z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM


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character <strong>and</strong> a maximum of 32 characters are displayed on each line. The<br />

contents of storage are displayed in translated form <strong>and</strong> are in either EBCDIC or (if<br />

the UX option is specified) ASCII. Periods in your display represent nonprintable<br />

characters. The storage key is displayed on the first line of a request <strong>and</strong> at every<br />

page boundary.<br />

Response 4:<br />

Rhexloc mnemonic x-x mnemonic x-x mnemonic x-x[key]<br />

This is the response you receive with the I option. The oper<strong>and</strong> Rhexloc is the<br />

hexadecimal storage location of the first instruction to be displayed. The oper<strong>and</strong><br />

mnemonic is a character representation of the instruction code. This mnemonic can<br />

be as many as 5 characters in length. The expression x-x is the actual hexadecimal<br />

contents of storage <strong>and</strong> is either 2, 4, or 6 bytes as determined by the instruction<br />

length code. Unrecognizable instruction codes are indicated by a series of asterisks.<br />

A minimum of one instruction <strong>and</strong> a maximum of three instructions are displayed on<br />

each line. The storage key is displayed on the first line of a request <strong>and</strong> at every<br />

page boundary.<br />

Response 5:<br />

Rhexloc stringhexadecimaldata [key]<br />

This is the response you receive with the S option. The storage key is displayed on<br />

the first line of a request <strong>and</strong> at every page boundary.<br />

Response 6:<br />

Rhexloc1 TO hexloc2 KEY = kk<br />

This is the response for the K option. The oper<strong>and</strong>s hexloc1 <strong>and</strong> hexloc2 are<br />

storage locations, <strong>and</strong> kk is the associated storage key. A response is sent for every<br />

contiguous address range that has unique storage keys <strong>and</strong> whenever a segment<br />

boundary is crossed.<br />

Response 7:<br />

The PSW is used to resolve a logical address. An invalid PSW causes the current<br />

request to be rejected <strong>and</strong> processing to continue with the next request (if any) on<br />

the comm<strong>and</strong> line. In all cases, a reset PSW (all-zeros) is accepted. The rejected<br />

oper<strong>and</strong>s are displayed along with a response indicating the PSW is invalid. The<br />

response is:<br />

addr1 is not addressable because of an invalid PSW.<br />

The oper<strong>and</strong> addr1 is the rejected oper<strong>and</strong> or oper<strong>and</strong>s. The oper<strong>and</strong> addr1<br />

specifies an address space <strong>and</strong> a storage location within that address space.<br />

Response 8:<br />

If your display request includes a request to display identical lines, you receive the<br />

following response:<br />

Rhexloc1 TO hexloc2 SUPPRESSED LINE(S) SAME AS ABOVE ...<br />

The oper<strong>and</strong>s hexloc1 <strong>and</strong> hexloc2 are storage locations.<br />

DISPLAY Guest Storage (ESA/XC)<br />

Chapter 2. <strong>CP</strong> <strong>Comm<strong>and</strong>s</strong> 295

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