MAVC VPA Prospectus 2023-2024

Tha MAVC Visual & Performing Arts school Prospectus for the coming scholastic year 2023-2024 is out. Inside one can find all the courses' information and timetable the school will be offering in the coming scholastic year for all four departments: Art, Music, Drama and Dance. New applicants can enroll between the 25th July - 4th of August 2023 Late applications are open between the 18th and the 23rd of September(subject to availability) It is possible to apply for courses: Online through the MAV College Courses direct link https://mavc.gov.mt/programme/apply or directly at our School’s office in Soil Street (Triq il-Hamrija), Xewkija, Gozo from Monday to Friday between 9:00 hrs and 11:30 hrs.

Tha MAVC Visual & Performing Arts school Prospectus for the coming scholastic year 2023-2024 is out. Inside one can find all the courses' information and timetable the school will be offering in the coming scholastic year for all four departments: Art, Music, Drama and Dance.

New applicants can enroll between the 25th July - 4th of August 2023

Late applications are open between the 18th and the 23rd of September(subject to availability)

It is possible to apply for courses:

Online through the MAV College Courses direct link https://mavc.gov.mt/programme/apply

or directly at our School’s office in Soil Street (Triq il-Hamrija), Xewkija, Gozo from Monday to Friday between 9:00 hrs and 11:30 hrs.


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PROSPECTUS 2023-2024





FOREWORD ......................................................................................... 6-7

WHERE AND WHEN TO APPLY ................................................................ 8

VISUAL ARTS ........................................................................................... 9

MQF1 Award in Visual Arts I, II & III ................................................ 10

MQF2 Award in Visual Arts I, II & III ................................................ 11

MQF3 Certificate in Visual Arts I, II & III .......................................... 12

MQF4 Certificate in Visual Arts I ..................................................... 13

Intro to Arts ..................................................................................... 14

Art: Drawing & Painting I, II & III ...................................................... 15

Illustration & Cartooning ................................................................. 16

3D Sculpture Techniques/Mixed Media ........................................... 17

Papier Mâché ................................................................................... 18

Sculpture: Wood & Stone Carving I & II ........................................... 19

Sculpture: Clay Modelling ................................................................ 20

Sculpture: Clay Modelling & Casting I & II ....................................... 20

Pyrography I & II .............................................................................. 21

Figure Drawing ................................................................................. 22

Fine Art Print Making ....................................................................... 22

Portraiture ....................................................................................... 23

Art History & Appreciation .............................................................. 23

Digital Art I & II ................................................................................ 24

Introduction to Motion Graphics ..................................................... 25

Digital 3D Modelling & 3D Printing .................................................. 25

Visual Arts Educators ....................................................................... 26

DANCE ................................................................................................... 27

Ballet Grades 1-4 ............................................................................. 28

Ballet Intermediate Foundation ...................................................... 29

Ballet Intermediate ......................................................................... 30

Ballet Advanced Foundation ............................................................ 31

Ballet Advanced .............................................................................. 32

Dance Educator ............................................................................... 33


DRAMA ................................................................................................. 34

Introducbon to Drama ..................................................................... 35

Acbng & Drama MQF Levels 1-3 ...................................................... 36

Stagecrac ......................................................................................... 37

Drama Educators ............................................................................ 38

MUSIC ................................................................................................... 39

Introducbon to Music ...................................................................... 40

Music Knowledge & Understanding - Preliminary Course ............... 41

Music Knowledge & Understanding - Grades 1-8 ............................ 42


Violin & Viola ............................................................................. 43

Violoncello ................................................................................. 44


Flute ............................................................................................ 45

Clarinet ....................................................................................... 46

Saxophone .................................................................................. 47


French Horn ................................................................................ 48

Trumpet ...................................................................................... 49

Trombone ................................................................................... 50

Baritone ...................................................................................... 50


Drums & Classical Percussion ..................................................... 51


Pianoforte ................................................................................... 52

Accordion .................................................................................... 53


Contemporary Guitar .................................................................. 54


Classical Voice ............................................................................. 55

Contemporary Voice ................................................................... 55

Choir ................................................................................................. 56

Leisure Courses ................................................................................. 56

Music Educators ............................................................................... 57






The MAVC Gozo Visual and Performing Arts School traces its

roots to the late 1980s, when 3 specialised schools, in the 4

disciplines, namely art, music and drama/dance in 3 different

localibes (Ghajnsielem, Sannat and Nadur) were established.

In 2014, the 3 schools were merged to form what is now known

as the Gozo Visual and Performing Arts School in Xewkija.

In 2017 the schools joined the network of the Mikiel Anton

Vassalli College.

This school incorporates 4 departments, that of art, music, drama

and dance under one roof. It currently consists of dedicated

educators, all experts in their own creabve field. This makes it

possible to offer a broad range of subjects across the 4 disciplines

via accredited courses leading up to MQF level 5.

The MAVC Gozo Visual and Performing Arts School strives to

provide an educabonal environment which encourages students

to become confident, competent and successful members of

society, fully prepared for life and the world of visual and

performing arts and a possible career in the same field.




In a world filled with colours and imagina4on, where dreams take shape and inspira4on

knows no boundaries, there exists a group of extraordinary individuals who possess the

power to ignite the spark of crea4vity within us all. They are the guardians of knowledge, the

cul4vators of curiosity, and the maestros of enlightenment. These are our teachers and educators engaged at the

Mikiel Anton Vassalli College – Gozo Visual and Performing Arts School. They possess a passion for the art that knows no limits.

Educators engaged within this college embark on a noble mission by moulding young (and not so young) minds and shaping future

genera4ons. Armed with pa4ence and wisdom, our educators and teachers guide our students through the labyrinth of possibili4es,

unraveling the mysteries of visual and performing arts and unveiling the secrets of this beauty. They open doors to new dimensions,

where self-expression and imagina4on dance freely.

How fortunate we are to witness the magic that unfolds within the realm of the Gozo VPA classrooms, worksta4ons and spaces!

With every stroke of a brush, every stroke of a pen, or every note played on an instrument, they are cul4va4ng a love for the arts,

nurturing talents that might otherwise remain hidden in the shadows.

So while presen4ng another prospectus, let us take a moment to honour these torchbearers of crea4vity and defenders of

imagina4on at the Gozo VPA School.

