z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM


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554 z/<strong>VM</strong>: <strong>CP</strong> <strong>Comm<strong>and</strong>s</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Utilities</strong> <strong>Reference</strong><br />

ASCII<br />

tells <strong>CP</strong> to convert the data you enter to ASCII before it is compared to the data<br />

in storage.<br />

CASE<br />

tells <strong>CP</strong> to convert the data you enter to upper case before it compares it to the<br />

data in storage.<br />

Note: Unless you are using DIAGNOSE code X'08' to send comm<strong>and</strong>s to <strong>CP</strong><br />

in mixed case, <strong>CP</strong> converts comm<strong>and</strong>s entered from the terminal to<br />

upper case before it processes them. If you specify the HEX oper<strong>and</strong>,<br />

CASE is ignored. The default is CASE RESPECT.<br />

Respect<br />

tells <strong>CP</strong> not to convert the data from the comm<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> the data from<br />

storage before comparing them.<br />

Ignore<br />

tells <strong>CP</strong> to convert the data from the comm<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> the data from storage<br />

before comparing them so the upper <strong>and</strong> lower case characters are<br />

considered equal.<br />

COUNT n<br />


specifies how many matches to report. ALL reports all matches. If COUNT is<br />

not specified, the default is COUNT 1.<br />

DECRement i<br />

tells <strong>CP</strong> to go i number of bytes backward through storage to search for the<br />

data. i must be a hexadecimal number. <strong>CP</strong> begins at the address you have<br />

specified as the end of the search area <strong>and</strong> compares the data you enter with<br />

what is at that address. If it does not find a match, it goes back i bytes <strong>and</strong> tries<br />

again. When it reaches the beginning of the search area or finds as many<br />

matches as you have specified with the COUNT keyword, <strong>CP</strong> displays the<br />

addresses of the fields within the search area that contain the data you are<br />

looking for.<br />

i can be a one to sixteen hexadecimal digit 64-bit address, separated with an<br />

optional underscore for readability. If the underscore is used there must be eight<br />

hexadecimal digits to the right of it.<br />

INCRement i<br />

tells <strong>CP</strong> to go i number of bytes forward through storage to search for the data.<br />

i must be a hexadecimal number. <strong>CP</strong> begins at the address you have specified<br />

as the start of the search area <strong>and</strong> compares the data you enter with what is at<br />

that address. If it does not find a match, it advances i bytes <strong>and</strong> tries again.<br />

When it reaches the end of the search area or finds as many matches as you<br />

have specified with the COUNT keyword, <strong>CP</strong> displays the addresses of the<br />

fields within the search area that contain the data you are looking for.<br />

If you do not specify INCREMENT or DECREMENT, INCREMENT 1 is<br />

assumed.<br />

i can be a one to sixteen hexadecimal digit 64-bit address, separated with an<br />

optional underscore for readability. If the underscore is used there must be eight<br />

hexadecimal digits to the right of it.<br />

DATA data<br />

specifies the data to search for. The data to be compared starts after the first<br />

blank following the keyword DATA. Leading, imbedded, <strong>and</strong> trailing blanks are<br />

included in the comparison.

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