A m - Millburn Public Library

A m - Millburn Public Library

A m - Millburn Public Library


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Page 4<br />

Racquete&rs<br />

Rehearsing<br />

Preparations are now in high<br />

gear for the production of the Racquets<br />

Club Revue, which will he<br />

presented by the Recqueteers on<br />

Friday and Saturday evenings,<br />

May 5th and 6th at 8:40 p.m.<br />

Rehearsals of the company of<br />

more than 40 people, for the<br />

numerous sketohes, dancing acts.<br />

comedy routines, musical and<br />

choral numbers are being conducted<br />

by Ward Jackson, nationally<br />

known radio personality. Bob<br />

Dunn, noted cartoonist and radio<br />

showman, will act as master of<br />

ceremonies.<br />

A large production staff is under<br />

the supervision of Corinne<br />

Kennedy. There will be original<br />

musical numbers by Bette Mc-<br />

Laughlin, Paul Blackmore, Robert<br />

Nie-bting. and Ward Jackson and<br />

original sketches by Anne Brockey,<br />

Bob Dunn and Mr. Jackson.<br />

The choreography is in charge<br />

of Marjorie Tele and Margaret<br />

Schultz while the musical arrangements<br />

are by Mr. Blackmore and<br />

"Mr. Niebling. -<br />

Among the many featured performers<br />

will be Nan Busch, Fred<br />

W-agstaff, Marjorie and Shertn<br />

Yale, Dot Wheaton, Polly Niebling,<br />

Wes Fuller, Doc Wherry, Stan<br />

Ellison Mai Warnock, Lindsey<br />

Brown. Sis and Paul Lembeck,<br />

Bette and Stu McLaughlin. Howard<br />

Grigg, Janet and Joe Hopkins,<br />

Ed Stropp and Paul Blackmore, Jr.<br />

Ticket* are now on sale and may<br />

be obtained through Mr. Wherry<br />

who is ticket chairmen.<br />

•<br />

Ten times as many men die of<br />

.stomach ulcers as women.<br />


Violinist<br />

Announces the Opening<br />

ef<br />

His Violin Studio<br />

in Summit, N. J.<br />

Advanced or Beginners<br />

Phone SUmmit 6-329*<br />


the featured performers in the Racquets Club Revue to be presented<br />

May 5th and 6th at 8:40 p.m. by the Racqueteers at the Racquets Club<br />

in Short Hills.<br />

In Congress<br />

Last Week<br />

The vote of the delegation from<br />

New Jersey during the period<br />

April 15 to 21 are given in the<br />

appended tabulation:<br />

The Senate<br />

On passage of the Omnibus Rivers<br />

and Harbors and Flood Control<br />

Bill, containing authorizations for<br />

51,840,000,000 for rivers, harbors,<br />

flood control and kindred projects<br />

in nearly every state of the Union,<br />

passed 53 to 19:<br />

YEAS<br />

Hendrickson (R).<br />


Smith (R).<br />

On the Lucas joint Resolution<br />

(S. J. Res. 166) providing for posthumous<br />

awards to the crew of the<br />

American naval plane who lost<br />

their lives recently over the Baltic<br />

Sea while in performance of duty,<br />

.adopted 66 to 0:<br />

YEAS<br />

Hendrickson (R).<br />


Smith (R).<br />

' The House<br />

On the Luces Joint Resolution<br />

(S. J. Res. 166) providing for posthumous<br />

awards of appropirate<br />

medals to the crew of the Navy<br />

jggg^<br />

BAIRDS<br />






LOANS<br />

$25 to $500<br />

CALL<br />

"THE LOAN MAN-<br />






MILLBURN 6-4455<br />

plane who lost their lives over the<br />

Baltic Sea in performance of their<br />

duty, passed 333 to 0, sending the<br />

measure to the White House:<br />

YEAS<br />

Hart (D), Rodino (D), Howell<br />

(D, Auchincloss (R), Oanfield (R),<br />

Case (R), Eaton (R), Hand (R),<br />

Kean (R), Widnall (R), Wolverton<br />

(R).<br />


Addonzio (D), Norton CD), Towe<br />

(R).<br />

With the coming of warm, lovely<br />

outdoor days, it's time for all<br />

Girl Scouts to be thinking and<br />

planning on camp. Camp Wysomish<br />

in the South Mountain Reservation<br />

belongs to the Girl Scouts of<br />

<strong>Millburn</strong> Township and is perhaps<br />

one of the most visible parts of the<br />

Scout program which the <strong>Millburn</strong><br />

STund supports. Here ie real outdoor<br />

life as a girl likes and enjoys<br />

it . . . outdoor cooking, hikes,<br />

sports and games, crafts, adventures<br />

with Nature and this year<br />

;here will be swimming at Cameron<br />

Pool for those who want it—<br />

under a certified life guard of<br />

course.<br />

Miss Simone Ahbate will be<br />

CcMp Director again and Mrs. Gifford<br />

Symonds is Camp Chairman.<br />

3er committee includes Mrs. A.<br />

H. Travers, Mrs. F. F. Skidmore,<br />

Mrs. S. A. Hansen and Mrs. E. E.<br />

?artwright. All Girl Scouts are<br />

urged to register as soon as possible.<br />

Camp opens July 5. If you<br />

iav-e not received a'camp leaflet<br />

with all details, write or phone<br />

the Girl Scout office in Taylor<br />

Park and one will be sent to you.<br />

Troop 34 members of South<br />

Mountain School has been busily<br />

working on cooking and second<br />

clase badges and a week ago held<br />

a tea at the home of Scribe Sally<br />

Samotus. At this time, Mrs. Mitchell,<br />

their Leader not only presented<br />

badges but the troop crest.<br />

Mothers were guests as was Miss<br />

Abb ate, Executive Director and<br />

Sally says "all our guests said ii<br />