To all staff and administra4on at the MAVC Gozo Visual and Performing Arts School, we celebrate your dedica4on, enthusiasm and

your unyielding passion for the arts. Thank you for enriching the lives of prospec4ve students registering for the scholas4c year to


Mr. Victor Galea



Tel: 2598 3710

Email: mavassalli.college@ilearn.edu.mt

Website: www.mikielantonvassallicollege.gov.mt


Dear Students,

As the Head of the Gozo Visual and Performing Arts School, it brings me great joy to witness immense

talent, passion, and dedicabon of so many students, every day, every bme I walk through the corridors of

this school, all but having one common purpose - the pursuit of arbsbc excellence. And while it is a

privilege to witness the incredible potenbal that lies within some students, nurturing the creabvity of each

and every student is our great mission.

The reasons are abounding, but I firmly believe that these three are very valid mobves:

a) In today's rapidly changing world, and an era dominated by technology and automabon, creabvity has

become more than just a desirable trait; it has become an essenbal skill. The arts remain uniquely human,

and reminds us of our ability to think cribcally, solve complex problems, and approach challenges with

imaginabve solubons.

b) The arts serve as the heartbeat that breathes life into our collecbve human experience. They have the

power to transcend barriers, break down stereotypes, and communicate in ways that words alone cannot

express. Through art, we feel deep emobons together and are able to process experiences, find

connecbons, and create an impact.

c) The arts also play a vital role in fostering personal growth and well-being. Engaging in arbsbc pursuits

nurtures your imaginabon, boosts self-confidence, and culbvates resilience. It provides an outlet for selfexpression,

enabling you to explore your idenbty, voice your opinions, and navigate the complexibes of


Through our comprehensive list of courses, we aim to culbvate a vibrant arbsbc community that celebrates

and nurtures creabvity. We encourage you, students, to explore the arts. Understand that creabvity may

not always follow a convenbonal path but be fearless in pursuing your dreams, and remember that each

brushstroke, dance move, performance or musical composibon has the potenbal to leave an indelible

mark on the world.

With warmest regards,

Vince Caruana


Tel: 2598 3800

Email: mavc.vpaschoolgozo@ilearn.edu.mt

Website: vpa.mikielantonvassallicollege.gov.mt



New applicants can enrol between

Tuesday 25 th of July and Friday 4 th of August 2023

Late applicabons are open between the

18 th and the 23 rd of September (subject to availability)

It is possible to apply for courses:

• Online through the MAV College Courses link


Please apply with applicant’s details

• Online through our website:


(click on our courses)

Please apply with applicant’s details

• or directly at our School’s office

in Soil Street (Triq il-Hamrija), Xewkija, Gozo

from Monday to Friday between 9:00 hrs and 11:30 hrs.

• All informabon is correct at the bme of print. Changes may take

place due to unforeseen circumstances.

• Accredited courses are not eligible to apply for SLC (School

Leaving Cerbficate)




MQF Level 1 courses are introductory courses that offer an opportunity to discover and experience a variety of materials, processes, skills and techniques

involved in visual arts. This level caters to students aged from 7 to 9. Class takes place once a week and is 2 hours long. Exhibi4on visits and workshops are

organised from 4me to 4me.

The MAVC Gozo VPA School offers 3 accredited Awards at Level 1, according to the age of the student. Each award lasts 30 weeks and is divided into 3

terms, with each term focusing on a par4cular art form.

Assessment consis4ng of con4nuous assessment, porZolio presenta4on and class presenta4on will take place at the end of each term. The course content

and assessments will be suitable for the respec4ve age groups. Successful comple4on of the 3 units will lead to a recognised Award and upon comple4on of

the third year, students may progress to MQF Level 2. Learners must a[end 80% of the lessons.

MQF Level : 1

Course Commitment: 2 hours per week.

Course Code Age Course Title Day & Time of Class

GSA001A 7 yrs MQF1 Award in Visual Arts I Monday 15:00-17:00

GSA001B 7 yrs MQF1 Award in Visual Arts I Wednesday 17:00-19:00

GSA001C 7 yrs MQF1 Award in Visual Arts I Thursday 15:30-17:30

GSA002A 8 yrs MQF1 Award in Visual Arts II Monday 17:00-19:00

GSA002B 8 yrs MQF1 Award in Visual Arts II Tuesday 15:00-17:00

GSA002C 8 yrs MQF1 Award in Visual Arts II Friday 17:00-19:00

GSA003A 9 yrs MQF1 Award in Visual Arts III Monday 17:00-19:00

GSA003B 9 yrs MQF1 Award in Visual Arts III Thursday 15:00-17:00

GSA003C 9 yrs MQF1 Award in Visual Arts III Friday 15:00-17:00



MQF Level 2 courses build upon MQF Level 1 Awards in Visual Arts, proposing a deeper explora4on and

understanding of ar4s4c materials, processes, skills and techniques. This level caters for students aged from 10 to

12. Class takes place once a week and is 2.5 hours long. Exhibi4on visits and workshops are organised from 4me

to 4me.

The MAVC Gozo VPA School offers 3 accredited Awards at Level 2, according to age of student. Each award lasts 30

weeks and is divided into 3 terms, with each term focusing on a par4cular art form.

Assessment consis4ng of con4nuous assessment, porZolio presenta4on and class presenta4on will take place at

the end of each term. The course content and assessments will be suitable for the respec4ve age groups.

Successful comple4on of the 3 units will lead to a recognised Award and upon comple4on of the third year,

students may progress to MQF Level 3. Learners must a[end 80% of the lessons.

MQF Level : 2

Course Commitment: 2 hours – 2 hours and 30 minutes per week (depending on course level).

Course Code Age Course Title Day & Time of Class

GSA004A 10 yrs MQF2 Award in Visual Arts I Monday 15:00-17:00

GSA004B 10 yrs MQF2 Award in Visual Arts I Tuesday 17:00-19:00

GSA005A 11 yrs MQF2 Award in Visual Arts II Wednesday 15:00-17:00

GSA005B 11 yrs MQF2 Award in Visual Arts II Thursday 17:00-19:00

GSA006A 12 yrs MQF2 Award in Visual Arts III Thursday 17:30-20:00

GSA006B 12 yrs MQF2 Award in Visual Arts III Friday 17:00-19:30



The MAVC Gozo VPA School offers a full accredited course at MQF level 3 that leads to a

recognised cer4ficate. This is a three-year programme subdivided in 3 Modules of 4 units each.

