Tryst Six Venom by Penelope Douglas

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I clutch the arms of the chair for support as she pulls us face to face, and I

harden my jaw, looking into her eyes. The dark brown lights up with flecks

of gold as she glares at me, and I can smell the peaches in her long black hair.

My heart pounds so hard. Yes.

Like a fucking drug.

She stares at me with fury, and I brace myself for impact when I know I

should pull away.

But I don’t want her to let me go. It took so long to get us here.

I hate Olivia Jaeger. I fucking hate her, and I’d happily never love

anything if I could hate her my whole life. My eyes pool with tears, and I

don’t know why.

But I don’t blink.

Come on. My chin trembles. Come on. I want this.

The juice she threw at me still drips from my skirt, and I close my eyes at

the burn in my scalp where her fingers are curled into my hair under my

ponytail. Come on. I open my mouth, feeling her everywhere. Almost tasting


Bitter but beautiful, like Valium on my tongue. That’s what she’s like.

I open my eyes, a tear spilling over, and I see her watching me, a mixture

of anger and wariness in her eyes. Like she’s unsure about something.

A voice carries in from the office, and Liv pushes me away, releasing me

as the door to the headmaster’s office opens.

I shake my head as I sit back in my chair. Wimp.

“Father McNealty is held up with the mayor,” Mrs. Garrison tells us,

remaining in the doorway. “He will speak to both of you in the morning, so

don’t think you’re off the hook. Go to the locker room, change—”

I rise before she’s finished, grab my cell phone off his desk, and walk

past the old bag.

“And get directly to class,” she yells after us as Liv and I walk through

the office toward the door. “If I get another whiff of one more fight between

you two, I’m calling your parents to pick you up!”

But we’re already in the hallway, the door swinging closed behind us. I

don’t turn around, and I don’t slow down, charging down the empty hallway

as teachers drone on in their classrooms, and I descend the stairs, finding my

way to the locker room.

Jaeger’s on my tail the entire time, though, and I feel her eyes on my

back. I hope she jumps me again.

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