Figure Properties - SERC

Figure Properties - SERC

Figure Properties - SERC


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2get (timer)<br />

Purpose Display or get timer object properties<br />

Syntax get(obj)<br />

out = get(obj)<br />

out = get(obj,'PropertyName')<br />

get (timer)<br />

Description get(obj) displays all property names and their current values for the timer<br />

object obj. obj must be a single timer object.<br />

V = get(obj) returns a structure, V, where each field name is the name of a<br />

property of obj and each field contains the value of that property. If obj is an<br />

M-by-1 vector of timer objects, V is an M-by-1 array of structures.<br />

V = get(obj,'PropertyName') returns the value, V, of the timer object<br />

property specified in PropertyName.<br />

If PropertyName is a 1-by-N or N-by-1 cell array of strings containing property<br />

names, V is a 1-by-N cell array of values. If obj is a vector of timer objects, V is<br />

an M-by-N cell array of property values where M is equal to the length of obj<br />

and N is equal to the number of properties specified.<br />

Examples t = timer;<br />

get(t)<br />

AveragePeriod: NaN<br />

BusyMode: 'drop'<br />

ErrorFcn: ''<br />

ExecutionMode: 'singleShot'<br />

InstantPeriod: NaN<br />

Name: 'timer-1'<br />

ObjectVisibility: 'on'<br />

Period: 1<br />

Running: 'off'<br />

StartDelay: 1<br />

StartFcn: ''<br />

StopFcn: ''<br />

Tag: ''<br />

TasksExecuted: 0<br />

TasksToExecute: Inf<br />

TimerFcn: ''<br />

Type: 'timer'<br />


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