z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM


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AP<br />

indicates that the user is waiting for an APPC/<strong>VM</strong> function to complete. The<br />

APPC/<strong>VM</strong> function was invoked with the WAIT=YES option.<br />

EX<br />

PS<br />

482 z/<strong>VM</strong>: <strong>CP</strong> <strong>Comm<strong>and</strong>s</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Utilities</strong> <strong>Reference</strong><br />

indicates that the user is in instruction simulation wait; that is, the user’s<br />

virtual machine is waiting for the completion of instruction simulation.<br />

indicates that the user is in PSW wait; that is, the user’s virtual machine is<br />

in an enabled wait state.<br />

TI indicates that a user is in the test-idle state; that is, the user is idle, but has<br />

not been idle long enough to be dropped from the dispatch list.<br />

R indicates that a user is in the ready state.<br />

– indicates that a user is in another state not described by the above<br />

indicators.<br />

Note: In cases where a virtual machine may be in more than one of the above<br />

states, only one state is displayed; the state displayed is the first one<br />

encountered in the order of priority indicated above.<br />

ssssssss<br />

is a decimal number indicating the number of pages resident in real storage.<br />

tttttttt<br />

is a decimal number indicating the number of pages estimated by the<br />

dispatcher as the working set of this user.<br />

Response 2:<br />

userid ttnn aa bbb ssssssss/tttttttt wxyz sppppp App<br />

(1 userid per line)<br />

is the response received when INDICATE QUEUES is issued with the EXP option.<br />

All fields to the left of wxyz are the same as described for Response 1.<br />

wxyz<br />

contains the following 4 status indicators:<br />

w<br />

H The user is receiving a hotshot.<br />

L The user is receiving a lock-shot.<br />

x<br />

I The user is receiving interactive bias.<br />

y is one of the following status indicators that refers to a user’s eligible list<br />

stay, or last eligible list stay if the user is currently in the dispatch list. If<br />

more than one of these conditions applies, the one closer to the top of this<br />

list applies.<br />

D The user is currently past its eligible list deadline.<br />

M The user was put in the eligible list for exceeding the maximum allowed<br />

working set size (WSS).<br />

P The user returned to the eligible list temporarily because of preemption.<br />

G The user returned to the eligible list temporarily for exceeding<br />


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