Tryst Six Venom by Penelope Douglas

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But the door falls shut, and Amy and Krisjen set down their stuff and take

off their shoes. “We weren’t going to leave you alone,” Amy tells her.

Her eyes dart to me and then back to Clay, and I tense at what she’s

leaving unsaid. We weren’t going to leave you alone with her, she meant.

Krisjen presses something icy to my arm, and I look, seeing her hand me

a soda. “Thanks for coming to the game, by the way.”

“Yeah, fat lotta good it did us,” Amy grumbles.

Krisjen rolls her eyes, throwing her friend a look, and I yank the can out

of her hand, giving her a tight smile as thanks.

Yeah, like they would’ve won without me anyway. And definitely not

without Clay and me.

“I’ll take you home in the morning, okay?” Krisjen says.

I nod.

“Jaeger, you take that bed.” Amy points to the one on the left. “We’ll take

the other one.”

I raise my eyes and my chin, glaring at her. The three of them. In one bed.

So the lesbian doesn’t molest one of them in their sleep, right? Jesus Christ.

“Amy!” Krisjen barks. “What, did you suck down some bitch juice before

we walked in? Shut up.”

Amy lets out a bitter laugh, and I wait for Clay to step in, but she just sits

there, avoiding my gaze and completely quiet.

“So, if a guy had to crash in here with us, our parents would be fine with

one of us sharing a bed with him?” Amy retorts. “It’s the same difference.”

I glance at Clay, seeing her eyes downcast, and I know she has things to

say. I know she wants them gone, but of course, nothing surprises me with

Marymount girls. Once upon a time, I’d hoped I’d have some friends here,

and if I didn’t, then maybe one person who thought I was worth the sacrifice

if she could just be close to me. But none of them want to stand up for

themselves. They either need me or tolerate me.

“I’ll share a bed with you,” Krisjen says.

And I shake my head, surging to my feet. “Eat me,” I say. “I don’t need

any favors.”

• • •

Rain falls, thunder cracking across the sky, and I flash my gaze to the

window, seeing the drops pummel the panes. Shadows dance across the

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