Learners that successfully complete all three Awards at MQF Level 3 will be en4tled for an MQF

Level 3 Cer4ficate in Visual Arts.

Each Year lasts 30 weeks and is divided into 2 semesters with, 2 units each semester. Each

semester focuses on a par4cular art form, covering drawing, pain4ng, printmaking and

sculpture. Classes take place twice a week and are 2.5 hours long each. Exhibi4on visits and

workshops are organised from 4me to 4me.

Assessment consis4ng of con4nuous assessment, porZolio presenta4on and class presenta4on

will take place at the end of each unit. The course content and assessments will be suitable for

the respec4ve age groups. Successful comple4on of the units will enable students to move to

the following year of the cer4ficate. Learners must a[end 80% of the lessons.

The MQF Level 3 Cer4ficate in Visual Arts is offered to students of ages 13+.

Upon successful comple4on of the course students will be eligible to progress to MQF Level 4.

MQF Level: 3

Course Commitment: 5 hours per week.



Age Course Title Day & Time of Class

GSA007 13+ MQF3 Cerbficate in Visual Arts I Monday & Friday 16:00-18:30

GSA008 13+ MQF3 Cerbficate in Visual Arts II Monday & Tuesday 16:00-18:30

GSA009 13+ MQF3 Cerbficate in Visual Arts III Monday & Friday 16:00-18:30



The MAVC Gozo VPA School offers a fully accredited course at MQF level 4 that leads to a

recognised cerbficate. This is a three-year programme subdivided into 3 Modules. Learners that

successfully complete all three Modules at MQF Level 4 will be enbtled to an MQF Level 4

Cerbficate in Visual Arts.

Students are introduced to a number of units each semester, incorporabng both pracbcal units and

lecture-style units focusing on different aspects of Art History. Classes take place twice a week and

are 3 hours long. Exhibibon visits and workshops are organised from bme to bme.

Assessment consisbng of conbnuous assessment, portolio preparabon, and class presentabon will

take place at the end of each unit. Successful complebon of the units will enable students to move

to the following year of the cerbficate

MQF Level: 4

Course Commitment: 6 hours per week.

Entry Requirement:

• Students has successfully completed Cerbficate in Visual Arts MQF 3

• Students must be in possession of an O’level in Art

• If student is not in possession of none of the above, the student has to sit for an interview

organised by the school where a portolio presentabon will take place.



Age Course Title Day & Time of Class

GSA010 14+ MQF4 Cerbficate in Visual Arts I Wednesday & Thursday 16:00-19:00



This course is designed specifically towards 5 and 6 year olds and is a step by step

guide to basic drawing techniques. It’s a hands-on course with plenty of exercises

to keep the students occupied while gently coaxing them towards beuer drawing


Course Commitment: 1 hour and 30 minutes per week.

Course Code Age Course Title Day & Time of Class

GSA011A 5 yrs Intro to Arts Wednesday 16:00-17:30

GSA011B 5 yrs Intro to Arts Friday 16:00-17:30

GSA011C 5 yrs Intro to Arts Saturday 9:00-10:30

GSA012A 6 yrs Intro to Arts Wednesday 17:30-19:00

GSA012B 6 yrs Intro to Arts Friday 17:30-19:00

GSA012C 6 yrs Intro to Arts Saturday 10:30-12:00



Drawing & Painbng I is an introductory course to bridge the elements of drawing and

painbng. It equips students with the essenbal techniques for building an image using a

variety of media.

Drawing & Painbng II extends drawing and how it might be developed into painbng.

Special emphasis is placed on colour and its role in painbng. Using a variety of materials

including pencils, charcoal, pastels, acrylics and oils, it engages different strategies and

helps to develop ideas into actual painbngs.

Drawing & Painbng III is an advanced art course aimed at more experienced students,

and is concerned with revealing a more personal approach to the act of painbng and

drawing. Elements from work produced in Art: Drawing and Painbng I and II will be used

to develop a more individual approach and style.

Course Commitment: 3 hours per week.

Course Code Age Course Title Day & Time of Class

GSA013 16+ Drawing & Painbng I Monday 16:00-19:00

GSA014 16+ Drawing & Painbng II Tuesday 16:00-19:00

GSA015 16+ Drawing & Painbng III Wednesday 16:00-19:00



The Illustrabon and Cartooning course helps in developing skills in visual and narrabve

communicabon as used in comics, newspapers, graphic novels, character design and


Eligible for School Leaving Cergficate

Course Commitment: 3 hours per week

Course Code Age Course Title Day & Time of Class

GSA016A 11+ Illustrabon & Cartooning Monday 16:00-19:00

GSA016B 11+ Illustrabon & Cartooning Thursday 15:00-18:00



This course introduces young arbsts to experiment with different types of 3D mediums

and techniques including: clay, plaster, air dry clay and more. Children will explore handbuilding

for 3D decorabve and funcbonal works, vessels and wall-hanging works.

When it comes to older students, this course is aimed to explore the world of sculpture

and learn about the language of art, considering form, space and place. This helps to

extend the imaginabon by experimenbng with a range of materials and a variety of

techniques such as clay press moulds, plaster casbng, modelling, carving and assemblage.

Eligible for School Leaving Cergficate

Course Commitment: 1 hour and 30 minutes - 3 hours per week (depending on course




Age Course Title Day & Time of Class

GSA017 5/7yrs 3D Sculpture Techniques/Mixed Media Tuesday 16:00-17:30

GSA018 8/10yrs 3D Sculpture Techniques/Mixed Media Tuesday 17:30-19:00

GSA019 11/15yrs 3D Sculpture Techniques/Mixed Media Wednesday 16:00-19:00



This course introduces the art of papier mâché by using recycled materials,

newspapers, and our secret recipe paste to make papier mâché sculptures. The

process starts by creabng a form out of wire and/or recycled materials, which will

then act as a support to be covered with strips of paper painted into final works of


Course Commitment: 3 hours per week.

Course Code Age Course Title Day & Time of Class

GSA020A 16+ Papier Mâché Thursday 09:00-12:00

GSA020B 16+ Papier Mâché Thursday 17:00-20:00



This course is intended for those who have an inclinabon towards carving. It is a step-bystep

guide to master the basic carving cuts using specific tools and materials mainly

wood and stone.

