Tryst Six Venom by Penelope Douglas

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“I will have you, Clay.” His tone has an air of finality to it and an edge of

a threat he’s never spoken to me with before.

Yeah, you just got interesting too.

I hear Krisjen yell outside, Milo probably doing something stupid again,

and Callum turns and leaves.

I sit up on the bed, watching the door to see if he comes back, an unease

settling in my gut I’m not used to feeling. First with Liv and her brothers

tonight, and now with Callum. I’d told Macon his power was an illusion, but

it was becoming clearer that mine was too.


I fist the flag, grinding my teeth together as I toss it over my shoulder. I

rise and walk out.

But I notice the door across the hall, next to the bathroom, and I know it’s

Liv’s. Stickers plaster the door, some rainbow flag ones peeking out. I grip

the handle, but I don’t go in.

It’s so stupid, but if I ever find myself here again, I don’t want to have to

tell her I snooped in her room uninvited.

I drop my eyes and my hand from the knob.

A knock lands on the door downstairs, and I twist my head, my heart

skipping a beat.

It’s not the Jaegers. They wouldn’t have knocked.

I jog down the stairs, keeping my steps light and see Amy come around

the stairs from the kitchen. Her eyes are wide as we both look to the door,

and I try to decide if we should make a run out the back door.

But then we hear her voice. “Liv?” a woman’s voice calls. “Anyone


I go still, recognizing the voice. Megan.

“What the hell is she doing here?” Amy whispers.

“Liv?” She knocks again.

I ball my fists, jerking my head at Amy and sending her to the kitchen. I

follow, moving backward down the hall and keeping my eyes on the door.

Son of a bitch. No wonder Liv hasn’t tried for more with me in the days

since the locker room. No wonder. She and this bitch are going at it, happy as


I shake my head. That bitch.

Shielded in the shadows of the stairs, I only hold back a moment before I

say, “Come in!” And hope she doesn’t recognize my voice.

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