z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM


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Messages<br />

NOAFP<br />

specifies whether the printer is to process files with advanced function printer<br />

(AFP) characteristics.<br />

MARK<br />

NOMARK<br />

indicates whether 3800 separator trailer pages are being marked with separator<br />

bars.<br />

userid<br />

is the name of the spool file owner.<br />

FILE spoolid<br />

is the spool file number.<br />

RECS nnnn<br />

RECS nnnK<br />

RECS nnnM<br />

is the number of logical records in the spool file. If the number is greater than<br />

9999, the number is shown as nnnK, where K represents the number of lines<br />

rounded to the nearest 1000 records. If the number is greater than 999499, the<br />

number is shown as nnnM, where M represents the number of lines rounded to<br />

the nearest million.<br />

COPY nnn<br />

COPY * nnn<br />

specifies the number of file copies you want printed or punched when the file is<br />

produced.<br />

When the optional asterisk (*) is specified, the 3800 printer prints each page<br />

from the spooled output files nnn times before going on to the next page.<br />

If a file is not spooled to the 3800 printer, the function performed by specifying<br />

the asterisk (*) is ignored, <strong>and</strong> duplication occurs normally.<br />

SEQ sss<br />

is the sequence number for the file on the printer or punch.<br />

CL c<br />

is the spool file class.<br />

typ<br />

H<strong>CP</strong>003E Invalid option - {option|comm<strong>and</strong><br />

contains extra option(s) starting with<br />

option}<br />

H<strong>CP</strong>007E Invalid userid - userid<br />

H<strong>CP</strong>020E Userid missing or invalid<br />

H<strong>CP</strong>021E A real device number was not supplied<br />

or it is invalid.<br />

H<strong>CP</strong>031E Buffer missing or invalid; [FCB too<br />

long|extended FCB not supported]<br />

shows the device type that originally produced the spool file. The type can be<br />

RDR, PRT, PUN, CON, DMP, or SYS.<br />

H<strong>CP</strong>036E Index missing or invalid<br />

H<strong>CP</strong>040E Device {rdev|vdev|ldev} does not exist<br />

H<strong>CP</strong>043E Buffer buffer does not exist<br />

H<strong>CP</strong>046E type rdev offline<br />

H<strong>CP</strong>140E type {rdev|ldev} attached to userid<br />

DRAIN UR<br />

H<strong>CP</strong>148E Printer rdev buffer load name failed<br />

Chapter 2. <strong>CP</strong> <strong>Comm<strong>and</strong>s</strong> 349

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