Shipley College Part-time courses for adults - 2023/24

Browse our range of qualification-based training courses and lifestyle & leisure courses, for adults aged 19+.

Browse our range of qualification-based training courses and lifestyle & leisure courses, for adults aged 19+.


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As a mature student I started my educational journey back in 2018. I didn’t really

know what path or career I wanted to pursue initially, but during my placement

at a primary school some time ago, I came to the realisation that I wanted

to ultimately advance a career into social work.

I was told by university staff last year to enrol in an Access to HE course, and that could

lead to a social work degree. Now I’m almost finished with this course, I can honestly say

so far it has been the most challenging seven months of my life. However, with only two

months left to go, it feels like the time has rushed by. It has been extremely rewarding

since I’ve accomplished so much.

The HE to Social Science team and staff at Shipley College have been incredibly helpful

throughout. I have made lots of new friends with whom I will undoubtedly stay in

contact for a very long time.

Along with our subjects, we have received a lot of additional support, such as with CV

writing and interview preparation. I finally feel ready and prepared to attend university

now that I have all of this in mind. I was offered the opportunity to become a Student

Ambassador, which has opened up an endless amount of additional possibilities for me

throughout the year. As a Student Ambassador for the Access course, I spoke on behalf

of the course at College open events, volunteered my time to help give potential

prospective students an overview of the course itself, and contributed to the content

of the College course guide by giving testimonial talks.

Additionally, I was able to join the NHS Volunteer Service by participating in an online

course, which led to my placement at the Lynfield Mount Ashbrook Ward. I can’t express

my gratitude to the faculty, staff, and other members of Shipley College enough for making

my time here as enjoyable and productive as possible.

All students, particularly mature students such as myself who are wanting to progress

their education into university, should sign up for a course here because of the

encouragement and guidance available.

18. 19.

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