z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM


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DUPLEX<br />

414 z/<strong>VM</strong>: <strong>CP</strong> <strong>Comm<strong>and</strong>s</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Utilities</strong> <strong>Reference</strong><br />

v The secondary device of the duplex pair that is to be established or<br />

re-established after a SUSPEND<br />

v A new secondary device to be used in establishing a new duplex pair by<br />

replacing the secondary device of an existing duplex pair.<br />

COpy<br />

indicates that synchronization of the contents of the two volumes by copying the<br />

entire contents of the primary volume to the secondary volume is to be<br />

performed to establish or re-establish the duplex pair. This is the default. See<br />

Usage Note 1.<br />

RESynch<br />

indicates that synchronization of the contents of the two volumes is to be<br />

performed to re-establish the duplex pair. Synchronization is accomplished by<br />

copying only modified tracks from the primary volume to the secondary volume.<br />

If the storage controller does not have a modified track map, the entire volume<br />

will be copied. See Usage Note 1.<br />

NOCopy<br />

indicates that synchronization of the contents of the two volumes is not to be<br />

performed to establish the duplex pair. See Usage Note 1.<br />

PAce nnn<br />

indicates the rate at which synchronization of the two volumes is to take place if<br />

COPY or RESYNCH is specified. The value of nnn specifies the number of<br />

tracks to be copied by the control unit before allowing host access to the device<br />

for other operations. After allowing an interval for host access, the copying<br />

continues for another nnn tracks. This operation continues until the entire<br />

volume has been copied.<br />

The value of nnn can be any number from 0 to 255. A value of 0 indicates that<br />

no pacing is to be performed. In other words, all tracks are to be copied without<br />

interruption, with the device being unavailable to all hosts.<br />

If a pacing value is not specified for COPY or RESYNCH, the default pacing<br />

value is the number of tracks per cylinder for the device types involved. For<br />

example, the number of tracks per cylinder for 3380 devices is 15. Therefore,<br />

15 would be the default for nnn of a 3380.<br />

Note: Any volume that requires high availability (like a SYSRES) should use<br />

the smallest PAce value, which is 1.<br />

Attention: Specifying PAce 0 can cause the primary volume of the duplex<br />

pair to be unavailable to all attached hosts for up to 10 to 20 minutes or more,<br />

depending on the size of the DASD. It may also severely disrupt ongoing<br />

operations for some, or all, hosts, depending on the data residing on the DASD<br />

<strong>and</strong> its use by the attached hosts.<br />

You should use the default value. However, any value other than 0 will work,<br />

unless host missing-interruption intervals have been reduced to the 1- to<br />

3-second range at your installation, in which case values above 60 should be<br />

avoided.<br />

SECVolid volid<br />

specifies a new volume identification label for:<br />

v The failed secondary volume. This occurs only when DUPLEX ON is issued<br />

to replace the failed volume of an existing duplex pair.<br />

v The secondary volume of the duplex pair after duplexing is ended.

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