area clean and make small but confident steps towards our goal to help

and clean our ecosystem.This was an example of a small group of activists but there is a

group called “Let’s do it Ukraine” it has been operating in 24 regions for around 6 years with

the efforts of the local governments,activists, social media, businesses etc they have collected

up to 2.5 million participants. This “let’s do it Ukraine '' is a part of “Let’s do it world” which

unites over 180 countries and up to 20 million people that participate worldwide. This group

was created to slowly but surely clean up our ecosystem and help the world. Even if there is a

warzone in Ukraine, the next clean up day will take place on September the 16th 2023!!!!

Do politics actively help or sponsor projects to help the environment in


83% (eight points higher than the European average of 75%) of the Spanish population say

that their government does NOT care or are simply unconcerned about the climate change

situation. They say that the measures that were taken are way too flexible and that allows

individuals and businesses to avoid changing their actions and following the

measures.Therefore, according to 58% of Spaniards, Spain will not be able to dramatically

reduce its carbon emissions by 2050 as promised in the Paris Agreements. Because of that

81% of the Spanish people request stricter government measures. But The OECD's

environmental performance review report for Spain, which was created and published at the

beginning of March 2015, acknowledges the significant progress that Spain has made

recently. It attracts attention to the amazing progress that has been made in a variety of

environmental performance areas, such as a less carbon-, energy-, and resource-intensive

economy, a significant expansion of protected natural areas, and the introduction of new,

effective laws that significantly reduce the administrative burden on businesses and people

and increase cooperation between public authorities.The Energy Efficiency Strategy for the

State Road Network, which will cost close to €30 million, was presented by the Council of

Ministers. It intends to reduce the State Road Network's current annual energy usage of 145

million kilowatt hours by half. The lighting system will be modernised, resulting in energy

demand reductions, maintenance cost reductions, and a reduced reliance on fossil fuels,

thanks to the €510 million investment planned until 2028. The requirements for a segment to

be lit remain the same in order to prioritise road safety.


In comunidad Valenciana people that pollute the environment or break the rules get strict

consequences and fines.

In Ukraine people team up and take part in many environmental projects. Teenagers

succeeded in creating a team winning a money prize and cleaning up the local beaches and

the land in the village.

The main idea of the third question (Do politics actively help or sponsor projects to help the

environment in spain?). The people in Spain are not really happy with the amount of value

the Spanish government gives to environmental protection, they say that the laws they create

are way too easy to be tricked and some businesses still manage to keep on polluting without

any consequences. But the Spanish government managed to create significant changes in the

environmental performance areas, such as a less carbon-, energy-, and resource-intensive

economy, a significant expansion of protected natural areas, and the introduction of new,

effective laws that significantly reduce the administrative burden on businesses and people

and increase cooperation between public authorities.

So the main idea of the text is that Comunidad Valenciana, the rest of Spain and Ukraine can

learn from each other to help our ecosystem by making the laws more strict and making the

government sponsor / fund more projects that will help the environment. The community can

team up to make projects themselves etc. Regarding the laws, they need to not only be stricter

but to keep people from finding any ways to trick or get past the laws like some businesses.


thelocal(2022)You can now be fined €2,000 in Spain for leaving cardboard in the

Menendez.U(2023)The Environment and Climate Change Law Review:

worldcleanupday(2023)Ukraine l world cleanup day


UNICEF(2019)Youngsters team up to transform the environment in




Europeaninvestmentbank(2021-22)81% of Spanish people in favour of stricter

government measures imposing behavioural changes to address the climate


councilofministers(2022)The Government of Spain promotes the environmental

sustainability of the



M.Igini(2023)Top 6 Environmental Issues the US Is Facing in 2023


What is the impact of tourism on the economy of Benidorm,

Granada and Dubrovnik?


In this work I have been talking about tourism in general and tourism in specific

places, which are Benidorm, Granada and Dubrovnik. I did 5 questions that can

answer about tourism linked to climate change, types of tourists, types of tourism

and more things. Key words: Economy Benidorm, economy Granada, economy

Dubrovnik, tourism, climate change



En este trabajo he estado hablando sobre el turismo en general y el turismo en sitios

específicos que son Benidorm, Granada y Dubrovnik. He hecho 5 preguntas que

hablan un poco sobre si el cambio climático afecta el turismo, tipos de turistas y

turismo y más cosas. Palabras clave: economía Benidorm, economía Granada,

economía Dubrovnik, turismo, cambio climático


I've chosen this topic because it's a topic I'm interested in. Tourism is an important

topic because tourism generates income and creates easily accessible training

opportunities and jobs, as well as sale markets for services and local products.

One example of why tourism is important in Benidorm's economy is in Castaños

(2023). 400 business men made an assembly in the journal tourism. One example

why tourism is important in Granadas economy is that delegates from economy and

tourism visit an important spa. One of the examples of why tourism is important in

Dubrovnik’s economy is that they created a D-pass which is a digital ticket for going

especially there and made the city modern.


To find the answer to all of my questions I used the keywords, tourism economy,

global change in tourism, benefits and disadvantages in tourism, kinds of tourism,

attraction in tourism and percentage of tourism economy in… After a lot of webs

came up I chose them by reliability. I entered in a few links to see if they had the

information that I wanted, then, I checked their reliability by reading the web to see if

it was biased, the publisher, searching about the web and the author. I've done

mixed research because some of my questions have graphs and some are more

quality questions.




Tourism offers great opportunities for jobs and also creates them. strengthens the

local economy, compliments the locals infrastructure as well as it helps to conserve

their cultural assets and traditions. It also creates more opportunities for economic


(BMZ, 2022 ; unwto, n.d)

Some negative impacts caused by tourism are depletion of natural resources,

pollution, physical degradation of the ecosystem and a lot of product wasting . Some

other disadvantages can be irresponsible tourists damaging places and drunk


(greentumble, n.d)

As we can see in the infographic map below, the European economy augmented

40.1% and 9.2 in MN jobs. In the Middle East, the economy increased 46.9%, 6.8%

more than Europe and 14.5% in MN jobs, 5.3% more than europe.

(wttc, 2022)

(wttc, 2022)



Tourists from all over the world come not only encouraged by its beaches and its

enviable climate, but also by the wide variety of entertainment and fun that it offers

for all ages, with four large theme parks, a restaurant theatre that offers international

shows, a large offer in restaurants with international and typical food of the area and

a wide variety of discos and nightclubs.

(visitbenidorm, 2018)

Beach tourism, sun and sand tourism, nature tourism, cultural tourism, gastronomic

tourism and adventure tourism are some of the different types of tourism that

Benidorm offers its visitors.

(felicesvacaciones, 2023)

Tourism in Granada is one of the most important sectors of the local economy, with a

wide variety of activities and attractions for visitors. Cultural tourism is dominant,

followed by coastal and beach tourism, nature tourism and local tourism. Another

important tourist attraction in Granada is rural tourism, which corresponds to

religious tourism.

In recent years we have seen a great tourist destination in Granada, with a large

number of visitors from abroad and native Spanish people taking advantage of all the

activities that the city offers.

(travelholics, 2023)

The city is a cultural destination, as shown by its many festivals, prestigious art

happenings, major open-air events, excellent artists and athletes, and, last but not

least, its architectural treasures. We also have some interesting projects in the

pipeline that tourists will enjoy experiencing the Good Food Festival and Dubrovnik

Winter Festival. Dubrovnik really is a city for all seasons.

Some types of tourism in Dubrovnik are the;

Cultural tourism, religious tourism, the sun and beach tourism, party tourism and

architectural tourism.

(Redd.D, n.d)


As the effects of climate change are mostly seen in nature and landscapes,

industries such as the tourism sector that rely on nature are greatly affected. More

specifically, tourism relies on suitable weather conditions in an area (e.g. sunshine,

mild temperatures), for tourists to have an enjoyable experience. This affects places

like Benidorm and Dubrovnik.

(emerald, 2020)

Many types of tourism are weather dependent and by extension, climate dependent.

The effects of climate change on your business area can be manifold, and be both

negative and positive. If you are unprepared your organisation may suffer from the

negative effects, while being unable to benefit from possible positive effects. Next to

climate change also climate variability (e.g. variably cold and tepid winters) is

important for many types of tourism, while climate change can make the variability

more extreme.

(eu-macs, n.d)

The increase in global temperature could shorten the winter, reducing the ice sheets

and, in addition to reducing the tourism potential of ski resorts, could even make

tourism unfeasible, generating an entire economic and social problem in the most

affected regions.

(redalyc, 2018)



One of the main reasons why Benidorm attracts so many tourists is that it is a

fantastic family holiday destination. The town has a range of things to do for kids of

all ages, from theme parks and water parks to indoor climbing walls and adventure

centres. The beach itself is great for families too; it is a wide stretch of sand with a

variety of activities to keep children entertained.

(benidormtravelmart, 2021).

Granada is most famous for the stunning Moorish palace of Alhambra, drawing

visitors from all over the globe because of its breathtaking beauty and fascinating

history.(salt in our hair, 2023

Alhambra is not only the biggest attraction in Granada, but it is also one of the most

popular tourists attractions on the entire country

(The Planet. D, 2022)

People are attracted to Dubrovnik by their charming mediaeval architecture and

fortified old town. Also, significant restoration of work has been primary for tourists in

Croatia. It's a series recognized the world over, with Dubrovnik featuring as the home

of the Iron Throne mentioned in the titles. That has helped drive more visitors than

ever before to the city – so many that a People Magazine report discusses how they

had to limit tourists as too many were attempting to get into the city.

(Hammer. C, n.d.)



The town of Benidorm used to have an economy based on fishing and a population

of 3000 habitants, has transformed into a city with more than 72,000 habitants in the

present, with a very big tourist infrastructure catering to various types of clients;

families, groups of friends, couples, elderly and a important foreign audience form all

over the world.


