August - Sierpień 2011 - Saint Stanislaus Church

August - Sierpień 2011 - Saint Stanislaus Church August - Sierpień 2011 - Saint Stanislaus Church
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St. Stanislaus® Kostka August - Sierpień 2011 2 ALL ARE WELCOME All who believe that Jesus Christ is truly present in the Eucharistic bread and wine are invited to partake in His banquet of life and join us in receiving Holy Communion. Wszyscy wyznający wiarę w prawdziwą obecność Pana Jezusa w Eucharystii są zaproszeni do przyjęcia razem z nami eucharystycznego chleba oraz wina. Our church is equipped with a hearing assistance system. Please ask any of the ushers for a receiver. * Nasz kościół jest wyposażony w system dźwiękowy dla niedosłyszących. Poproś porządkowego o specjalny odbiornik. COFFEE AND DOUGHNUTS are served after Sunday Masses in the Polish Heritage Center. All are welcome! Zapraszamy wszystkich na KAWĘ i CIASTO po każdej Mszy niedzielnej w Domu Dziedzictwa Polskiego. PRAY FOR THE SICK * MODLITWA ZA CHORYCH Please notify the rectory if you become sick or hospitalized * Prosimy zglaszać na plebanię imiona osób chorych proszących o modlitwę. George Bentz, Carol Czarnecki, Chester Deptula, Ralph Ellerbrock, Margaret Hankins, Tim Harris, Eleanor Kania, Mike Karandzieff, Ellen Marciniak, Mariann Novak, Eileen Prose, John Sitek, Julie Stichnote, Elena Schulte, Bernice Simmons, Mary Sulzer, Joe Wejzgrowicz. The following families have contributed altar flowers August 6 & 7 Bill Bialczak August 13 & 14 Dan Reynolds August 20 & 21 Virginia B. Krus August 27 & 28 Mary Ellen Meyerhoff If you would like to donate for altar flowers, please sign your name on the poster on the side exit door or take a purple envelope marked Altar Flowers. QUILT CLUB WINNER FOR JULY EVELYN VETZ ST. STANISLAUS 150 CLUB JULY WINNER: TOM & LINDA SCHULTE August 6 Vigil of the Nineteenth Sunday 4:00 p.m. † Tom Skaggs Sr. Intention of Donna Nachefski August 7 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00 a.m. † Betty Lou Augustyniak Intention of Our Lady of Czestochowa Sodality 11:00 a.m. Za wszystkich Parafian * For all Parishioners (Polish) Intencja Ks. Marka * Intention of Fr. Marek August 13 Vigil of the Twentieth Sunday 4:00 p.m. † Francis M. Snopek Intention of Walter and Eileen Snopek August 14 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00 a.m. † Fredrick Meyerhoff Intention of the family August 15 Solemnity of the Assumption of the BVM 7:00 p.m. † Piotr Kirkiewicz Intencja dzieci August 20 Vigil of the Twenty-First Sunday 4:00 p.m. † Nigel Frank. Intention of Bill & Marlene Shaw August 21 Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00 a.m. † Bryan Buretta Intention of Virginia B. Krus 11:00 a.m. †† Józefa Korol i Weronika Taraszkiewicz (Polish) Intencja Lucyny i Stanisława Dziedzina August 27 Vigil of the Twenty-Second Sunday 4:00 p.m. † Frank Snopek Intention of Diane Daley and Donna Nachefski August 28 Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00 a.m. †† John & Connie Myslinski Intention of Bill & Felicia Schnittker 11:00 a.m. † Dolores Ann Sisco (Polish) Intencja David & Ann Tilley, Rogers Family 1:00 p.m. German Community in St. Louis (German) Intention of Bea Hightower September 3 Vigil of the Twenty-Third Sunday 4:00 p.m. †† Mary & Josephine Deptula Intention of Eleaor & Stanley Podolski Almsgiving - Corporal Work of Mercy Following the Lenten practice of almsgiving, we invite each parish household to donate one non-perishable food item or personal care item on a weekly basis. No special shopping trip is necessary, just bring an item from your shelf. A basket is located in front of the left side altar. Please help us in assisting the poor and hungry!

