A m - Millburn Public Library

A m - Millburn Public Library

A m - Millburn Public Library


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Page 2<br />

Maybe YOU can be an angel<br />

and find some "hidden savings"- 1<br />

Did you borrow money on your Life Insurance, where the<br />

interest rates are 5V2% or 6%? If you did, you may be abfe<br />

to convert that loan to a First National Insurance loan at 3% or<br />

4% . . . and that means a substantial saving every<br />

year during the life of the loan!<br />

N We lo»n money en Life Insurance policies, and<br />

frequently are able to show real savings when<br />

converting existing loans (i€ their terms make<br />

it possible). Why not hire the money you need at<br />

the lowest cost to you? We'll be glad to give you<br />

complete details!<br />


MEMBER<br />






Established 1907<br />

"Serving Short Hills and MiUbum<br />

mlh Entry Banking Facility"<br />

MEMBER<br />

FEDERAL.<br />


SYSTEM<br />

The <strong>Millburn</strong> & Short Hills ITEM<br />

best-dressed<br />

?<br />

drycleaning<br />

All eyes turn toward the<br />

"Jike-new" look. Clothes get<br />

, a rejuvenated appwrance<br />

with our thorough drycleaning<br />

- our expert finishing care. And<br />

clothing lasts longer when you<br />

keep it looking like new!<br />

Come to us regularly for *<br />

finer dryelearjing!<br />


98 MILLBURN AVE. (One Block West MapUuood Loop)<br />



For Your Garment!<br />

IF IN AT 10 A. M.<br />

KEADY AT « P. M.<br />

Auction Plans<br />

[ APRIL 27. 19501<br />

[Fishing Club<br />

or elsewhere; unusual bleeding or<br />

discharge from the body; any<br />

change in a wart or mole; persistent<br />

indigestion or difficulty in<br />

swallowing; persistent hoarseness<br />

or cough; any change in normal<br />

MILLBURN&><br />

bowel movements."<br />


Mental Health<br />

Founded In 1888<br />

Survey Planned<br />

THE MILLBURN and SHORT HILLS ITEM is .published every<br />

Thursday by The Item PublisMng and Printing Company, a cor- The following letter which has<br />

poration at 391 <strong>Millburn</strong> Avenue, MUlburn, N. J. Editor, Charles E. been sent to local institutions, or-<br />

Paulson Jr Business Manage?, WUlard H. Eaetzner. Official newipaper<br />

of the Township of <strong>Millburn</strong>. Subscription rates by inall ganizations- and individuals such<br />

postpaid. One year $3.50; sU monttis. 11.75; payable In advance. as doctors and lawyers by the<br />

Single copies ten cents each. Entered as Second Class Matter<br />

October 6 1B91 at the Post Office at <strong>Millburn</strong>, New Jersey, under Mill burn-Short Hills Committee<br />