was grand."<br />

Troop 3, Brownies, gave a play<br />

yesterday afternoon at Glenwooc<br />

School which was both . colorfu'<br />

and educational. Mrs. N. E. Mor><br />

gan, Leader, wrote and directed<br />

the • play called "Hands Around<br />

the World." All wore costumes of<br />

different nations:<br />

Trosp 27 members all went to<br />

Grunnings last Friday where they<br />

saw how ice cream was made anc<br />

of course tiad a generous sample<br />

When It's<br />

Time to Move<br />

Xrying to convince the<br />

above Knight that dragons<br />

are friendly would be simple<br />

indeed compared to convincing<br />

our customers that<br />

other places are just as<br />

good for moving as our protected<br />

service.<br />

ALBANE5E<br />


393MIHBURW^. TEL.6-1294<br />

7tU££&<br />

Susan Gluefcman reported Troop<br />

33 members worked on their<br />

badges this week, Lynn TJlrieb reported.<br />

Troop 25, meeting at Recreation<br />

House, Taylor Park had a special<br />

treat in store for them last week.<br />

Mrs, Brinley Harvey, their Co-<br />

Leader returning from a trip to<br />

Scotland had a wonderful story to<br />

tell and presents for all. Members<br />

worked on their art pictures,<br />

played games too and made plans<br />

for the coming Girl Scout Reunion<br />

at Camp Wysomish. Mrs. F.<br />

A. St. Clair is Leader of this Troop.<br />

Troop 24 members worked hard<br />

covering nature - study pictures<br />

which they had made last fall with<br />

cellophane which will be used in<br />

the Nature Exhibit next month.<br />

They are learning the Girl Scout<br />

Promise and Laws. Judy Nelson<br />

is the Scribe.<br />

Troop 7 of St. Rose of Lima<br />

School is working for its needlecraft<br />

badge, learning the button<br />

hole stitch, the chain stitch, the<br />

outline stitch and the satin stitch.<br />

Then they had an outdoor session<br />

of kick ball. ,<br />

Troop 29 members attended a<br />

play given by the third grade pupils.<br />

They also worked on their<br />

The <strong>Millburn</strong> & Short Hills ITEM<br />

179<br />

Tenderfoot Badges, drawing a map<br />

from their own home to school, so<br />

reports Margie Goldmann,. Scribe.<br />

Troop 6 meeting at the home of<br />

Mrs. S. P. Brown, co-Leader had<br />

cookies and milk first. Some made<br />

pot holders, others traced birds<br />

and still others played games.<br />

Free Television<br />

For Ball Fans<br />

All local residents are invited io<br />

witness the big league baseball<br />

games each day on the television<br />

set at the Recreation House in<br />

Taylor Park. New comfortable<br />

" Seating arrangements have heen<br />

arranged for the local fans.<br />

Dodger, Yankee, and Giant rooters<br />

can see their favorites in ac-<br />


Doctors recommend dance lessons<br />

as perfect exercise and relaxation.<br />

See for yourself . . .<br />

come to Arthur Murray's, 44<br />

Brick Church Plaza, East Orange.<br />

Phone OR. 3-3900.<br />

tion as daily games will be televised.<br />

This program is open, with<br />

no admission charge.<br />

The tundra, a vast swampy pl*i*<br />

APR1L 27, 1950)<br />

The red wolf has recently been<br />

exterminated in th A<br />

Southe&st.<br />

TOUR LOCKER PLANT f« complexly mo«f.rn«!«9 and<br />

. i „„„ locker and home unit<br />

expanding its services for you ... IOCK<br />

patrons.<br />

A limited number of lockers will b. .v.Il.bU f.r r.nt.1<br />

within a few week, upon completion of our r.frig.r.f.on<br />

and remodeling work.<br />

JOIN our'm-ilina list and be Informed of the available services and •'specials"<br />

we offer on our large selection of meats, frozen foods, freezmg paper and con-<br />

tainers.<br />



Morristown 4-4684<br />

. " •; :<br />

Bambereers<br />


Bernardsville 8-0499<br />

Millbmi<br />

Shop Barn's tor SUMMER FURNITURE<br />

Neva-rust*<br />

wrought iron<br />

dinette<br />

98.50 5 pieces<br />

For New Jersey's indoor -<br />

outdoor way of life<br />

Salterini designed this set, fashioned<br />

for use at home on the terrace, or<br />

inside in the dining room. There's a<br />

Urge 30x48 table and slip-seat chairs<br />

that can be covered in a wide choice<br />

of fabrics. All pieces have a handsome<br />

scroll motif: And they're guaranteed<br />

not to fust, for at least 6 years. Dawn,<br />

shrimp, statuary bronze or antique<br />

ivory finish. Teleservice and mail.<br />

*Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.<br />

10 % down now<br />

It's Imported<br />

East Indian<br />

Rattan<br />

129 3 pieces<br />

You get a large settee and<br />

two lounge chairs for our<br />

small price<br />

Solidly built to take years of wear this<br />

set is fashioned of fine imported rattan<br />

Seat and back cushions are packed with<br />

mnersprmgsfor solid Comfort and the<br />

rattan itself is beautifully worked in<br />

simple lines. And waft till you see the<br />

wide and exciting array of colorful<br />

fabrics from which you can choose<br />

months and months to pay the rest when you-use Barn's<br />

Deferred Payment Account; plus a small service, charge!

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