Figure Properties - SERC

Figure Properties - SERC

Figure Properties - SERC


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2lu<br />

Purpose LU matrix factorization<br />

Syntax [L,U] = lu(X)<br />

[L,U,P] = lu(X)<br />

Y = lu(X)<br />

[L,U,P,Q] = lu(X)<br />

[L,U,P] = lu(X,thresh)<br />

[L,U,P,Q] = lu(X,thresh)<br />

Description The lu function expresses a matrix X as the product of two essentially<br />

triangular matrices, one of them a permutation of a lower triangular matrix<br />

and the other an upper triangular matrix. The factorization is often called the<br />

LU, or sometimes the LR, factorization. X can be rectangular. For a full matrix<br />

X, lu uses the Linear Algebra Package (LAPACK) routines described in<br />

“Algorithm” on page 2-1392.<br />

[L,U] = lu(X) returns an upper triangular matrix in U and a permuted lower<br />

triangular matrix L (that is, a product of lower triangular and permutation<br />

matrices), such that X = L*U.<br />

[L,U,P] = lu(X) returns an upper triangular matrix in U, a lower triangular<br />

matrix L with a unit diagonal, and a permutation matrix P, so that L*U = P*X.<br />

Y = lu(X) returns a matrix Y, which contains the strictly lower triangular L,<br />

i.e., without its unit diagonal, and the upper triangular U as submatrices. That<br />

is, if [L,U,P] = lu(X), then Y = U+L-eye(size(X)). The permutation matrix<br />

P is not returned by Y = lu(X).<br />

[L,U,P,Q] = lu(X) for sparse nonempty X, returns a unit lower triangular<br />

matrix L, an upper triangular matrix U, a row permutation matrix P, and a<br />

column reordering matrix Q, so that P*X*Q = L*U. This syntax uses<br />

UMFPACK and is significantly more time and memory efficient than the other<br />

syntaxes, even when used with colamd. If X is empty or not sparse, lu displays<br />

an error message.<br />

[L,U,P] = lu(X,thresh) controls pivoting in sparse matrices, where thresh<br />

is a pivot threshold in the interval [0,1]. Pivoting occurs when the diagonal<br />

entry in a column has magnitude less than thresh times the magnitude of any<br />

lu<br />


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