Sky Girls Magazine - Edition 17

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We are a community of teen girls.

We stay true to who we are.

We are confident about our choices.

We enjoy the things we love doing.

We celebrate and support each other.



Editor’s Note


19 Miss Money

20 Old Trends

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No Off Days


22 Insta SKY

24 Vibin’ with Ivan

26 Girl / Bro Code

Follow Us

Join Our Chats


Brain Teasers

27 SKYreoke

@skygirlsgh @SKYGirlsGH 0540124008

Words We Live by




Fit Fun!

You can STEM


28 Trendy Toes

30 Recipe

31 Glossary

I’ll be true to myself and what I believe in.

I will be who I am not who someone else thinks

I should be. I’ll hold tight to the things I’m all

about– like friends and dancing. And I’ll stay

away from yawa things I know I’m good without

– like backstabbing and smoking, because

knowing what’s my thing and what’s not my thing

helps make me who I am. I will make choices that

are true to me. I will find my SKY.

2 3

What’s good girlies???

If you believe in yourself the most and you

want to get more tips on being the best you

can be, let me see your shoouttiiiiiing!!!

You’ll so love this edition! We’re stepping

up into the season of us being our biggest

hype! This is the time to be your own

number one fan and if you’re already doing

that, “Shallouts” to you Sis!

Your ideas and excitement for this edition

are giving fly girl vibes and I can’t wait for

you to read this edition because you’ll love,

love, love it! Who said adulthood na scam?

Siiiis, we have got you covered! You asked

for some tips on Adulting right? Well, we

served you a juicy meal of all you need to

know as you’re about to “adult” hahahaha!

To all the SKY girls eyeing the soft life and

aiming for all the good things life has to

offer, Miss money has got some vibes to

guide you in your financial journey.

Update your SKY cookbook with the latest

recipe you can try with your friends as we

stay healthy and fit! We know you have

many talents and sometimes settling for

one to focus on can be challenging. That’s

why we have explored some career choices

including STEM to help you figure it all out!

This edition is giving everything selfcare,

love and growth and I’m happy you get to

read and know it all!

Go on and enjoy the read ladiiessss! Look

out for the Glossary at the end of the Mag!

The SKY is the beginning of a wonderful


Much love Sisters! Still your girl

Y - to the A - to the A



4 5

Big Sis


Hey Kiddos! Being an adult is so cool but the

realities will have you missing childhood moments

like vacations and fun fairs.

Also, adulting is not magically going to give you

everything you want. It comes with a lot of work.

Managing home, work, finances and relationships

will have you wishing for the freebies you had in

your teen years. Enjoy your no bill paying years as

much as you can and have fun creating memories

with your friends.

The trips to the salon and having your own money

to become a boss chick will come eventually. Life

comes in stages so learn to appreciate and enjoy

each phase. Make the most of today.

I’ve been on planet earth for a little over 24 years

now and I must say, WHAT A TRIP, ei! I have explored

and worked in biochemistry and marketing.

Looks bebree right? Well, adulting is full of

opportunities for grabs and I have grabbed mine!

I got my first job as a digital marketer, and it was

so much fun. Las las, I ended up as a social media

manager for our very own SKY Girls.

So, when I post, you people should comment oo

yooo. Be excited for the numerous opportunities

adulting will offer you to explore!

Big Sis


Adulting na scam anaa? We asked some of your favourite Big

Sisters how Adulting has been treating them and this is what

they had to say! Fun fact, adulting dey jorm if you get all the

correct gist and tips!

So, read and jot things down, cos you’re well on your way to

adulthood hahaha.

Hey girls, it’s Shaaiba your resident cool big

sister. You know how somehow, we all believed

that once we turn 18, we can finally become

independent, haha.

I believed it too, but you start planning your

own birthday party, and deciding on your

own dinner. Start saving now cuz you don’t

automatically become rich as an adult. I know

I used to believe that too.