Granada is one of the principal tourist destinations of Spain, however at an economic

level tourism is in third place.

(GOV.CO,2023; granada.org n.d.)

Tourism guide of Granada



Accommodation 7,75

Restoration 7,55

Leisure 7,28

Quality tourist offer 7,03

Landscapes 7,53

Urban environment 6,69

Citizen security 5,85

Attention and treatment 7,79


price/service 6,64

(granada.org n.d.)

These figures refer to provinces with a dominant typology of

monumental tourism and in which their capitals have practically all the weight.

The City of Dubrovnik is the economic centre of the Dubrovnik - Neretva Region and

accounts for 53% of its total income, 58% of tourist traffic and approximately 70% of

total income from tourism in the Region. Tourism and tourism-related activities are

the basis of the economy in Dubrovnik. Therefore, most of the workforce is employed

in companies registered primarily for tourism, wholesale and retail trade and public


In the table below we can see the different activities and the number of businesses.


Number of


Agriculture, forestry and fishing 11 0.5

Mining and quarrying 1 0.0

Manufacturing 77 3.7

Electricity, gas, steam and air-conditioning supply 8 0.4

Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation

activities 9 0.4

Construction 203 9.7


Number of


Agriculture, forestry and fishing 11 0.5

Mining and quarrying 1 0.0

Manufacturing 77 3.7

Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and

motorcycles 309 14.7

Transportation and storage 163 7.8

Accommodation and food service activities 410 19.5

Information and communication 85 4.0

Financial and insurance activities 1 0.0

Real estate activities 149 7.1

Professional, scientific, and technical activities 318 15.1

Administrative and support service activities 217 10.3

Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 0 0.0

Education 16 0.8

Human Health and social work activities 19 0.9

Arts, entertainment and recreation 36 1.7

Other service activities 70 3.3

TOTAL 2102 100.0


The main idea of this is to know the economic advantages and disadvantages of

tourism, the kind of tourism those cities have, if global change affects tourism

economically, what attracts tourists to these places and what percentage belongs to

the cities chosen.

The economic tourism impact in Benidorm is 17 million euros per day.

The economic tourism impact in Granada is 2200 million euros per year.

In Dubrovnik, in 2016, the tourism sector generated €0.3 billion, contributing to

17.4% of the city's GDP


BMZ (2022). An opportunity for sustainable development. BMZ.


rtunities%20for,to%20reduce%20poverty%20and%20inequality. (Seen: 04/05/2023)

felicesvacaciones (2023). ¿Qué tipo de turismo hay en Benidorm?.

Felicesvacaciones.es. https://www.felicesvacaciones.es/blog/que-tipo-de-turismo-enbenidorm#:~:text=Turismo%20de%20playa%2C%20turismo%20de,Benidorm%20ofr

ece%20a%20sus%20visitantes. (Seen: 17/05/2023)

granada.org (n.d.). IV.6. ACTIVIDADES ECONÓMICAS. Granada.org


4a73eed90b760c12572a3003496b2/$FILE/diag12.pdf. (Seen: 16/05/2023)

GOV.CO (2023). ECONOMÍA. GOV.CO. https://granadameta.gov.co/MiMunicipio/Paginas/Economia.aspx#:~:text=%E2%80%8BLas%20prin


Dtricos%20y%20maracuy%C3%A1. (Seen: 16/05/2023)

greentumble (n.d). The Negative Environmental Impacts of Tourism. Greentumble.


n%20detail%20now. (Seen: 10/05/2023)

guiadebenidorm (2020). Breve historia, economía y población de benidorm.

Guiadebenidorm. https://www.guiadebenidorm.es/top/vision-generalinformacion/#Breve

Historia Economia Y Poblacion (Seen: 10/05/2023)

Hammer. C (n.d.). Travel to Dubrovnik, Croatia. Exploratory glory.

https://www.exploratoryglory.com/travel-blog/travel-to-dubrovnik-croatia. (Seen:


Redd.D (n.d). Dubrovnik. OutlookTravel. https://www.outlooktravelmag.com/travelguides/83-dubrovnik.

(Seen: 16/05/23)

Salt in our hair (2023). Granada, Spain: Best Things To Do (Travel Guide). Salt in

our head.


mous%20for,to%20do%20in%20Granada%2C%20Spain. (Seen: 30/05/2023)

The Planet. D (2022). BEST THINGS TO DO IN GRANADA, SPAIN. The planet.

https://theplanetd.com/things-to-do-in-granada-spain/. (Seen: 30/05/2023)

travelholics(2023). Granada: ¿Cuál es el turismo predominante?. Travelholics.es

https://www.travelholics.es/granada-cual-es-el-turismo-predominante/#. (Seen:






visitbenidorm.es (2018). Benidorm, capital del turismo de sol y playa... y mucho más.

Visitbenidorm.es https://www.visitbenidorm.es/ver/3663/benidorm--capital-delturismo-de-sol-y-playa----y-muchomas.html#:~:text=La%20Costa%20Blanca%20tradicionalmente%20se,una%20temp

eratura%20media%20 de%2020%C2%BAC. (Seen: 16/05/2023)

wttc (2022).Economic Impact Reports. Wwtc. https://wttc.org/research/economicimpact

(Seen: 04/05/2023)

urbact.eu (n.d.). Integrated Action Plan for Dubrovnik as a Sustainable Tourism

Destination. Urbact.eu https://urbact.eu/sites/default/files/2023-




Author: M.S. from 9B


SUMMARY ................................................................................................................. 3

РЕЗЮМЕ ................................................................................................................... 3

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 4

METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................... 5

ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................. 6

What is terrorism? .............................................................................................. 6

What types of terrorism are? ........................................................................... 6

Factors which have contributed to the evolution of the terrorism threat: .......... 6

What are fundamentals that characterise the phenomenon of terrorism? ....... 7

What are the motivations for terrorism? ........................................................... 7

Terrorism in the USA .......................................................................................... 7

Domestic Terrorism Incidents by State, 2010 through 2021 ............................ 8

Domestic Terrorism-Related Incidents by Category, from 2010 through 2021 8

What terrorism related incidents had happened in the USA? .......................... 8

What is Jihadism? .............................................................................................. 9

Why are civilians killed by jihadists? ................................................................ 9

Terrorism in Spain ............................................................................................ 10

Terrorist cases in Spain ................................................................................. 11

Jihadist cases in Spain .................................................................................. 11

Terrorism in Europe .......................................................................................... 12

Terrorist attacks and terrorism-related arrests in the EU ............................... 12

What is terrorism impact on the travel industry in Europe? ........................... 13

CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................... 14

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES ...................................................................... 14


Terrorism considered a known topic around the world. Terrorist threats and

consequences vary from case to case, but still cause considerable damage. In this

article, the topic of terrorism will be covered in more detail and provided with different

examples for your perusal.

Keywords: Terrorism, Jihadism, Terrorist cases, Spain, Europe, USA, impact.


Тероризм вважається відомою темою в усьому світі. Терористичні загрози та

наслідки варіюються від випадку до випадку, але все одно завдають значної

шкоди. У цій статті тема тероризму буде висвітлена більш детально і з різними

прикладами для ознайомлення.

Ключові слова: Тероризм, Джихадизм, Випадки тероризму, Іспанія, Європа

та США, Наслідки.


Terrorism is one of the biggest threats to the gains and rights achieved in the area of justice,

security and freedoms. This topic has always been popular and deserves an individual

examination. I chose this topic because of the interest in what threats of terrorism are in the

different parts of the world and what provokes terrorists to cause an act. As terrorism is a

global topic, after research there was even more interesting information with which I wanted

to share in this article.

To confirm that the topic is now popular enough, we can look at information and news in

credible articles. BBC(2023), stated on 28th of march that the terrorism threat level in

Northern Ireland has been raised from substantial to severe, meaning an attack is

highly likely. Moreover, BBC(2023), alerted us on 8th april that an Italian tourist has

been killed and seven other people injured in a suspected car-ramming attack near a

beach in Tel Aviv, Israeli medics say. The Israeli ambulance service said that, aside

from the alleged perpetrator, there were a total of eight casualties from the attack

and that all were tourists. According to Marina, F. (2023), on 2nd of may, a 72-yearold

Valencian was detained for her relationship with terrorism.

Perhaps many people, like me, have wondered what drives people to commit attacks

and whether there is a difference between them and their numbers around the world.

Thus, this article is the definitive answer to that question.


This article discusses the differences and similarities of terrorist threats in different countries

of the world. Today, this is a fairly popular topic, so this article is provided for those who

want to dive deeper into the topic of terrorism and discover something new.

Before the research I had made a range of questions which will help me to find more

interesting and important information about my research topic. Between many websites

which contain answers to my question I chose the most suitable for me. I relied on such

factors as many interesting facts, presence of different diagrams which contain additional

information, and many subtopics, from which I could include more information in my


I was using a mixed method of research. Therefore, I was collecting textual and numerical

data. The information was collected from different sources. Mainly, from the internet:

different articles, websites with graphs and facts, newspaper articles. In addition, I used some

information from real experiences. Information about the tragedy in New York was partly

collected from the national museum of 9/11 and memorial.

At the first step, all of the data and links were placed in the document. Afterwards, based on

the question chosen to answer, I went through all articles and news which were related to it.

When all of the information sources were read, I started to collect the most interesting and

important information that I want to share in my article. The same was done with each

question and the most important information in my opinion is now in the article.

However, before putting the information to the document, each website was checked on the

reliability. There were no grammar mistakes, all images were of good quality. Almost most

of them contained references which detected that the research was done before making an

article. Additionally, most of the articles contained real-life reviews from other people, which

means they are unbiased. All of the sources were checked this way, and in this article

information is only from reliable ones.


What is terrorism?

Terrorism is a global topic. While there is no universally accepted definition of terrorism, it

may be generally understood as a method of coercion which uses or threatens to use violence

with the aim of propagating fear and thus attain political or ideological goals.

