z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM


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Usage Notes<br />

946 z/<strong>VM</strong>: <strong>CP</strong> <strong>Comm<strong>and</strong>s</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Utilities</strong> <strong>Reference</strong><br />


indicates whether the file contains X'5A' CCWs inserted by <strong>CP</strong>. The<br />

presence of X'5A' CCWs indicates that PSF control information has been<br />

added to the file.<br />

PURGE<br />

indicates whether the file has been purged from <strong>CP</strong> <strong>and</strong> is waiting for PSF<br />

to recognize this state.<br />

SEClabel<br />

displays the security label associated with each spool file.<br />

PREVOWN userid|ALL|ALTID<br />

displays information about files previously owned by the specified user ID or<br />

ALTID <strong>and</strong> owned by the issuing user ID. Class D users may use the SYSTEM<br />

option to display previous owner information about any files in the system.<br />

PREVOWN userid displays information about spool files transferred by the<br />

specified user ID or ALTID <strong>and</strong> owned by the query issuer. Files transferred<br />

back to the generator are not displayed. PREVOWN ALTID displays information<br />

about files generated by the ALTID owned by the issuing user ID. PREVOWN<br />

ALL displays information about files not generated by the issuing user ID or<br />

ALTID that are owned by the issuing user ID.<br />

XFER userid|ALL|ALTID<br />

displays information about spool files generated by the specified user ID or<br />

ALTID <strong>and</strong> owned by another user ID. Class D users may use the SYSTEM<br />

option to display information about any files in the system owned by a user ID<br />

other than the originating user ID. XFER userid2 displays information about<br />

spool files generated by the specified user ID or ALTID <strong>and</strong> owned by the user<br />

specified as userid2. Files generated <strong>and</strong> owned by the same user are not<br />

displayed. XFER ALTID displays information about files generated by the<br />

specified userid <strong>and</strong> owned by ALTID. XFER ALL displays information about<br />

files generated by the specified userid or ALTID <strong>and</strong> owned by another userid.<br />

SHOrtdate<br />

specifies that dates in the response to this comm<strong>and</strong> will be displayed in mm/dd<br />

format, where mm is the month <strong>and</strong> dd is the day of the month.<br />

FULldate<br />

specifies that dates in the response to this comm<strong>and</strong> will be displayed in<br />

mm/dd/yyyy format, where mm is the month, dd is the day of the month, <strong>and</strong><br />

yyyy is the 4-digit year.<br />

ISOdate<br />

specifies that dates in the response to this comm<strong>and</strong> will be displayed in<br />

yyyy-mm-dd format. where yyyy is the 4-digit year, mm is the month, <strong>and</strong> dd is<br />

the day of the month.<br />

NODIST<br />

DIST<br />

Specifies whether or not to display a distribution code when FULLDATE or<br />

ISODATE has been specified. The default is NODIST so each output record fits<br />

within an 80-character buffer.<br />

1. TBL is an acceptable substitute for the EXP option. The response has the same<br />


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