Course Commitment: 3 hours per week.

Course Code Age Course Title Day & Time of Class

GSA021A 16+ Wood & Stone Carving I

GSA021B 16+ Wood & Stone Carving I





GSA022A 16+ Wood & Stone Carving II

GSA022B 16+ Wood & Stone Carving II







This course is aimed at exploring the world of sculpture and learn about the language of art, considering

form and space. This helps to extend the imaginabon and experiment with a range of materials and a variety

of techniques such as clay press moulds, plaster casbng, modelling, carving and assemblage.

Eligible for School Leaving Cergficate

Course Commitment: 2 hours per week.

Course Code Age Course Title Day & Time of Class

GSA023 8/10 yrs Sculpture: Clay Modelling Tuesday 15:00-17:00

GSA024 11/13 yrs Sculpture: Clay Modelling Tuesday 17:00-19:00


This course provides an in-depth explora4on of the art of sculpture, focusing specifically on clay modelling

and cas4ng techniques. Throughout the course, students will be introduced to various sculp4ng techniques,

including hand-building, modelling, and mold-making. They will develop a solid understanding of the

characteris4cs and proper4es of clay as a sculptural medium, and how to effec4vely manipulate and shape

it to create expressive and intricate forms.

A significant por4on of the course will focus on the cas4ng process, where students will learn how to

transform their clay models into permanent sculptures using various cas4ng materials such as plaster and

resin. They will learn the step-by-step process of making molds, pouring the cas4ng material, and finishing

the final sculpture.

Eligible for School Leaving Cergficate

Course Commitment: 3 hours per week.

Course Code Age Course Title Day & Time of Class

GSA025 14+ Sculpture: Clay Modelling & Casbng I Wednesday 16:00-19:00

GSA026 15+ Sculpture: Clay Modelling & Casbng II Thursday 16:00-19:00



This introductory course is ideal for beginners, providing an introducbon to

pyrography "the art of designing with fire" which involves using a heated implement

to burn designs on natural materials such as wood.

The second level of this course builds on the introductory course and is aimed to

broaden the basic techniques to achieve an array of effects on wood including

textures, shading and colouring.

Eligible for School Leaving Cergficate

Course Commitment: 3 hours per week.



Age Course Title Day & Time of Class

GSA027 13+ Pyrography I Tuesday 15:00-18:00

GSA028 13 Pyrography II Friday 15:00-18:00



This course introduces the basic principles of drawing directly from a life model. Working directly

from the human figure provides an excibng experience and opportunity to use several

approaches including linear and tonal study, colour and expression.

Course Commitment: 3 hours per week.

Course Code Age Course Title Day & Time of Class

GSA029 16+ Figure Drawing Wednesday 16:00-19:00


This course is a hands-on programme, focusing on the process and techniques involved in

printmaking. Throughout the course, learners will be able to choose an appropriate prinbng

technique to adapt to their own visual ideas. They will also be introduced to the ethical

process of registrabon, signing and numbering of original prints.

Course Commitment: 3 hours per week.

Course Code Age Course Title Day & Time of Class

GSA030A 16+ Fine Art Print Making Thursday 17:00-20:00

GSA030B 16+ Fine Art Print Making Friday 17:00-20:00



This course is designed to introduce different approaches to portrait painbng.

Working from the tradibonal drawing of portraits towards a variety of contemporary

approaches, it helps to finally create the student’s own arbsbc style.

Course Commitment: 3 hours per week.

Course Code Age Course Title Day & Time of Class

GSA031 16+

GSA032 16+










This course of art history and appreciabon studies the evolubon of culture

through arbsbc producbons such as painbngs, sculptures, architecture,

and the graphic and decorabve arts. Lectures are presentabon and

discussion based and emphasise methodologies and cribcal theory, as

well as analysing contemporary issues in the pracbce and display of art.

Course Commitment: 3 hours per week.




Course Title

Day & Time of


GSA033 16+ Art History & Appreciabon





This introductory course to Digital Art comprises of the basics of digital art socware and drawing in

digital form, colouring, and human figure. Students must bring their own device to start learning the

basics of digital art.

Digital Art II builds on the introductory course of Digital Art. It comprises to develop further the basics

of digital art and delve into other concepts.

Eligible for School Leaving Cergficate

Course Commitment: 3 hours per week.

Course Code Age Course Title Day & Time of Class

GSA034 13+ Digital Art I Wednesday 16:00-19:00

GSA035 13+ Digital Art II Monday 16:00-19:00



This course introduces students to Mobon Graphics using Adobe Acer Effects. The aim of this course is to develop the learner’s skills from beginner to

intermediate level through lessons and a variety of tasks. Topics such as: Mobon Graphics, Kinebc Text, 2.5D Animabon, Post Processing and more are also

explored. Students must bring their own device.

Eligible for School Leaving Cergficate

Course Commitment: 3 hours per week.

Entry Requirements: 15+ or acer complebon

of Digital Art II course.

Course Code Age Course Title Day & Time of Class

GSA036 15+ Introducbon to Mobon Graphics Friday 16:00-19:00


This course introduces students to the basics of 3D modelling and sculpbng using Blender. They will also be introduced to the 3D Prinbng process. Throughout

the course, the students will create digital 3D models, ranging from simple to complex 3D models, which will then be 3D printed. Students must bring their own


Required: Windows/Mac Laptop (Minimum: Core i5 Processor, 8gb Ram, Graphics card 2gb or equivalent specificabon), Mouse & Graphics Tablet (Opbonal)

Eligible for School Leaving Cergficate

Course Commitment: 3 hours per week.

Entry Requirements: 15+ or acer complebon

of Digital Art II course.

Course Code Age Course Title Day & Time of Class

GSA037 15+ Digital 3D Modelling & 3D Prinbng Saturday 9:00-12:00



Mr. Margn A`ard

Mr. Charlton Azzopardi

Mr. Brian Borg

Mr. Charlie Camilleri

Ms. Diana Camilleri

Mr. Anthony Caruana

Mr. Carmel R Cassar

Ms. Liliya Cauchi

Mr. Rudolph Cauchi

Mr. Shawn Cauchi

Mr. Jusgn Falzon

Mr. Denis Mompalao

Ms. Sonja Sultana Scerri




Ballet Grades 1 to 4 courses are designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of ballet and

develop their skills in this classical dance form.