Peer pressure doesn’t end with being a

teenager, even adults feel it too so the trick is

to always remember who you are.

Oh did I mention, you can travel on your own?

It’s fun on this side, promise!

Big Sis


Big Sis


I know most of you are wondering; is Afronitaaa

an adult or not? Well, I’m 19 so ….

Adulting dieeerrrr it’s all about planning.

You have to plan your week, if you’re working,

schooling, hustling, everything some, otherwise

you’ll keep making the same mistakes.

It’s fine to make mistakes and learn from them,

I ’m still learning small small. But no one is really

pampering me anymore and I miss the soft life.

Spend time on yourself sis and give yourself

treats from time to time aka Twa W’anum.


6 7

Sis, see, sometimes, we

end up in situations and

we’re like “who koraa sent

me”. Eii, sometimes real

life stories look like a movie

because “how did we end up

here?” Let’s hear some gist

from our sisters wai.

Wahala is real!

In JHS I was a volleyball star. My team won

a match because of me so my coach asked

me to play again the next day. I didn’t go to

play because I had planned an outing with

my girls during school hours ooo, hmm.

We prepared jollof rice and we enjoyed paa.

By the time we returned to school, news

had spread that my friends and I had left

campus. Oh Charley, when the teachers saw

us p3, they took us to the headmaster and

we were given internal suspension. Awww,

Ghana jollof nti – MKHKYD?

Keziah Siaw

Real Girl


My friend’s mother planned a party for us, but

I didn’t tell my parents about it;

I knew they’d definitely say NO because the

location was far from us. Come and see my

shouting when I realized that my mother was

going for a funeral that same day! I attended

the party with my lil sis and OMG it was so

lit!!! We set off for home around 4pm and

some traffic bi paa, ei meseee I nearly cried.

We got home around 7pm and my parents

were busily searching for us and because

my phone was off they couldn’t reach me. I

started crying and I apologized to my parents

for what I did, my sister also pleaded on my

behalf and after everything was settled my

mum pronounced that I won’t go anywhere in

December. Sisters December paa ooo. If you

have a story like mine, WKHYKYD?

Zormelo Benedicta

It was my first time experiencing

“Our Day” in the new school I had

been transferred to and a friend said

we should go to the mall. We were so

happy to leave the school without being

caught. So, when we got to the mall, we

bought some snacks, food and did some

window shopping.

Unfortunately, a teacher saw us

returning to school and she questioned

us and punished us to sweep the

Primary 1, 2 and 3 classrooms. It didn’t

end there oo. She called my mum and

reported me. So, my mom seized my

phone, and I was grounded. You can

imagine a vacation without your phone,

well, I learnt my lessons.

Adwoa Oyemam Orleans Oppong

8 9


You need to love research because

something new is developed everyday

and sometimes, you may be required to

develop something new! #GirlsInTech

Creative (Graphic designer,

writer, artist, advertising, etc):

Shine your eyes on social media for

trends and pay attention to details.

You have to be open minded to

create beautiful content!


Everyone is a foodie so there’s a big

market for you. You need to think big

regarding animal and plant farming

and food processing! If you get the

chance, export your products to

other parts of the world!


You’ll be our go to person when we

want to pop in hair care, skin or nail

care, or applying makeup. We’re

looking forward to a new trend or

innovation in beauty and we’ll love

to see you as part of the “madams”

leading that. We’ll be coming to

you so you can make us look posh!

Abi you know that after all the

education you’re getting, you’ll

find yourself doing something we

call “work” to make the world a

better place, right? Every work

industry is different! From 9am

– 5pm, 24hours in 7 days of the

week, work from home or go to

the office, field work or studio

sessions. Read some specs of the

industries you asked about!

Education and Teaching:

Cheers to our future Teachers,

Lecturers and Professors! You’ll be

shaping young minds and inspiring

future generations. You’ll also have

the opportunity to make a lasting

impact on people’s lives as you gain

continuous learning and personal

growth through teaching, whilst

contributing to the development of

society! Ayekoo!