St. Stanislaus® Kostka August - Sierpień 2011 3 THERE IS A PROMISE OF MARRIAGE BETWEEN: CAROL VENEZIA AND DANIEL FREEMAN ON SEPTEMBER 3, 2011 AT 5:00 P.M. KRISAN MINDAK AND CLINTON LEWIS ON SEPTEMBER 3, 2011 AT 6:30 P.M. DEMETRA SPEROPOULOS AND DAVID CROCKER ON SEPTEMBER 9, 2011 AT 5:00 P.M. ALICIA NOVAK AND MICHAEL VASSEL JR. ON SEPTEMBER 17, 2011 AT 1:30 P.M. AMANDA GABRIEL AND MAURICE BERNIER JR. ON SEPTEMBER 23, 2011 AT 4:30 P.M. AGNIESZKA MADEJ AND EDUARD BODURI ON SEPTEMBER 24, 2011 AT 5:30 P.M. STEPHANIE PETERS AND MATTHEW FAUPEL ON OCTOBER 15, 2011 AT 12:30 P.M. XOCHITL MARQUEZ AND JESUS ESCORCIA ON OCTOBER 23, 2011 AT 1:00 P.M. ANNUAL PARISHIONERS MEETING & BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTIONS On Sunday, August 14th, we will hold our Annual Parishioners Meeting. Please, exercise your right as a member to shape the future of our faith community. Every year we elect at this time two out of our seven member Board of Directors. According to our Bylaws, “in order to qualify for appointment as a Director, an individual must be a duly registered member of the church over the age of eighteen who on a regular basis attends Masses at the church and contributes to the financial support of the Parish.” Registered parishioners over the age of eighteen (18) need to present themselves in person with a government issued photo ID. Voting will take place on two days: Saturday August 13th from 3:00 p.m. until 5:30 p.m., and Sunday, August 14th from 8:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. Listed below in alphabetical order are individuals who have submitted their name for nomination: Randy Mindak, Stanley Novak, Kathy Ramspott. Francis “Frank” Snopek passed away on July 21, 2011 at the age of 54 years. Funeral Mass was held on July 25th at St. Stanislaus followed by the interment at Our Redeemer Cemetery. He is survived by his children Andrea, Amanda, Arika, Alisa and his former wife Cynthia. Frank owned and operated Snopek Major Appliance Repair for over 30 years. HENRY RICHARD BUSS Born: March 30, 2011 Baptized: July 16, 2011 Parents: Richard Buss & Jennie Kaminski Godparents: Melanie Buss & Abby Kaminski XANDER MICHAEL ADAMS Born: May 8, 2011 Baptized: July 30, 2011 Parents: Michael Adams & Michelle Welker Godparents: Nathan Thomas & Angela Wessel WELCOME TO OUR NEWEST PARISHIONERS: GREG & TRICIA WISZKON, JOHN & IRENE MEYER DOROCZNE ZEBRANIE PARIAFIAN ORAZ WYBORY DO RADY DYREKTORÓW W niedzielę 14 sierpnia odbędzie się Doroczne Walne Zebranie Parafian. Prosimy aktywnie uczestniczyć w kształtowaniu najbliższej przyszłości naszej wspólnoty. Każdego roku wybieramy na tym spotkaniu dwie osoby do siedmio-osobowej Rady Dyrektorów. Zgodnie ze Statutem Parafii “aby ubiegać się o pozycję Dyrektora kandydat/ka musi być zarejestrowanym członkiem naszego kościoła w wieku powyżej lat osiemnastu, regularnie uczęszczać na Msze i wspierać finansowo Parafię.” Głosować można tylko osobiście za okazaniem ważnego dowodu tożsamości. Zarejestrowani parafianie od 18 roku życia będą mieli dwa dni na oddanie głosu: sobotę 13 sierpnia od 3:00 do 5:30 po południu, oraz niedzielę 14 sierpnia od 8:00 rano do 11:30 po południu. Oto imiona kandydatów, którzy zgłosili swój udział w wyborach do Rady Dyrektorów: Randy Mindak, Stanley Novak, Kathy Ramspott.

