Tryst Six Venom by Penelope Douglas

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“Stay away from her or else.”

“Or else what?” she fires back. “You going to take another video of us?

Well, enjoy yourself, because when she graduates, and I go to college in New

York in the fall—oh, did she tell you about Dartmouth? As luck would have

it, we’ll be that close to each other…” And she gets in my face, taunting me,

“And then I can fuck her every weekend where you can’t get a hold of her.”

My eyes go wide, burning.

“We’ll be gone, and we’ll laugh about how sad you were.” She laughs.

“Or are.”

I grit my teeth together.

“You don’t deserve her attention,” she says, “and pretty soon she won’t

think of you at all!”

“Ugh!” I slam my hands into her chest, and she crashes into the wall next

to the doorway. She cries out, falling to the ground, and I spot the garbage

can next to her and grab it.

I hesitate a moment, a sob stretching my throat so tightly it hurts. Fuck it.

I lift it high and dump everything on her head, and she screams as remnants

of gumbo and chicken noodle soup smear all over her.

“Clay!” she cries.

I drop the can and clutch her jaw in one hand and the back of her neck in

another, bringing her face up to mine. “Look at me,” I grit out. “Look at me!”

She raises her eyes, whimpering. “Stop.”

“Shut up,” I say, tears welling in my eyes, because I know I’m losing. I’m

going to lose her forever. “Her team spots her. Do you understand?” And

then I lower my voice, pressing my forehead into hers hard. “I spot her. If I

have to repeat myself again, I will do damage you can’t come back from. She

is seventeen, a minor, and…”


Megan coughs, and needles prick my throat, because she doesn’t deserve

this, but it can’t happen. Megan doesn’t deserve her. And Liv doesn’t get to

have someone. She doesn’t get to forget about me.

She stares at me, clearing her throat as something crosses her eyes. “You

want her,” she pants. “That’s what this is about. Oh my God.”

Tears spill.

“You’re a…a…”

And I throw her down, ready to hit her until she can’t say the words loud

enough for anyone to ever hear.

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