Figure Properties - SERC

Figure Properties - SERC

Figure Properties - SERC


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2ifft2<br />

Purpose Two-dimensional inverse discrete Fourier transform<br />

Syntax Y = ifft2(X)<br />

Y = ifft2(X,m,n)<br />

y = ifft2(..., 'nonsymmetric')<br />

y = ifft2(..., 'nonsymmetric')<br />

Description Y = ifft2(X) returns the two-dimensional inverse discrete Fourier transform<br />

(DFT) of X, computed with a fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm. The<br />

result Y is the same size as X.<br />

ifft2 tests X to see whether it is conjugate symmetric. If so, the computation<br />

is faster and the output is real. An M-by-N matrix X is conjugate symmetric if<br />

X(i,j) = conj(X(mod(M-i+1, M) + 1, mod(N-j+1, N) + 1)) for each element<br />

of X.<br />

Y = ifft2(X,m,n) returns the m-by-n inverse fast Fourier transform of<br />

matrix X.<br />

y = ifft2(..., 'symmetric') causes ifft2 to treat X as conjugate symmetric.<br />

This option is useful when X is not exactly conjugate symmetric, merely<br />

because of round-off error.<br />

y = ifft2(..., 'nonsymmetric') is the same as calling ifft2(...) without<br />

the argument 'nonsymmetric'.<br />

For any X, ifft2(fft2(X)) equals X to within roundoff error.<br />

Algorithm The algorithm for ifft2(X) is the same as the algorithm for fft2(X), except<br />

for a sign change and scale factors of [m,n] = size(X). The execution time for<br />

ifft2 depends on the length of the transform. It is fastest for powers of two. It<br />

is almost as fast for lengths that have only small prime factors. It is typically<br />

several times slower for lengths that are prime or which have large prime<br />

factors.<br />

Note You might be able to increase the speed of ifft2 using the utility<br />

function fftw, which controls how MATLAB optimizes the algorithm used to<br />

compute an FFT of a particular size and dimension.<br />

ifft2<br />


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