St. <strong>Stanislaus</strong>® Kostka <strong>August</strong> - <strong>Sierpień</strong> <strong>2011</strong> 2<br />


All who believe that Jesus Christ is truly<br />

present in the Eucharistic bread and wine<br />

are invited to partake in His banquet of life<br />

and join us in receiving Holy Communion.<br />

Wszyscy wyznający wiarę w prawdziwą<br />

obecność Pana Jezusa w Eucharystii są<br />

zaproszeni do przyjęcia razem z nami<br />

eucharystycznego chleba oraz wina.<br />

Our church is equipped with a hearing<br />

assistance system. Please ask any of the<br />

ushers for a receiver. * Nasz kościół<br />

jest wyposażony w system dźwiękowy dla<br />

niedosłyszących. Poproś porządkowego o<br />

specjalny odbiornik.<br />

COFFEE AND DOUGHNUTS are served after<br />

Sunday Masses in the Polish Heritage Center. All<br />

are welcome!<br />

Zapraszamy wszystkich na KAWĘ i CIASTO<br />

po każdej Mszy niedzielnej w Domu<br />

Dziedzictwa Polskiego.<br />


Please notify the rectory if you become sick or<br />

hospitalized * Prosimy zglaszać na plebanię<br />

imiona osób chorych proszących o modlitwę.<br />

George Bentz, Carol Czarnecki, Chester<br />

Deptula, Ralph Ellerbrock, Margaret Hankins,<br />

Tim Harris, Eleanor Kania, Mike Karandzieff,<br />

Ellen Marciniak, Mariann Novak, Eileen<br />

Prose, John Sitek, Julie Stichnote, Elena Schulte, Bernice<br />

Simmons, Mary Sulzer, Joe Wejzgrowicz.<br />

The following families have contributed altar flowers<br />

<strong>August</strong> 6 & 7 Bill Bialczak<br />

<strong>August</strong> 13 & 14 Dan Reynolds<br />

<strong>August</strong> 20 & 21 Virginia B. Krus<br />

<strong>August</strong> 27 & 28 Mary Ellen Meyerhoff<br />

If you would like to donate for altar flowers, please sign<br />

your name on the poster on the side exit door or take a<br />

purple envelope marked Altar Flowers.<br />






<strong>August</strong> 6 Vigil of the Nineteenth Sunday<br />

4:00 p.m. † Tom Skaggs Sr.<br />

Intention of Donna Nachefski<br />

<strong>August</strong> 7 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time<br />

9:00 a.m. † Betty Lou <strong>August</strong>yniak<br />

Intention of Our Lady of Czestochowa Sodality<br />

11:00 a.m. Za wszystkich Parafian * For all Parishioners<br />

(Polish) Intencja Ks. Marka * Intention of Fr. Marek<br />

<strong>August</strong> 13 Vigil of the Twentieth Sunday<br />

4:00 p.m. † Francis M. Snopek<br />

Intention of Walter and Eileen Snopek<br />

<strong>August</strong> 14 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time<br />

9:00 a.m. † Fredrick Meyerhoff<br />

Intention of the family<br />

<strong>August</strong> 15 Solemnity of the Assumption of the BVM<br />

7:00 p.m. † Piotr Kirkiewicz<br />

Intencja dzieci<br />

<strong>August</strong> 20 Vigil of the Twenty-First Sunday<br />

4:00 p.m. † Nigel Frank.<br />

Intention of Bill & Marlene Shaw<br />

<strong>August</strong> 21 Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time<br />

9:00 a.m. † Bryan Buretta<br />

Intention of Virginia B. Krus<br />

11:00 a.m. †† Józefa Korol i Weronika Taraszkiewicz<br />

(Polish) Intencja Lucyny i Stanisława Dziedzina<br />

<strong>August</strong> 27 Vigil of the Twenty-Second Sunday<br />

4:00 p.m. † Frank Snopek<br />

Intention of Diane Daley and Donna Nachefski<br />

<strong>August</strong> 28 Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time<br />

9:00 a.m. †† John & Connie Myslinski<br />

Intention of Bill & Felicia Schnittker<br />

11:00 a.m. † Dolores Ann Sisco<br />

(Polish) Intencja David & Ann Tilley, Rogers Family<br />

1:00 p.m. German Community in St. Louis<br />

(German) Intention of Bea Hightower<br />

September 3 Vigil of the Twenty-Third Sunday<br />

4:00 p.m. †† Mary & Josephine Deptula<br />

Intention of Eleaor & Stanley Podolski<br />

Almsgiving - Corporal Work of Mercy<br />

Following the Lenten practice of almsgiving, we invite<br />

each parish household to donate one non-perishable<br />

food item or personal care item on a weekly basis. No<br />

special shopping trip is necessary,<br />

just bring an item from your<br />

shelf. A basket is located in front of<br />

the left side altar. Please help us in<br />

assisting the poor and hungry!

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