Figure Properties - SERC

Figure Properties - SERC

Figure Properties - SERC


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Hggroup <strong>Properties</strong><br />

2-1074<br />

Only callbacks defined for the ButtonDownFcn property are affected by the<br />

Interruptible property. MATLAB checks for events that can interrupt a<br />

callback only when it encounters a drawnow, figure, getframe, or pause<br />

command in the routine. See the BusyAction property for related information.<br />

Setting Interruptible to on allows any graphics object’s callback to interrupt<br />

callback routines originating from an hggroup property. Note that MATLAB<br />

does not save the state of variables or the display (e.g., the handle returned by<br />

the gca or gcf command) when an interruption occurs.<br />

Parent axes handle<br />

Parent of hggroup object. This property contains the handle of the hggroup<br />

object’s parent object. The parent of an hggroup object is the axes, hggroup, or<br />

hgtransform object that contains it.<br />

See Objects That Can Contain Other Objects for more information on<br />

parenting graphics objects.<br />

Selected on | {off}<br />

Is object selected? When you set this property to on, MATLAB displays selection<br />

handles at the corners and midpoints of hggroup child objects if the<br />

SelectionHighlight property is also on (the default).<br />

SelectionHighlight {on} | off<br />

Objects are highlighted when selected. When the Selected property is on,<br />

MATLAB indicates the selected state by drawing selection handles on the<br />

hggroup child objects. When SelectionHighlight is off, MATLAB does not<br />

draw the handles.<br />

Tag string<br />

User-specified object label. The Tag property provides a means to identify<br />

graphics objects with a user-specified label. This is particularly useful when<br />

you are constructing interactive graphics programs that would otherwise need<br />

to define object handles as global variables or pass them as arguments between<br />

callbacks.<br />

For example, you might create an hggroup object and set the Tag property:<br />

t = hggroup('Tag','group1')

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