Throughout the course, students will explore various aspects of ballet, including technique,

terminology, musicality, and arbstry. They will receive guidance from an experienced teacher who will

help them build a strong foundabon in ballet and develop their physical abilibes, flexibility,

coordinabon, and grace.

The course is structured to progressively introduce and reinforce ballet techniques, starbng with basic

posibons, movements, and exercises, and gradually advancing to more complex combinabons and

choreography. Students will learn classical ballet vocabulary, including the names of posibons, steps,

and gestures, and gain a deeper understanding of the principles that underpin this elegant dance form.

Eligible for School Leaving Cergficate only if not silng for RAD (Royal Academy of Dance)


Course Commitment: 1 - 3 hours per week (depending on grade).

Course Code Age Course Title Day & Time of Class

GSD001.1A 5 yrs (Born in 2018) Ballet Grade 1.1A Monday 15:00-15:45

GSD001.2A 6 yrs (Born in 2017) Ballet Grade 1.2A Monday 15:45-16:30

GSD001B 7 yrs (Born in 2016) Ballet Grade 1 B

Tuesday 15:00-16:00

Thursday 15:00-16:00

GSD002 8 yrs (Born in 2015) Ballet Grade 2

Wednesday 15:00 -16:00

Friday 15:00 -16:00

GSD003 9 yrs (Born in 2014) Ballet Grade 3

Tuesday 17:00-18:00

Thursday 16:00-17:00

GSD004 10 yrs (Born in 2013) Ballet Grade 4

Tuesday 18:00-19:00

Wednesday 16:00-17:00



The Intermediate Foundabon Ballet Course will immerse into the vocabulary and

terminology of ballet, expanding the students' knowledge and understanding of the

classical dance form. They will learn more intricate combinabons, challenging jumps,

turns, and leaps, as well as variabons from famous ballets. The course will also

introduce students to different styles within ballet, such as classical, neoclassical, and

contemporary, broadening their dance vocabulary and versablity.

In addibon to technical training, the course will focus on developing the students'

arbstry and stage presence. They will explore different character portrayals and learn

how to convey emobons through their movements. Students will engage in exercises

that foster creabvity and improvisabon.

Eligible for School Leaving Cergficate only if not silng for RAD (Royal Academy of

Dance) examinagon

Course Commitment: 1 hour and 45 minutes per week.(Intermediate Foundabon I)

2 hours and 45 minutes per week.(Intermediate Foundabon II)





Age Course Title Day & Time of Class

11/12 yrs

(Born in 2012)

11/12 yrs

(Born in 2012)

Ballet Intermediate

Foundabon I

Ballet Intermediate

Foundabon II

Wednesday 17:45-19:00

Monday 16:30-17:30

Tuesday 16:00-17:00

Wednesday 17:00-17:45



The Intermediate Ballet Course is designed for students who have a solid foundabon in ballet

technique and are ready to take their skills to the next level. This course builds upon the

fundamentals learned in beginner-level classes and introduces more complex movements,

combinabons, and arbsbc elements.

Throughout the course, students will conbnue to refine their technique, focusing on developing

strength, flexibility, and control. They will work on perfecbng their posture, alignment, and

turnout while incorporabng more advanced steps and sequences into their repertoire. Emphasis

will also be placed on musicality, dynamics, and arbstry to enhance the students' expressiveness

and storytelling abilibes.

Eligible for School Leaving Cergficate only if not silng for RAD (Royal Academy of Dance)


Course Commitment: 2 hours and 30 minutes per week.

Entry Requirement: Intermediate Foundabon exam.

Course Code Age Course Title Day & Time of Class



(Born in 2011)

Ballet Intermediate

Monday 17:30-19:00

Thursday 18:00-19:00



The Advanced Foundabon Ballet Course is designed for experienced ballet dancers who have already

acquired a high level of technical proficiency and are looking to refine and expand their skills further.

This course aims to provide a solid foundabon for advanced-level ballet training and prepare students

for professional dance opportunibes.

Throughout the course, students will engage in intensive training to enhance their technique, strength,

and arbstry. Emphasis will be placed on perfecbng alignment, turnout, and placement, while

developing a deeper understanding of the nuanced movements and precision required in advanced


Eligible for School Leaving Cergficate only if not silng for RAD (Royal Academy of Dance)


Course Commitment: 2 hours and 15 minutes per week.

Entry Requirement: Intermediate exam.

Course Code Age Course Title Day & Time of Class



(Born in 2010)

Ballet Advanced


Thursday 17:00-18:00

Friday 16:00-17:15



The Advanced Ballet Course is an intensive program designed for highly skilled

and dedicated ballet dancers who are looking to push the boundaries of their

technique, artistry, and performance abilities. This course aims to refine and

elevate the skills of advanced-level dancers.

Throughout the course, students will undergo training to enhance their technical

proficiency, strength, flexibility, and artistic expression. Emphasis will be placed

on perfecting advanced ballet techniques, including intricate footwork, multiple

turns and pirouettes, complex allegro combinations and demanding adagio


Eligible for School Leaving Cergficate only if not silng for RAD (Royal Academy

of Dance) examinagon

Course Commitment: 1 hour and 30 minutes per week.

Entry Requirement: Advanced Foundabon exam.

Course Code Age Course Title Day & Time of Class



(Born in 2008)

Ballet Advanced 1 Friday 17:15-18:45



Ms. Christabel Bajada




This course is intended for children aged between 5 and 9 years of age. The key

element behind this course is having fun whilst acquiring the basic skills of acbng

and self-confidence.

Learning Outcomes: exploring one's self and one's environment, begin to develop

creabve thinking skills, building confidence around others, developing self-esteem

and exploring the basics of acbng.

Course Commitment: 1 hour and 30 minutes per week.