Act of March. 8. 1879.<br />

on Mental Health which has developed<br />

as a result of a <strong>Millburn</strong><br />

Press Association<br />

Member Community Council meeting on<br />

New Jersey<br />

of New Jersey that subject.<br />

Quality WeekUei "As an outgrowth of a recent<br />

CooAounity Council meeting<br />

cer research, education, and direct<br />

"Cancer Sfory" service. The cancer committee<br />

noted that the educational job is a<br />

Reaches Many year-round duty which haa Included<br />

locally the distribution of<br />

The facts about cancer — in- printed material, advice and inforcluding<br />

the "seven danger signs"<br />

mation on cancer problems, and<br />

which may point to its presence<br />

speeches and motion pictures on<br />

— have been brought to an estimated<br />

3,000 persons in this com-<br />

cancer.<br />

munity In the past twelve months, Local organizations were re-<br />

according to Sargent Dumper, minded thai: talks on cancer, and<br />

chairman of the local cancer drive showings of the motion picture,<br />

committee.<br />

"The Traitor Within" may be arranged<br />

by contacting the Essex<br />

Working as a unit of the Essex County Chapter, American Cancer<br />

County Chapter of the American Society, at 78 Clinton avenue, New-<br />

Cancer Society in the county-wide ark. Also available are exhibits<br />

drive to raise $186,500 in cancer and information on the cancer<br />

funds, the local committee ie cur- dressings and home care services<br />

rently continuing with the com- of the Society.<br />

munity effort to reach every pos- Stressing the seven "danger<br />

sible resident and business by the signs" of cancer — which are be-<br />

end of the month.<br />

ing repeated locally throughout<br />

The "cancer story/' it we^ in- the campaign — the committee redicated,<br />

is being brought to . local viewed these as follows:<br />

residents along with the present "Any sore that does not heal;<br />

appeal for funds to finance can- a lump or thickening in the breast<br />

the famous<br />

lawn beauty treatment<br />

First a meal of TURF BUILDER to<br />

bring out bright color and health.<br />

Next sow Se$Z&.' SEED to cover<br />

bare spots with luxuriant grass. Do<br />

it yourself in a few minutes with<br />

Scf& SPREADER; relax and<br />

enjoy a nice lawn this year.<br />

LAWN SEED — 100% perennial<br />

grasses, sow sparingly because them are<br />

3,000,000 seeds In each pound.<br />

1 Ib — $L35 5 lbs-$6.45<br />

TVOF BU1LDEZ - Clean, meal-type fawn food<br />

... use one fourth as much as ordinary fertilizer.<br />

1 Ib feeds 100 sq ft; 10 Ibt-$h35<br />

25 Ib J feerfi 2500 jg H - $2.50<br />

SPREADERS - Sturdy, all tttel with<br />

rubber tires. Medium Sfca -$9.95 Jr-$5S5<br />


328 MILLBURN AVE. Ml. 6-0302<br />

1 on<br />

public responsibility for mental<br />

health.,,a temporary committee has<br />

been formed working in cloee cooperation<br />

with national, state and<br />

county mental health, societies, to<br />

serve the need of our township in<br />

this respect.<br />

"The fira-t objective of this committee<br />

is to find out:<br />

1. To what extent and how residents<br />

of all ages are being helped<br />

through community endeavor end<br />

the efforts of key citizens to<br />

achieve those satisfactory social<br />

and personal adjustments that<br />

spell mental health (defined as "a<br />

state of well-being-, of efficient at<br />

work, and of harmony in human<br />

relationships");<br />

a. In what numbers and to what<br />

degree individuals are seeking or<br />

should- have offered psychological<br />

counseling and guidance on special<br />

problems, or diagnosis and<br />

treatment for mental illness;<br />

b. What resources of such nature<br />

are available and in use;<br />

c. What further measures are<br />

indicated toward the end of raising<br />

the general level of mental health<br />

in <strong>Millburn</strong>-Short Hills.<br />

"Tfcis calls or a broad survey<br />

in which your cooperation is important,<br />

even though at first<br />

thought it may seem to be unrelated<br />

to your program. It is being<br />

conducted by a lay committee,<br />

with, some professional members,<br />

as recommended by the Association<br />

for the Advancement of Psychiatry.<br />

"Sub - committees have been<br />

formed, each with a particular<br />

area to investigate with the following<br />

questions as the basis for discussion;<br />

1. What provision is the organization<br />

being 1 My answer to this would be no. ing instruction in their respective<br />

Toan Receives There is an assumption by the schools.<br />

Council that the degree, of psy- He said, "I think, however, that In High Gear<br />

|Sees Hatcheries<br />

chosis ie high and the intelligent her .report is written in such a<br />

Fellowship<br />


quotient ie low. There is an way that it is quite obvious which Committees are hard at work<br />

Bernard Toan science teacher ignoring of the natural equipment<br />

! The high school Hunting *RC;<br />

portions of it are intended to be gathering items for the second<br />

at MUlburn, High School, has of children to "grow an-d develop<br />

Fishing Club went on «. field trip<br />

been granted a fellowship for and adjust and to solve their own statements of fact and which por- -—,,oi nnrtion sale to be span-<br />

| to Haekettstown on Tuesday,<br />

summer' study at Union College problems; and an ignoring of the tions of it represent her own per-<br />

in Schenectady, N.T., by the fact that tbey are not born with sonal opinions of what she calls Arts Center on Saturday, May<br />

boys, under the guidance<br />

General Electric Corporation it trained minds, and that that ie Progressive Education—an expres- at 7:00 p.m. Reg. T. Biauvelt will of Burt Van Barer., took the<br />

was announced today. The fellow- where they need help. There to sion, by the way, which I doubt<br />

ship provides for the payment of an assumption that the human<br />

be the auctioneer.<br />

forty-mile trip to see the fish<br />

she heard used all evening."<br />

all expenses from Puly 2 to Au- race was discovered under a cab-<br />

With antiques, household ga.d- hatcheries at Heckettstown and<br />

guest 11 and college credit is bage leaf the day the atomic<br />

Dr. Basler stated that Mrs. I gets, sports an d craft equipment to fish a while at nearby Saxsn<br />

granted.<br />

bomb was dropped. In my opin-<br />

Hardie had falsely attributed cer- and other items lined up, the com- Falls, on the MuscDireicong; River.<br />

tain undesirable educational aims<br />

The General Electric program ion true education, useful educamittee<br />

promises that there will be Xorman Faulkner waa the only<br />

to the Council and to its member<br />

included the granting of fellowtion for the future, must include<br />

something of interest to every- member of S h a club to catcS a<br />

schools, including <strong>Millburn</strong>.<br />

ships to outstanding science an interpretation of the present<br />

body et the auction. A food "bazaar fifc/i. H£ landed ft nine-inch rain-<br />

teachers throughout tile, country in terms of the past.<br />

In his comments Dr. Basler will supply refreshments during bow trout.<br />

found himself repeatedly at vari- the evening and Arts Center<br />

and combines the study of theory My own reAtion to the proance with both Mrs. Hardie's memBecs will appear -in their Foot defects are more<br />

