Tryst Six Venom by Penelope Douglas

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I grab my test and pencil and swing around to her table, taking the seat

across from her. This isn’t my lab table, but oh well. “I don’t apologize,” I

tell her. “So you may as well exhale, because it’s not happening. We’re both

leaving, there’s no commitment, and you knew the score.”

She stares at her test, writing and checking boxes as if I’m not talking.

I narrow my eyes. What the hell does she want from me? Fight with me.

Do something!

But I don’t know how to battle this Olivia. She won’t talk.

I stare at my test, the teacher starting the timer on the projector and

flashing the screen on the whiteboard.

“I gave you my virginity,” I whisper.

Her pencil pauses.

“I’ve had opportunities, Liv.” I swallow, coming as close to an apology as

I can manage. “I didn’t hesitate with you.”

I search for her eyes, but she still won’t look at me.

“I never wanted you to stop,” I tell her.

I want more. I want it again.

I want more right now.

My head spins with all the secluded spots we could find in this school,

but I know she won’t forgive me that quickly.

Ronald Baxter takes the seat next to me, and Liv finally looks up, meeting

my eyes. Her gaze falls to my mouth, and I think she might brush her foot

over mine under the table or something, but she takes my test, turns on the

Bunsen burner, and I watch wide-eyed as she lights the corner, the papers

going up in smoke.

I see Ronald freeze out of the corner of my eye, watching.

“You left me in the rain,” she says quietly, the white papers turning black,

curling and peeling. “You left me behind in the rain while you drove off with

that prick.”

I stare wide-eyed as my test turns to ash.

“No commitment works for me, but you damn well better be where you

say you’re going to be,” she bites out.

And before I can even worry about what Ronald is making of what she’s

saying, she dumps my test into the sink, and walks away, taking her papers

with her.


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