Age Course Title Day & Time of Class

GSD010A 5-6 Introducbon to Drama I Monday 15:30-17:00

GSD010B 5-6 Introducbon to Drama I Tuesday 15:30-17:00

GSD010C 5-6 Introducbon to Drama I Friday 15:30-17:00

GSD011A 7-8 Introducbon to Drama II Wednesday 15:45-17:15

GSD011B 7-8 Introducbon to Drama II Thursday 15:30-17:00

GSD011C 7-8 Introducbon to Drama II Friday 17:15-18:45

GSD012 9 Introducbon to Drama III Wednesday 17:30-19:00



The course content will be delivered over two academic years. It consists of

the Four Basic Strands that provide broad, unifying structures for organising

knowledge, skills and competences that students are expected to acquire. It

includes study methods of pracbsing drama as a learning tool such as

creabng roles and drama from concepts taken from social studies, languages,

science, etc.

MQF Levels: 1-3

Course Commitment: 1 hour and 30 minutes – 3 hours per week (depending

on course level).



Age Course Title Day & Time of Class

GSD013 10+ Acbng and Drama - MQF 1 (1st year)



GSD014 11+ Acbng and Drama - MQF 1 (2nd year)



GSD015 12+ Acbng and Drama - MQF 2 (1st year)



GSD016 13+ Acbng and Drama - MQF 2 (2nd year)



GSD017 15+ Acbng and Drama - MQF 3 (2nd year)

Tuesday 17:15-18:45

Friday 17:15-18:45



Theatre/drama is not always about acbng but it entails a whole process of

creabng scenery and designing lights, sound, costumes, theatre makeup, and

props. All these aspects and team work create a theatrical producbon. This

course caters for all those who are actors and/or for those who wish to further

their experience about backstage. The course aims at creabng a deeper

understanding of the work behind a theatre producbon.

Eligible for School Leaving Cergficate only if not silng for LAMDA (London

Academy of Music and Dramagc Art) examinagon

Course Commitment: 1 hour and 30 minutes per week.



Age Course Title Day & Time of Class

GSD018 13+ Stagecraf Tuesday 17:15-18:45



Mr. Jamie Camilleri

Ms. Miriam Debono Curmi

Ms. Marisa Cauchi Hili




This 2 year course introduces music to young children. It intends to enhance their

ability to enjoy the basic elements in Music Educabon.

MQF Level: 1

Course Commitment: 1 hour per week.

Course Code Age Course Title Day & Time of Class

GSM001A 6-7 Introducbon to Music Prep 1 Monday 15:00-16:00

GSM001B 6-7 Introducbon to Music Prep 1 Tuesday 16:00-17:00

GSM001C 6-7 Introducbon to Music Prep 1 Wednesday 16:00-17:00

GSM001D 6-7 Introducbon to Music Prep 1 Wednesday 17:15-18:15

GSM002A 7-8 Introducbon to Music Prep 2 Monday 16:00-17:00

GSM002B 7-8 Introducbon to Music Prep 2 Tuesday 15:00-16:00

GSM002C 7-8 Introducbon to Music Prep 2 Wednesday 15:00-16:00




This course introduces 8-10 year old students to musical theory and sensibvity through aural awareness in a 1-year preparatory course to Grade 1 in

Music Knowledge and Understanding.

MQF Level: 1

Course Commitment: 1 hour per week.

Course Code Age Course Title MQF Day & Time of Class

GSM003A 8-10 Music Knowledge & Understanding Preliminary 1 Tuesday 15:00-16:00

GSM003B 8-10 Music Knowledge & Understanding Preliminary 1 Tuesday 16:15-17:15

GSM003C 8-10 Music Knowledge & Understanding Preliminary 1 Wednesday 16:45-17:45

GSM003D 8-10 Music Knowledge & Understanding Preliminary 1 Wednesday 18:00-19:00

GSM003E 8-10 Music Knowledge & Understanding Preliminary 1 Friday 15:15-16:15



This course, spread over 8 years, divided into four

separate secbons, is intended to enhance and

expand the student’s knowledge in aural awareness

and sensibvity (including sight singing), theory,

history and composibon. The aim of this course is to

enrich the student’s knowledge by applying content

learnt, during their performance pracbce.

MQF Levels: 2-4

Course Commitment: 1 hour and 30 minutes – 2

hours (depending on grade).

Classes are according to age and grade

Course Code Age Course Title MQF Day & Time of Class

GSM004A 8-10 Music Knowledge & Understanding Grade 1 Level 2 Monday 15:15-16:45

GSM004B 8-10 Music Knowledge & Understanding Grade 1 2 Monday 17:15-18:45

GSM004C 8-10 Music Knowledge & Understanding Grade 1 2 Wednesday 15:00-16:30

GSM004D 8-10 Music Knowledge & Understanding Grade 1 2 Thursday 15:15-16:45

GSM004E 8-10 Music Knowledge & Understanding Grade 1 2 Friday 16:15-17:45

GSM005 11-15 Music Knowledge & Understanding Grade 1 2 Tuesday 17:30-19:00

GSM006 16+ Music Knowledge & Understanding Grade 1 2 Friday 17:15-18:45

GSM007A 8-12 Music Knowledge & Understanding Grade 2 2 Monday 17:15-18:45

GSM007B 8-12 Music Knowledge & Understanding Grade 2 2 Thursday 15:15-16:45

GSM007C 8-12 Music Knowledge & Understanding Grade 2 2 Friday 15:15-16:45

GSM008 13+ Music Knowledge & Understanding Grade 2 2 Tuesday 17:30-19:00

GSM009A 8+ Music Knowledge & Understanding Grade 3 2 Monday 15:15-16:45

GSM009B 8+ Music Knowledge & Understanding Grade 3 2 Tuesday 17:30-19:00

GSM009C 8+ Music Knowledge & Understanding Grade 3 2 Wednesday 15:15-16:45

GSM010A 8+ Music Knowledge & Understanding Grade 4 3 Monday 17:15-18:45

GSM010B 8+ Music Knowledge & Understanding Grade 4 3 Friday 15:15-16:45

GSM011 8+ Music Knowledge & Understanding Grade 5 3 Tuesday 15:15-17:00

GSM012 8+ Music Knowledge & Understanding Grade 6 4 Wednesday 17:00-19:00

GSM013 8+ Music Knowledge & Understanding Grade 7 4 Thursday 15:00-17:00

GSM014 8+ Music Knowledge & Understanding Grade 8 4 Thursday 17:00-19:00

GSM015 8+ Music Knowledge & Understanding Exempt


1-4 TBA




This course is intended to strengthen, develop, consolidate and refine performance

skills and competences throughout the various levels. Students will be expected to

tackle core repertoire that will reflect all the technical and interpretabve skills for

the different levels. This course will also provide the necessary framework to

prepare students for further specialisabon in the performance field at a

professional level.