Be prepared to smell plenty money,

lol. You gotta love Microsoft Excel

and Spreadsheets and make your

calculator your best friend! You’ll

have to learn to keep records so that

you’re always on track otherwise

you’ll always be #FindingX


You can be a journalist, technician,

public relations person etc but what’s

important is that you always have

to get your facts right! You’ll be

serving us gist so it has to be legit!


Are you interested in Science, Tech,

Engineering and Math? Check out

our entire STEM series on YouTube


for more gist!

Arts & Entertainment:

Wear confidence on your sleeves cuz

this is your opportunity to unleash your

imagination and positively influence

society through your creative works.

We are patiently waiting for your

book, album launch, painting, clothing

line, influencer videos and blogs!


This is an exciting way to bring

your ideas to life and to become

leaders in any of the industries

we’ve listed. If you are creative,

resilient and a born leader, learn

about financial management,

networking, and problem-solving,

ultimately leading to personal and

professional growth.

Healthcare and Medicine:

Besides giving injections and writing

prescriptions we can’t read, lol, you

have a passion for seeing people

healthy and strong. Look out for

opportunities like nursing, medical

research, pharmacy, and medical

technology. Do some practice by

learning about CPR and First Aid.

Social Service and

Non-profit Organizations:

Are you passionate about helping

marginalized communities and

making a difference? Do you wanna

do something similar to what SKY

girls are doing? Well, engage in

community work, be a “people

person” and pay attention to your

environment! There are plenty of

volunteer opportunities, grab some

and build your leadership skills!

We’re all here waiting to see what

you’ll do with all the love you have

for humanity!


(Hotels, tourist sites etc):

Learn to accept other cultures and

probably learn other languages too

because you’ll see many places and

interact with diverse people.

There are many others you

can read more about like

Sports, Fashion, Aerospace,

Environmental Conservation,

Construction, Energy, Mining

and Transportation.

Ask your friend which

industry they’ll like to work

in and you can plan the future

together! #CareerSKYGirl

10 11

It’s official Sis, you’re a big girl now! We know the whole

“period” thing is bebere bi. From pimples to cramps to “I want to

eat yoghurt and kosua ne meko!” Everybody is saying their own

thing about how you need to be careful blah, blah, blah. Chale!

This was literally me when I had my first period but along the

way, I got the hang of it and learnt a few tips. Don’t panic.

Big Sis Dzifa has got you!


Pads are absorbent materials made from cotton

and plastic used during periods to prevent you

from staining your clothing. They can be thin for

when you’re not bleeding much and regular or

thick for heavier bleeding (“maxi” or “super”

pads).You should use a size that feels comfortable

for you.

First, peel the paper covering at the back of the

pad and stick the pad to the inner part of your

pantie. Then, peel the small paper off the front

of the pad. This releases the sticky wings of the

pad. Wrap the wings; one on either side of the

middle part of your pantie. Check to make sure the

pad is sitting properly and there you go!


Herh! Period mood swings are on a whole other

level. One-minute you’re laughing gidigidi, the

next you’re sad, then all of a sudden, you are

craving food. Like what is this? Then there’s

PMS! PMS is an abbreviation for Pre-Menstrual

Syndrome which are group of symptoms that

you experience days before your period starts.

Most girls have PMS and symptoms differ from one

girl to the other or from month to month.

So, the next time you are feeling down during

your period, just try walking, running, riding

a bicycle, or dancing along to your favourite

SKY Girls’ song! Eat less sugar, eat foods

rich in omega 3 fatty acids like fish and

drink pleenttyyyyy water.



The average menstrual cycle is 28 days

for most girls but not all girls. To calculate

your unique cycle, count 28 days from the

first day of your last period(the first day

when bleeding starts). Example: If you

started bleeding on 1stst March, 2023,

your next menstrual period should be

about 29th March, 2023. Easy- peasy

right? You can use phone apps that aid in

tracking and monitoring your period too!


