Tryst Six Venom by Penelope Douglas

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half-full. A picture of him and some friends, or cousins maybe, stands next to

it, all of them holding a papier-mâché planet they made in class or in summer

camp. I lean in close, seeing the same smile on him that I see on Clay’s


“He looked like he was going to be Jensen Ackles someday,” she says,

sadness in her voice.

I look over, seeing she’s still hovering in the doorway, leaning against the


“He was a cute kid,” I tell her.

“Dynamite personality, too.” She sighs, smiling and crossing her arms.

“He would draw spiders on the toilet paper and replace my yogurt with


I walk over toward the window, checking out his view. “And what did

you do to deserve that?” I tease.

As if he was the instigator. If I know Clay at all, he was simply


“I may have replaced the filling in his Oreos with toothpaste,” she says.

I grin.

The room is spotless. Tidy, clean, not a speck of dust. Someone cleans in

here regularly, and I’m guessing it’s the one room Clay’s mom doesn’t let

anyone touch but herself.

“You loved him a lot.”

“I didn’t realize how much.” She nods. “He was annoying and we fought

a lot, but when he got sick, I almost couldn’t breathe.” I hear the tears thicken

her voice. “It wasn’t fair for him to go through that. I just wanted it to stop.”

There’s no sign of his illness in this room. No medical equipment. No

prescriptions. I have no idea if he died at home or passed in the hospital, but I

can bet the family was with him every hour.

Clay’s breathing shakes, and I see her trying to hold back the tears. I walk

over, taking her face in my hands.

“Why were you so patient with me?” she whispers. “So tolerant? I didn’t

deserve it.”

I lean in, her silky hair brushing the backs of my hands. “Happy people

don’t fixate on things they hate,” I explain. “They move on. I knew it was

coming from somewhere, Clay.” I glide my hands down her body and circle

her waist as we hold each other, and I stare into her eyes. “It doesn’t matter

how much money we have or don’t have or how stable our home is. Anyone

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