MQF Levels: 1-4

Course Commitment: 30 minutes - 1 hour (depending on grade).

Course Code Age Course Title MQF Level Day & Time of Class

GSM016A 8+ Violin 1-3 Individual bme-table

GSM016B 8+ Violin 4 Individual bme-table

GSM017A 8+ Viola 1-3 Individual bme-table

GSM017A 8+ Viola 4 Individual bme-table




This course is intended to strengthen, develop, consolidate and refine

performance skills and competences throughout the various levels.

Students will be expected to tackle core repertoire that will reflect all

the technical and interpretabve skills for the different levels. This

course will also provide the necessary framework to prepare students

for further specialisabon in the performance field at a professional


MQF Levels: 1-4

Course Commitment: 30 minutes - 1 hour (depending on grade).

Course Code Age Course Title MQF Level Day & Time of Class

GSM017A 8+ Violoncello 1-3 Individual bmetable

GSM017B 8+ Violoncello 4 Individual bmetable




This course is intended to strengthen, develop, consolidate and refine performance

skills and competences throughout the various levels. Students will be expected to

tackle core repertoire that will reflect all the technical and interpretabve skills for the

different levels. This course will also provide the necessary framework to prepare

students for further specialisabon in the performance field at a professional level.

MQF Levels: 1-4

Course Commitment: 30 minutes - 1 hour (depending on grade).

Course Code Age Course Title MQF Level Day & Time of Class

GSM018A 8+ Flute 1-3 Individual bme-table

GSM018B 8+ Flute 4 Individual bme-table




This course is intended to strengthen, develop, consolidate and refine performance skills and

competences throughout the various levels. Students will be expected to tackle core repertoire

that will reflect all the technical and interpretabve skills for the different levels. This course will

also provide the necessary framework to prepare students for further specialisabon in the

performance field at a professional level.

MQF Levels: 1-4

Course Commitment: 30 minutes - 1 hour (depending on grade).

Course Code Age Course Title MQF Level Day & Time of Class

GSM019A 8+ Clarinet 1-3 Individual bme-table

GSM019B 8+ Clarinet 4 Individual bme-table




This course is intended to strengthen, develop, consolidate and refine performance skills and competences

throughout the various levels. Students will be expected to tackle core repertoire that will reflect all the technical

and interpretabve skills for the different levels. This course will also provide the necessary framework to prepare

students for further specialisabon in the performance field at a professional level.

MQF Levels: 1-4

Course Commitment: 30 minutes - 1 hour (depending on grade).

Course Code Age Course Title MQF Level Day & Time of Class

GSM020A 8+ Saxophone 1-3 Individual bme-table

GSM020B 8+ Saxophone 4 Individual bme-table




This course is intended to strengthen, develop, consolidate and refine performance skills

and competences throughout the various levels. Students will be expected to tackle core

repertoire that will reflect all the technical and interpretabve skills for the different levels.

This course will also provide the necessary framework to prepare students for further

specialisabon in the performance field at a professional level.

MQF Levels: 1-4

Course Commitment: 30 minutes - 1 hour (depending on grade).

Course Code Age Course Title MQF Level Day & Time of Class

GSM021A 8+ French Horn 1-3 Individual bme-table

GSM021B 8+ French Horn 4 Individual bme-table




This course is intended to strengthen, develop, consolidate and refine performance skills

and competences throughout the various levels. Students will be expected to tackle core

repertoire that will reflect all the technical and interpretabve skills for the different levels.

This course will also provide the necessary framework to prepare students for further

specialisabon in the performance field at a professional level.

MQF Levels: 1-4

Course Commitment: 30 minutes - 1 hour (depending on grade).

Course Code Age Course Title MQF Level Day & Time of Class

GSM022A 8+ Trumpet 1-3 Individual bme-table

GSM022B 8+ Trumpet 4 Individual bme-table




This course is intended to strengthen, develop, consolidate and refine performance skills and competences

throughout the various levels. Students will be expected to tackle core repertoire that will reflect all the

technical and interpretabve skills for the different levels. This course will also provide the necessary

framework to prepare students for further specialisabon in the performance field at a professional level.

MQF Levels: 1-4

Course Commitment: 30 minutes - 1 hour (depending on grade).

Course Code Age Course Title MQF Level Day & Time of Class

GSM023A 8+ Trombone 1-3 Individual bme-table

GSM023B 8+ Trombone 4 Individual bme-table


This course is intended to strengthen, develop, consolidate and refine performance skills

and competences throughout the various levels. Students will be expected to tackle core

repertoire that will reflect all the technical and interpretabve skills for the different levels.

This course will also provide the necessary framework to prepare students for further

specialisabon in the performance field at a professional level.

MQF Levels: 1-4

Course Commitment: 30 minutes - 1 hour (depending on grade).

Course Code Age Course Title MQF Level Day & Time of Class

GSM024A 8+ Baritone 1-3 Individual bme-table

GSM024B 8+ Baritone 4 Individual bme-table




This course is intended to strengthen, develop, consolidate and refine performance

skills and competences throughout the various levels. Students will be expected to

tackle core repertoire that will reflect all the technical and interpretabve skills for the

different levels. This course will also provide the necessary framework to prepare

students for further specialisabon in the performance field at a professional level.

MQF Levels: 1-4

Course Commitment: 30 minutes - 1 hour (depending on grade).

Course Code Age Course Title MQF Level Day & Time of Class

GSM025A 8+ Drum Kit & Percussion 1-3 Individual bme-table

GSM025B 8+ Drum Kit & Percussion 4 Individual bme-table




This course is intended to strengthen, develop, consolidate and refine

performance skills and competences throughout the various levels.

Students will be expected to tackle core repertoire that will reflect all

the technical and interpretabve skills for the different levels. This course

will also provide the necessary framework to prepare students for

further specialisabon in the performance field at a professional level.

MQF Levels: 1-4

Course Commitment: 30 minutes - 1 hour (depending on grade).