2 3

4 5

Sisters! This has been a

fun period chat! Know

that you are not alone

in this. Just follow these

tips and you will do great

sweeties. Catch you later,

Your SKY Big Sister Dzifa.

Wrap your pad well with

items such as toilet paper,

tissue, or other material

before discarding them. Do

not flush menstrual products

down the toilet as these can

choke the drains.

Wear lightweight,

breathable clothing

(such as cotton

underwear). Tight fabrics

can trap moisture and

heat, allowing germs

to thrive and promote

infections and odour.



Good hygiene is a must to keep you smelling great

and feeling confident during your period.

Check out these tips!

Wash your hands before

and after changing your

pad to prevent spreading

of infections.

Be sure to change

your sanitary pads at

least every 5 hours, no

matter how light the

flow. Change them more

frequently if your period

is heavy.

Use unscented toilet

paper, tampons, or

pads. Scented hygiene

products can irritate

the skin and have an

impact on your natural

pH balance.

Keep your genital area clean by bathing

at least twice daily. Wipe from the front

of your body toward the back, not the

other way. This prevents the spread of

infections. Use only water to rinse your

vulva. Remember: the vagina is a selfcleaning


7Drink lots of water. This

can help wash out your

urinary tract and help

prevent infections like

vaginal candidiasis.

12 13

Hello Sharks!!! This game is for you and your friend,

your squad and another squad or only you – a solo vibe.

Ready? Let’s see how fast your brain works!

A father and his son

are in a car accident.

The father dies instantly,

while the son is rushed to

the hospital for emergency

surgery. The surgeon takes

one look at the boy and

says, “I can’t operate on

him, he’s my son!” How is

this possible? …………

I am not alive, but I

grow; I don’t have

lungs, but I need air;

I don’t have a mouth,

but water kills me.

What am I? ……………

What starts with an “e,”

ends with an “e,” but

only contains one letter?


You see a boat filled with

people, but there isn’t a

single person on board.

How is that possible?

Because …………

Imagine being surrounded

by sharks in the middle

of the ocean. What would

you do? ………

We have mixed up the answers so have fun figuring them out!

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. You can send us a picture of your

score via Instagram or Facebook @skygirlsgh. All the best!

Hollup, hollup, hollup Sis! You’re

probably thinking this article is about

doing press ups, doing uncountable

squats or running to Cóte d’Ivoire and

coming back all sweaty right? Hold

that thought because you’re about to

discover way too fun and way too lit

simple ways of being fit and staying

healthy without breaking your bones,



Please stop

throwing out

veggies and

fruits from your

meals. Fruits and

Vegetables are

the best tasting

medicine you’ll

ever get.

Quiet Time! You see

sometimes it feels like so

much is happening in your

head? Take a moment


to relax and take deep

breaths. Close your eyes

and imagine everything is

fine. Imagine the best of

each situation, imagine

being the best, you

can even travel in your

imagination to any part of

the world. This will leave

you feeling so good about


Your health is wealth, Sis! I

repeat, your health is your

Sika, Kudi, L’argent, Shika,

add your own - lol! Take

care of your body. It’s the

only place you have to live.

Laughter! Yes! Ha-ha-ha is a way of


being healthy! Laughter reduces

pain, makes us happier, helps relax

our nerves to cope with difficult

situations and connect with people!

Next time you’re texting laughing

emojis, don’t do it with a straight

face, lol!


4It’s no lie that about 70%

of the human body is

made of water. Water is

essential to your body

so make sure to drink

lots of it. Ghana ay3 shi

ooo and it keeps getting

hotter so make sure you

always drink water.

Physical Education is

one of the best times in


school because you get

to engage in an activity

that helps you to remain

energized and keeps you

healthy. So, next time the

bell rings for P.E or Fun

and Games, make sure

you head out and gain

some energy.

