Figure Properties - SERC

Figure Properties - SERC

Figure Properties - SERC


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gca<br />

2gca<br />

Purpose Get current axes handle<br />

Syntax h = gca<br />

Description h = gca returns the handle to the current axes for the current figure. If no axes<br />

exists, MATLAB creates one and returns its handle. You can use the statement<br />

2-952<br />

get(gcf,'CurrentAxes')<br />

if you do not want MATLAB to create an axes if one does not already exist.<br />

Current Axes<br />

The current axes is the target for graphics output when you create axes<br />

children. The current axes is typically the last axes used for plotting or the last<br />

axes clicked on by the mouse. Graphics commands such as plot, text, and surf<br />

draw their results in the current axes. Changing the current figure also<br />

changes the current axes.<br />

See Also axes, cla, gcf, findobj<br />

figure CurrentAxes property<br />

“Finding and Identifying Graphics Objects” for related functions

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