Course Code Age Course Title MQF Level Day & Time of Class

GSM026A 8+ Pianoforte 1-3 Individual bme-table

GSM026B 8+ Pianoforte 4 Individual bme-table




This course is intended to strengthen, develop, consolidate and refine performance skills and

competences throughout the various levels. Students will be expected to tackle core

repertoire that will reflect all the technical and interpretabve skills for the different levels.

This course will also provide the necessary framework to prepare students for further

specialisabon in the performance field at a professional level.

MQF Levels: 1-4

Course Commitment: 30 minutes - 1 hour (depending on grade).

Course Code Age Course Title MQF Level Day & Time of Class

GSM027A 8+ Accordion 1-3 Individual bme-table

GSM027B 8+ Accordion 4 Individual bme-table




This course is intended to strengthen, develop, consolidate and refine performance skills and

competences throughout the various levels. Students will be expected to tackle core repertoire

that will reflect all the technical and interpretabve skills for the different levels. This course will

also provide the necessary framework to prepare students for further specialisabon in the

performance field at a professional level.

MQF Levels: 1-4

Course Commitment: 30 minutes - 1 hour (depending on grade).

Course Code Age Course Title MQF Level Day & Time of Class

GSM028A 8+ Contemporary Guitar 1-3 Individual bme-table

GSM028B 8+ Contemporary Guitar 4 Individual bme-table



This course is intended to strengthen, develop, consolidate and refine performance skills and competences throughout the various levels. Students will be

expected to tackle core repertoire that will reflect all the technical and interpretabve skills for the different levels. This course will also provide the

necessary framework to prepare students for further specialisabon in the performance field at a professional level.

Eligible for School Leaving Cergficate

Course Commitment: 30 minutes - 1 hour (depending on grade).


Course Code Age Course Title MQF Level Day & Time of Class

GSM029A 8+ Classical Voice 1-3 Individual bme-table

GSM029B 8+ Classical Voice 4 Individual bme-table


This course is intended for students who enjoy singing contemporary music. It is designed to equips students with healthy vocal techniques that allows the

student to sing different genres, while expanding the vocal range and expression. Throughout the year students will develop an appropriate repertoire that

enhances their vocal and performance skill.

Eligible for School Leaving Cergficate

Course Commitment: 30 minutes - 1 hour (depending on grade).

Course Code Age Course Title MQF Level Day & Time of Class

GSM032A 13+ Contemporary Voice 1-3 Individual bme-table

GSM032B 13+ Contemporary Voice 4 Individual bme-table



The School Choir is open to children aged 8 – 15years. The Choir will cover a varied repertoire during a weekly session. There will also be opportunibes to

parbcipate in performances throughout the year.

Applicants will have to sit for an informal audibon. Successful candidates have to auend choral sessions regularly.

MQF Level: N/A

Course Commitment: 1 hour per week.

Course Code Age Course Title MQF Level Day & Time of Class

GSM031 8-15 Choir N/A To be announced


The Leisure Courses are for Adult Students who wish to learn a musical instrument at their own pace without the commitment and discipline required for

the Accredited Music Courses. Each course is limited to a maximum of 3 years and students will be awarded a cerbficate of auendance at the end of each


MQF Level: N/A

Course Commitment: 45 minutes per week.

Course Code Age Course Title MQF Level Day & Time of Class

GSM030 18+ Leisure Courses N/A Individual bme-table


Ms. Marouska A`ard

Mr. Philip A`ard

Mr. Pierre Louis A`ard

Mr. Eric Bugeja

Mr. Edmund Camilleri

Mr. Francis J Camilleri

Mr. Joseph Camilleri Jr

Mr. Jean Pierre Cassar


Ms. Sarah Cassar

Mr. Franco Cefai

Mr. Yuri Charyguine

Mr. Noel Curmi

Mr. Joseph Debrincat

Ms. Marisa Galea

Dr. Joseph Grech

Ms. Anna Haluskova

Ms. Fiona Murphy

Ms. Angele Portelli

Ms. Antonella Rapa

Mr. Paul Rapa

Mr. Spiro Sillato

Ms. Gabi Sultana

Mr. Antoine Theuma


Mr. Vince Caruana - Head of School

Ms. Joy Frendo - Assistant Head

Ms. Josianne Curmi

Mr. Laurie Zammit

Mr. Mark Xuereb


Mr. Federico Chini


Mr. Joey Vella


Ms. Diana A`ard

Ms. Rose Sultana

Ms. Giovanna Spiteri

Ms. Sally Ann Grima

Mr. Paul A`ard

Mr. Daniel Vella

Mr. Francis Rapa

Mr. Teddy Cassar


Standing: Joey Vella, Mark Xuereb, Rudolph Cauchi, Charlton Azzopardi, Spiridiona Camilleri, Marisa Cauchi Hili, Charlie Camilleri, Anthony

Caruana, Brian Borg, Charles Cassar, MarBn ACard, Shawn Cauchi, Franco Cefai, Sonja Scerri, Liliya Cauchi, Miriam Debono Curmi, Jean Pierre

Cassar Vaillancourt, Antonella Rapa, Pierre Louis ACard, Marisa Galea, Edmund Camilleri, JusBn Falzon.

Crouching: Angele Portelli, Christabel Bajada, Jamie Camilleri, Paul ACard, Marouska ACard, Josef Debrincat, Antoine Theuma, Joy Frendo,

Francis Camileri, Vince Caruana.

Not present: Joseph Grech, Paul Rapa, Eric Bugeja, Denis Mompalao, Sarah Cassar, Spiro Sillato, Yuri Charyguine, Noel Curmi, Joseph Camilleri,

Philip ACard, Gabi Sultana, Anna Haluskova, Fiona Murphy, Josianne Curmi, Lawrence Zammit, Diana ACard, Maria Portelli, Rose Sultana,

Sally Ann Grima, Giovanna Spiteri, Daniel ACard, Francis Rapa, Teddy Cassar, Federico Chini.

Photo taken in September 2022


Mikiel Anton Vassalli College

Gozo Visual & Performing

Arts School

Triq il-Hamrija, Xewkija XKW 9034, Gozo

Phone: +356 2598 3800

E-Mail: mavc.vpaschoolgozo@ilearn.edu.mt

Website: hup://vpa.mikielantonvassallicollege.gov.mt

Facebook: hAps://www.facebook.com/GozoVPAschool

Instagram: hAps://www.instagram.com/vpaschool/

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