z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM


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Purpose<br />

Oper<strong>and</strong>s<br />


Use MONITOR EVENT to establish or modify a profile for event data collection. You<br />

can also use this comm<strong>and</strong> to begin or end event monitoring. An event data profile<br />

lists:<br />

v Data domains <strong>and</strong> domain elements to be monitored<br />

v The number of pages reserved for event configuration records<br />

v The block <strong>and</strong> partition values the shared segments.<br />

Note: MONITOR EVENT START/STOP does not affect the profile <strong>and</strong> is not a<br />


ENable<br />

enables the specified domains <strong>and</strong> their elements for event data collection.<br />

Event data is collected only from those domains that have been enabled.<br />

ENABLE is the default.<br />

Note: The MONITOR domain is always enabled for event monitoring.<br />

DISable<br />

disables the specified domains or their elements from event data collection.<br />

Note: The MONITOR domain cannot be disabled from monitoring.<br />

ALL<br />

specifies that all domains <strong>and</strong> all their elements will be enabled or disabled for<br />

event data collection, including:<br />

v APPLDATA (all authorized users)<br />

v I/O (all devices)<br />


v SCHEDULER (all users)<br />

v SEEKS (all DASD devices)<br />

v STORAGE<br />

v USER (all users)<br />

Note: The MONITOR domain is enabled for event data collection at all times.<br />

APPLdata<br />

specifies that the APPLDATA domain will be enabled or disabled for event data<br />

collection. APPLDATA domain is where <strong>CP</strong> collects data generated by an<br />

application program in a virtual machine. The virtual machine issues<br />

DIAGNOSE X'DC' START to declare a buffer from which <strong>CP</strong> can collect the<br />

information. For information on DIAGNOSE X'DC', see the z/<strong>VM</strong>: <strong>CP</strong><br />

Programming Services book.<br />


specifies that all authorized users will be enabled or disabled for event<br />

monitoring in the APPLDATA domain. To be authorized for monitoring in the<br />

APPLDATA domain, the user’s directory entry must contain an OPTION<br />

APPLMON statement.<br />

APPLdata USERID userid<br />

specifies a list of users to be enabled or disabled for event monitoring in the<br />

APPLDATA domain. The userid is a list of one or more user IDs, separated by<br />

blanks, from whom data is collected. Each user specified in this list must have<br />

the OPTION APPLMON statement in their directory entry. Users that do not<br />

have this statement in their directory entries will not be enabled for this domain.<br />

Chapter 2. <strong>CP</strong> <strong>Comm<strong>and</strong>s</strong> 627

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