z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM


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Usage Notes<br />


tells <strong>CP</strong> that users with any privilege class can issue the DIAGNOSE code that<br />

you are redefining.<br />

PRIVclasses classes<br />

tells <strong>CP</strong> that only users with 1 or more of the specified privilege classes can<br />

issue the DIAGNOSE code that you are redefining. Whatever you specify on<br />

this oper<strong>and</strong> will replace the current privilege classes. The variable classes is 1<br />

or more privilege classes in the range A through Z, 1 through 6, or an asterisk<br />

(*). Privilege class * indicates all privilege classes (A-Z <strong>and</strong> 1-6).<br />

Note: If you want more than one privilege class, specify your classes in one<br />

string of characters. Do not separate the classes with blank spaces. For<br />

example, specify “privclasses abc123”, not “privclasses a b c 1 2 3”.<br />

1. To define a new DIAGNOSE code, use the DEFINE DIAGNOSE comm<strong>and</strong><br />

(page 160).<br />

2. To load the DIAGNOSE processing code into <strong>CP</strong>’s system execution space,<br />

use the <strong>CP</strong>XLOAD comm<strong>and</strong> (page 101).<br />

3. To activate a new DIAGNOSE code:<br />

v While defining it, use the ENABLE oper<strong>and</strong> of the DEFINE DIAGNOSE<br />

comm<strong>and</strong> (page 160).<br />

v After defining it, use the ENABLE DIAGNOSE comm<strong>and</strong> (page 429).<br />

4. To display information about a DIAGNOSE code (status, entry point name, <strong>and</strong><br />

privilege class), use the QUERY DIAGNOSE comm<strong>and</strong> (page 779).<br />

5. To display the real address of the <strong>CP</strong> DIAGNOSE code table block for a<br />

DIAGNOSE code, use the LOCATE DGNBK comm<strong>and</strong> (page 533).<br />

6. To deactivate a DIAGNOSE code:<br />

616 z/<strong>VM</strong>: <strong>CP</strong> <strong>Comm<strong>and</strong>s</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Utilities</strong> <strong>Reference</strong><br />

v While defining it, use the DISABLE oper<strong>and</strong> of the DEFINE DIAGNOSE<br />

comm<strong>and</strong> (page 160).<br />

v After defining it, use the DISABLE DIAGNOSE comm<strong>and</strong> (page 266).<br />

7. To remove the DIAGNOSE processing code from <strong>CP</strong>’s system execution<br />

space, use the <strong>CP</strong>XUNLOAD comm<strong>and</strong> (page 107).<br />

8. Many external security managers (ESMs) do not support DIAGNOSE codes<br />

above X'03FC'. For this reason, <strong>CP</strong> does not support DIAGNOSE codes above<br />

X'03FC'. The DIAGNOSE codes between X'0000' <strong>and</strong> X'03FC' are divided as<br />

follows:<br />

X'0000' to X'00FC'<br />

Reserved for <strong>IBM</strong> use<br />

X'0100' to X'01FC'<br />

Reserved for customer use<br />

X'0200' to X'03FC'<br />

Reserved for <strong>IBM</strong> use.<br />

9. When CHECKR15 YES is specified, the diagnose router will check register 15<br />

on return from the diagnose h<strong>and</strong>ler. If register 15 contains:<br />

RC = 0<br />

Processing was successful. Complete the guest instruction.<br />

RC = 4<br />

Processing failed due to a condition which would cause a guest<br />

program check. Simulate guest program interruption passed in R0.<br />

RC = 8<br />

Nullify the instruction.

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