What types of terrorism are?

There are two main types of terrorism which are international and domestic. International

terrorism is violent, criminal acts committed by individuals or groups who are inspired by

designated foreign terrorist organisations or nations. When domestic type is criminal

acts committed to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such

as of a religious, social, racial. (FBI, 2023)

Factors which have contributed to the evolution of the terrorism threat:

Lone offenders:

Terrorist threats have evolved from large-group conspiracies toward lone-offender attacks.

These individuals often radicalise online and mobilise to violence quickly. Without a clear

group affiliation or guidance, lone offenders are challenging to identify, investigate, and


The Internet and social media:

International and domestic violent extremists have developed an extensive presence on the

Internet through messaging platforms. Social media has also allowed both international and

domestic terrorists to gain unprecedented, virtual access to people living in the United States

in an effort to enable homeland attacks. (FBI, 2023)

What are fundamentals that characterise the phenomenon of terrorism?









Terrorism acts in a

secret or retired way

to shirk the action

of justice. Secrecy

provokes in turn a

lesser insulation and

radicality of the


Terrorist groups take

advantage of the

impact their assaults

cause and its effect on

media to spread their


Behind terrorism there

is a design of control,

directed against an

establishment or

organisation which the

terrorist bands try to

submit to their claims.

The etymology of the

term indicates that

terrorism comes

from terror, which is

exactly the intention

violent fear between

people in society.

(Jesús., N.Y)

What are the motivations for terrorism?

Terrorism exists mostly because of political reasons. Terrorist groups do so in order to bring

up political change. Usually, these groups are small and have a lack of public support.

Therefore, they are unable to achieve their desired goals through a peaceful political process.

Instead, they use acts of violence, inflicted upon deliberately chosen noncombatant targets, in

order to bully and intimidate governments into changing policy or granting concessions.

(Dina Al, 2022)

Terrorism in the USA

Domestic terrorism in the USA is on the

rise. For example, in May 2022, a raciallymotivated

individual shot and killed 10

people in Buffalo, New York. A 2018

attack on a Pittsburgh synagogue left 11

people dead. All but eight states across the

U.S. experienced at least one incident of

domestic terrorism between 2010 and

2021. And over the last 10 years, domestic terrorism-related investigations have grown by

357%. (McNeli, 2023)

Nevertheless, terrorist attacks became more deadly in 2022, killing on average 1.7

people per attack in 2022 compared to 1.3 deaths per attack in 2021. This is the first

increase in lethality rate in five years. (Am J Public Health, 2003)

Domestic Terrorism Incidents by State, 2010 through 2021

There were 231 incidents (meaning attacks or plots) that met the definition of

domestic terrorism between 2010 and 2021, according to DHS.

They occurred across the United States, but the greatest number of incidents

occurred in states with major metropolitan areas—such as California, New York and

Washington, D.C.

Domestic Terrorism-Related Incidents by Category, from 2010 through


York. (McNeli, 2023)

Of these 231 accidents, about 35% (the

largest category) were classified as raciallyor

ethnically-motivated. These attacks were

also the most lethal. For example, in July

2016, a racially-motivated individual killed

five police officers in Dallas. More recently,

in May 2022, a racially-motivated individual

shot and killed 10 people in Buffalo, New

What terrorism related incidents had happened in the USA?

On September 11, 2001, as all the world now knows, a Boeing 767 jet flew into the North

Tower of the World Trade Center (WTC) in Lower Manhattan. The crash and the resulting

fires and building collapses killed 2801 people from 93 different countries. In the following

days, millions of people in the metropolitan region were exposed to a combination of air

pollution, dangerous work conditions, and psychological trauma. The attack also placed

unprecedented demands on New York City’s public health, health care, and social service


The available evidence suggests that the most heavily exposed people were recovery workers,

including emergency responders and construction workers at Ground Zero. In addition to

chemical exposures, they faced significant safety hazards from working in an unstable

physical environment, as well as psychological trauma from losing coworkers and viewing

and handling human remains. (Am J Public Health, 2003)

What is Jihadism?

According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Jihadism is a holy war waged on behalf of Islam

as a religious duty and also a personal struggle in devotion to Islam especially involving

spiritual discipline. In Arabic, the word “jihad” means "effort" or "struggle". In Islam, it

could be an individual's internal struggle against baser instincts, the struggle to build a good

Muslim society, or a war for the faith against unbelievers.

The term "jihadist" is not used by many Muslims because they see it as wrongly associating a

noble religious concept with illegitimate violence. Instead, they use delegitimising terms like

"deviants". (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2023); (BBC, 2014)

Why are civilians killed by jihadists?

Jihadist groups targeted civilians before the emergence of al-Qaeda, but it resorted to

violence against them on a scale which no other had until then envisaged.

In 1998, Osama Bin Laden and the heads of four jihadist groups in Egypt, Pakistan and

Bangladesh signed a declaration of total war against the United States and its allies, and

called for the targeting of both soldiers and civilians.

The Prophet Muhammad said Muslim armies should do their best to avoid harming children

and other non-combatants. But the declaration says that killing them is an act of reciprocity

for the death of Muslim civilians. After 11 September 2001, Bin Laden sought to justify

attacking American civilians by arguing that as citizens of a democratic state who elected its

leaders, they bore responsibility for their leaders' actions. (BBC, 2014)

Terrorism in Spain

Terrorism has marked the history of Spain since the 1960s. For five decades, Spain has felt

the barbarity and unreasonableness of terrorist violence up close.

Terrorism has caused decades of death , extreme cruelty, ruthless brutality and much pain in

Spain. This suffering has materialised in irreparable human damage, both physical and

psychological, caused by murders, injuries, threats, kidnappings and extortions.

Families broken by the pain and loss of their loved ones. Thousands of people were forced

into exile from their towns and cities. Material damage has also been considerable, caused by

the catastrophic effects of terrorist

attacks on buildings.

Spain continues to respond effectively

to the global terrorist threat in border

and transportation security,

counterterrorism financing,

countering violent extremism, and

bilateral and multilateral cooperation.

Spain remained on “high'' national

alert for terrorism throughout 2020, for the sixth year in a row. Spanish authorities continued

to arrest individuals suspected of planning terror attacks both online and in their

communities. (U.S. Department of State, 2021); ( Policía Nacional, 2020)

Terrorist cases in Spain

Since 2004 , 220 police operations have been unleashed that have led to the arrest

of 723 people accused of different crimes related to terrorism.

The year 2004 was precisely the longest in the arrest of people related to jihadist

terrorism: 131 individuals were captured in 9 police operations.

Since then, and in the years to come, statistics reflect a decline in the number of

arrests. Despite the fact that the figures are lower, some of these operations were

key to stopping terrorist attacks on Spanish soil. (Gonzalo, 2017)

Jihadist cases in Spain

In January 2008, after the dismantling of a cell based in Barcelona, one of the most

ambitious plans of the jihadists became known: to blow up the Barcelona metro at one of its

rush hours and perpetrate a massacre. The logistical difficulty of the plan was one of the

reasons that stopped the purposes of the terrorists.

This attempted attack was not the only major one planned by the terrorists. In 2005,

Moroccans Redouan Ben Fraima and Redouan Ahmed Ali were arrested for attempting to

sink the ferry linking Ceuta with Algeciras.

In recent years, however, the fight against jihadist terrorism has intensified, facing an

increasingly international network that has found in Spain one of its enclaves to become


Ceuta, Melilla and Barcelona are the main centres that have centralised these operations.

Social networks are some of their ways of radicalization, although they also have more

sophisticated systems, such as radios linked to the Islamic State. (Gonzalo, 2017)

Terrorism in Europe

In 2021, the number of terrorist attacks in the EU fell to 15, the fewest number of attacks in

years. As a consequence of this, the number of terrorist fatalities in Europe was just two in

2021. France had the highest number of the terrorist attacks in 2021, at five, compared with

three in Germany, and two in Sweden. To put this in a global context, the country with the

most terrorist attacks, Afghanistan, suffered 1,722 attacks in 2020, followed by Syria which

had 1,332.

Overall, there were estimated to have been around 10,172 terrorist attacks across the world

resulting in over 29,289 deaths in

2020. (Europol, 2022)

Terrorist attacks and terrorism-related

arrests in the EU

This chart shows terrorist attacks and

terrorism-related arrests in the EU in 2021

France experienced the highest number of attacks (5), followed by Germany (3) and

Sweden (2). Austria, Denmark, Hungary, Belgium and Spain reported one attack

each. (European council, 2023)

What is terrorism impact on the travel industry in Europe?

The occurrence of terrorist attacks not only leads to the death of many innocent

citizens but also makes a disastrous impact. Its happening puts people into a

worrisome situation so as to interfere with tourism development of a nation or a city.

Because tourists are afraid of these horrible things happening to them, they dare not

travel there.

Although it may seem more likely for travellers to avoid destinations that have been

recent targets of terrorism, a major incident can still impact the wider industry.

Immediately following the Brussels terror attack in March 2016 for example, flight

bookings and searches to Brussels inevitably dropped. Other major European

destinations were also affected, including Paris, Berlin and Rome.

In the aftermath of an attack, it is unsurprising that many would be tentative about

booking travel to certain destinations. For example, following the terror attacks in

November 2015, tourism in Paris has been somewhat unstable. The number of

nights spent by international tourists in the

city was comparatively lower in the year

following the attacks before showing signs of


The graph shows the trend of the number of

inbound tourists. The tendency of tourist

arrivals in the United Kingdom is an upward trend throughout all these years.

