10 Brilliant CSR Activities Ideas for Social Impact

CSR stands for Corporate Social Responsibility. CSR in the business is about integrating social and environmental concerns in business operations. CSR activities allow companies to act for the greater benefit of the world. This comes from the idea that the business should not be focused only on the bottom line and be conscious of harm caused to shared resources. CSR stands for Corporate Social Responsibility. CSR in the business is about integrating social and environmental concerns in business operations. CSR activities allow companies to act for the greater benefit of the world. This comes from the idea that the business should not be focused only on the bottom line and be conscious of harm caused to shared resources.

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z2. Philanthropic CSRPhilanthropic CSR is where a firm makes a donation toward the social and environmental causesthey believe in. The form of donation can be goods and services that the company produces or aportion of the profit. The company can choose to contribute towards the effort of any organizationand person that can use the donation for the cause company identifies with.3. Ethical CSREthical CSR refers to the ethical business practices and behaviours of a company. This includesinitiatives to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Using fair trade policies and payingemployees fairly according to their job roles without any discrimination. That means creatingvalues for gender equality, and fair operations towards employees, customers, and associates aswell as laws and regulations.4. Economic CSREconomic CSR is a combination of environmental sustainability, ethical as well as philanthropicactivities. This is businesses backing their intention towards CSR with financial decisions. Beingconscious of the impact their business process makes on society and the environment.Economic CSR makes businesses try to achieve a balance between business and thesustainability of the planet.

zBenefits of CSR ActivitiesAn organization Benefit from corporate social responsibility activitiesin multiple ways. Some of these benefits are described below.➔ Consumer Brand RecognitionIt is assumed that the primary focus of every business model is profit but people love organizationsthat understand the impact of their business decisions and are conscious that they are sociallyaccountable. When a firm is involved in corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities, it helps tobuild a positive image in the public eye. People like to buy products when the company’s valuesalign with their own values.As a CSR activity, some companies can work with the local community for education orenvironmental sustainability. That grasps the media attention which further improves brandrecognition and helps companies to reach a greater audience. Furthermore, it improves connectionwith people on an emotional level. Buying from the brand gives them a sense that they are helpinga cause that the company is working on with their CSR.


2. Philanthropic CSR

Philanthropic CSR is where a firm makes a donation toward the social and environmental causes

they believe in. The form of donation can be goods and services that the company produces or a

portion of the profit. The company can choose to contribute towards the effort of any organization

and person that can use the donation for the cause company identifies with.

3. Ethical CSR

Ethical CSR refers to the ethical business practices and behaviours of a company. This includes

initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Using fair trade policies and paying

employees fairly according to their job roles without any discrimination. That means creating

values for gender equality, and fair operations towards employees, customers, and associates as

well as laws and regulations.

4. Economic CSR

Economic CSR is a combination of environmental sustainability, ethical as well as philanthropic

activities. This is businesses backing their intention towards CSR with financial decisions. Being

conscious of the impact their business process makes on society and the environment.

Economic CSR makes businesses try to achieve a balance between business and the

sustainability of the planet.

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