Boyne Valley Holiday Guide 2023 Web Version

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“The Boyne is not a showy river. It rises in County Kildare and flows gently and

majestically through County Meath and joins the sea at Drogheda in County

Louth some 112 kilometres later. It has none of the razzmatazz of its sister, the

Shannon. It’s neither the longest river in Ireland, nor does it have the greatest

flow. What is does have, and by the gallon, is history.

In fact, the Boyne Valley is like a time capsule. Travel along it and you travel

through millennia of Irish history, from passage tombs that pre-date the

Pyramids, to the Hill of Tara, seat of the High Kings of Ireland, all the way to

the home of the First World War poet Francis Ledwidge in Slane. It’s the Irish

equivalent of Egypt’s Valley of the Kings. And you can choose to explore it by

car, bicycle, kayak, or by strolling along its banks and the towpaths of the

navigation canals that run alongside from Navan to Oldbridge.”

Frances Power - Editor, Cara,

the Aer Lingus inflight magazine - Boyne Valley Feature,

October/November 2014 Pg 68-78

Cara magazine is available online at issuu.com


Angling 12


The Boyne River 01

Angling 12

Festivals & Events 25

Towns & Villages 37

Ireland’s Ancient East 03

Horse Racing 13

Halloween in the Boyne Valley 27

Itineraries 41

Outdoor Activities 05

Golf 15

Easy Access 28

Discover Boyne Valley Flavours 45

Royal Canal Greenway 06

Adventures & Activities 17

Where is the Boyne Valley 27

Eating Out 47

Walking, Cycling & Paddling 07

Organised and Guided Tours 19

Boyne Valley Drive 31

Gastro Pubs and Bars 50

Boyne Valley Gardens 09

Music, Arts & Culture 21

Boyne Valley Drive Sites 33

Craft Distilling & Brewing 52

The Coast 11

Retail & Crafts 24

Brú na Bóinne 35

Where to Stay 53

Photography courtesy of: Barry Cronin Photography; copterview.ie; Fáilte Ireland; jennymatthewsphotography.com; irelandscontentpool.com, Islander Visual; perfectstills.com; and Tourism Ireland

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Melifont Abbey

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