A m - Millburn Public Library

A m - Millburn Public Library

A m - Millburn Public Library


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\<br />

J APRIL 27. |osn ]<br />

Draperies and slip covers need<br />

freshening and cleaning each<br />

spring. You will thrill when you<br />

see them returned as fresh-asdaisies.<br />

Send them off now to the<br />

Pearson Cleaners, Main street.<br />

By all means see the Jack Manley<br />

Rose Williamsburg paintings<br />

hung in The Summit Trust Company.<br />

Where else do they bend<br />

every effort to inject such warm,<br />

homey atmosphere?<br />

• * *<br />

Discriminating collectors, attention!<br />

At the Marcy Magin Decor<br />

Shop there is the most gorgeous<br />

Epergne (brass candle and<br />

plant holder). Can be ueed round<br />

as a centerpiece or flat as mantle<br />

decoration. Marvelous as a gift.<br />

S & S Fruit Center offers tD<br />

make your marketing a pike. Just<br />

phone your order to S. H. 7-2877.<br />

Quality products in every edible<br />

line will be delivered quick-likea-bunny.<br />

Holme Brothers have Westinghouse<br />

Launtemat and Clothes<br />

Drier. Drop in and examine their<br />

marvelous novel features. The<br />

new Laundermat is a wonderful<br />

water saver. It adjusts water<br />

amount.<br />

The DeNone Beauty Salon has<br />

so much to offer. Besides experienced<br />

operators and quality<br />

products, it is i bright cheery<br />

place to sit under the dryer. It's<br />

location provides easy parking.<br />

Spruce up your car for eprtng<br />

days. Let Spurr's Atlantic Station<br />

fiimonize your car. This is a specialty<br />

of Spurr's. They give pickup<br />

and delivery service. • Call<br />

Mill. 6-2069.—Adv.<br />

Kansas is the greatest wheat<br />

producing state in the United<br />

States.<br />

Special for Showers<br />

and Parties<br />

HAM<br />


•Ea^nO doz.<br />

Reg. $1.50<br />

Also Sandwiches, hors<br />

d'oeuvres, Cakes, etc.<br />

Call <strong>Millburn</strong> 6-0228<br />

To Order From<br />


24 Taylor St., <strong>Millburn</strong><br />

Opp Washington School<br />




"See the Marks Bros."<br />

327 MU1DUTO dfve. Ml 6-4200<br />


with<br />

a PLAN<br />

Complete furnishing can be<br />

accom plisked at once,<br />

through one of our convenient<br />

financial arrangements.<br />

L. H. NOLTE CO.<br />

329-331 Springfield Ave.<br />

Summit, W. J. Su. 6-3068<br />

Member<br />

American Institute of Decorators<br />

1<br />


Handwrought<br />

Silver Exhibit<br />

An exhibition of the handwrought<br />

silver designed and executed<br />

by the conferees attending<br />

the third national Silversmithing<br />

Workshop Conference for teachers<br />

held last summer by Handy and<br />

Harmaa, fabricators of precious<br />

metals, at the Rhode island<br />

School of Design .will be exhibited<br />

at Silbersher's from May 1-4.<br />

Robert MaePhail, craft supervisor<br />

of the <strong>Millburn</strong>- <strong>Public</strong><br />

Schools, attended the third Workshop<br />

Conference in 1949. A piece<br />

of silver designed and executed<br />

by Mr. MaePhail was included<br />

in a special exhibition prepared<br />

for the Metropolitan Museum of<br />

Art.<br />

Look Pretty<br />

While You Work<br />

The homemaker is generally<br />

conceded to be relatively busy, but<br />

she herself would admit that much.<br />

of the time she is not pretty while<br />

busy. That's why Inez LaBossier,<br />

extension clothing specialist at<br />

Rutgers University, suggests that<br />

homemakers make a special effort<br />

to have prettier working clothes!*<br />

True, the homemsker may labor<br />

like a work horse, but that doesn't<br />

mean she has to look like one,<br />

points out the State University<br />

I specialist. Many women insist<br />

i upon haying attractive street<br />

clothes and won't go out of the j<br />

house unless they are all dressed<br />

up. Yet these same women care<br />

very litfe about their appearance<br />

around the house and their working<br />

clothes consist of sleazy-fr>oking<br />

housedresses or dresses dis-<br />

carded because they no» longer<br />

were attractive enough for the<br />

street!<br />

If you are guilty in this respect,<br />

take a tip from waitresses, beauty<br />

operators and nurses who wear a<br />

uniform to insure good appearance.<br />

You can dignify the profession<br />

of homemakrng . . . and you're<br />

not limited to a uniform. Your<br />

dress must allow plenty of freedom<br />

for reaching and stooping and<br />

must be reasonably easy to wash<br />

and i ron. But beyond that, the<br />

sky is the limit when it comes<br />

to choosing gay attractive colors,<br />

