Tryst Six Venom by Penelope Douglas

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women aren’t.”

My grandfather cheated on Mimi? I guess I’m not shocked. I didn’t know

the man well. He passed when I was seven. But Mimi wears it like a badge—

the fact that she was his wife.

She goes on. “You will never regret keeping your chin up and making the

sacrifices it takes to maintain the life you have spent years building. She will

come into your home, not because he loves her, but because he misses you

and can’t be alone. Once a man becomes used to being taken care of, he can

only live that way. He’ll replace you out of necessity, not desire.”

She. My father’s mistress.

“She will come into your home,” Mimi continues, “and parent your child

and spend your money and drive your cars. Fix it.”

My chest rises and falls with shallow breaths. Everything’s changing.

I back away from the patio, heading back into the house and ball my fists.

I knew about the other woman. I even thought there might be more than

one. Who could blame him? My mother was a bitch and made the house

unbearable, trying to control everyone and everything, and we were all

suffocating under the clothes and the makeup and the standards, but…

Is he actually leaving her? Is he making a new life without us?

Is he leaving me with her?

Or is she leaving him? It sounded like my grandmother was trying to talk

her out of something.

Where do I go when I come home for holidays? They don’t know me

anymore. Do they even want me around—my mother forced to keep up

appearances, and my father forced to support a family he no longer wants?

Jesus, do they even know I’m still here?

I rub my hands up and down my face, drifting down the hallway, past all

our photos that my grandmother will keep up, because we look like a happy

family, and my grandfather looks like a doting husband.

I drift, until I find my way upstairs and in my grandmother’s room,

veering straight for the hidden cubby drawer in the mantel of her fireplace.

Reaching inside, I dig out the stack of letters I’d found there when I was

eight that now make a lot more sense since Macon told me about Two Locks

—the old, abandoned farm on Harley Creek my family owns where he said

my grandmother hid her affair.

I stare at the stack—more than fifty letters probably—yellowed with age

and secured with a white ribbon. At the time, I’d thought it was adult stuff.

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