with industrial application. Congram- of the Council is that along philosophy of education and her country clothes.<br />

among women than men if i<br />

sultants from G. B. -and professors i with advancing some -excellent interpretation of that held in many Alex Frackenpohl is chairman 1 tions among students in one colieg;<br />

from Union conduct the courses. 1<br />

suggestions in the field -of im- modern schools associated with<br />

and is receiving offers of articles I are general, aaya Everybody's<br />

•<br />

proved methods of instruction it the Council. •<br />

for sale on commission and do-<br />

j Health. In this institution 1J pe,<br />

ie too quick to reject the good He concluded by saying that "the<br />

I cent of the men had foot dsftcts<br />

Differ Over<br />

nation bases.<br />

features of traditional' education; improvements which we are en-<br />

) and 29 per cent of the women, re-<br />

(Continued from Page 1> that Dr. Mort, in praising the deavoring to make in the instruc-<br />

Among those assisting Mr. cent physical examinations s<br />

education of the early American tional program of the <strong>Millburn</strong><br />

Frackenpohl in gathering goods<br />

impression that <strong>Millburn</strong> is in the period failed to recognize that Schools do not represent the fol- for the auction are: Mrs. Paul H.<br />

vanguard of the system of educa-<br />

that system was traditional, baaed lowing of any recommendations Paulsen, Mrs. Robert Wifldop,<br />

uuy yuuK<br />

tion known as Progressive, and<br />

or. classical studies, witti em- made by the Metropolitan School Mrs. Norman Baer, Mrs. Dayton<br />

that it is likely to remain so so<br />

phasis on the Humanities, and Study Council regardless of wheth- Crowell, Mrs. Robert H. Kraeuter, HOTPOINT<br />

long as it is a member of' the<br />

Council and follows its ^ recom-<br />

the European University system. er these improvements are in the Mrs. Frank Cornish, Mrs. Claude ELECTRIC RANGE<br />

mendations. This' system at-<br />

The present trend i* toward a to- .direction Mrs. Hardie thinks the Hinds, Mrs. Koger Aldrich, Mrs.<br />

tempts to educate the whole "child<br />

tal rejection of the past, and to- Council is moving or in the di- William Greer, Mrs. Gidman Bar- at RADIO SALES CORP.<br />

"See tne Marts Bros.*<br />

for life today by meeting its inward the practice of tossing currection<br />

which it is actually movber, Mrs. Robert Manchee and 327 Millhuni ««t. Ml<br />

dividual needs; it is more conrent problems to children to solve<br />

ing."<br />

Mrs. Deane Stowe.<br />

cerned with mental hygiene than without first laying the historical,<br />

with the multiplication table; it foundation for those problems.<br />

fears frustration more than, igno- For the benefit of the Council's MADE RIGHT TO STAY WHITE<br />

rance; it limits knowledge to a Committee on Blockbusting," I<br />

field to which the child is ready wish to put myself on record as<br />

to give social significance; it one of the Blocks.<br />

measures the child only against Respectfully submitted,<br />

his own. capabilities; personal Jessie H. Hardie<br />

guidance is stressed," guided dis- Member of the Education Comcussions<br />

of current problems are mittee Mill'burn Township<br />

likely to impinge on class time set<br />

for English or Social Studies. Ex- Following the reading of this rechange<br />

furnishes examples where port by Mrs. Hardie, Alfred J.<br />

the suggestibility of children is Williams, who conducted the meet-<br />

guided to reach predetermined ing in the absence of President<br />

conclusions.<br />

Esterly, stated that her report<br />

Last year two changes were dealt with a rather large subject<br />

made in the MiUbum School Cur^ and that the Board would prob-<br />

riculum which followed the Counably not have time to discuss its<br />

cil's recommendations. The first contents that night; that he rec-<br />

was the change in the form of ognized that the report was made-<br />

report card to stress personality up in large part of her own opin-<br />

factors and diminish numerical ions and interpretations; that he<br />

measurement of academic achieve- felt it would therefore be advisment.<br />

The second was the inable for copies to be made for<br />

tegration of sex education (or each of the Board members.<br />

mental hygiene development) at Mrs. Freeman stated that she<br />

all school levels. This last step, thought it would be advisable also<br />

as it was carried through in to ask Dr. Basler to prepare a<br />

<strong>Millburn</strong>, is reported in the latest statement containing his report of<br />

copy of the Council's magazine, the meeting and his interpreta-<br />

Exchange. • ,<br />

tion of Mrs. Hardie's opinions an<br />

Dr. Mort, in reply to a question this subject,<br />

from the floor put by Dr. Basler, Mr. Williams th&n asked Dr.<br />

surveyed making to reaffirmed his conviction that BasSer if he would like to make<br />

provide for the promotion of the each school district must work any verbal comments or any writ-<br />

mental health of its clients? independently. Every member of ten statement later. Dr; Basler<br />

