Tryst Six Venom by Penelope Douglas

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But Dallas cuts them off. “Nah, Macon doesn’t like rich princesses.”

I ball my fists, losing my patience. I don’t want the whole world to know

my sex life, but I also don’t much care that it’s being insinuated that I’m

sleeping with people I’m not.

“Well, it could be Macon,” Army inserts. “Because…”

And all the Jaegers sing together, “Everyone is our type when they’re

naked!” Like it’s some fucking family motto or something.

Liv laughs with her brothers, all of them amused at my expense, and I’m

pretty much done.

I reach over, scoop up a glob of Callum’s pie, and fling it right at Liv. It

slaps into her damn chest, sticking and splattering on her chin, and she jerks,


Not so funny now, am I?

Everyone stills, barely breathing as they wait for Liv’s reaction. I lick my

fingers, waiting.

“Oh, shit,” Milo whispers, covering his laugh with his hand.

Liv clears her throat and sits up. Iron moves forward, but she pushes him

back as she rises. “It’s okay,” she chirps, looking between her brothers and

the Saints. “No punching. No blood.” She picks up the tequila and downs a

shot. “No arrests tonight. Agreed?”

I nod once. It would suck for this to get out of hand and stop being fun.

And just as she sets the bottle down and picks up the Diet Coke, I suck in

a breath before she leans over the table, raises it high, and tips it over,

emptying it onto my head.

“Ohhhh!” someone laughs.

Callum snaps his fingers, smiling excitedly for Amy to start filming with

her camera phone, but I’m inhaling short, shallow breaths as the icy drink

mattes my freshly washed hair and plasters my thin tank top to my fucking

braless chest.

I’m gonna kill her.

I stand, grabbing a spoonful of whipped cream from the plate and hold it

up, ready to launch it at her.

“Don’t do it.” She points her finger. “You got me. I got you. We’re


Slowly, I shake my head, and I don’t care who’s checking me out in my

indecent shirt right now. All I see is her.

“Uh-oh,” Trace laughs, and everyone backs away, getting ready.

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