z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM


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Usage Notes<br />

If you want to name files in a format suitable for MVS use (for example,<br />

SYS1.SYSLIB.MAC1), use dsname. This name can be up to 24 characters<br />

long; however, if dsname is more than 16 characters long, it is truncated.<br />

The fname ftype specification permits you to name a file in CMS file name <strong>and</strong><br />

file type format. The fields fname <strong>and</strong> ftype are one- to eight-character<br />

alphanumeric names. If you omit ftype, blanks are substituted.<br />

If specified, the NAME option must be the last oper<strong>and</strong> entered.<br />

NOName<br />

resets the name information to blanks.<br />

PUrge<br />

closes <strong>and</strong> purges the spool file on the specified device regardless of the cont,<br />

keep, <strong>and</strong> hold setting for the device.<br />

Printer<br />

PRT<br />

PUnch<br />

PCH<br />

Reader<br />

RDR<br />

are used with the TO oper<strong>and</strong> to specify the file queue to which the spool file is<br />

to be directed. If you do not specify a queue, the file is directed to the reader.<br />

SYNChronous<br />

ASYNChronous<br />

indicates whether the comm<strong>and</strong> issuer wishes to wait for the CLOSE comm<strong>and</strong><br />

to complete.<br />

If you specify ASYNCHRONOUS, you are free to process other comm<strong>and</strong>s<br />

while the CLOSE comm<strong>and</strong> completes. When it does, <strong>CP</strong> will notify you with a<br />

device end (DE) interrupt on the device affected.<br />

If you specify SYNCHRONOUS, you are prevented from executing any other<br />

comm<strong>and</strong>s until the CLOSE comm<strong>and</strong> completes. When the comm<strong>and</strong><br />

completes, the file will have been closed by <strong>CP</strong>.<br />

1. SET IMSG OFF suppresses informational messages for this comm<strong>and</strong>.<br />

2. The options of the CLOSE comm<strong>and</strong> override the corresponding options in<br />

effect for the device you are closing. If you do not specify any optional<br />

oper<strong>and</strong>s, the options in effect for the device, or the status of the file you are<br />

processing, determines the file disposition.<br />

3. Although the CLOSE options FLASH, FCB, MODIFY, <strong>and</strong> CHARS can be<br />

specified for any virtual device except a reader, they only lead to system action<br />

when a spool file with these attributes is printed on a <strong>CP</strong>-driven 3800 printer.<br />

4. A user can cancel settings of the CHARS, MODIFY, or FCB options by<br />

specifying NULL in the name fields of these oper<strong>and</strong>s. In this case, NULL<br />

performs the same function as OFF.<br />

CLOSE<br />

5. The keyword OFF, which resets attributes to their default values, cannot also<br />

be used as the name specified in a FORM, FLASH, FCB, MODIFY, DISTcode,<br />

or CHARS oper<strong>and</strong>. Similarly, NULL cannot be used to specify a CHARS,<br />

MODIFY, or FCB name.<br />

6. If you close an output device (printer, punch, console) <strong>and</strong> the file you created<br />

is in hold, that file is not available for processing. If the file is not in hold, it is<br />

Chapter 2. <strong>CP</strong> <strong>Comm<strong>and</strong>s</strong> 63

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