z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM


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virtual machine) using the specified access list entry token (ALET). The ALET is<br />

used in conjunction with guest access-register-translation tables to locate the<br />

guest address space.<br />

ALEThexword.ALraddr.<br />

dumps the contents of third-level storage (storage that appears virtual to your<br />

virtual machine) using the specified access list entry token (ALET) <strong>and</strong> the<br />

access list (AL). The ALET <strong>and</strong> AL are used in conjunction with guest<br />

access-register-translation tables to locate the guest address space.<br />

AREGareg.<br />

dumps the contents of third-level storage (storage that appears virtual to your<br />

virtual machine) using the contents of the specified access register. The access<br />

register (areg) is specified as one hexadecimal or two decimal digits. The<br />

access list entry token within the access register is used in conjunction with<br />

guest access-register-translation tables to locate the guest address space.<br />

ASITasit.<br />

dumps the contents of absolute storage in the <strong>CP</strong>-created address space<br />

identified by the specified address space identification token (ASIT). Specify asit<br />

as 1- to 16-hexadecimal digits; leading zeros are optional.<br />

ASNasn.<br />

dumps the contents of third-level storage (storage that appears virtual to your<br />

virtual machine) using the specified address space number (ASN). The<br />

specified ASN may be from one to four hexadecimal digits. The ASN is used in<br />

conjunction with guest ASN-translation tables to locate a guest address space<br />

to display.<br />

ASTEraddr.<br />

dumps the contents of third-level storage (storage that appears virtual to your<br />

virtual machine) using the segment table designation contained within the<br />

specified ASN second table entry (ASTE) located at guest real address raddr.<br />

HOME<br />

dumps the contents of third-level storage (storage that appears virtual to your<br />

virtual machine) using guest control register 13.<br />

PRI<br />

dumps the contents of third-level storage (storage that appears virtual to your<br />

virtual machine) using guest control register 1.<br />

SECO<br />

dumps the contents of third-level storage (storage that appears virtual to your<br />

virtual machine) using guest control register 7.<br />

SPACEspaceid.<br />

dumps the contents of absolute storage in the <strong>CP</strong>-created address space<br />

identified by the specified spaceid. The spaceid is a 1- to 33-character string of<br />

the form<br />

►►<br />

ownerid<br />

:<br />

spacename<br />

DUMP Guest Storage (ESA/390)<br />

where ownerid is an optional one- to eight-character user ID of the virtual<br />

machine that owns the <strong>CP</strong>-created address space, <strong>and</strong> spacename is the 1- to<br />

24-character address-space name assigned to the address space. If ownerid is<br />

not specified, your virtual machine is assumed to be the owner of the address<br />

space.<br />

►◄<br />

Chapter 2. <strong>CP</strong> <strong>Comm<strong>and</strong>s</strong> 367

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