z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM


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2. If you are running a program in your virtual machine that requires printer<br />

overflow sensing information <strong>and</strong> you are printing on a real 1403, you need to<br />

take special steps to retrieve the sensing information. First, ensure that the <strong>CP</strong><br />

directory entry for your virtual machine indicates that the printer is a 3203, 3211,<br />

3262, 4245, or 4248, even though the program <strong>and</strong> the guest operating system<br />

in which the program runs define the printer as a 1403. Then use the<br />

LOADVFCB comm<strong>and</strong> to specify a virtual FCB image that matches the 1403.<br />

<strong>CP</strong> uses this virtual FCB image as a basis for retrieving sensing information.<br />

3. If the virtual machine operating system issues a LOAD FCB channel comm<strong>and</strong><br />

word to the virtual spooled printer, the LOAD FCB CCW image replaces the<br />

virtual FCB image provided on the LOADVFCB comm<strong>and</strong> line. Note that the<br />

CMS PRINT comm<strong>and</strong> issues a LOAD FCB CCW <strong>and</strong> thereby replaces the<br />

virtual FCB image.<br />

4. The LOADVFCB comm<strong>and</strong> allows specification of the extended FCB image for<br />

a virtual 4248 printer. If an attempt is made to send the extended FCB image to<br />

a printer that does not support the extended FCB format, an error message<br />

results.<br />

5. If the default FCB image has been modified, the virtual FCB image from the<br />

spooled printer is stored in any file created on that printer. When the file is<br />

printed on a real printer, the FCB is loaded into the real printer according to the<br />

FILEFCB or DEFFCB option specified on the START comm<strong>and</strong>. The file then<br />

prints properly on the real printer.<br />

H<strong>CP</strong>003E Invalid option - {option|comm<strong>and</strong><br />

contains extra option(s) starting with<br />

option}<br />

H<strong>CP</strong>022E A virtual device number was not<br />

supplied or it was invalid.<br />

H<strong>CP</strong>026E Oper<strong>and</strong> missing or invalid<br />

H<strong>CP</strong>031E Buffer missing or invalid; [FCB too<br />

long|extended FCB not supported]<br />

H<strong>CP</strong>040E Device {rdev|vdev|ldev} does not exist<br />

H<strong>CP</strong>241E An undefined load image imagename<br />

was specified for printer vdev.<br />

H<strong>CP</strong>413E Comm<strong>and</strong> processing cannot complete<br />

due to a spool paging error.<br />

H<strong>CP</strong>418E {rdev|vdev} is not a spooled device.<br />

H<strong>CP</strong>419E {rdev|vdev} is not a spooled printer.<br />

H<strong>CP</strong>421E Printer prt-type does not support the<br />

{feature feature|comm<strong>and</strong> comm<strong>and</strong>}.<br />

526 z/<strong>VM</strong>: <strong>CP</strong> <strong>Comm<strong>and</strong>s</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Utilities</strong> <strong>Reference</strong><br />

H<strong>CP</strong>422E The same option was specified twice.<br />

H<strong>CP</strong>1001E An oper<strong>and</strong> is missing for option.<br />

H<strong>CP</strong>1013E An invalid oper<strong>and</strong> was supplied for<br />

option - oper<strong>and</strong><br />

H<strong>CP</strong>1562E The length of buffer bufname is invalid.<br />

H<strong>CP</strong>2500E Image library libname could not be<br />

found [for printer vdev].<br />

H<strong>CP</strong>2501E A spool paging I/O error occurred<br />

while reading image [library]<br />

imagename on printer vdev.

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