Figure Properties - SERC

Figure Properties - SERC

Figure Properties - SERC


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Elementary Sparse Matrices<br />

spdiags Sparse matrix formed from diagonals<br />

speye Sparse identity matrix<br />

sprand Sparse uniformly distributed random matrix<br />

sprandn Sparse normally distributed random matrix<br />

sprandsym Sparse random symmetric matrix<br />

Full to Sparse Conversion<br />

find Find indices of nonzero elements<br />

full Convert sparse matrix to full matrix<br />

sparse Create sparse matrix<br />

spconvert Import from sparse matrix external format<br />

Working with Sparse Matrices<br />

issparse True for sparse matrix<br />

nnz Number of nonzero matrix elements<br />

nonzeros Nonzero matrix elements<br />

nzmax Amount of storage allocated for nonzero matrix elements<br />

spalloc Allocate space for sparse matrix<br />

spfun Apply function to nonzero matrix elements<br />

spones Replace nonzero sparse matrix elements with ones<br />

spparms Set parameters for sparse matrix routines<br />

spy Visualize sparsity pattern<br />

Reordering Algorithms<br />

colamd Column approximate minimum degree permutation<br />

colmmd Column minimum degree permutation<br />

colperm Column permutation<br />

dmperm Dulmage-Mendelsohn permutation<br />

randperm Random permutation<br />

symamd Symmetric approximate minimum degree permutation<br />

symmmd Symmetric minimum degree permutation<br />

symrcm Symmetric reverse Cuthill-McKee permutation<br />

Linear Algebra<br />

cholinc Incomplete Cholesky factorization<br />

condest 1-norm condition number estimate<br />

eigs Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of sparse matrix<br />

luinc Incomplete LU factorization<br />

normest Estimate matrix 2-norm<br />

sprank Structural rank<br />

svds Singular values and vectors of sparse matrix<br />

Mathematics<br />


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