Tryst Six Venom by Penelope Douglas

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“You wanted it up, so it’s back up.”

“But I took it down,” I growl.

Goddammit, I took it down. I look back at my phone, scrolling the

comments. Why would she do this? When did she do this? Before the fight?


“They won’t trace it back to you,” she assures, walking back to her locker

and tossing the knife in. “It came from my phone.”

So why repost it then, if not to screw me over?

“Take it down.” I charge over to her. “Take it down now.”

I don’t want people to see this. It was a mistake.

“You’re not scared of Tryst Six?” She fixes her lip gloss in the mirror,

extra red against her black shirt and black hair. “Well, I’m not scared of you,

baby. Do what you will. Leave it up—forever if it gets you off.” She turns

and looks at me. “Every degrading comment and joke is for your pleasure, so

enjoy it.”

Son of a bitch!

I push her aside and pull her phone out of her locker. “Take it down

now.” I hold her phone out to her, but before she can take it, I pull it back and

swipe the screen, trying to do it myself. “Unlock this!” I yell at her.

“Goddamn it, Jaeger!”

She pushes me back into the locker and grabs her phone. “Scared now?”

she taunts. “Huh? Feel violated when you’ve lost control of your property?

How does that feel?”

I raise my hand, pointing in her face and shouting, “Take it down!”

But she grabs my wrists and twists them behind me, and I whimper at the

ache as she backs me up into the lockers again.

“Because why?” she whispers in my face. “Say it. You’re afraid, aren’t


I shake my head. She presses her forehead into mine hard, but I push

back, giving as good as I get while I try to wrangle my hands free.

“You’re afraid, because your life is sad, and you want to gut anything

that’s different.” Her breath falls on my lips, and I feel a light layer of sweat

cover my back. “Anything that makes you feel strong, because at least it’s not

dull, and it’s too painful not to feel, isn’t it? You’re afraid of me, because

some day you’re going to wake up and remember that that video is still there,

but I’m not, am I? I’m gone, living, and you’re not, because your brain is still

in the fucking gutter.”

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