There were significant decreases only in 1991, 2001 and 2008-2009. Why have

these years had a downward trend? It may be influenced by several global issues,

the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the September 11 attack in 2001 and the

global financial crisis in 2008. However, there are continuous terrorist attacks, no

matter big or small, happening in both the United Kingdom and the European

continent from 1986 to 2017. (Statista Research Department, 2020)


This topic can be discussed for ages, however, the most common questions that can open

your eyes more widely on this topic tried to be answered. There were discussions about what

forces people to commit terrorist acts, what types of terrorism there are. Nevertheless, the

topic of the impact of the threat on different countries was also widely examined.

To conclude with, the number, types and quantity of terrorist threats and attacks around the

world are completely different. There are fewer of them in richer countries that are able to

provide protection, some countries are unable to do so and suffer more from terrorist threats.

It also may depend on some political reasons. Despite any differences in types, quantities and

so on, terrorist attacks are caused only because of one thing: with the use or threat to use

violence to spread fear and thereby achieve political or ideological goals.


Am J Public Health (2003). Implications of the World Trade Center Attack for the

Public Health and Health Care Infrastructures. NLM.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1447752/ (Seen: 11.05.23)

BBC (2014). What is Jihadism? BBC. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-

30411519 (Seen: 24.05.23)

Dina Al Raffie (2022). Terrorist motivations. The Quarterly Journal.

https://connections-qj.org/article/terrorist-motivations (Seen: 11.05.23)

European council (2023). Infographic - Terrorism in the EU: facts and figures.

European council. https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/infographics/terrorism-eufacts-figures/

(Seen: 17.05.23)

Europol (2022). Number of failed, foiled or completed terrorist attacks in the

European Union (EU) from 2010 to 2021, by affiliation. Europol.


(Seen: 17.05.23)

FBI (2023). Terrorism. FBI. https://wwwfbi.gov/investigate/terrorism (Seen: 11.05.23)

Gonzalo Araluce (2017). X-ray of jihadist terrorism in Spain: 723 detainees since


https://www.elespanol.com/reportajes/20170817/239726888_0.html (Seen:


Jesús Prieto Mendaza (N.Y). Terrorism in Spain. Spanish Ministry of Education and

Vocational Training.https://www.interior.gob.es/opencms/pdf/servicios-alciudadano/ayudas-y-subvenciones/ayudas-a-victimas-de-actos-terroristas



Merriam-Webster dictionary (2023). Jihad definition. Merriam-Webster dictionary.

https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/jihad (Seen: 24.05.23)

Navy Archives (2022). The 9/11 Terrorist Attacks. Naval History and Heritage


(Seen: 11.05.23)

Statista Research Department (2020). Terrorism impact on the travel industry in

Europe. Statista. https://www.statista.com/topics/3329/terrorism-impact-on-thetravel-industry-in-europe/#topicOvervie

(Seen: 24.05.23)

Triana McNeil (2023). The Rising Threat of Domestic Terrorism in the U.S. and

Federal Efforts to Combat It. GAO. https://www.gao.gov/blog/rising-threat-domesticterrorism-u.s.-and-federal-efforts-combat-it

(Seen: 11.05.23)

U.S. Department of State (2021). Country Reports on Terrorism 2020: Spain. U.S.

Department of State https://www.state.gov/reports/country-reports-on-terrorism-

2020/spain/ (Seen: 17.05.23)



Author: V.G.

Table Of Contents:


Summary…………………………………………… 2

Resumen …………………………………………… 2

Introduction ………...……………………………… 3

Methodology………………………………………. 3

Analysis ……………………………………………. 4

Q1 - What is water management?............................................ 4

Q2 - How is the water management in the Valencian Community, the rest

of Spain, and Australia?....................................................... 5

Q3 - How can water management systems be improved in the Valencian

Community, the rest of Spain, and Australia?............................. 11

Conclusion ………………………………………... 13

Bibliographical references ………………………... 13


This project shows how water is being managed in different places, on a local (Valencian

Community), national (Spain) and international level (Australia). Comparing these, you can

see what are the differences between their water management and the way in which each area

takes care of its problems. In the Valencian Community, water comes from rivers and is

stored in bams, here, two constitutions are in charge of this job. In Spain, lots of companies

are in charge of Spain’s water management and there are frequent problems with it because

of droughts. In Australia, the government is starting to make progress with it as there is no

rain and they have inaccessible groundwater for irrigation.

Water management is done in many ways around everywhere, always changing depending on

the weather, the size of the location and the amount of water used by each person.



Este proyecto muestra cómo se está gestionando el agua en diferentes lugares, a nivel local

(Comunidad Valenciana), nacional (España) e internacional (Australia). Comparando estos

sitios, puedes ver cuáles son las diferencias entre su gestión del agua y la forma en que cada

área se ocupa de sus problemas. En la Comunidad Valenciana, el agua proviene de los ríos y

se almacena en balsas, aquí dos constituciones se encargan de esta labor. En España, muchas

empresas se encargan de la gestión del agua en España y hay problemas frecuentes con ella

debido a las sequías. En Australia, el gobierno está comenzando a avanzar ya que no llueve y

tienen aguas subterráneas inaccesibles para el riego.

La gestión del agua es una tarea difícil en todas partes, y para cambiar su situación, la

población tiene que empezar a contribuir al ahorro del agua, porque es un recurso no

renovable e imprescindible para la vida.


This project is focused on Water Management, how is it changing because of global warming

and the differences of its systems around Europe. I have chosen this topic because it is quite

interesting for me and it is a subject that is talked about recently around the world. Some

examples of this are: The arrival of ‘El Niño’; a natural weather phenomenon - known by the

increase of the ocean’s temperature, Spain’s bams drop a 50% of their capacity, in Scotland,

there are some areas that have reached water scarcity for the first time, In France, garden

swimming pools are banned as well as car washing and garden-watering because of more

water shortage, in Spain, Pedro Sanchez decides to use another 732 millions of euros in

hydraulic constructions, and so much more. (Schofield, 2023; BBC, 2023; 20minutos, 2023;

Molero, 2023; Pinar, 2023)


The keywords that I used to make this project are: Water, strategies, objectives, management,

scarcity, companies, global warming, increase, bams, rivers, filtration, irrigation, distribution,

problems, future, world, groundwater and government. I searched these terms on google and

then decided which references I was going to use. I determined this by skim reading the

sources, checking if it’s an official site that can be trusted and then evaluating it’s reliability

(no misspellings or too many pictures). I made sure to include lots of government sites to get

their view on the project and to compare with the people’s view, for example. By reading the

data of the most reliable sources, I extracted only the important information of each site and

put it here in my words.

This work has conducted a mixed methodology but it has a more quantitative research design.

I found that using a quantitative method was more useful to use when talking about question

1, because there are lots of details, but, in question 2, writing about each dam in Spain with a

qualitative method was better, as the ideas would be easy to understand.


What is water management?

Water management is the control of water resources to minimize its loss and maximize its

beneficial use. Even though water may seem to be an abundant natural resource, only 0.025%

of it is safe to drink. Therefore, clean water is rare, and 2.2 billion people do not obtain it

whatsoever. (Adams, 2021; World bank, 2022)

As a part of the United Nation 2030 Agenda goals, there is one called ‘Clean Water and

Sanitation’ as number 6. It affirms that annually, 829,000 people die from diseases of unsafe

water, and having access to water, sanitation and hygiene is a human right. Water is essential

not only to health, but also to reducing poverty, for peace and human rights, ecosystems and

education. So, its management has to be acceptable. At the current speed of progress, 1.6

billion people will not have safely managed drinking water. (UN, 2022)

Good Water management is crucial because it reduces water use, there would be better

irrigation controls during summer, and less energy waste - maintaining enough food supply

and a non-polluted environment for all living organisms. Human populations and economies

grow and the demand of freshwater has been increasing very quickly, so a global warming

increase, water scarcity, contamination, and non-access to clean water will happen if its

management systems do not become more sustainable. (Kılıç, 2020; Gupta, 2023)

Research has proven that water will cost the same price as expensive mineral oil, and humans

exploited nature so much that water bodies like rivers and lakes are now polluted. Some

places are making a major and inappropriate use of groundwater so there won’t be any

groundwater reservoirs left if there continues unorganized water management.

(Lyer, 2022)

(usgs.gov, 2019; Razmjoo, 2020)

How is the water management in the Valencian community, the rest of Spain

and Australia?


Valencia has a cycle for managing drinkable water called Integral water cycle:

The Integral Water Cycle is the route/way in which non-drinking water is taken from the

rivers Juca and Turia (dams), when there is no drought, to our homes in a drinkable way; and

the other way (taking drinking water to nature entirely purified). This cycle has been used for

more than 125 years. (Aguas de Valencia, n.d)

The Distribution Management System (DMS) and the GIS make it possible to know all the

networks’ state and its impact on people. These make the process of detecting and solving

problems faster. (Aguas de Valencia, n.d)

Water treatment in Valencia:

Pretreatment: A first scanning is performed to remove alien elements in the water and there is

a first dosage of potassium permanganate or chlorine.

Coagulation-Flocculation-Sedimentation: This is the process of separating and extracting

particles floating in the water.

Filtration using a bed of sand: To this point, the water still has non-wanted microbes, which

are retained in the sandy bed.

Final chlorine dosage:In this last phase, the clean water goes to a reservoir and eventually

released to the network.

