Low Ash News Edition 26 - Spring Overview 2023

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School Environment

Here at Low Ash, we are trying our best to keep our school environment at the forefront of our minds. We

are trying to do our bit to contribute towards reducing climate change and saving our planet. Year 4 spent

the afternoon with a team from Bradford Council learning about the importance of planting trees and how

to do it successfully. Year 4 then had the opportunity to line the bottom of our field with a range of

different fruit trees. The children had a blast and thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon. The team assisting the

children from Fruitworks commented on the exemplary behaviour and even said, “It has been a pleasure to

have been at Low Ash this afternoon. The children have had the best behaviour of any school we have ever


Lord Mayor opens our new offices

Our new offices and entrance are finally open for business. The Lord Mayor of Bradford, Councillor Martin

Love, did the honours at the school and officially cut the ribbon last term. The Lord Mayor was assisted by

a mini-Mayor (one of the school’s pupils) George and Mrs Meer and Mrs Medhurst our Co-headteachers.

The older children also got to watch and participate in the celebration. Mrs Meer told us, “The new-look to

sections of the school has been given the seal of approval from pupils and staff alike.”

The plan had been under development for 5 years. However, due to planning permission, it was a lengthy

process. Therefore we are thrilled here at Low Ash for it to finally be completed. We have a quote from

one of the students Daxton who said, “I really like the brand-new office. When I first saw it, I was filled with

joy.” Another student added, “I think it’s a really good investment for the school.” We even managed to

catch up with Mrs Meer after the event and she said enthusiastically, “It’s been absolutely fabulous. It is

just fantastic to finally have it open.” She added, “The children were excited to have the Lord Mayor here.

Normally children hear about Mayors in history, so for them to meet one is great.” The Mayor also went

around every classroom and told the children about meeting King Charles in Bradford last year.

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