Fun Dancing! Doesn’t it seem

like a lot of dancers are

confident? The trick is; keep

moving, enjoy the music and

enjoy the moment. You can

even dance offbeat.

Try any of these and

let us know how it’s

going by sharing

your experience

and tagging us

@SKYGirlGH with


5. Just stop imagining lol

3. Because they are all married

4. An epolevne

1. Erif (spelt wrongly)

2. The surgeon is the

boy’s mother.

14 15

We had a heart to heart chat with

women changing the world using

Science, Technology, Engineering

and Mathematics!

We believe that if they can STEM,

you can STEM too!









Hello SKY girls! My friends used to call me Miss

Fish way back in school but I guess it’s because

I’m a shark, hahaha! I’m a Physician Specialist,

Endocrinologist and Diabetes Specialist.

My thing is not giving up, and telling lies is

yawa for me!

There’s motivation for you to do science

because in our time, we didn’t have a lot of

information on the internet or phones and

computers for studies but now, more girls

are doing science and they are excelling!

There’s nothing like old knowledge, things

keep changing so the learning continues. Ask

questions when you need to, you won’t know if

you don’t ask!


Hey girls! I’m a data scientist!

My thing is spending time with my

squad and what’s not my thing will

be people who don’t allow me to stay

true to myself! I love Tech because

it helps to make life easier. With

technology, we get to build apps that

connect us with our friends and

family all over the world.

Speak up and ask questions and

don’t let anyone at all (neither

friends, family nor teachers) tell

you math, science or engineering

is hard for girls. You’ll need these

to venture into Tech. Nothing is hard

once you explore it and put your mind

to understanding it.


Hey Sistas! It’s me again and as usual I do

it because I can! I’m an auto technician, a

biker and if you like a “fitter”, lol.

My thing is living in the moment and I

don’t have regrets.

There’s an old physics class term that says

“change is constant “ and yes, the cars on

our roads now are driven by technology

and so far as the tech world is advancing,

we have to keep up. Never think a woman

can’t get her hands under a car or do

repairs. Your life is a vehicle, drive it to

the point where you are most content!


Hi SKY Girls! I’m the Dean of the School

of Engineering Sciences at UG-Legon and

your current quiz mistress. Don’t worry, I’m

not here to quiz you, haha. My thing is

excellence; knowing what is expected and

doing it to the best of your abilities.

Not my thing is wastefulness.

Math answers simple questions like why

we carry babies at our backs and how we

build our houses. Math is an extremely

cool language we learn to express what

is happening around us in the form of

mathematical equations to solve problems.

Be part of people creating the world

of the future!


16 17

What’s Up SKY Sisters???

Let me tell you a tale of how I joined SKY,

packaged my talent and cashed out with

my craft! Y3nk)!

Let’s rewind to when I was 10 years old

and I realized that I loved fixing beads.

Sadly, because of my younger siblings

and the possibility of them swallowing

the beads, we held on with the whole

beading idea. First born wahala, lol.

My beading journey began on my 12th

birthday with the beads and tools I got as

birthday gifts.

Fast forward, when SKY Girls organized

the "Do Your Thing" competition in

my school, I was 13 and I was already

a SKY girl so it was easy to join the

competition! Shout outs to all who

participated and the biggest shout outs

to me because I won both in my school

and the Inter school competition as well

with my beadwork – the way my head

is becoming big as I write this ern? You

have no idea, hahaha. I'm now 17 years,

sisters, and I still bead. Although I get

busy with school sometimes, I plan

my time so I’m able to make beautiful

art pieces with beads, and I sell them

through my mum.

Since I don’t want to depend on one

thing as a source of income, I choose to

pursue it as a side job when I graduate

from school. I shared my story so you

know that you don’t have to wait till you

are older to invest in something you

like doing. Keep learning and continue

practicing. I hope you enjoyed my story

because even me it has sweet my ears

paaa, hahaha. All the best in making

bright decisions girls.