(Aguas de Valencia, 2023)

In this graph, it explains that there has been lots of water in reservoirs in 2022 from April to

September in Valencia. (Embalses.net, 2023)

Pantano Capacidad Embalsada Variación

Algar [+] 6 0 0

Amadorio [+] 16 6 0

Arenos [+] 137 65 0

Bellus [+] 69 22 0

Benageber [+] 221 203 -3

Beniarres [+] 27 16 0

Buseo [+] 8 2 0

Contreras [+] 361 313 -5

Cortes II [+] 118 110 6

Crevillente [+] 13 4 1

El Naranjero

[+] 29 18 -6

El Regajo [+] 6 3 -1

Escalona [+] 99 5 0

Forata [+] 37 14 0

Guadalest [+] 13 9 0

La Muela [+] 20 13 0

La Pedrera [+] 246 66 1

Loriguilla [+] 73 23 1

Maria Cristina

[+] 18 3 0

Sichar [+] 49 20 -2

Tous - la Ribera

[+] 379 119 -6

Ulldecona [+] 11 7 0

These are all the bams in the Valencian Community and we can see that the one of Las

Contreras is the second largest and most used. There are bams that are completely unused like

Algar, with six hm3 (hectometers cubed) of capacity. (Embalses.net, 2023)

The government is in charge of water management, but specifically, the company of

EMIVASA, which is made with Las aguas de Valencia and the Valencian government, is in

charge of the public use of potable water, and the water reservoirs. Also, the ‘Universidad

Politécnica de Valencia’ (the ITA, research group) contributes to the research and growth of

Valencia 's water management. (Valencia.es, 2022)


The water management in Spain is based on planning, public participation and development

of new technologies to make this system easier. It has been one of the most important parts of

the economic development in the 20th century. (miteco.gob, 2019)

Spain has Basin Organizations and Hydrographic Confederations that help to maintain a

sustainable use of water, as well as the town halls, which are in charge of the purification and

sanitation of water. This Basin Organization is the highest authority in terms of water

resources. (miteco.gob, 2019)

Public administrations are the ones who are in charge of the generalized water management

system but more than 50% of the population’s water management is from private companies

(the largest company is ‘Aguas de Barcelona - Agbar’).

Thanks to having a suitable hydraulic policy, Spain has gone from 900,000 hectares of

irrigated land to 3,400,000 hectares throughout the 20th century, from 296 km of pipelines to

more than 10,000 km of canals and from 57 dams to more than 1,200.

However, Spain has fought, and continues to fight for the ability to manage water and make

people use it 100% sustainably. (miteco.gob, 2020)

Here are some organizations that make up the water management of Spain:

● Canal de Isabel II - Public company, Madrid, in charge of 5 million people

● Aguas de Sevilla (EMASESA) - Private company, Seville, in charge of 1 million


● Consorcio de aguas de Bilbao - Public organisation, Bilbao, in charge of 1 million

people (50% of Vizcaya’s population)

● Grupo AGBAR (Representative: Aigües de Barcelona) - 1st private company, owns

companies in all autonomous communities, in charge of 20 million people (42% of

Spain’s population)

● Empresa municipal de Aguas de la Coruña - Public company, Galicia, in charge of

360.000 people

● GIAHSA - Public company, Huelva, in charge of 100.000 people

(Hispagua, n.d)

This is a map showing how much dammed water there is in Spain:

(Embalses.net, 2023)

Here is a diagram showing where the water from Spain goes:

(Google images, n.d)


Water management has been the main problem in Australia since centuries ago, because it is

mainly a desert; it’s very probable that there will be droughts and they will continue. Currently,

the water from Australia is groundwater (stored in Aquifers/dams), which can be easier to

access for the population, but is not accessible for irrigation, as some groundwaters are 3000

meters deep - the roots from trees do not reach out down enough for them to get water. (Adams,


In terms of education, Australian people are the best educated to not use an excess of water to

avoid an inappropriate use of it:

- Western Australia: Plenty of restrictions on watering gardens, washing cars by hand in

semi-arid (dry) area gardens, and on washing machines.

- In cities, desalination plants are installed getting the water from coasts.

- These types of activities will make the demand of water supplies less necessary and it

will eventually have a good effect on the environment. (Adams, 2021)

Its average annual rainfall is just 470mm and is unevenly distributed: the Northern Territory

receives around 1,700mm, while South Australia gets less than 570mm - some towns survive

with less than 200 mm of rainfall. (Heggie, 2022)

The institution in control of the water management system is the (public) Commonwealth

system, along with the government.

This is where Australia’s water goes:

(Shi, T., n.d.)

Compared with Spain, the majority of water in Australia is used by agriculture, not by


How can water management systems be improved in the Valencian Community,

Spain and Australia?

In the Valencian Community, ‘Las aguas de Valencia’ has the goals of having better drinking

water networks performance with new data management technologies with the ability of

predicting when there is demand, improvement of leaks detection, advanced effective use of

energy in (for example) filtration processes, and better water quality by developing new

techniques. (Aguas de Valencia, 2023)

In Spain, the objectives of every private and public company include the ‘always’ sustainable

use, repair and protection of lakes, rivers, aquifers, and wetlands, the increase in water

security, a better sanitation and purification in urban places. Most importantly, Spain has the

big objective of fighting against pollution effectively and managing responsibly the risk of

floods or droughts. This has been a problem for the government and politics, having as a

recent example the transfer of water between the rivers ‘Tajo’ to ‘Segura’. (miteco. gob,


This plan of water transfer had the intention of getting water from the river Tajo, which has

abundant water, to the river Segura, which suffers more droughts; starting in 1979. The

quantity of water to be transferred is regulated by ‘Confederación Hidrográfica Tajo-Segura’

(made by representatives of both rivers). The issue is that when this group disagrees with the

transfer, the last decision is made by the minister, who will make a decision in favor of the

representative of the minister’s political party. (miteco.gob, 2023)

In Australia, the government has the goals of having enough money to invest in desalination

plants which give an additional 674 gigaliters of water for the cities, doing the process called

Indirect Potable Reuse in every city so that all population has a self-sufficient amount of

water; this process involves aquifers filtering wastewater and storing it until it can be used

again. In conclusion, Australia would be the country with the most difficult objectives to

achieve because of the state of their money accumulated. (aph.Gov.au, 2021)

Here is Australia’s plan of water management:

(mdba.gov.au, 2022)

Water management systems can be improved by providing a good education system, teaching

the children to take care of their water (having Australia as an example), establishing laws of

water protection and having a limited use of water in houses/schools, if it can be done -

putting more reservoirs, and making the process of depositing clean water in nature more



With climate change and excessive population growth, having sustainable and affordable

water management is a difficult task everywhere. In order to change the management of

water, people have to start contributing to its saving, because it is a non-renewable resource

that is essential for life. It is also concluded that there is a huge difference between the

systems used in developed countries and the non-developed ones. To stop using water

ineffectively, technology has to make a big advance in the ways water is managed and

distributed to the population.


Adams, T (2021). Water management - Strategies, Techniques, and Best Practices. GRT.



resources,saving%20the%20 aquatic%20environment (Seen: 24/05/23)

The World Bank (2022). Water Resources Management. The World Bank.

https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/waterresourcesmanagement#2 (Seen: 7/06/23)

Lyer, R (2022). Why is water management important for us?. Tutorialspoint.

http://www.tutorialspoint.com/why-is-water-management-important-for-us (Seen: 7/06/23)

Gupta, H (2023). The Importance of Water Management in Agriculture and Our Future.

ClimateAi. https://climate.ai/blog/water-management/ (Seen: 31/05/23)

Kılıç, Z (2020). The importance of water and conscious use of water. MedCrave.


0 increasing%20 rapidly. (Seen: 7/06/23)

United Nations (2022). Ensure access to water and sanitation for all. United Nations.



unless%20progress%20quadruples. (Seen: 7/06/23)

Aguas de Valencia (2023). Water treatment. Aguas de Valencia.


(Seen: 7/06/23)

Aguas de Valencia (n.d). Integral Water Cycle. Aguas de Valencia.

https://www.aguasdevalencia.es/Grupo/Nuestro-trabajo/Ciclo-integral-del-agua/ (Seen:


Embalses.net (2023). Embalses en la Comunidad Valenciana. Embalses.net.

https://www.embalses.net/comunidad-17-comunidad-valenciana.html (Seen: 7/06/23)

Valencia.es (2023). Gestores de servicios - Suministro de agua. Valencia.es.

https://www.valencia.es/es/cas/tramites/gestores-de-servicios (Seen: 7/06/23)

Miteco.gob (2019). Orientaciones y gobernanza de la gestión del agua y el cambio climático.

https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/agua/temas/sistema-espaniol-gestion-agua/ (Seen: 7/06/23)

Miteco.gob (2020). Orientaciones estratégicas de cambio climático.

https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/agua/temas/sistema-espaniol-gestion-agua/estrategia/ (Seen:


Hispagua (n.d). Abastecimiento de agua en España.


htm (Seen: 7/06/23)

Embalses.net (2023). Agua embalsada en España. https://www.embalses.net/ (Seen: 7/06/23)

Adams, T. (2021). Water management in Australia - History, current and future challenges.


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Heggie, J. (2022). Making Every Drop Count: How Australia is Securing its Water Future.


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Shi, T. (n.d). Water use across economic sectors in Australia.

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Mdba.gov.au (2023). Water Management in the Murray-Darling Basin.

https://www.mdba.gov.au/water-management. (Seen: 7/06/23)

Molero, J. (2023). La situación de los embalses en España se agrava: bajan del 50% de

capacidad... y tienen ya menos agua que hace un año.


(Seen: 8/06/23)

Pinar, C. (2023). Pozos de emergencia y mejorar conductos de abastecimiento: las obras

exprés para asegurar agua este verano en el sur y Levante.


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20minutos (2023). La ONU alerta de la llegada de El Niño antes de septiembre: un calor sin

precedentes traerá un récord de temperaturas globales.




Schofield, H. (2023). Drought prompts French ban on garden swimming pools.

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BBC (2023). Warning of summer water shortages after dry winter.

https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-65469102 (Seen: 7/06/23)

How has Covid-19 (pandemic) affected tourism and people that work with tourism

in Benidorm, Spain and Paris?

