Tryst Six Venom by Penelope Douglas

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his first.

Peeling back the lid, I spread open the tissue paper and see a white gown,

the sleeveless bodice decorated with pearls and stunning blush pink orchids,

the wires in the corset running vertical.

I hold it up, noticing the fabric on the torso is damn near see-through,

except for the cups of the breasts, of course. The rest of the gown is adorned

with a spiral of white birds sewn in down the legs to the feet, and it’s

honestly one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. The minimal

petticoat is sewn in, so the wearer doesn’t have to deal with looking like a


“What’s in the other one?” Krisjen asks.

I set the gown back in the box and push off the lid of the taller one,

peering inside.

Something bubbles up in my chest, and I can’t help but smile.

“What’s all this?” my mom asks, coming into the room.

But I don’t answer. I reach inside and pull out the black top hat, a black

silk ribbon adorned with a cluster of jewels on one side wrapped around the


I’m dying to put it on.

Diving back into the box like a kid on Christmas, I find black pants, a

white shirt, and a fitted jacket with tails. A black tie spills into my lap.

I laugh, hugging the tux to my body. What did she do?

“This is beautiful,” my mother says, examining the gown. “Who’s the tux


Me. Liv’s giving me a choice. I look between the dress and the suit. I can

do what I’m told or do what I want.

I shake my head. I hurt her so badly. She deserves better.

She must’ve already had the clothes done and figured why waste them?

Because I was still blocked as of ten minutes ago.

I search the boxes but don’t see a note. Footfalls hit the floor behind me,

and my mother rises.

“What are you doing here?” she asks.

My father darts up to her, stops, and I look up at him as he looks down at

me. “We’ll see you at the banquet hall, okay?” he tells me. And then he looks

at her. “I need to talk to you now.”

“Not now.” She keeps her tone quiet, because everyone is listening, but

she turns away from him and starts to leave.

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