Hi, SKY girls, I’m Miss Money. Of

all the things under the beautiful

bright sun I know without a doubt

that it’s me you’d choose, anyday,

anytime anaa? But, how well do

you know me?

Some say I don’t have a life span, but

that’s because my life begins when you

have me. So, whenever you get to be

my life giver, make sweet memories

with me and treat me well. So, my BFF’s

are discipline, love, smart work and

hardwork. Everyone might say that if you

work hard, you’ll get more of me.Well,

that’s true but, if you work hard and

work smart, you’ll have me in abundance!

I’m really happy that you think I solve all

problems but I really don’t. I get really

hurt when you blame me for all the

things that go wrong in your life because

there are so many opportunities out

there to make me. I’m very valuable, so,

learn how to make more of me, grow me

and invest me cuz I need a family too.

I get happy when you use me to develop

yourself; I’m 100% for growth and

development. Don’t crumple me sis,

you’d break my fragile bones. Don’t fold

me and dump me in your pocket, get

a purse and tuck me in, nice and clean.

Don’t touch me with your oily hands.

Ugh, who does that?

Please don’t spend me by heart, cuz I

put smiles on the faces on my recipients;

both old and young.

I’m a life saver but you are my life giver.

Always remember that.

Yours truly,

Miss Money

with The Vibes.

Angel Sena Tay

Winner of SKY Girls

Do Your Thing 2019

18 19

See, you can still rock your duku and bandana

in a trendy way! The fashion trends you’re

seeing today have been rocked before by our

oldies. We added some spice to their looks and

we’re serving you some hot juicy looks! Check

out some fab combinations you can rock and

still look trendy!

Look 1:

Your cool

everyday fit!


Scoop Neck bodysuit

+ Lacey long sleeves kimono

+ Boyfriend trousers

+ Turban + sneakers!

Look 2:

Slay like this to a

brunch with the

girlies, a visit to

the art gallery or

a hangout with

your squad.


Bandana + Wide legged

jeans aka Hold my thighs

and leave my legs

+ heels + Nice shirt

+ Cute Cross body bag!

Look 3:

Try this look for

Saturday classes,


meeting some

friends or a casual

dash to the mall.


Hijab+ Cool top

+ joggers + crocs!


Silk Scarf + Cool Sunnies

+ Matching Slip ons

+ Shoulder bag

+ No hands flowy

maxi dress!

Look 4:

Rock this look to the

beach, gardens,

waterfalls or a

girls’ hangout!

20 21













Keep tagging us on Instagram


You might just get featured

in the next magazine.



22 23

So Abrantie…That’s your name in YOLO

right? Tell us your real name.

Hey, yes that’s my name in YOLO, but my

real name is Ivan Nana Kwame Adumoah.

Nana Kwame is only for my home people, so

if you call me NK outside, I won’t realize it’s

me, lol.

We’re curious; what have you been doing

since YOLO?

Since YOLO, I’ve done a little bit of

everything. I’ve sold home electronics,

retailed clothes, done some influencing,

built kitchens, started a fashion line and a

skincare brand. I love to try new things.

Tell us what you look for in a girl?

Lool, I think I like “too known” ladies, I mean

a lady who knows who she is, carries herself

with a certain aura, is great at conflict

resolution, and is focused on a path; be it

business or career.

If we were to ask your friends about one

thing you’d never do, what do you think

they’d say?

They would probably say I would never

burst out in anger, lol.

What were you famous for in school?

In University of Ghana, it would definitely

be YOLO, but in secondary school I was a bit

popular for dancing. I participated in the AIS

inter house dance competition and we won

- but we were 2nd, lol.

Tell us about a time you had to say ‘NO’ to

pressure and what helped you stick to your


I really do not like to harm my body. Your

body is the only home you get to live in, so

I protect mine at all costs. In Uni, someone

offered me a cigarette at a party and the box

had “smoking kills” written on it. I asked

myself, “does this make sense?” It didn’t so


Any last words or advice for our SKY Girls?

