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PAGE EIGHT THE SOUTH FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, <strong>1944</strong><br />

Town Topics,<br />

(Continued frcm Page ORoT r -<br />

years to come, they will continue.<br />

to suffer tn many ways as the result<br />

of'the war and many of them<br />

will nevex again rezain the health,<br />

composure, confidence and prosperity<br />

that was theirs when the<br />

war started four years ags.<br />

The duty of those who h**e<br />

suffered the least as the result<br />

the war. is dear, to aid in conceiving<br />

a post-war program that<br />

will make the lot of those who<br />

have suffered easier, and to insure<br />

that never again will war be permitted,<br />

a truly big task that requires<br />

big hearts and big minds.<br />

it<br />



Plans have been begun for the<br />

annual minstrel show under the<br />

sponsorship of the Sacred Heart<br />

Sodality. The chairmen Darned<br />

are Gertrude SuchorskJ and<br />

Rooney Kurzawa. John Troyanno<br />

has again been named as the' director<br />

of the show. 1<br />

Those wishing to take"part<br />

the. Show will meet at the Sacred<br />

Heart club rooms on Sunday afternoon<br />

at 1:30 P. M.<br />




Tuesday for the first time, under<br />

the new system, the names of<br />

•Middlesex County residents to<br />

serve on the grand and petit Juries<br />

were drawn.<br />

Edwin Q. Pra?.er of Perth Amboy,<br />

named a jury commissioner<br />

by Governor Edison during his<br />

The War Department has an-<br />

nounced that Private Clarkson<br />

Ellison of South River, well known<br />

here, and a former guard at the<br />

Parlin plant of th» Hercules Powder<br />

Company, was killed in action<br />

in Prance recently.<br />

He is the brother of William<br />

Ellison of Oeorge Street.<br />

1 NOTICE<br />

Take notice that application<br />

has been made to the Common<br />

Council of the Clt* of South<br />

Amboy, N. J., to transfer to Anthony<br />

A. Abbatiello, trading as<br />

"The Abby," for premises located<br />

at No. 123 Stevens Avenue, the<br />

Plenary ReUil Consumption Li-<br />

cense No. C-34 heretofore issued<br />

to Anthony A. AbbstieUo. trading<br />

as "The Abby" tor the pronlsui<br />

locatsd at No. 110 John Street.<br />

South Atttboy. N. j. oojoettons.<br />

if any, should, ba saatft taoMlft-<br />

*tilt fti writing to O P. Disbrow.<br />

City Clerk of South Amboy. N J.<br />

•lined: Anthony A Abbauello.<br />

S10 John Street. City<br />

I* »»«-•« ft<br />

Taks nottot that Jlaoomo An-<br />

•MNto. traunsg M Town Tavern.<br />

IMS applied to the Mayor and<br />

Common Council of the City of<br />

~»outh Aabojr, (or a plenary retail<br />

ooasumpIkH) Ikmaa* for presa-<br />

J4*s situated at 3M gtordanlftWB<br />

Avtnot. «outh Aaboy.' W; J.<br />

Objtottou. If any, should b«<br />

mad* UMMdtetofe in wntteg to<br />

O Frank DtttfAw. t*ny Oltfft. of<br />

South Aaboy. N. J.<br />

Jim mo Amaaosoato.<br />



CHURCH<br />

Second St. and Stevens Ave.<br />

"A HosneJike -Church"<br />

Hany P. Grin, Pastor ,<br />

10:00 A. M.. Church School<br />

Howard Bloodgood, Superintendent:<br />

Lessen topic: Saul Rejected<br />

« for all ages.<br />

M A. If. Worship Service<br />

'A Look in Three Directions."<br />

Na evening services.<br />

The annual session of the New<br />

Jersey Conference of the Methodist<br />

Church will be held In Ocean<br />

City Sept. 23-35.<br />

There are repairs and improve<br />

meats to be made to the par-<br />


Main Street and Broadway<br />

Harry Stansbury Weyrkh<br />

Rector "•*-*•••••/<br />

13th Sunday After Trinity<br />

T:SO A. M. Holy Communion<br />

•:30 A. M. Holy Communion<br />

10:00 A. M. Holy Communion and<br />

Sermon.<br />

Wednesday «*jft:'<br />

10:00 A. M. Holy Communion and<br />

Intercessions for those from this<br />

Parish serving' in the Nation's<br />

Armed Forces.<br />

The Church Is open dally frjwn<br />

B:0tA. M. to4:a* p. M. for Prayer.<br />

Rest and Meditation.<br />

' *<br />


CHURCH<br />

Rev. Chas. F. Van Horn, Jr.,<br />

Pastor.<br />

"I sought the Lard, and He<br />

heard me." Ps. 34:4.<br />

10:00 A. M-. Bible School in<br />

term, and Charles Pascall of Me- charge of our Superintendent,<br />

tuchen. Republican, reappointed. Herbert J. Buehler. Classes tot<br />

were in charge or the drawing. all ages. *<br />

. The new term opens on Sep- 11:00 A. M., Morning Worship<br />

tember lftth. when the jurors will and Sermon by the Pastor.<br />

report for

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