|. pretty jnaterial and becoming<br />

styles.<br />

The appearance of the sleeveless<br />

dress this year is made-to-order<br />

for the active housekeeper. In<br />

making such a dress it is not sufficient<br />

to omit the sleeves and finish<br />

off the armhole. The shoulder line<br />

iii a sleeveless dress should be<br />

extended one-half to three-quarters<br />

of an inch beyond the normal<br />

line. -<br />

Neat fitting slacks were an improvement<br />

for many over unattractive<br />

housedresses, but some<br />

women do not care to wear them<br />

on the street and unexpected<br />

emergencies all too often make a<br />

quick trip to town necessary.<br />

Culottes, or the divided skirt, are<br />

a nice compromise. They provide<br />

the more feminine appearance of<br />

a skirt, but still allow the freedom<br />

of slacks.<br />

In 1849, 1.564,000 Americans were<br />

injured in traffic accidents.<br />


RISON whose engagement to Robert<br />

Mathes has been announced.<br />

Attention<br />

All Sewers<br />

A quota for chair backs for<br />

Lyons Hospital has been assigned.<br />

The Red Cross needs<br />

your help to fulfill this request.<br />

The production room at Red<br />

Cross Headiquarter,s, 10 Rector<br />

street, is open for sewing Monday,<br />

Wednesday and Friday<br />

from 11:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.<br />

Wyoming PJ.A.<br />

To See Pictures<br />

The Farent-TeacherV Association<br />

of Wyoming School will meet<br />

on May 3rd for a business meeting<br />

1 at wfrich new officers will be<br />

elfected. The meeting is at 8:15<br />

r.m.<br />

First grade teacher, Mrs. L»ynn<br />

Taylor, has been taking movies<br />

and stills of the Kindergarten<br />

and all" grades throughout the<br />

year. These pictures will be shown<br />

by her during the evening. Refreshments<br />

and a social hour will<br />

•follow in the Kindergarten room,<br />

•<br />

Evening Group<br />

To Hold Election<br />

On Tuesday evening, May 2nd,<br />

the St. Stephen's Evening Group<br />

will hold its regular monthly meeting<br />

in the parish house at 8:15<br />

p.m. There will be a reading of<br />

the by-laws and election of officers<br />

for the coming year. Mrs. William<br />

Matthews, chairman of the nominating<br />

committee, will present a<br />

list of candidates for the various<br />

offices to be filled.<br />

Following the election, refreshments<br />

will be served by the hostesses,<br />

Mrs. T. A. Hunt, Mrs. Audrey<br />

Wilson and Mrs. M. Hoesley,<br />

alL of <strong>Millburn</strong>.<br />

United Thank<br />

Offering Sunday<br />

Next Sunday, April 30, at 11<br />

o'clock, the women of Christ<br />

Church will make their United<br />

Thank Offering Presentation. The<br />

offering goes toward the maintenance<br />

of the Church's work among<br />

underprivileged women throughout<br />

the world. The women of the<br />

parish of Christ Church are asked<br />

to bring their Blue Mite Boxes to<br />

the service next Sunday morning<br />

for presentation or to leave.them<br />

at the Parish office for Mrs. William<br />

Hunter, Custodian. This offering<br />

will be presented at Trinity<br />

Cathedral at a special service on<br />

Friday, May 19th.<br />

•<br />

Antiques Topic<br />

The <strong>Millburn</strong> & Short mil* TTV.IU<br />

MISS JEAN DAMITZ, whose engagement<br />

to John M. Morgan has<br />

bpen announced.<br />

•<br />

St. Rose Ladies'<br />

Breakfast May 7<br />

The Ladies' Auxiliary of the<br />

Church of St. Rose of Lima, Short<br />

Hills, is sponsoring their Annual<br />

Communion Breakfast on Sunflay,<br />

May 7, at the Ctranticler.<br />

AH Catholic women of MiHburn<br />

and Short Hills are invited to attend<br />

the breakfast whfeh will follow<br />

the eight o'clock mass.<br />

Guest speakers this year will be<br />

the Reverend Dr. Thomas W.<br />

Cunningham, professor of English<br />

Literature at Seton Hall College<br />

and Commander John T. Vaughn<br />

of the Bureau of Naval Intelligence,<br />

U.S.N. The program will<br />

also include vocal selections by<br />

Miss Eileen Schauler, operatic<br />

singer from Millbum.<br />

Those who plan to attend the<br />

breakfast are requested to make<br />

their reservations by calling Mrs.<br />

Anthony M. Meyeretein, chairman,<br />

Short' Hills 7-3280, or Mrs.<br />

Howard F. Peltz, co-chairman,<br />

South Orange 2-2244.<br />

•<br />

Watchung Troop<br />

Horse Show<br />

The 17th Annual Spring Horse<br />

Show of the Watchung Troops will<br />

be held at the Watchung Stables,<br />

Glenside avenue. Summit, on Saturday,<br />

May 6. The show will consist<br />

of 26 events to be called in<br />