V. T.


SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................................... 3

RESUMEN ........................................................................................................................................ 3

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 4

METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................................... 5

ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................................................ 6

What is tourism? ........................................................................................................................... 6

What part of the economy represents tourism in Spain and France? ........................................... 6

Tourism in Benidorm and rest of Spain ....................................................................................... 7

How was tourism in Benidorm, the rest of Spain and Paris before Covid-19? ............................ 7

On average, how many people travelled in the post-pandemic compared to pre-pandemic in

Spain? ........................................................................................................................................... 8

INTERVIEW WITH ISABEL ........................................................................................................ 9

CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................... 12

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES ....................................................................................... 13


My topic is about tourism in different countries, and how Covid-19 has affected tourism and its

workers. I also worked on comparing the different numbers between before and after the

pandemic, to see how affected tourism has been by this. I also did an interview with a professional

to get more information about this.

Keywords: Tourism, Covid-19, Spain and France


Mi trabajo consiste en el turismo en diferentes países, y cómo el Covid ha afectado el turismo y a

la gente que trabaja en este sector. También he estado comparando los diferentes números entre

antes y después de la pandemia, para ver

lo afectado que ha sido el turismo por esto. Después he hecho una entrevista con una profesional

para conseguir más información sobre esto.

Palabras clave: Turismo, Covid-19, España y Francia


My topic is a really important topic because there are a lot of articles in 2023 about it. Important

and reliable newspapers have a lot of articles about tourism. Some examples are: BBC (2023),

where we can find that Tourism tax could be a threat for business, The Guardian (2020), which

talks about how after the devastations that pandemic caused, it could possibly be the end of

tourism and The New York Times (Glusac, 2023), that is an article that explains how the airfare

costs have risen and how we should start looking at prices because they will rise.

I chose this topic because I think it was something that was really interesting and really affected by

Covid, so I thought it would be something good to do and something that would have a lot of

numbers (to compare). I also knew someone that worked in a tourism agency, so I decided to do an

interview with a person that knows about tourism in Spain and France.


What keywords did I use to find my information?

In order to find the different sources of information there has been use of the Internet, using

keywords such as: Tourism, Covid-19, Spain, France and 2019-2022.

I chose the sources by seeing which ones gave me the best information and seeing if they were

reliable or not. I also looked for sources that gave me information that I hadn’t already found. I

checked their reliability by seeing if they had: an author, the date, the grammar… I did a mixed

research, because 50% of my work is quantitative, because in this research I wanted to show the

difference between the statistics and the regions over the years. The other 50% is qualitative

(extracting information that is not numerical).


What is tourism?

Tourism is a social, cultural and economic phenomenon which entails the movement of people to

countries or places outside their usual environment for personal (to have fun) or

business/professional purposes (work travelling). (Toppr, n.d; Thierie, 2023)

What part of the economy represents tourism in Spain and France?

In Spain, tourism activity in 2021 reached 97,126 million euros in 2021, 8.0% of GDP, 2.2 points

more than in 2020. The characteristic branches of tourism generated 2.27 million jobs, 11.4 % of

total employment. (INE, n.d)

Tourism is Spain’s main productive sector, accounting for 12% of its gross domestic product

(GDP), which decreased in the pandemic with a 77% decline in international arrivals in 2020 and

63% in 2021. (Innov, 2023)

Due to Covid-19, the tourism GDP (Gross Domestic Product) fell by 34% to EUR 114.5 billion, or

5.3% of the economy in 2020. Employment was less impacted, but there was still a giant loss of

155 764 jobs. Three-quarters of the jobs lost were in the accommodation and food services sectors.

(OECD iLibrary, n.d)

Tourism in Benidorm and rest of Spain

Benidorm: Benidorm has become the third most-visited destination in Spain with 1.8 million

overnight stays in 2022. The figures are significant for Benidorm as it typically ranks as the sixthmost

visited destination in Spain. Numbers have shown that loads of people visit Benidorm every

year. (Joshua, 2022) For example, Spain is the 2nd leading tourism brand in the world and the 3rd

country in terms of number of tourists per year. (SCB, n.d)

How was tourism in Benidorm, the rest of Spain and Paris before Covid-19?

Spain welcomed 66.4 million foreign tourists in the first eleven months of 2022, a huge (138.9

percent) increase compared to 2021 but still 15 percent less than during the same period in

2019.(The Local, 2023). Benidorm had over 11.3 million overnight stays in 2019. (López, 2021)

Benidorm ended 2019 with an average hotel occupancy of 84.2%, four tenths less than in 2018.

(Alicante plaza, 2020) Paris hosted 16.6 million international tourists in 2019. (Statista, 2023)

On average, how many people travelled in the post-pandemic compared to

pre-pandemic in Spain?

In 2022, 71.6 million tourists visited Spain. Numbers have increased by 130% compared to 2021,

however, it is still 14% less than in pre-Covid year (2019). In 2020, 18.9 million people visited

Spain, so the numbers of 2022 are much higher. (Thierie, 2023; Osborn, 2022) According to

(Froyd, 2023), 2022 was a record year for Spain’s tourism, reaching 83.7 million foreign visitors.

(Worlddata, n.d) says that Spanish tourism in 2020 was much lower than in 2022, by only reaching

36 million visitors.


This interview was done on the 13th of May in Madrid. This source of information is relevant

because the person who I interviewed works in Halcón Viajes, and knows a lot about tourism in

different places.

How was tourism in Benidorm, the rest of Spain and

Paris before Covid-19?

Tourism before the pandemic, specifically from 2010 until

2019, lived its biggest boom, its golden age. Europe was the

major destination visited in the world (receiving 50% of the

tourists) and tourism increased each year approximately 5%. In

2019 tourism represented nearly 10% of the European economy

and generated 11% of the employment.

The 5 major destinations were France, Spain, Italy, Germany,

and the United States.

Benidorm, in 2019 (before Covid) was the fourth national

destination with a really high number of overnight stays.

Tourism in Benidorm, rest of Spain and Paris

Benidorm: Benidorm is one of the most important tourist

destinations in Spain and in Europe. It welcomes national and

international tourists, nearly in the same amount (53%

international and the rest national). In summer it can reach

400.000 people (in terms of population). In winter, with elderly

tourism (IMSERSO), the city keeps receiving tourists. Tourism

in Benidorm represents a big part of the city’s economy. It

obtains a lot of income, generates job positions and day by day

develop new tourist infrastructures.

Rest of Spain: Tourism in Spain represents 12% of the

country’s economy. It is one of the sectors that gives more

wealth to the Spanish economy. The majority of tourists come

from European countries (Spain has the second biggest number

of foreign tourists, only won by France). National tourism has

increased in the last few years. Its tourist attractions, its hotel

industry and its character makes Spain one of the most chosen

destinations by 75 millions of international tourists per year,

with Madrid being the most visited city.

Paris: Tourism is key in the French economy, it represents 8%

and generates about 2 million job positions thanks to the sector.

Paris is the most visited city inside Europe, receiving nearly 82

million visitors in the last ranking. Despite the pandemic, the

French city has again become the leader and has welcomed

back 87% of its tourists and 90% of its income today.

How has Covid-19 (pandemic) affected tourism and

people that work with tourism in Benidorm, Spain and


Tourism (touristic companies and hostelry) was one of the most

affected sectors of the pandemic, where incomes stopped

generating but there were lots of bills to pay. Closures of

establishments, shops and with travel stops had a really

negative impact and serious consequences in the sector

(globally). However, today, the sector is reinforced and with an

economic closure anticipation in 2023 higher than the one we

had in 2019.


The information and the numbers provided by the expert and the other sources was similar, and the

main idea is the same. I could only compare two questions because they were the only questions

the interview and my own research had in common. I also found differences between the

information, because the information from the expert was quite more detailed than the information

from other sources.

The Pandemic has highly affected tourism, including people working around it. Numbers have

highly increased now (after Covid-19), but they still haven't reached pre-pandemic numbers, which

were really high. Tourism in 2019 and before had represented a big part of the Spanish and French

economy. A lot of people suffered, because they couldn’t work, as tourism had been “paralyzed”.

However, it is expected that tourism will continue growing and we will have a higher closure

anticipation than in 2019. Numbers have shown that both France and Spain still represent a big

part of the cities’ economy. An example is that France has again become the leader and has

welcomed back 87% of its tourists and 90% of its income today.


Alicante Plaza (2020). Benidorm cierra 2019 con una ocupación media del 84,2%, cuatro décimas

menos. Alicante Plaza.



BBC (2023). Tourism tax may harm businesses, says Bluestone boss. BBC.

https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-65709321 (31/05/23)

Froyd. J (2023). Spain welcomed 71.6 million tourists in 2022. Tourism Review.



Glusac, E. (2023). Airfares: As Costs Rise, Flexibility Is Key. The New York Times.

https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/25/travel/summer-airfares.html (31/05/23)

Ine.es (n.d). Tourism satellite account of Spain. Ine.es.



illion,%2C%2011.4%20%25%20of%20total%20employment (18/05/23)

Innov, F (2023). COVID-19 and tourism sector stock price in Spain: medium-term relationship

through dynamic regression models. NCBI.


%20among%20Spain%27s,2020%20and%2063%25%20in%202021 (18/05/23)

Joshua (2022). Benidorm popularity surges to become third most-visited destination in Spain in

2022. Benidormreviews.com. https://benidormreviews.com/benidorm-popularity-surges-to-



uerteventura). ( 3/05/23)

López, A (2021). Number of overnight stays in the city of Benidorm in 2019, by type of

accommodation. Statista. https://www.statista.com/statistics/765316/number-of-overnight-staysin-the-city-of-benidorm-by-type-of-tourist-accommodation/


OECD iLibrary (n.d). Tourism in the economy and outlook for recovery. OECD iLibrary.




es%20sectors. (18/05/23)

Osborn, S (2022). Foreign tourism to Spain in 2021 up by 64% – but falls short of government’s

target. Spainenglish.com. https://www.spainenglish.com/2022/02/04/foreign-tourism-spain-2021-


n%202020. (10/05/23)

SCB (n.d). Spain, a global tourist power. SCB. https://scb.es/en/why-spain/spain-a-global-touristpower/


Statista (2023). Number of international tourist arrivals in hotels in Paris from 2011 to 2019.