Every time you feel overwhelmed, take a

second to tell yourself that, ‘In a short period

this will be over, and all this will be a good

story to tell.’ Close your eyes and picture

yourself telling the story of your current

situation as a memory where you are the

winner. It works like magic. You only lose to

a situation when you feel like it. You have a

lot of time, girls, use it to grow beautifully!

How would you describe yourself?

I am a creative, and I love to apply creativity

to make life easy for as many people as

possible. I’m the Waakye King of Accra – I

would choose street food over a restaurant

and oh, I love to party when I can!

24 25


1. A bro shall never sellout another bro!

2. A real bro is one who knows how to honour their

family in all situations.

3. Support your guy’s dreams no matter what!

Bros have a way of hyping their friends even when

they are flopping. They cheer each other on and

it’s so nice to watch.

4. Make time for the boys-boys even if you are busy

because your squad will always have your back.

Y’all know that every squad has a

unique language they speak and their

own CODE OF CONDUCT, right?

We’ve been snooping around asking

some boys and girls what codes they

have in their squad. W’oy3 interested

anaa? Wear your goggles and follow us

na Information wo wiase.


1. Sisters, be honest when your friend asks you how she’s

looking. If the outfit does not look nice, tell her so. What

are friends for?

2. Confront your friend nicely when you have an issue,

don’t go and spread it to other friends. Zip it!

3. Share interesting opportunities with your friends. You

definitely want to meet your BFFs at the top!

4. Support your friend in all she does! Be your friend’s

biggest fan.

5. Sisters before Misters is a saying for a reason. No matter

what the situation might be don’t fight over a boy you

just met.


Ɔdɔ deɛ sei ara na ɔpɛ me

Onim deɛ ɔyɛ a ɔma me yɛ mmrɛ

Ɔdɔ deɛ sei ara na ɔpɛ me

Nsuo na mɛnom a ne din fra mu o

Ɛwa na mɛbɔ a ne din di akyire o

Ɔdɔ deɛ sei ara na ɔpɛ me


Uh, mebaa wiase sɛ

(Merebɛdɔ ɔno nko ara,

merebɛ dɔ ɔno nko ara)

Enti ɔyi me mu a

(Menni obiara, menya obiara) da

Mebaa wiase sɛ

Merebɛdɔ ɔno nko ara,

merebɛdɔ ɔno nko ara

Ɔdɔ yewu ei (ɔdɔ yewu ei)

Medɔ wo sene obiara

I need someone to call my own

Me ara na mekaaeɛ

Now I’ve found someone

to sit on my throne

Oh, mefrɛ no ɔhemmaa na

ɔno nso frɛ me ɔhene

Ɔdɔ bi ye owuo ah

Mentumi nnyae n’akyi o


Wonim nea sedeɛ meyɛ no x3


Ei, wo de saa, saa asɛe m’adwen

Me sɔre anɔpa a, wo ho

adwendwen o

Mekɔda nso a wo ho

adwendwen saa

Ɔnni me nkyɛn a mentumi ntena

Mehu no nso a mentumi nkasa

Medɔ yi deɛ sei ara na ɔpɛ me


Mebaa wiase sɛ

Merebɛdɔ wo nko ara,

merebɛdɔ wo nko ara

Sɛ wo gyae me mu a

Menni obiara, menya obiaa

Mebaa wiase sɛ

Merebɛdɔ wo nko ara,

merebɛdɔ wo nko ara

Otummorɔsi ei (ɔdɔ yewu ei)

Medɔ wo sene obiara


Boiɛ! mema obi gye a

nka meyɛ toyɛ

Ɛnkosi sɛ ɛpo bɛda

Asanteman mu deɛ

Otummorɔsi ei, me ne

wo ara na ɛbɛwu

If you love Cina Soul,

we bet you’ll love singing

along to ‘Obiaa’ by Akwaboah

which she is featured on.

