z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM


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DISPLAY Registers<br />

The content of each register is displayed in hexadecimal. Up to four registers per<br />

line are displayed for each range you specify. If required, multiple lines are<br />

displayed to a maximum of four lines.<br />

Response 7:<br />

Displaying Control Registers:<br />

H<strong>CP</strong>CDE6150E An option has been specified that is not valid in<br />

ESA/390 mode.<br />

is the response you receive when you display control registers using D XH from an<br />

ESA/390 guest (an appropriate message will be issued from an ESA/XC guest).<br />

Response 8:<br />

Displaying Control Registers:<br />

ECR nn = ctlreg0l ctlreg1l ctlreg2l ctlreg3l<br />

is the response you receive when you display control registers using D X from a<br />

z/Architecture guest. nn indicates the first (or only) register whose contents are<br />

displayed.<br />

The content of each register is displayed in hexadecimal <strong>and</strong> represents the low<br />

half of the full 64-bit register. Up to four registers per line are displayed for each<br />

range you specify. If required, multiple lines are displayed to a maximum of four<br />

lines.<br />

Response 9:<br />

Displaying Control Registers:<br />

CRG nn = ctlreg0hctlreg0l ctlreg1hctlreg1l<br />

is the response you receive when you display control registers using D XG from a<br />

z/Architecture guest. nn indicates the first (or only) register whose contents are<br />

displayed.<br />

The content of each register is displayed in hexadecimal <strong>and</strong> represents the the full<br />

64-bit register. Up to two registers per line are displayed for each range you specify.<br />

If required, multiple lines are displayed to a maximum of eight lines.<br />

The high <strong>and</strong> low halves of each register may be separated by an optional<br />

underscore for readability. To have the underscore displayed, use the SET<br />

UNDERSCORE comm<strong>and</strong>.<br />

Response 10:<br />

Displaying Control Registers:<br />

332 z/<strong>VM</strong>: <strong>CP</strong> <strong>Comm<strong>and</strong>s</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Utilities</strong> <strong>Reference</strong><br />

CRH nn = ctlreg0h ctlreg1h ctlreg2h ctlreg3h<br />

is the response you receive when you display control registers using D XH from a<br />

z/Architecture guest. nn indicates the first (or only) register whose contents are<br />


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