numerical sequence as listed on<br />

entry blanks. Event No. 1 will<br />

be called at 9 a.m. and Event No.<br />

12 at 1 p.m. Entries close Sunday,<br />

April 30, at the -stables.<br />

The events include the Junior<br />

and Senior Horsemanship Championships,<br />

which are open to first<br />

place winners of a series of preliminary<br />

events. There will be<br />

seven events open to all troopers.<br />

Three events are for "C troopers<br />

exclusively, six for "B" troopers<br />

and seven for liA." troopers. Three<br />

events for privately owned horses<br />

are the Children's Jumper. Bridle<br />

Trail Hack and Open Jumper<br />

Sweepstakes.<br />

Seniors Win U.N.<br />

Exam Prizes<br />


Ed Keller and Howard Corwin<br />

won SID and $10 respectively in an<br />

examination on the United Nations.<br />

The contest was sponsored<br />

by the MiHburn League of Women<br />

Voters 1 . Mrs. A. F. Rose, president<br />

of the organization, presented the<br />

prizes in assembly on April 20.<br />

Mrs. -Rose expressed the belief<br />

that the United Nations is the best<br />

form of world government ajid<br />

that everyone should support it.<br />

Ed and Howard are both seniors.<br />

Howard is valedictorian of his<br />

class.<br />

cers for the coming year will be<br />

made.<br />

Of Talk<br />

i The meeting will be highlighted<br />

by a talk to be given by Mrs. Frank<br />

The Lanies' Auxiliary of St. Rose Bien of "The Collector's Corner."<br />

of Lima's Church will hold its Her topic will be "What Is an An-<br />

regular monthly meeting this Tuestique Collector?" Time is allowed<br />

day, May 2nd, at the Chanticler for an open forum of questions to<br />

a.t 1 o'clock. Nominations for offi- i follow.<br />

our attractive interior decorating<br />

studio where unusual accessories<br />

for the home are displayed.<br />

Short Hills 7-2440<br />


DETTA, whose engagement to Robert<br />

A. Damore has been announced<br />

Apologies<br />

In fairness to all concerned<br />

the above pictures are reprinted<br />

from last week's issue with<br />

apologies for the composing<br />

room error which mixed up the<br />

pictures and the captions.<br />

Susan Smith of Hobart avenue<br />

is a member of Orchesis, modern<br />

dance group at New Jersey College<br />

for Women, which will present its<br />

annual spring recital tomorrow<br />

night in the NJC Little Theater.<br />

Announcing<br />

Garden Topics<br />

By<br />

Essex County Extension Service<br />

Proper cutting of the lawn is<br />

important if one wishes the turf<br />

to survive summer weeds and hot<br />

weather. One can ruin a good<br />

lawn in one season by cutting it<br />

too short and by not cutting at<br />

the proper time.<br />

It is well to allow the grass to<br />

grow approximately up to three<br />

inches tall before the first cutting<br />

in order to allow development of a<br />

good root system. If allowed to<br />

grow too tall it will, however, look<br />

coarse and ugly for a few weeks<br />

after once cut.<br />

Frequency of cutting depends<br />

upon the amount of top growth<br />

the plants make. If the turf is<br />

growing properly in spring end<br />

fall, cutting once a week may not<br />

be sufficient while cutting weekly<br />

in hot and dry weather may do a<br />

lot of harm.<br />

The height of cut is the more<br />

important. Close cutting encourages<br />

a shallow root system and<br />

weed growth. The stationary blade<br />

on the mower should be set l^i to<br />

l>,a inches above level surface.<br />

Regular mowing when there is an<br />

inch of g\ "th to cut off with the<br />

mower blk set properly, makes<br />

a neat look\ • lawn.<br />

Cutting ck\ than abm e means<br />

that more waV ..will be necessary<br />

during dry spells because the<br />

roots will be shallower than at<br />

higher cuts. The requent watering<br />


of the<br />


at 11 Taylor Street<br />

<strong>Millburn</strong>, New Jersey<br />

under the new management of<br />


Towing and Repair Service on All Makes of Cars<br />

CALL MILLBURN 6-1928<br />

•T--. -V<br />

necessary encourages crabgna^s. :<br />

This weed will not germinate in<br />

the shade. Taller cutting shades<br />

the grownd so as to prevent germination<br />

of era?:—ass seeeds.<br />

In addition it is essential to have<br />

the mower sharp. A dull mower<br />

has a tendency to chew or tear the<br />

grass, giving the ends of the grass<br />

blade a whitish appearance and<br />

even disturbing the roots. A sheet<br />

of mimeo paper may be used to<br />

determine if the revolving blades<br />

are set close enough to make a<br />

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