Statista. https://www.statista.com/statistics/664962/international-tourist-arrivals-hotels-paris/


The Guardian (2020). The end of tourism?. The Guardian.



The Local (2023). Tourism in Spain bounces back to near pre-pandemic levels. The



Thierie, W (2023). Spanish tourism rebounded last year but still lagged pre-Covid levels.

Think.ing.com. https://think.ing.com/snaps/spain-number-of-tourists-reaches-86-of-pre-pandemic-



02019 (3/05/23)

Toppr (n.d). Tourism essay for Students and Children. Toppr.com.


%20luxury (27/04/23)

Unwto (n.d). Glossary of tourism terms. Unwto.org. https://www.unwto.org/glossary-tourismterms#:~:text=Tourism%20is%20a%20social%2C%20cultural,personal%20or%20business%2Fpr

ofessional%20purposes (27/04/23)

Worlddata (n.d) Tourism in Spain. Worlddata.

https://www.worlddata.info/europe/spain/tourism.php (22/05/23)

What can Spain, Italy and California learn from each

other in terms of water management?



SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 3

RESUMEN ............................................................................................................................ 3

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 4

METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................. 4

ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................ 5

Water supply and sanitation in Spain .............................................................................. 5

Water supply and sanitation in Italy ................................................................................. 5

Water supply and sanitation in California ......................................................................... 6

Why does Spain have water management problems? ..................................................... 7

Why does California have water management problems? ............................................... 8

Why does Italy have water management problems? ..................................................... 10

CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................... 12

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES ................................................................................. 12


In this work I have talked about the water management in Spain, Italy and in California. I

have researched their problems individually and then compared them. I have researched their

problems with water from years ago until the moment. I have used this broad question to

know the basics of this topic in these locations. Then I went in and researched about the water

supply and sanitation in each country. Next, I researched about why they had water

management problems. And finally researched the monthly average rainfall in each country

to see if their water shortage problems were because of what they did and how they managed

the water that they had, or if it was because of the climate, and it barely rained.

Keywords: water management, average monthly rainfall, water supply, sanitation.


En este trabajo he hablado de la gestión del agua en España, Italia y en California. He

investigado sus problemas individualmente y luego los he comparado. He investigado sus

problemas con el agua desde hace años hasta el momento. He usado esta pregunta amplia

para conocer los conceptos básicos de este tema en estos lugares. Luego entré e investigué

sobre el suministro de agua y saneamiento en cada país. A continuación, investigué por qué

tenían problemas con el manejo del agua. Y finalmente investigué la precipitación promedio

mensual en cada país para ver si sus problemas de escasez de agua eran por lo que hacían y

cómo manejaban el agua que tenían, o si era por el clima y porque apenas llovía.

Palabras clave: gestión del agua, precipitación media mensual, abastecimiento de agua,



I have chosen this topic as I find it really interesting and important. This year Spain is very

dry, that’s why I wanted to know what could happen if there is no improvement. I wanted to

have knowledge of this serious issue. Water management is really important.

I have chosen these three locations (Italy, Spain, California) as they have similar climates. I

have researched what their problems with water management are, and compared them among

each other.

Looking on Google News, seven posts have been found from the last month related to water

management, showing how important and current this topic is. Among them, we find the

example of Manuel Yaben (2023), where he explains how Israel,the paradigm of water reuse

that has ended scarcity. (Yaben, 2023)


I went to google and used my keywords to find the answer to my question.

The key words of my work are: water management,average precipitations,water supply.

When I was researching I used my keywords to find useful information to answer my subquestions

which answer my big question.

I have chosen the references written as they had the information that I looked for, nearly all

of them had author and date, and none of them had shocking news that didn’t make sense.

When I found a reference that met with the requirements, I checked if I could find the same

information in other sources. And if it was so, I used the reference, as I knew it was reliable.

I have found some sources that had fake news, I found out this as it had shocking news that

didn’t make any sense. Then I checked if there were other sources that said the same, and as

it was expected I couldn’t find any source that said the same information. I checked if the

article had an author or a date, and it didn’t. The article referenced like to show where they

got their information, and when I clicked on them, they were inaccessible. The article talked

about why Spain has water management problems. It said that it was all just because of the



Water supply and sanitation in Spain

Severe droughts are a typical occurrence in southern Spain.

The Plan Hidrológico Nacional was for significant investments in the transfer of surface

water from the Ebro River,to cities along the Mediterranean coast. However, in 2004, the

newly elected Spanish government abandoned these plans in favour of seawater desalination,

which will add to the 700 already operating desalination facilities.

According to the utility association ASOAGA, just 19% of municipal water supply comes

from groundwater, 7% from springs, and 74% comes from desalination. The National

Statistical Institute conducted a survey in 2007, and it found out that 63% of the water

delivered by utilities comes from surface water, 33% from groundwater, and 4% from

alternative sources like desalination. (B.C. n.d.)

Water supply and sanitation in Italy

Available water resources are estimated to be 58 billion cubic metres/year, 72% of which

from surface water and 28% from groundwater. Almost 53% of the utilisable surface

resources are in northern Italy, 19% in central Italy, 21% in southern Italy, and 7% in the two

largest islands. About 70% of the underground resources is in the large flood plains of

northern Italy. Water is particularly scarce in Apulia, Basilicata, Sicily and Sardinia, a fact

that could be aggravated by the effects of climate change.

Rome receives 97% of its drinking water from springs and 3% from wells. Milan receives its

drinking water from 433 wells in the vicinity of the city. However, other Italian cities get

most of their drinking water from rivers. For example, Florence gets most of its drinking

water from the Arno River, and the Naples region receives its drinking water through the

Western Campania Aqueduct from the Gari River. (C.C.P. 2023)

Water supply and sanitation in California

California’s economy and culture have always been shaped by the abundance or scarcity of water.

The Golden State’s economy, agricultural production, and population have grown to number one

in the nation, largely in pace with the development of its water resources.

California receives 75 % of its rain and snow in the watersheds north of Sacramento. However, 80

%of California’s water demand comes from the southern 2/3 of the state.

As people flocked to the mild climate and agricultural richness of southern California in the late

1800s and early 1900s, it was quickly apparent that the region’s water supply wouldn’t support

the swelling population. Several water projects were built to import the precious resource to

Southern California and the Central Valley. (C.D.W.R., n.d.)

Why does Spain have water management problems?

The water crisis in Spain has come about due to recurring droughts as a result of the effects of

extreme weather conditions that contribute to increasing temperatures in the peninsula. In

2019, the Spanish association, La Unión de Uniones de Agricultores y Ganaderos, faced

losses of €1.5 billion as a consequence of droughts. In the same year, the Spanish Health

Ministry discovered that 67,050 samples from different water sources around the peninsula

were not safe for drinking.

The dire water crisis is visible in the national park of Las Tablas de Daimiel, a wetland that

has dried up in the last three years. As a result, many of the aquatic species living in the

wetland have disappeared, marking the effects of the Spanish water crisis. In fact, in 2009,

“subterranean peat fires broke out” due to the increasingly dry temperatures, decreasing the

once 500 kilometres of wetland into 30 kilometres. (Diaz, 2022)

(Burgueño, 2023)

Why does California have water management problems?

California has failed to adequately prepare and provide the state with a functioning water

supply system that can grow with our population. If it were managed properly, California

receives enough rain and snow to serve its 40 million residents and 4 million acres of

farmland for several years. The problem is inadequate infrastructure and a regulatory system

that requires a huge amount of water to run straight to the ocean, so we aren’t able to capture

what we need to make it through the dry times.

The loss of available water also has significant impacts on our ability to generate power.

According to the California Energy Commission, in 2019, water provided 19% of

California’s power. Lake Oroville, California’s second largest reservoir, dropped so low this

August that the Edward Hyatt Power Plant was forced to go offline for the first time since it

opened in 1967. Oroville’s power plant, when at full capacity, can generate enough electricity

to power up to 800,000 homes. When combined with the fact that a significant portion of our

power now comes from intermittent wind and solar, our ongoing energy crisis is only

exacerbated by this lack of captured water. (Dahle, 2021)

(laalmanac, 2020)

Why does Italy have water management problems?

Northern Italy gets nearly twice as much rainfall as the south, where water scarcity is

exacerbated by higher annual temperatures that intensify evaporation. Meanwhile, Italy’s

mountainous terrain makes it difficult to move surplus water between its regions. These

factors, along with abnormally low soil moisture, means that although there’s a plentiful 392

billion cubic yards (300 billion cubic metres) of water that falls or flows into Italy every year,

barely 76 billion cubic yards (58 billion cubic metres) can actually be used.

Of this, over 70 percent forms surface water such as the springs, lakes, and rivers that are the

primary water source for most Italian cities, towns, and villages: the Arno River supplies

much of the water for Florence while Rome draws a majority of its domestic water from

springs. But when the rains fail, these water sources can quickly dry up—and across southern

Italy, the rains are failing more frequently.

2017 was Italy’s driest summer for sixty years with up to 80 percent less rainfall than the

historic average. This water shortage was compounded by a summer heatwave with

temperatures soaring above 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius). Such extreme

events, commonly linked to climate change, are expected to become both more frequent and

more severe. Twice in the last two years, Venice’s famed canals have run so dry that their

iconic gondolas were grounded; the Italian island of Sardinia applied for natural disaster

status in 2017; in Sicily wildfires destroyed forests and farms, forcing evacuations. So far,

2019 has seen Rome and many other cities, towns, and villages facing one of the country’s

driest summers yet. Even the relatively wet north was reduced to just one month’s reserves of


Ornate fountains like this one in Florence are in danger of trickling dry in times of major

drought; just like Rome in 2017, when one hundred fountains around the Vatican stopped for

the first time in living memory (N.G., 2020)

"In the first six months of 2017, we saw less than half of average rainfall in central Italy,"

said Luca Brocca from Italy's Research Institute for Geo-Hydrological Protection, of the

National Research Council (IRPI-CNR). (E.S.A. 2017)

(Climieviaggi, n.d.)


