Tryst Six Venom by Penelope Douglas

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it rolls right into their goal.

“Yeah!” Krisjen shouts, our team celebrating.

Amy flips her stick around like a baton, all smiles, and I spare two

seconds to feel the glow before I run back to get in play again.

Time moves fast, Gibbon’s Cross scoring one, and us scoring two more in

the second.

I bang my stick on the ground. “Amy!” I shout.

She flashes her eyes to me, hits the ball just as someone knocks her to the

ground, elbowing her head. I grab the ball, shooting it into the net, and more

boos erupt from the stands.

I smile, but I don’t celebrate, running over and not thinking. I slam Costa

in the shoulder while everyone is distracted, watching her land on the ground

next to Amy and getting her comeuppance. This is the third time she’s done

that to one of us, and the refs aren’t seeing it. Or pretending they’re not

seeing it.

I pull Amy back to her feet. “Thanks,” she says.

I jog back down the field, throwing out my hands at the ref. “You gonna

call something at some point?” I yell.

“Jaeger!” Coach yells, because I’m getting smart with the ref.

Fuck it. They’re throwing cheap shots. We win nothing taking the high


I look over, seeing Clay standing now, her arms folded over her chest,

concern or tension etched across her brow.

I get back in the game, Ruby passing the ball to Krisjen and Krisjen

passing it back quickly. “Liv!” she shouts, shooting it to me.

Second and third period passes, and I wipe the sweat off my forehead,

hair loose from my ponytail tickling my neck. We’re up two goals, but

everyone is exhausted and Gibbon’s Cross doesn’t always play their best

players first. They’re about to get a second wind.

I debate for a moment and then walk over to Coach. “Bring Clay in,” I

tell her. “Ruby’s exhausted.”

But Coach shakes her head. “I’ll make the decisions. Get back in the


I hesitate, ready to argue, but they’re teeing off.

Running backward onto the field again, I growl at Clay, “So you just

gonna sit there the whole night?”

Make her put you in the game. You can make anyone do anything, right?

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