Tag us @SkyGirlsGH on FB, IG

and in your Tiktok videos so

we can jam together!


Akwaboah x Cina Soul

Ɔdɔ yewu ei (ɔdɔ yewu ei)

Medɔ wo sene obiara

26 27


Did you know that

your footwear says

a lot about your


Let’s see who you are

by what you rock!


You’re in charge!

Your every step says

something very profound.

You’re like the talking

drum, every step is the

sound of your confidence

and command. The world is

yours to rule!


The coolest on the block

Girl, you’re the one who likes

events, travelling and having

fun. You’re the super girl of

your squad – the one who’s

got their backs. You may not

show it often but you have a

big heart to love everyone!


The royal ladies

You reek of royalty! You

live in a land flowing with

milk and honey. You love

culture and you like to roll

with the wise ones lol.

Ayekoo SKY Ohemaa!


Bougie babe

You are chic and the

real gee. You make

everyone around you very

comfortable. You are very

open minded and willing to

try out new things.

You’re a cool study and

work buddy.


‘Charley yɛnkɔ’ Geng

You are for all things

trendy. So far as it’s

comfy, you’re good to go!

If there’s any gist, we trust

you to fill us in.


‘No wahala’ Geng

You believe that problem no

dey finish so charley, you’re

living a stress-free life. You

are a very “down to earth

person” who loves nature

and likes to take things one

step at a time.

28 29

Hello there and welcome to my Youtube channel for

foodies! Hahaha, today, I’m going to teach you how to

prepare a low budget bougie sandwich filler with just

5 ingredients. Don’t forget to subscribe to SKY Girls GH

on YouTube to like, comment and share this video!

What you’ll need;

• 1 chopped onion

• 1 chopped tomato

• 1 small tin of tuna flakes

/ sardine / corned beef.

• 1 teaspoon of margarine

/ mayonnaise /salad cream.

• 2 slices of bread.

There you have it!

A wholesome meal! Try

this bougie sandwich

filler with any of the

ingredients here and let

us know how it goes!


Let’s Get Started:

1. Pour your chopped onions and tomatoes

into a bowl and mix well.

2. Drain the oil from your tuna flakes

or sardine.

3. Add your drained tuna / sardine / corned

beef to the onions and tomatoes mix.

4. Add your margarine / mayonnaise / salad

cream and stir well until the mixture

is even.

5. Mmmm, isn’t it looking lovely already?

6. Get your sliced bread and spread the

sandwich filler mixture on one side of

one slice and cover it with the other

bread slice.

Unleash (un-LEESH):

To release or set free. It means to allow

something or someone to express, exhibit,

or utilize their full potential or abilities.

Marginalised (MAR-juh-na-lized):

Marginalised refers to a group of people

excluded, disadvantaged or treated as less

important within society due to factors like

race, ethnicity, gender or sikas3m.

Humanity (hyoo-MAN-uh-tee):

Humanity refers to the human race or the

quality of being humane, compassionate,

and kind.

CPR (See-Pee-ARR):

CPR stands for Cardiopulmonary

Resuscitation, which is a life-saving

technique used in emergencies to revive

people who have stopped breathing or have

no pulse.

Resilient (ri-ZIL-yuhnt):

Resilient means the ability to recover quickly

from failure and work towards becoming a

star girl!

Posh (pahsh):

Posh refers to a person or thing that is

elegant, stylish, and high-class.

Industry (IN-duh-stree):

Industry refers to the economic sector that

involves the production, manufacturing, and

distribution of goods and services.

Stan (stan):

Stan refers to a big fan or supporter of a

particular celebrity, athlete, or other public

figure. Aka someone we admire beberee!

Energized (en-er-jized):

Energized means to become active or attain

power to do something for yourself.

Imagination (im-ah-gin-ation):

This is the action of forming new ideas, or

allowing your mind to be creative!

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