Tryst Six Venom by Penelope Douglas

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“SO, I WAS kind of thinking,” I say quietly as students make their way into

the women’s locker room. “I could cancel shopping with Megan and Chloe

and go shopping with you instead?”

Clay sits on the bench, pulling on her sneakers and tying the laces. Her

beautiful hair is flipped to one side as she leans over in her black leggings

and sports bra.

She doesn’t answer.

“Clay?” I press.

“Shopping?” she repeats, not meeting my eyes.

I tighten my ponytail, looking around for eavesdroppers. “Dress shopping

for prom?” I remind her. Did she even hear me?

She meets my eyes, looking like a deer caught in the headlights. “Oh,


What the hell is wrong with her? I sent her a proper sexy pic of me last

night, after the dumb one of me with my pasta, and she didn’t answer, and

she’s barely made eye contact since we walked into school for our morning


“Uh…” She swallows, standing up and avoiding my gaze. “I actually

already have my dress.”

She has a dress… Okay, so what does that mean? I stare at her, her body

language all wrong. What the hell happened between yesterday and today?

She can’t go shopping with me?

I fight to find my words, but she sees me staring and meets my eyes

briefly. “I mean, we said we’d keep this casual, right?” she says, letting out a

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