2. What needs- are not being met this Board of Education, there- stated that he would be glad to<br />

which should be considered fa the fore, has a duty to appraise: for do either or both and added that<br />

establishment of a sound program himself the direction in which the he too felt it would be wise to<br />

of mental health—<br />

leadership of the Metropoh'tan<br />

a. Within the organization be- School Study Council.is taking its,<br />

k:have Mrs. Hardie's report duplicated<br />

although he could notagree<br />

DaftNit'Hbbse Paint<br />

ing surveyed?<br />

and the extent j to which the with either her interpretations of<br />

b. Within the community at parents and tax-payers of Mill- :he programs and aima of the All points collect duit and dirt dur-<br />

large?<br />

burn Township are willing to Metropolitan School Study Couning ihe firs) few months.<br />

"Will you consider the problem<br />

Mow this rapid change toward cil or her characterizations of what<br />

carefully and be prepared to con-<br />

'rogrefisive Education. Any mem-<br />

Cteems ttselff member schools were endeavoring<br />

tribute as requested when the apter<br />

of any Civic Association who to accomplish by way of improv-<br />

White and bright for years!<br />

pointed interviewer calls?<br />

vishes to know in whMi direction<br />

That can be your home if you<br />

Gal.<br />

•Sincerely yours,<br />

ere going, and how far, need<br />

specify improved Du Pont No. 40<br />

Committee on Mental Health<br />

>nly to look at half a dozen copies<br />

Outside White the next time the<br />

You save, too, when your painters<br />

volunteered under auspices of<br />

vt Exchange.<br />

painters come* Due to its unique use Du Pont. Smooth, easy applica-<br />

<strong>Millburn</strong>-Short Hills Commu- The program of the Council<br />

combination of pigments and oils, tion, excellent spread and Wffe-<br />

With Do Pont House PoinI, a fin*<br />

nity Council<br />

raises the following questions:<br />

whita powder forms on the lurfaca Du Pont "40" actually cleans itself hiding plus longr-lasting protection<br />

after a few months.<br />

Mrs. Thayer Smith, chairman y-hether the people of Milltourn<br />

. . . sheds dirt and dust with every against rust, rot and decay • • . all<br />

ind Short Hills do not wish more<br />

heavy rain! Normally, this "Self-<br />

Production of .electric furnace<br />

ralture and instruction, and less<br />

Cleaning" starts in a few months<br />

add up in your tavor.<br />

steel—etainless steel, heat resis-<br />

.ime spent on guidance, and<br />

on most surfaces. However, excestant<br />

and tool steels — increased<br />

whether ttie unbalance between<br />

sive soot or heavy shade, or stains For outside trim and shutters lot<br />

from 10,000 tons in 1905 to nearly<br />

•he two that has developed in<br />

from metal surfaces such as cop- BVLVX Trim and TreUit . . . re-<br />

5,000,000 tone in 1948.<br />

Vliltburn does not explain many<br />

per screening may interfere with,<br />

sists mildew and fading*<br />

>f the cases of children who have<br />

or delay, the process.<br />

•een withdrawn from the public PAID ON<br />

RatM wash off IHS powder—end<br />

schools to be entered in independ-<br />

with it much of tha occumvlated<br />

dirt and grime.<br />

eent schools; and whether it is SAYENGS<br />

lumanly possible to equip e<br />

ichool with a total staff fit ty<br />

lature to take on this tremendous<br />

•esponsibility in guidance. My<br />

mswer to this would be no. And INVESTORS<br />

vhether in this township such Savings & Loan Assn.<br />

ottensive guidance is necessary.<br />

Self-Cltoninp leaves surface clean<br />

£4 Main St.<br />

and white . . . Heps if sporkJina<br />

white for years- Thiieleamnfl process<br />

b gradval and does not adversely<br />

affect the Ions life of the paint.<br />

Complete Line of<br />

BRUSHES (Bristle & Nylon) and PAINTERS SUPPLIES<br />


Paint & Wallpaper Co.<br />

14 MAIN ST. <strong>Millburn</strong> 4-1055<br />

Just below the High School-—Next to Pearson's Cleaners<br />

What Food<br />



STEAK 79<br />



ORANGE<br />



SPINACH 3 9<br />

14 ox. pkgs.<br />



519 M.LLBURN AVE. F(Near<br />

S H 0 R T H|LLS 7.2202

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