Figure Properties - SERC

Figure Properties - SERC

Figure Properties - SERC


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The property linking code is in step 3.<br />

1 Define the data using the flow M-file and specify property values for the<br />

isosurface (which is a patch object).<br />

function linkprop_example<br />

[x y z v] = flow;<br />

isoval = [-3 -1 0 1];<br />

props.FaceColor = [0 0 .5];<br />

props.EdgeColor = 'none';<br />

props.AmbientStrength = 1;<br />

props.FaceLighting = 'gouraud';<br />

linkprop<br />

2 Create four subplot axes and add an isosurface graph to each one. Add a title<br />

and set viewing and lighting parameters using a local function (set_view).<br />

(subplot, patch, isosurface, title, num2str)<br />

for k = 1:4<br />

h(k) = subplot(2,2,k);<br />

patch(isosurface(x,y,z,v,isoval(k)),props)<br />

title(h(k),['Isovalue = ',num2str(k)])<br />

set_view(h(k))<br />

end<br />

3 Link the CameraPosition and CameraTarget properties of all subplot axes.<br />

Since this example function will have completed execution when the user is<br />

rotating the subplots, the link object is stored in the first subplot axes<br />

application data. See setappdata for more information on using application<br />

data.<br />

hlink = linkprop(h,{'CameraPosition','CameraUpVector'});<br />

key = 'graphics_linkprop';<br />

% Store link object on first subplot axes<br />

setappdata(h(1),key,hlink);<br />

4 The following local function contains viewing and lighting commands issued<br />

on each axes. It is called with the creation of each subplot (view, axis,<br />

camlight).<br />

function set_view(ax)<br />

% Set the view and add lighting<br />

view(ax,3); axis(ax,'tight','equal')<br />

camlight left; camlight right<br />


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