z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM


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You will see the following response when you do not specify any HOT_IO_RATE<br />

statements in the system configuration file <strong>and</strong> you have not issued any SET<br />

HOTIO comm<strong>and</strong>s:<br />


Note that DEFAULT=16, so all devices in the active I/O configuration have a hot I/O<br />

rate of 16.<br />

Response 2:<br />

HOTIO ON DASD RATE 00050<br />

This response indicates that you either:<br />

v Issued a SET HOTIO DASD 50 comm<strong>and</strong>, or<br />

v Specified HOT_IO_RATE DASD 50 statement in your system configuration file.<br />

Although they are not listed, all other devices in the active I/O configuration have a<br />

hot I/O rate of 16 (DEFAULT). In most of the QUERY HOTIO responses you see,<br />

<strong>CP</strong> will not explicitly tell you that I/O devices are using the default hot I/O rate of 16.<br />

There are only two reasons you will see DEFAULT in a QUERY HOTIO response:<br />

1. When no HOT_IO_RATE statements or SET HOTIO comm<strong>and</strong>s have been<br />

processed (as you saw in Response 1)<br />

2. When you use a HOT_IO_RATE statement or SET HOTIO comm<strong>and</strong> to change<br />

the hot I/O rate for one or more devices <strong>and</strong> you use a second statement or<br />

comm<strong>and</strong> to change that same device (or devices) back to the default. (You will<br />

see an example of this for DASD devices in Response 3.)<br />

Response 3:<br />

This example shows you the responses you would see before <strong>and</strong> after issuing<br />

various SET HOTIO comm<strong>and</strong>s.<br />

The following response indicates that all devices in the active I/O configuration are<br />

using the default hot I/O rate of 16:<br />

q hotio<br />

HOTIO ON<br />

Ready;<br />


Here is what you would see if you issued a SET HOTIO DASD comm<strong>and</strong> followed<br />

by a QUERY HOTIO comm<strong>and</strong>:<br />

set hotio dasd 25<br />

Ready;<br />

q hotio<br />

HOTIO ON DASD RATE 00025<br />

Ready;<br />

Note that you no longer see the response line that indicated all devices were using<br />

the default.<br />

Here is what you would see if you issued a SET HOTIO comm<strong>and</strong> for a specific<br />

range of devices followed by another QUERY HOTIO comm<strong>and</strong>:<br />

set hotio 280-28f 32<br />

Ready;<br />


Chapter 2. <strong>CP</strong> <strong>Comm<strong>and</strong>s</strong> 817

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