In this work I have compared water management problems in Spain, Italy and California. In

this research I have stated:

- That California has water management problems. Because it has a good amount of

average monthly rainfall, and researching, I found they don’t know how to manage

their water supply so end up with water shortage. In California, water shortages aren't

just due to a lack of rain, and the state's chronic water problems are far from over.

- That Italy and Spain have water shortage problems because of the climate. The

climate in these two countries is characterised with high temperatures and extreme

drought because of the shortage of rainfall.


B.C. (n.d.) Ecology, Urbanism, Infrastructures and Mobility. Barcelona cat. (15/5/23)



Burgueño,Erick. (2023) Average monthly rainfall in Spain as of 2020. Statista. (18/5/23)


C.C.P. (28/5/23) Fresh water resources Italy. Climate Change Post. (25/5/23)


C.D.W.R. (n.d.) The California water system. California Department of water system.

(11/5/23) https://water.ca.gov/water-basics/the-california-water-system

Climieviaggi. (n.d.) Clima-Italia. Climi e viaggi. (25/5/23)


Dahle, Brian. (2021) California’s Water Shortage Was Created by a Lack of Leadership, Not

E.S.A. (5/9/17) Italy’s drought seen from space. Phys Org. (2023)


Laalmanac. (2020) Monthly rainfall by season. Los Angeles Almanac. (29/5/23)


Mother Nature. Senator Brian Dahle. (18/5/23) https://dahle.cssrc.us/content/californiaswater-shortage-was-created-lack-leadership-not-mother-nature.

Diaz,N. (2022) The water crisis in Spain. The Borgen project. (27/4/23)



N.G. (18/6/20) The Leaky Boot:Where is Italy’s water going? National Geographic. (16/5/23)



Yaben,Manuel. (2023) Israel,the paradigm of water reuse that has ended scarcity. El

independiente. (1/6/23) https://www.elindependiente.com/economia/2023/05/07/israel-elparadigma-de-la-reutilizacion-de-agua-que-ha-acabado-con-la-escasez/

What relation do water management and climate

change have?

J. A. V.


SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 3

RESUMEN ............................................................................................................................ 3

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 3

METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................. 4

ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................ 4

What relation do water management and climate change have? ..................................... 4

What does water management mean? ............................................................................ 5

Why is water management a problem for society? .......................................................... 5

Why is water management important for society? ........................................................... 5

Why is there less water management in Africa? .............................................................. 6

Did Covid-19 have an effect on water management? ...................................................... 6

CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................................... 7

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES ................................................................................... 7


In this Individual Research Project I have been researching for answers to each of my

questions about water management in Spain, Argentina and Germany. I have created a long

and short reference for each of the sources I have found the answers from. I also have done

an introduction, a methodology and a conclusion in this research project.

Keywords: water management, climate change, society, Argentina, Germany and Spain.


En este Proyecto de Investigación Individual he estado buscando respuestas a cada una de

mis preguntas sobre la gestión del agua en España, Argentina y Alemania. He creado una

larga y corta referencia para cada uno de los artículos de los que he encontrado las respuestas.

También he hecho una introducción, una metodología y una conclusión en este proyecto.

Palabras clave: gestión del agua, cambio climático, sociedad, Argentina, Alemania y



In the last weeks in Global Perspective we have been doing this Individual Research Project.

I’ve been writing about the water management in Spain, Argentina and Germany. I have

included long and short references to each source of information. I have chosen this topic

because I think this will be a very important thing in the future and we need to care about it.


In this research project the key words I have used to find the sources are: water management,

climate change, society and scarcity. I had chosen the three first links that appeared to me and

I started reading them. I checked if the sources are not reliable by identifying words like:

always or never and also if there are spelling mistakes. I made short and long references for

each of the sources that were reliable. I chose the information by reading it until it answered

my question, so that information I put it under the question. When I wrote the conclusion I

wrote what I have learned from each country's water management and compared them.


What relation do water management and climate change have?

Climate change is primarily a water crisis. We feel its impacts through worsening floods,

rising sea levels, shrinking ice fields, wildfires and droughts. However, water can fight

climate change. Sustainable water management is central to building the resilience of

societies and ecosystems and to reducing carbon emissions (UN Water, n.d).

Water and climate change are inextricably linked. Climate change affects the world’s water in

complex ways. From unpredictable rainfall patterns to shrinking ice sheets, rising sea levels,

floods and droughts. (Climate Action, n.d)

Spain - Climate change with temperature increases, and in Spain, with reduced rainfall, will

essentially cause a decrease in water yields and increased demand for irrigation systems.

Germany - Water strategy aimed at coping with long dry seasons and heat waves caused by

climate change.


- Problems with water quality in lakes and reservoirs in Argentina have increased.

What does water management mean?

Water management is the control and movement of water resources to minimize damage to

life and property and to maximize efficient beneficial use. This source is reliable because it is

an official website from the U.S.A government. (U.S.A Government, n.d)

For example, groundwater can be artificially recharged by redirecting water across the land

surface through canals, infiltration basins, or ponds; adding irrigation furrows or sprinkler

systems; or simply injecting water directly into the subsurface through injection wells. This

source is reliable and has good examples. (Constro, 2020)

Why is water management a problem for society?

It is reliable and answers my question with a good explanation. Only 3% of the world’s water

is freshwater, and two-thirds of that is tucked away in frozen glaciers or otherwise

unavailable for our use. (WWF, n.d)

It is reliable because it is an official website from the United Nations and it answers my

question with a good explanation. Water is also a rights issue, as the global population grows,

there is an increasing need to balance all of the competing commercial demands on water

resources, so that communities have enough for their needs. (United Nations, n.d)

Spain - Climate crisis threatening water security.

Germany - Drought in Germany.

Argentina - Have been reeling under drought conditions.

Why is water management important for society?

It is reliable because it is an official website from the United Nations and it answers my

question with a good explanation. Water is at the core of sustainable development and is

critical for socio-economic development, healthy ecosystems and for human survival itself. It

is vital for reducing the global burden of disease and improving the health, welfare and

productivity of populations. (United Nations, n.d)

It is reliable and it answers the question. Climate change will worsen the situation by altering

hydrological cycles, making water more unpredictable and increasing the frequency and

intensity of floods and droughts so we need to take care about it. (The World Bank, n.d)

Spain - Spain has one major water management challenge: water scarcity, including the need

to secure water supply.

Germany - Water bodies in Germany are subject to state management.

Argentina - It established nationwide minimum requirements for the environmental

protection of water resources.

Why is there less water management in Africa?

This source is reliable. Water scarcity in Africa is a dire situation, and is only getting worse.

As Africa’s population continues to grow and climate change continues to rob the continent

of the finite resource. (Malba, 2022)

It is a reliable source. With one in three people facing water scarcity, the continent is

contending with dangerous levels of water stress. Also because of the extreme hot conditions

that are people suffering in Africa. (The Water Blog, 2022)

Did Covid-19 have an effect on water management?

It is reliable because it is an official website from the United Nations. During the COVID-19

pandemic, the availability and consumption of safe water reached alarming levels. Millions of

people still lack access to basic water and sanitation services.(Elsevier, 2022)

It is reliable and answers my question in a short but good explanation. The COVID-19

pandemic has underscored the value of water and its connections to human health. This

global health crisis has raised new water-related challenges for local communities, water

agencies, and the private sector. (Pacific Institute, n.d)

Spain - The novel coronavirus has been detected in Spanish waste water samples collected in

the city of Barcelona on 12 March 2019. Germany -

Alteration of water consumption patterns during COVID-19.

Argentina - Covid-19 restrictions intensified water shortages in these rural communities.


In conclusion, in this Individual Research Project I had been answering my question

about Water Management in Spain, Germany and Argentina. In each of the different

answers I had included long references and short references. I learned that Spain’s

water management has a good economic structure but not a very good security of

clean water. I also learned that in Germany they have a very secure water supply

and clean water. Finally, in Argentina the water management is very important for

society because the water is not so clean.


Constro Facilitator (2020) Different types of water management methods. Constro Facilitator.


example%2C%20 groundwater%20can%20be,the%20

subsurface%20through%20 injection%20 wells. (8/6/2020).

U.S.A Government (n.d) Water Management. USDA. https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/watermanagement


WWF (n.d) Water Scarcity. WWF. https://www.worldwildlife.org/threats/waterscarcity#:~:text=Only%203%25%20of%20the%20world's,one%20

month%20of%20the%20year. (n.d).

United Nations (n.d) Water. United Nations. https://www.un.org/en/global-issues/water (n.d)

The World Bank (n.d) Water Resources Management. The World Bank.


United Nations (n.d) Water Development. United nations.


Water%20is%20at%20the%20core,welfare%20and%20productivity%20of%20 populations


Malba, K. (2022) Water Scarcity in Africa. Global Citizen.



Upadya, Y. (2022) Bold action needed for a water-secure Africa. The Water Blog.

https://blogs.worldbank.org/water/bold-action-needed-water-secure-africa (17/3/2022)

Elsevier (2022) Effects of COVID-19 on the availability of clean water and sanitation.

Elsevier. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9334991/ (29/6/2022)

Pacific Institute (n.d) Water and Covid-19: Risks and Opportunities. Pacific Institute.

https://pacinst.org/water-and-covid-19-risks-and-opportunities/ (n.d)

Climate Action (n.d) Water at the center of the climate crisis. Climate Action.

https://www.un.org/en/climatechange/science/climate-issues/water (n.d)

UN Water (n.d) Water and climate Change. UN Water. https://www.unwater.org/waterfacts/water-and-climate-change


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